KINETTE Kinetic club president Mrs Lorne Carter left and Mrs Earl Cote right convener of the spring lilac tea are shown above with the oil painting CLUB TO HOLD by local artist whidt will be drawn at the lilac tea The spring event will be held at the home of Mrs Harry Lowe Sunnidaie Road on ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES RETURN FROM SOUTH Mayor and Mrs John Mit chcll and Mr and Mrs Marvin Patton have recently returned to Alliston after two week motor trip and vacation to Florida Mr and Mrs Homer McMonn and Mrs Creech have returned to their Alliston resi dences alter spending the win ter months in Florida The many friends of Herbert Dunn Alliston wish him suc cessful recovery after undergo ing surgery at South Peel Hos pital recently Mr and Mrs Dunn had just returned from Florida when he became ill He is now recuperating at his home in Alliston The sympathy of the Alliston community is extended to the family and relatives of Mrs Georgc Purchase who passed away during the past week Tribute was paid to her mem ory by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Alliston Legion in special ccrcmony Mrs Purchase was an active and enthusiastic mem ber of the auxiliary for many years and will be missed by all Flying Officer Coward of Wing Germany re cently visited at the home of his inlaws Mr and Mrs New tnn Wilson Alliston for several days while in this area he also visited many friends before leav ing for Ottawa where he stayed with his parents HeatColonel and Mrs Coward prior to his department for his home in Ger many Best wishes for good recove cry go to Mrs Milton Sutton of Alliston who is recuperating at her home following an opera tion in Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Alliston Mrs Steven Brouse of VI toria St Alliston recently re turned to town after spending three weeks in North Bay visit ing with her soninIBW and daughter Mr and Mrs John Harvey Frank Hackett well known Alliston resident is making satisfactory recovery at Steven son Memorial Hospital Alliston after suffering coronary thrombosis few weeks ago Best wishes go to him from all his friends and business associ ates Mr and Mrs Garfield Kerr have returned home to Alliston after spending winter vaca tion in Florida Returning to Alliston also from the sunny south where ithey report the weather was perfect are Mr and Mrs Job Small COOKING SCHOOL The Betty Bright Cooking School sponsored by Consuma ers Gas Company was held at the Alliston Arena during the past week and proved to be huge success Jenn Simms and Nan Curtis directing the cook ing and preparing the food were bright and attractive young lae dies who kept everyone Interest ed Thc ho was filled to capa city as 1500 tickets had been sold and all the women enjoyed the fantasy of an imaginative trip to Paris where they were taught several delicious French recipes that were tempting and attractive Conveners for the project were the Alliston Wo mens institute Stevenson Me morial Hospital Auxiliary Bast ern Star and Cookstown United Church Women Several prizes or shopping bags full of groc erles wore given to the following lucky winners Mrs Goal Mrs Nicol Mrs Shelton Mrs Small Mrs Don Applegate Mrs Boss Mrs Bell and Mrs Hawes all of Alliston and Mrs McKay and Mrs Broiey ot Cookstown Pie crust mould ers were won by Mrs CMoore and Mrs Phelps of Alliston Mrs Whitney Thompson won large attractive basket of as sorted chcese The cooked food was won by Mrs McDon ald Mrs Owen Mrs Dungcy Mrs Brayden Mrs John Hayden and Mrs Rainer Woman Relates Life In Yukon The April meeting of Trinity Guild was held in the Parish Hall Monday evening and con vened by St Hildaa Group As each member entered an Easter name tag depicting Chick Egg Bunny and Easter lily was presented Guests in cluded Mrs Peter Dawson and Mrs Roecker After business meeting at which plans for the Nearly New Sale to be held May and Spring Tea May 16 were outlined Mrs Lillian Ellis was introduced and gave an interesting talk on her exper iences teaching at an Indian School at Carcross in the Yukon KEEPING ABREASI The newsletter of the Canad ian Cancer Society Progress Against Cancer will keep you abreast of the latest activities of this humanitarian organiza tion To receive regular issues apply to your local unit of the society newssrcuncrrr HOME Moarnmztno EVERYBODY ASKSTHE SAME THING umfuwywanttoimwwaopianned andimbaliedber and of course how mud it cost Sec BALL Panama mu in your modemkitoben ate pm SATISFACTION LILAC TEA May II from 130 to pm The draw will be made by Mrs Frank Bemrose of Bar rie charter president of the Kinetic Club ElliotWheeler Rites At Stayner Miss Barbara Wheeler of Stay ncr became the bride of Paul Elliot of Colllngwood at cere mony held at the Baptist Church Stayner Rev Prosser of Stay ner United Church officiated The brides only attendant was her only sister Mrs Glen ltlillsup Barry Elliot brother of the bridegroom was the groomsman The newlyweds will reside in Armstrong Ontario where Mr Elliot is employed with the De partment of Landa and Forests UCW To Lend COOKSTOWN SpecialiThc Cookstown United Church Wom ens Organization held its April meeting in the Sunday School room with 41 members present Owing to the absence of the president Mrs Couttl the Assistant President Mrs Ira Wilson presided at the meet ing The minutes of the last meet ing were read and approved Mrs Arthur Glass read the correspondence received includ ing Thank you notes an in vitation to the thank offering to be held on April it from the WMS of the Presbyterian Church The guest speaker at this offering will be the Rev John Honeyman superintendent of Evangel Hall Toronto CAROUSEL Mrs OConnor spoke to the women on the behalf of the Allfaton Hospital Ladies Auxiliary and made mention that the members are spun soring gigantic carousel on Oct 19 in Alllston The mem bers were asked to donate stuf fed animals and bakingfor two booths The president thanked the womenwho helped in catering to the Holstein banquet Mrs Coutts reported that four custom and three Red gross