Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Telov phone PA 514 lb telephone number to call for tho Busing or Editorial Dept PA 56537 LOCAL WEATHER Continuing clear today and hrudny Low tonight 10 High Nudity 55 For complete summary turn to page two 98th Yn rNo 95 PLAYERS WATCH CUPWINNIN Members of Toronto Maple Leafs and Chicago Black Hawks Valch Dick Duffs Stanley Cupwi ing shot go into the Hawks net Leafs won the game 21 No 14 in light jersey is Torontos Dave Kean Behind him is Howks Bob Turner No Ls Reg Enjoyed Killing Boy Heathman Disa VANCOUVER CW The search for Charles lieathman who told Vancouver newspa per he killed layearold news boy continued today in the bustling worlds fair city of Se attic Wash Healhmnn 51 mi vs pen the gallows on charge of mur der and was freed by file dril lsh Columbia Court of Appeal He told the Vancouver Sun in copyright story Friday he smothered Donald Ottley of Vernon 30 on Labor Day 1960 and enjoyed killing him Under the law of double ico pardy man set free after due process of law cannot be tried again the same charge lfealh being sought on psychopathic warrant issued un der the BC Mental Hospitals Act The statement was printed in The Sun Saturday Heathman vanished with his cousin Mrs Harold Villoughby taxi driver and Seattlehound bus driver said the couple went to Seattle 15 miles south of here and site of the worlds fair HAD URGE TO KILL The cab driver Mrs Nan Bul brook said she went to the lil longhby home at 530 am Sa turday to drive the couple to bus depot She said both been drinking The state mcnt attributed to Heathman told of an uncontrollable urge to kill during drinking bouts First Freighter Enters Seaway MONTREAL CF The freighter Leoneslipped through St Lambert lock at am EST today the first of line of wait ing ships to enter the Montreal and of the St Lawrence Sear way The ships have been idling in the St Lawrence River near Montreal for week waiting for the delayed opening of the canal system total of about 100 ships were piled up at the eastern and western end of the Bus driver Gerry Johnston 55 of lllarysvilie Wash drove out of Vancouver at 630 am He later identified pictures of Heathman and Mrs Villoughby as his passengers Charles Middleton invest tigator for the United States imv migration service in Seattle said Heatbmnn was being sought in that city alter lead through the RCMP Harold Willoughby Mrs Vil ioughbys husband said he is not too worried about the sol cty of his wife but if Heath man knows he is to be arrested anything can happen raw ron srony Willoughby said Heathman told him The Sunpaid him for his lilo story but didnt know the story had been changed from life story to confession of murdcr dont know if marlin killed the boy or not The newspaper story said Heathman took eight hours to tell his story The Sun ran photographed copy of Heath rnans statement The statement said Heatbman US For WASHINGTON AP Thou sands of men and scores of ships of US task force are preparing for the start this week of US nuclear tests in the air over the Pacific Same officials say the first explosion could come within 43 hours And as the United States gets set to conduct its first nuclear weapons test in the atmosphere since 1959 officials say they are convinced the Soviet Union too is getting ready to fire off an other series of its own Last fall Russia set off about 50 atmos pheric tests Soviet Premier Khrushchev ppears got big thrill out of him 0t tleyi struggling when the boy died picked him up and threw him into the bushes like rag doll piece of garbage AttorneyGeneral Robert Eon ncr of ized The Sun for the uvenile manner in which it handled what he termed the alleged confes sion He said treatment of the story was in the best tradition of grade 13 movie The case appears to present legal difficulties Questioned whether Heathman is clear of the law under ardy rule Mr Bonner said Thuth one oftfieltmain lemsutliffcr study Donalds stepfather Roy Ol iver said in Vernon Healhman should be put away for good But hang him dont know You cant bring the boy back that way Mrs Oliver said should be hanged be destroyed think he he should Heathman was acquitted Oct 19m by 3to1 decision of EC appeal court judges after two trials his country will be faced with the need to hold tests of new types of its nuclear wea pons to strengthen its so curity and maintain world peace Indications are there will be perhaps 35 US tests in the next two or three months all above the earths surface and some probably hundreds of miles aloft Speculation bu possible fields of US testing has centred on missiles armed with warheads the effects of nuclear blasts on radar and communications the effects nuclear explosion KingstonMontreal section has said if the allies test again might have on an enemy nu Workers Get The Of 2nd KIRKLAND LAE CF Russell Baskin one hand broken and pressure bruises covering his body was cheerful and recuperating satisfactorily today after 54 hours pinned deep in Macassa Gold Mine The 34yearold driller father of five children was battered shocked but talkative when res cuers brought him out at 640 am Saturday after toiling for three dramatic days But the second trapped man had died Weary searchers found the smashed body of Ryszard Wit chzak 38 more than seven