Classified The Peoples Market Place in your own home PA 82414 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 28 162 ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAIRS LODGE MINETS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARBIE Wedding Receptions Beautllul grounds for plcturu youll chcrisbl Ample parking for guests con rcnlcnccl We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourself Facilities lor dandng etc SATISFACTION ASSURED at PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS PEDERSENDrrt and Betty Pod lrlcn are happy to announce the blrlh at their daughter Dilli nlarie sister or Sandra at York County llospitnl Newmar kei Ontario on Vednudly April 1a 1962 DEATHS achllrusrCathcrtne At the Royal Victoria llespltal Barrie an salurday April cl mi Catherine aloon beloved wild at the late Wallace Gilchrist in her urd year near mother at Kenneth and Rule at home Karl and Dell Mrs wlrclmt of Dro su tion Glen ot Ilarrle ot Illdale Saskatchewl star at nlrs lary Currie or crime vtu lain Pietrhcr el Drillis Thomas Fletcher nt Ora Station and Alex Plclcher at llswkcridne heating at her home on Ora station for service on Tuesday April 74 at 2n rim Inlormcril Knox Ce metery 0m CARDS OF THANKS DUTcimII wish to thank nrs Smith Grassland and Little nurses and star oi the noyai Vie toria llosnltai rer their kind ma and kindness while patient there also rclalllcn and irlenor tor new era cards and visits lIIra Prank Dulchcr COMING EVENTS KEEP JUNE 30th FOR St Georges Anglican Church UTOPIA Annual Strawberry Festival and Salad Plate Particulars latel CITY OF BARRIE CLEANUP CAMPAIGN April 23 May Sponsored by BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY lndn es asked SPECIAL TOWN PICKVP Thursday May Al all cast of Bayï¬eld Street Friday May Balance of the city CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 condensed and classiï¬ed adver tlsements are inserted at the rate of do per word par insertion for one and two times do per word for three foul or five times and The per word for or more insertions tional charge it not paid wilhi 10 days THE MINIMUM COS FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IC 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR FOR 24 WORDS IF $106 CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all Phone insertion orders are accept ed as convenience to you th advertiser Therelora the Cluster Advcrtlslnl anartmerlt require all advertisers to kindly recheck thclr advertisement immediately nltcr first Insertion In order that any errors or omlsslons may be reported before am in order that some may be rectiï¬ed or the lollowlm days insertion order We wish to point out that The Barrlc Examiner ls respomlble or only one incorrectly Printed insertion on any advertisement and then only to the extent or Portion of ad that involves the mlsprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertise ment are not eligible for correc tions by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra BLIND LETTER REPLIES Inlormatlun rcgardlng advertisers using Blind Letter Box Numbcn or Replies ls held rtrlctly round ential Replies to better Boxes will he held only 10 days alter last day of publication Classified advensements and notices for these pages must be received by p111 day pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classited Display advertismenla which must be In by 1200 neon preceding day Rates and type styles tor semi dirplay classlaeds may he ob tallied through The Examiner ad vertloing department TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD In the BARRIE EXAMINER PA 82414 nd Irving owners budinassel and to WI 10 addi REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tilfin St PA 61881 mmos CALL Kul Hairball PA new In Palmer PA 10051 Innery ulnar PA 00563 Member of the uuria and Dtitrizt Real Estate Board Siouii Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION We would like to show you thls property located In the Village of lllllsdale room lnsul brick house on 11 acre lot with small barn Priced to sell at $5000 with 51000 down payment FARM 176 Acres 150 acres of clay loam 25 acres bush Excellent water supply large painted barns cement sllo storey brick home with bath mile north of Barrie off Highway 93 Call tls tor further Information Priced at $22000 50 Acres of Hardwood bush and Cedar mile from Lake Slm one on 9th Colic of Olo Sev eral building lols Asking $4000 IIcmher oi the name and District licnl Btllo Beard EVENINGS CALL IIIRv GOULD 0R0 1510 211 GOULD ORo zsle HARRY 51135011 PA dom ouCA anown PA 01251 LLOYD IIDCKLEY PA 501 PLORIS HOCKLEY PA 131 LOUGIIEEDSTAYNER MW HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 00 BAYFIELD ST PA H453 ANYTIME VALUE SOLID5 REASONS bedrooms Finlshed rec room and extra room Landscaped for privacy $8690 per month Prin Int and taxes The price 15 right Call Maryann Smith CANT MAKE UP YOUR MIND This is it Standard 5room brick bungalow with nicely land Itlaped grounds in fine loca tion at price you cannot re slst 51500 down Payments imhmonlhly Call Norm Hes et NEXT TO NEW Only $13700 with $2500 down This wellkept 3bedroom brick bungalow on nice quiet street is only one block from public and high schools Call Curly Klooslerman EVENINGS CALL Boris Nutiyeombc PA um Maryann smtib PA 34023 Norm Ileskein PA aTols Curly Kloostcrmun PA 55435 Members or the Barrie dc District Real Eslntn Board HENDERSON REALTOR iii COLLan 5mm PHONE PA 82678 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT 43 Essa Road 290 serv ice station barking office build ing and apartment Four indus trial warehouse buildings con tain 10000 sq ft Leases are subject to sale Requires under onethird cash Dont delay in inspecting this interesting prop erty For plans and particulars see Emerson Swain EvmINGs CALL RITA SCANDRm PA aiaas DoRoTHY WILCox PA 60543 PERCY FORD PA 87030 mBRsoN SWAIN PA was adamhcr or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE 15 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 35531 MEMBER OF THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BoAIlD GOLF CLUB AREA Gray brick bungalow on tread lot Large living room and kit Chen Three bedrooms and pc bath Attached garage Oil heat ing Finished room in base ment Asking price $16800 NEWTON STREET bedroom brick bungalow Living room and kitchen New garage One block from public and high schools Owuerhas been trans ferred NOTE We arrange Ilrst mortgages or Victoria and Grey Trust50 of value Phone PA 85583 utter bour phone Rah llewelling PA c5083 or dy Muse PA aszno LOVELY FAMILY home shade reel bedrooms ï¬replace Earl agc many cxtral hot water heat Inl with 011 Full nltli and line mrnt CI to 66631 Try An Examiner Want Ad downtown PA REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Pint in Barrie Homo SalesForemost In Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MM noonPA um RonsPA 34511 rosrzRPA um CONNELLPA Ems Mullins BARBIE DISTRICT REAL WAT BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 83 HlGIT STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 5024 Member cit the larrtl noel Iqu Board smith CampbellIA Hm ferns GarveyPA Hall John nagPA um Elirill RudePA 3217 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 09061 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Availath Interest 607 ol Value No Fees Charged 2v loo unltln PA Com Everett Sblewell On my can Jack wulsnn PA Meal Nonnm shelrvnll PA 39961 Bound Nome PA Mu CARSON Next door to the Imperial lbcktn 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Heather Barrie and nLrLricl Real Est to Baird Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 id CLAPPBRTON ST BARRIE AIOORL PA Mast FRANK NELLES PA 698 alember Barrie ind nirtrier Ticl Elihu Board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7d TIPPIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the narria and District Real EJtlf Bond CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 02419 93 Dunlop St MARE MARSHALLPA 53141 COREYPA Mills llIUlIlEL JERRYPA 66383 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 113 Dunlap St New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van Ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 PRIVATE 85 Melrose Ave Six rooms recreation room builtin TV 555 mortgage easily financed PHONE PA 83680 OWNERS three bedroom bunga low one year old smell down payment Telephone PA 50555 or Iurthcr inmrmation CHANCE on It Litetlma in Earlla East Ihid Incom property Duplex nicely treed Int Garage About $2500 will handle Telephone PA and ANGUB New three bedroom brick bungalow modelIt Iacllinca Lot 70 210 lect Near Catholic School and Church Down psyment only 3600 Telephone HE 96411 ONE TD ACRES with new ave room house all convenleucs some fruit trees and berries Ferguson tractor and implements nth Line Innlsdl PA 01330 THREE BEDROOM ranch bunga low lrshIPed livingdining Irena Hanover kitchen bathroom with builtin vanity and tub enclosure dulshed basement Attractivon landscaped with patio Fast end near school hue shops mm mortgage Owner transferred Con sider any reasonable otter PA LOTS FOR SALE LOT 50 111 FEET Brook and Scaforth streets For information telephone PA 87250 FOR SALE OR RENT FOUR BOOM House at allnete Point with three piece bath Full size basement with furnace now down payment Easy terms Tele phone PA 05347 BUS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMATlC LOTHESLINE EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE New revolutionary automatic clothesline needs no clothespins