hours later and brought him up from the nibble of the 4200foot level at about pm Saturday His widow kept under seda tion since her collapse from shock Friday is left with their daught rs schoolgirls Anne is Linda 1i and Jean MISTAKE lDEN On Friday the lrescue team heard Basklns garbled voice from under the roclgburst de rbris but thought it was Wit cbzakrspcaking Ukrainian Mrs Tra Witcbzak got the news that her husband was alive When word arrived that it was Baskin who had been found Mrs Witchzak collapsed in hysteria 0f Haskin chini said the Dr Ni main problem is getting him over the extreme shock He added miner is toughguy The miners oldest son Roy 18 works as an orderly In the Kirkland Lake Hospital where Baskin was taken under mor phine sedation to deaden his pain The other children are Wayne 12 Bruce Judy and Leon ard Russell told me he prayed that God would take him quick said Mrs Baskin after short visit with her husband at the hospital He told me no one will be able to explain how he felt when he first saw mans face when they found 1m STAYS CONSCIOUS Dr Nichinl who stayed with Baskin from thevtime he was odv pped Miner found early Friday evening un rescuers freed the miner from mound of rock said he was fully conscious all the timealthough he was delirious for periods The doctor said Baskin talked about hunting and wanted to know the score in the Thursday night Stanley Cup hockey game Mrs Baskin said the two trapped men diamond drill ing team were close friends and were always off hunting and fishing whenever they got chance Baskin was in good spirits when found What are we waiting for lets get up out of here he told his rescuers But it was more than 12 hours before fel low minera got him clear of the rubble which they had to re move one rock at time for fear of toppling huge boulder wedged beside him He told the miners that Wit chzak was still down there under the rockiall He must be dead now be added pro phetically the double jeepr Barrio Ontario Canada Monday April 23 I962 pucx Fleming falling over goalten der Glen Hall Kings Adviser llssassinated CAIRO Egypt Reuters The Cairo newspaper Al Akhbar claimed today that Youssel Yas oin 70yearold adviser to King Sand of Saudi Arabia was as oassinatcd Mecca radio reporting Yas sins death last week said he had died of heart attack But Al Akhbar in report from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia said group of young men opo ened fire on Yarsin and his guards Yassin was wounded and died 24 hours later the newspaper reported He was said to have been the first on the list of prominent Saudis to be aslas sinated Al Akhhnr said King Sand la ter carried out campaign of arrests against persons oppoc lng his policies RCHlwSéaiVChing For ll Motorboat TRENTON Ont CF RCAF search and rescue was called in today to hunt for 14 foot outboard motorboat con tainlng four United States per sons missing since Sunday in the Point Pelee area The missing four were re ported all males and all from Plymouth Oho ask Force Ready ests Over Pacific clear warhead and research on neutron bomba device which theorists say could de stray life without demolishing buildings MAY FIRE LIVE AMISEEE One of the tests the New York Daily News says in copyrighted story will be the worlds first live firing of nu cleararmed longrange ballis tic missileaPolaris launchEd under waterfrom nuclear powered submarine the fuse set for an explosion in the air in announcing 11m March that the United States was ready to test plain in the at mosphere Prmdenl Kennedy said his decision was based on Soviet technological advances and some substantial gains in weaponry Reuters news Macmillan had made Insemin ute attempts to obtain post ponement of the planned v5 atmosphere nuclear tests MARKS OFF AREAS The Atomic Energy Commis sion earlier this month an nounced it had marked off two areas in the Pacific One en compasses Christmas Island which is about 1300 miles south of Honolulu and the other Johnston Island about 900 miles southwest of Hawaii Flight Marks Are Claimed HANNOVER Germany AP Jacqueline Cochran flew four engined jet 5120 miles from New Orleans to West Germany at an average speed of 489 miles an hour Sunday and claimed 49 new flight records The noted American flyer first woman to break the sound barriersaid her Lockheed jetu star named Scarlett OHara had reached top speed of 610 mph during the tbrealeg night To Build Barrie businessman lame Jackson has been given perran sion to build the Continental inn Motel at Highway too and Dan lop Street West Bruce Owcn lifr Jacksons lawyer said that letter giving approval had been received from the Ontario Municipal Board Saturday municipal board hearing was held in Barrie month ago at which motel owners proleslv ed against hlr Jacksons plans The boards decision stated it was not within the boards juris diction to lntcrfcre with free enterprise The letter said the problem of supplying water and sewage services for the motel was matter for local authoriiics that the developer intended to it was stated at the healing Ellie Barrie Examiner Motel put in so lc tank and wcll The dec sion in favor of building the halfmillion dollar motel culminates yearlong controversy in which the motel operators fought the project in city council They contended the proposed motel would be in preferred location and the necessary re zoning from industrial to tugb way commercial would be spot zoning and against the citys official plan The rezoning application had been approved by both the plan ning board and city council he iore the municipal board hear ing was held The lwunlt cludc IDDm motel will in rcsiaurant banquet swimming pool horse shoe pitching area and other facilities Political BUENOS AIBES AP Ar gentinas respite from political crisis ended Sunday night after only one day as the navy put pressure on President Jose Ma rie Guido to annul provincial election victories by Pemnists The navy secretary Rear Ad miral ston Clcment an nulmced that the navy had reached firm decision to in sist by allgneangatitscre at Guido honor pledgelto wipe out completely the results of the March 18 electionln which followers of ex dictator luan Peron won sweeping vic tories In bulletin to all naval com mands Clement said that to as sure the survival of democ racy and liberty in Argentina was imperative to outlaw communism and all other to talltarian systems The navy which led the re volt that toppled Peron in 1955 acted quickly after Guido at ranged truce Saturday be tween opposing army factions that had appeared on the verge of shooting war Clement said his stand was fully supported by the smear ierences opposed to ita being carried out Guido had appeared the win nerin struggle with the mil itary when the top army brass was forced out Saturday Gen Enrique Ranch tank com mander threatened to storm the capital and demanded the ouster of Army Secretary Ma rino Bartolome Carrera and Gen Raul Poggi the army commander in chief who had triede pressure Guido into nul forces despite reiterated interé CriSis Is Put To An End liiying the Pemnist election victories by decree Both Carrera and Poggi re signed and Guido named rela tive unknown Gen Juan Bau tista 1412a as army secretary Lola then named himself com mander in chief and Ranch in turn rcsignod his command supported Guidon stand that the nuliltimtion of the clectlonreaults by was would be unconstitutional and that the Pcronlst wins could only be cancelled by Congress But an admiral told reporters after Cle ments statement Guido has to act now Congress or no Con gress Many members of Congress are opposed to cancelling out the election results which gave the Peronists nine provincial governorships and 43 seats in the lower house of Congress Flood Waters Hit Manitoba WINNIFEG CF Sharply rising river levels brought some flooding and the threat of more 00 southeastern Manitoba at the weekend Sunday night the Red River reached height of 167 feet above theaverage winter ice le vel here and was still rising This was 10foot increase in four days Meanwhile ice jams on the Asslniboine Rver between here and Portage La Prairie eoi mils to the westhave pushed water levels higher Not Mord Than par Copyl4 Page Gets Green Light Ranger Spacecraft Would Take Pictures CAPE CANAVERAL Fla APlThe United States will employ its most powerful rocker oday in an attempt to propel be Ranger spacecraft to the moon to take television pictures and gather scientific data The launching crew has an 81 ute period late this after min noon in which to fire the 10 storeyiall AtlasAgena vchi cle to put the spaceship on the proper course for the 229541 milc Journey to the moon The shot is one of three molar Iaunchlngs scheduled this week by the US Notional Aeronau tics and Space Administration The second test flight of the Sn lurn super booster ls set for chdncsday and LESBritish international satellite is to be fired Thursday flight of the high energy Ccn taur rockct postponed fifth time Saturday also may be aqueczed into the crowded schedule The complex Ranger min sion involves launching the Agena second stage nio parking orbit 100 miles high and at the precise moment rc atartlng the engine to increase the spacecrafts speed to 24500 miles an hour to start it on its whour trip to its lunar target Sixteen hours after launching if all is going well tracking station at Goldstone Calif wll send signal to fire motor to correct the vehicles position and move it into collision course with the moon rvoNMooN Early Thursday morning when Ranger is to be 5000 Mines Produce The maiden the moons brght the impound craft is to execute terminal manoeuvre to point its television camera at lbc lunar landscape The camera is to begin op crating at an altitude of 2400 miles and transmit picture to Goldstone every 10 seconds for 10 minutes down to ad altitude of 15 miles At this point the spacecraft is to elect 12inch sphere wrapped in 24inch coating of shockabsorbent balsa wood tiny reverse rocket attached to the Elminch ball will slow the speed so it will land at veloc ity of Bo to 120 miles an hour The main body of the payload will crash at 6000 miles and be destroyed The instrument package con tains seismometcr tempera turc gauge and radio transmit ter designed to relay data to earth for at least 30 days The body wave data produced by moonquakes or meteor hits could reveal whether the moon has liquid or solid core The type of quake wave would de termine if the moon has crust similar to the earths The United States has flrcd seven previous rockets toward the moon in attempts to hit it