Huge profits now being made Applications now being accept ed for sales rights For lull par ticulars write ZipGrip Box GinBE Alllsmn Ont MORTGAGES MORTGAGESIn and and been sold and arranged Commerci aad residenusl moneys loaned on Ewan 111111131 Earril blan page brokers PA assoc MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst at 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties NEW LOW RATES PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING OVEI SIIIIPSONSSEARS DUNLOP 5T RENTALS Low cosT solicit or ran Clean modeln buildings Suitable for commercial or light industrial Telephone PA 55575 NURSING HOMES DONER REST HOME Licenced pleasant home for elderly convalescent and re tarded Tray service Reason able rntcs PHONE 77 STAYNER or write PO Box 194 Stayner ARR EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this work Soml end private rooms kind nursing care good and TV rooms station wh gon tor outings Telephone mu Strand Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South BOX 428 SIZES 4695 By ALICE BROOKS DRESSOFYEIIB Se iiiDay dress just main pattern parts plus fac ings no waist seams Wear It belted or freeflaring for work or play indoors and out Choose bright denim pique terry cloth Printed Pattern 4695 Misses SIZES 10 12 14 10 10 Size 16 lakes =31 yards 35inch fabric Send FORTY CENTS 40C in coins Ontario resldenls add cent sales tax no stamps please for Its pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat lcm Catalogready nowl More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All sizes Send 35 cents RENTALS RENTALS GARAGES FOR RENT LARGE tvo stall garage or rent Suinblo tor 1on truck or car my be seen at Mary Street or phone Roy thrilling PA cross OFFICES STORES RENT MODERN Otlica Building downtown Ear rlc has limited nrnount of space availablewill alter to suit Telephone PA 8153 or PA 60865 APTS HOUSES TO RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance at downtown One and two bedrooms alwnles IBamboo Dupes IStaves and fridges IIndivldual thermostats Cincinerators OFree washing and drying facilities olifany other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch cn full basement with laundry tubs Central location Frca parking Telephone PA om UPPER DUPLEX two bedrooms living room kitchen bath Com vletely sellcontained Available alay ll Campbell Avenue 515 MONTHLY Two bedroom hun galow years old tully modern Central Close to schools Avail able Iuly Telephone PA 6662 LARGE modern thrco room un tarnished apartment Spacious grounds and swimming pool Also two lroom tumished apartments All central Telephone PA M062 UNFURNISIIED modern our room apartment with bath Real ed Hot water and stove supplied Located In Angus Telephone 139 Camp Borden THREE BOOM unlurnlshcd apert ment Private bath Mode kit chcn Heated Tclephon PA 5545 TIIRRP noon unlurnlshed apart meat with path 50 monthly stove and retrlgerator supplied Not suit able for children Apply lot Mul castcr street VERY CENTRAL No bedroom apartment in new building Stove and refrigerator supplied Laundry inclltlcs also puking Availahle May Telephone PA 02108 BURTON we Three room un furnished apartment to rent oil heated hot water Stovo and re trlgerntor Private bath Apply in Centre st or curther inlarmatlon Two BEDROOM House or rent in Angus Modern conveniences $70 per month For appointment to lanspcct telephone PA some after Pm HEATED llNFUnNISDED mt contained apartment ground floor Thrce large rooms Near school Parking Private entrance $65 monthly Telephone PA 39228 THREE BEDROOM House with all convcnlcnms Hardwood floors Ap PIY Alvin Gmsc Llllld house east of Shell Sudan Guthrle No 11 highway Two BEDROOM sell cantnlricd apartment or reniunturnlshed Two children welcome 570 month 1y Allundale district Telephone PA 53017 aiter pm FOUR ROOM unmmlshcd apart ment tor rcnt One block from Post Otiice Private entrance Available Immediately Telephone PA 56713 or Iurther Information Tuner ROOM Apartment stave refrtgcrator heated Private cnb rnnce Ample storage Balcony Available Adults Ahstalners Tele phone PA 541559 st Vincent Square AND BEDROOM Apartments unlurnlshcd heated separate ent rance Clean and reasonable Close to West End Plaza Telephone PA 66708 mumsnnn heated apartment or rent aelt contained our rooms and bath heavy wiring parking space In Queens Park area Telphone PA 33201 DnsmABLB Upper Duplexlarga bright living room and kitchen two bedrooms Heated lo minutes walk Five Points mluutes walk West End shopping centre Avnll able now PA M741 TWO APARTMENTS In triplex spacious one and two bedrooms furnished or unfurnished Beli cnntalned newly decorated ar cellent location near plaza and beach Tclophone PA 31184 BOOB IIOOlii furnished apartment Heated rcirlgeratnr and heavy duty stove budwnod