circle or pass close to it All failed The Soviet Union hit the moon with Lunik II in 1959 Later the same year it took the flrstplc tures of the moons previously unseen backsidelwitn Lunlk 111 an earth sateuite that had swung around on the moon on its initial orbit lit Record Rate Yet South Africa Is Uneasy By RICHARD KASISCIIKE JOHANNESBURG lAPlThe worlds richest gold mines are producing at record rate Foreign exchange reserves are at an 11year high Yet South Africa is uneasy to day One reason is the hostility of many countries to the gov emmcnts policy of strict racial segregation Another is the southward march of Negro na tionalism now heating at the gates of neighboring Rhodesia Premier Hendrik Verwoerd is riding high however Whatever his AfroAsian enemies in the United Nations may think of him he has gained strength in the two years since he was wounded in an attempted assoc aination His allwhite govern ment rules with peak majority in Parliament His National party continues to gain right down to local government After thus showing the world that they are no pushover for any winds of change Verwoerd and his aides have gone further They say new arms budget increased by 70 per cent over last year is intended to heat back any AfreAsianCommunfrt invasion attempt and deal with any mmunlst subversion from within ALSO LUCKY In addition to being bold Verwoerd has been lucky In March 1969 the shooting down of dozens of demonstra ting Negroes at Sharpeville and other racial violence frightened Verwoerds government into de claring national state of emer gency It kept this clamped on the country for five months while it arrested thousands of suspected subversives In April 1960 Verwoerd was shot in the face by white opponent of his segregation policies nadians will do Man Without Ballot Worrying About You ay ALEX moans OTTAWA CmFor man without vote Nelson Castan guay spends an awful lot of time worrying about what Ca when election day comes While party leaders spent quiet Easter weekend before launching their campaigns for public favor the chief electoral officer tolled in his Ottawa of fice to make sure that 9800000 eligible voters get chance to pass judgment in brief 11 bour period June 19 To do this he has team of some 209000 returning officers enumerators and other election officials geared for acton across the country Im like football coach he said in an interview every thing was set to go on April and since then its been mat ter of keeping the team up INCREASES STAFF Mr Gastonguays nonnal staff of 15 at the central electoral ot lice is halos increased with more than 100 parttime em ployees and until clectlan day the office will operate in dou ble abilts lihourl onwcek days and eight hours on Sun days Perhaps the gratest electoral chore starts April 30 when 67 000 enumeraoors two in every urban polling district and one in rural areas starts sixday drive to get the name of every person eligible to vote They will need cooperation from the public let me tell you says Mr Castonguay In the coming election he ex pccta there will be 23453 ur ban polling divisions and 19852 rural Total cost of the mammoth operation he estimates will be $10700000 about $1500000 more than 1958 major reason for the If crease in the change in regula tions making more persons ell gible to vote in advance polls Only 256 such polls were needed in 1958 There win be 2000 operating June it and 11 from amto 1111 Anothcr change la the addi tion of an hour on election day to give more voters chance to can their ballot Voting will start at am and end at pm rather than at p111 Since polling standard time it will mean that provinces which have reverted to daylight time will open the polls between an and pm For the 13726 electors in the Northwest Tcnitoriea Mr Gas tongnay will have to provide no polls some with as few as votes to gather The most with crly poll is at Resolute 550 miles north of the Arctic Circle where there are 60 voters An innovation intended to take some of the snags out of voting daywill be the introduction of Earthquakes Jolt Japan TOKYO AP No earth quakes joltcd parts of Japan today but neither damage nor casualties were reported The first rocked the Tokyo area the second two hours later was more severe and shookthe northern island of Hokkaido The Japanese an not to let new election officials called re vising agents Some 2000 of these agents will be assigned in pairsto ur ban areas to checkintn com plaints from persons whose names have not appeared on the enumerators lists They will sit for three days starting May 31 to make the changes The key personnel in Mr Castonguays election team are ihis 263 returning officersone for each riding The riding of Halifax and Queens return two members to the Commons Despite all his concern about other peoples votesMr Cas tonguay is quite content that his position doesnt permit that he should cost ballot himself Im one of an exclusive group he says Under the law judges pri oners persons in mental insti tutions and the chief electoral officer are denied the vote This rule normally applies to returning officers as well but on rare occasions they mo be called to cast ballot in the event of tie This is privi lege most of them wauldjust laid Mr

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