floors three piece bath Available April 11 Apply Armstrongs Hardware as Dunlap street East mun Boom unrurnlsbed apart ment completely selfcontained Parking and laundry IneIIItles Rest and water suppucd Close to downtown Telephone PA 55889 or further details SELFCONTAINED two room tins nubed heated apartment with three piece bath Front and back entrance suitable ior bachelor or couple Apply 31 Baytlcld street or telephone PA 65715 ONE BEDROOM Apartment on main floor front and side ent nnce heated tiled bathroom stor age Immediate pomesalon 41 Grove street East Telephone PA 56711 or PA 60630 FURNISHED three room apart ment Bedroom living room hitch enette and bathroom Central lo cation suitable for two adults $65 per month Telephone PA 8624 UNIUTmIsRBD three large room and bath on ground floor Itanga and refrigerator optional Private verandah Washer and dryer Parking Included PA 60081 even ings PA 61032 APT5 HOUSES TO RENT mm mucosa artment tar rent in new Inner dryer and ianllor service supplied Available immediately Telephone PA can tor nutnu intermotion TWO nznnooyl heated apartment in bottom floor or modern triplex on st Vincent street North on monthly AlelIhle soon Telephon PA mot Two nzDRooll untumishcd mo dens apartment east end Laundry tacilitles Ilovc rcirlrcretor heal and water Parklur Close to bus Adulu Telephone PA mix R00 tarnished Ipart ment Central Parking Laundry yacilltlex Abo two room newly Iurnlslied apartment Telephone PA loo AVAILABLE NOW bindern hut ed two bedroom apartment ln Stroud apartment house Adults Bnlemd No objection to baby is of swimming pooL yea month ly Telephone Slroud Two Bzonoou unmmllhed apartment beat aeltcontaintd child welcome Also three room apartment ruitabla or working eonpie nest and hydro PA 6453 its Bradford street NEWLY decor right and at tractive unhirnlrhed three room apartment with private bath sell contained Toronto street district Clan to atop Telephone PA PRIVATE ground floor one bed room apartment Laundry facili tleL Ctntrnl Water and heat in nludcd $55 monthly Available May Apply Peel street Apartment new Arm aledsrn one and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Remoenlelt nay neat wa ter nrklng and isnltor servic tnclu rd Automaue wume Ia clinics PA am MODERN one and two bedroom Apartments east end Barrie nam boo drapes Venetian hilads Auto matic laundry facilities Parking Telephone PA 929 Im turtber lntormauon THREE n00 unfurnished Aperb ment or rnt stove and reï¬ll crater Use or washer and dryer Central location Newly decorated Telcpllono PA bMld or urthcr intermntlou THREE ltODll hcatcd apartment private bath modern kitchen with refrigerator and range newly de curated Close to schools tores churches banks bus line Tele phone 07506 UNIUltmslllm Upstairs Apart ment separate entrance lIcat water rctrlgcrntor and rlovc Park lng tacllitlca Vicinity or West End Plaza Available immediately Tole phone PA dlio7 tnr turther pul Oculars CENTRALLY Locatch room apartment Heat water hy dro stove and rclrlgcrator sup plied Immediate possession Over the Filter Queen Ortlre 07 Maple Avenue Telephone PA 110131 FURNISHED Apartment central Brand new furniture and applian cos Private Large picturesque windows new colored tile bath room Excellent or adults $05 monthly Telephone PA Meal day or night THREE Ito unfurnished apert ment with bath Completely med ern Private entrance In Dalston seven miles rrnm Barrie Conveni ent to Edgar $60 includes heat and hydro Telephone PA H441 days PA 68415 evenings 515 ONE BEDROOM Apartment stove and refrigerator supplied Also two 2bedroom apartments Llundry Iacllltles In new apart mcnt building Telephone PA 63674 BxCBPTIONALLY largo rive room apartment available immediately In new modern building Automa tle laundry malntenarico service Steve and retrlgerator optional Paved parking facilities For tur thcr information telephone PA Mada or PA 33334 MODERN heated selfcontained one and two bedroom apartments Drapes stoves retrlgerators Close to store on paved road village at East are miles from orlllia 12 miles from Edgar station 50 sail and $75 It Jennings PA 85573 or Oro 69 collect May be seen on weekends TWO EEDBDOMS kitchen stove and retrigerator Living room dln trig room electric ï¬replace 51m room hath Hardwood floors Laundry with dryer in basement Private entrance trout and rear garage Hot water heating Adults only No pets Very ocntml loca tion Available now Ilcnt $35 monthly Contact Cut Brown Ilealtor phone PA W1 PA 50242 ROOMS TO LET hooliI for rent downtown so weekly Apply 48 Maple Avenue FURNISHED Bedroom for Central location Board optional For turther tulormatlou telephone PA Iii7557 LARGE Inmished housekeeping room with rangctte use of refrig erator Central location Telephone PA 35032 or PA 39054 FURNISHED BEDROOM In quiet well kept home Downtown area Parking Gentleman only Reason ahlc Telephone PA 562137 CLEAN hrlght bedroom for rent In modern home Parking facili ties Essa Road district Telephone PA 35750 or further details amour warin housekeeping room rer rent Steve and remgmtor West end niltn parking facilities Telephone PA 65301 COMPLETELY tarnished room and kitchen with refrigerator and stove separate entrance Also one housekeeping roomwlth refrigera tor and stove Downtown location Two bed rent TWO DNFURNISBED or Furnished rooms with sink Private entrance Allandale district Business couple prelerred Ahstalncrs $45 monthly Quin clean home Telephone PA 8221 ARTICLES For SALE SEAT COVERSBRAND NEW Custom made to it 19525354 Ford Meteor Mercury etc door models Naugahyde used for boats with silver piping trim Lovely shade of green with arc Lic white top Never used Sac rifice Call Mike PA 82852 after COMPLETELY sell contained un lurnlshcd apartment with stove and refrigerator hot and cold wa ter Private entrance Very cen tral Has to be seen to be appre elnted Telephone PA mu AVAILABLE Immediately Upper duplex with sunruoiri beat and water supplied nlccly decorated Last tenants years Two large bedradml Adults preferred Near Beaver Lumber 75 monthly PA 66505 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy contentdots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 Telephone PA 33594 ARTICLES for SALE USED FURN condition Electric rangette cooker GE refrigerator Frigidaire refrigerator Used electric washers Bookcase headboard to Kitchen table Used Chesterfield TradeinAnnex SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced air new oil or go $1100 Interest up to 41179 from buy now before further increase Used Oil Burners for sale PHONE PA 60391 0R STROUD 41115 TENTS TENTS TENTS EVERYTIUNG IN CAMPING Stoves Lumps Sleeping Bags Camp Cots Air Beds Fishing Tackle Tarps Boat Covers Life Jackets YOU NAME IT WE HAVE IT BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS 25 Dunlop St Barrie PA 506 rowan Lawn iilewers repaired Radiators cleaned repaired and rescored Gas tanks repaired Hamlltnn Radiator and Lawn lllow er service 14 mdetlck st APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DRIVING SCHOOL Learning How To Drive CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Information ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Serving since 1956 FOR APPOHITMENT ANY TIME PA 66551 EXCAVATING PHIL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Enchanting and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Hal yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 290I TOP SOIL Fill and Gravel Loading trucking and dozing JOHN ELLIS CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 33000 HAIRDRESSERS CLEFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Smith Barrie Lefroy 60M Collect COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before publication PBONEPA 12414 ITURE SALE Daily Dipper washing machine Excellent $3450 Apartment size refrigerator $3950 $995 Frigidaire electric stove with deep well $3500 24 used heavy duly range $3450 $5900 $6900 $199510 $2450 Used automatic washers reconditioned $3500 Dining room table and six chairs 53450 bed $1295 Used bed complete $1995 Used dresser $1495 $995 Used chrome high chair $950 Slightly used swivel bar stools $795 ea New chrome kitchen chairs $499 ea $1495 CLARKS HOME FU RNISHINGS 33 Bayfield St PA 82843 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 x10 $125 pills tax lltrcwnlrclis bought sold rent ed repaired Student rental rates Ask about our nent Try than any Plan Star Typewriter Co in plan Street PA eases BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 65956 Painting and Decorating Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINTERS GARRY VAN GENNIP Phone PA 87601 any time FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoleum and Vinyl tile OShcet goods Ceramic tile Hardwood flooring Carpets oConiplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY 0R EVENINGS WORKMANSIIIIP TNG PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr LANDSCAPING RoTomLING landscape garden Telephnne Render PA Mills noroncnmo noun Be ready or spring planting Reasonable rates Telephone PA scan or run ther details START EARLY tor your Soddlusv seeding RotoTiuing Lawn Roll lng and Fertuizlng Lawn and Gar den malntenanse For estimates P1590390 Arnold Discs Paloswlck PA RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES OF RADIO AND lV BAYVEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA H562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUllflSINSTAlJED av LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling 1m BARRIE PA 87646 GUARANTEED FREE PARK ing nursery stock Free estimates