quilts had been complet Mrs Roulston read thank you letter received from the lndlan Reserve at Gods Lake in which Mr Thornton thanked the ladies for the lay ette that was sent in January and also requested old maga zines and comics Mrs Willis Corrigan was elec ted to the Pastoral Committee marvellous new kitchen youoaneifocd Visit Our Complete Display Rooms Added To Our Showroom And See The Products In Use grass ATIIOME ESTIMATES WillllllillINSlllP an GUARANTEED BALL PLANING MI 48 ANNE ST BARRII ANN LANDERS Comerstone Causes Road Bed Of Dear Ann Landon lm and feel like 102 walk around half dead and need some advice before crack up Virgil falls asleep the minute his head hits the pillow He never hears the chilan calling for glass of water naturally what father does lie is deaf to the alarm clock the fire on giner police sirenseverything sleep very poorlythat is once set to sleep Then lm up half the night lighting for corner of the bed and little patch of blanket Virgil thrashes around takes his half of the bed out of the middle and some nights dont average three hours sleep lvc begged Virgil to let me buy twin beds He says abso lutely not lie says double bed is the cornerstone of good marriage What do you say IIALF DEAD Dear Ball Tell Virgil dou ble bed may be the cornerstone but exhaustion could be the tombstone strongly recommend twin beds with single headboard You use one bedspread and it looks like single bed when made up but each twin bed has Its own sheets and blankets PS hope you enjoy your new furniture TIME TO LEAVE Deer Ann Loaders What do You think of woman who is wealthy enough to employ two Support To Alliston LA Carousel There was motion put forth and seconded that the ladies from the other churches be In vited to attend the next meet ing on May when Miss Beth lluddlestono Res will be the speaker Mrs John Shenrdown opened the worship period Mrs Hayes led in prayer and the scripture was read by Mrs Graham The lesson thought was given by Mrs Shenrdown Mrs Les Currie program convener called on Lorne Arn old who played violin solo accompanied by Mrs McDow ell film Beyond the Bell was then shown depicting the many fields of work carried on by the United Church PRESENT SKIT Mrs Powers Mrs Lund Mrs Fildey and Mrs Currie present ed skit enlarging on the work in the physical mental and spir ttual needs Mrs Lund led in prayer The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction The committee in charge ser ved retereshmenta during the social hour MECCA Fast healing for CIIISBIIRNS 30M INFECTIONS Soothing Antlseptlc co PA 82496 Rocks maids cook laundresl and chauffeur yet she buys two grades of canned goods one for the help and one for the family When they have steak for din our the help gets hamburger beef liver or spaghetti The employees must buy their own uniforms and Madame tells them when to buy them and how much to spend This woman II very active in fancy charities and every other week she asks her employees to purchase raffle tickets and chances on mink ecstl cruises and whatnot Any comment OVERWORKED and UNDER PAID Dear Overworlred and Under paid Few things are less at tractive than well to do woman who exploits bar Im ployees But one of those things is the employee who accepts the abuse and Its In her em ploy and camp to myone who has two ears and will lis ten This woman sounds terrible if you had any sell respect youd leave NM DATE BUREAU Dear Ann Im new guy in town age 27 steady Job 50 Chevy convertible and not hard to look at like to dance lwlm bowl play tennis and sing little too Its tough to meet the right people when youre new In town You must set letters from gals who are also newcomers and who are finding it rough to meet people Ann Think of all the good you could do if you would put people like us to gether You might even help me find my dream girl Please dont tellme to join church group tried that in the last town and every one of those creeps has crooked hem or mans haircut Thanks NEW MAN Dear Man never put people in touch through this column True might be able to do some good but know could do plenty of harm And besides how can tell from letter who has crooked hem or mans haircut Find dream girl on your own Bub Conï¬dential to Embarrassed Why do you feel you must on swer every question put to you by this tasteless clod Simply say you dont wish to discuss your personal affairs FRESH AIR Ozone is the element that gives air fresh clean smell after thunderstorm SOCIAL NOTES ENTERTAINMENT recent bride the former Miss Barbara Wheeler who married Paul Elliott at Coiling vrood in the Baptist Church suyner was entertained at many events Prior to her mark rlage miscellaneous shower was held In the United Church Sunday School room by the members of the CGIT of wbidt the bride had been vary acb ive member At the shower Barbara received many beau tlfui gifts from neighbors and friends Mrs Wheeler held an afternoon In at her home on Oak Street Stlyner to honor the bride Pouring in in the afternoon were Mrs Presser Mrs Joa Beue Mrs Frank Watson Assisting in the dining room were Mrs EImcr Coll SPRiiG on Apait 16 lb Mn Curl Carrutherl Mrs Art Poole Misses Carol Dickey and Edith Clolre in the evening Mrs James Wheeler Mrs Cody and Mrs bi Oebm poured while Mrs McColeman Mrs Glen lililiup Mri Stan Nixon and Mines Patricia Clements and Jeannie Dulf looked after the dining room Spring flowers decora ted the tea table MDT143 IAINI woman who helped travails in the mt COAT Come To STRANSMANS For Easter ahead Choose from diversity of styles and wonderful fabrics and wide range of charm ing colors Laminated Fun Wool Trench Coats 54 Length Coats All Weather Costs Jackets etc Open Th UntII ursday pm STRANSMAN lADIES WEAR 44 DUNLOP 57 EAST PA 84284 St Marys PTA Host Open House St Marys PTA will hold en House in St Marys Sc oolr Tuesday evening from to pm Parents will receive the stu dents rcports at this meeting Coffee will be served In thl school followed by short meeting century is patron saint ltalyl air hostesses Epletts Offer CANADAS OUTSTANDING VALUE and iust in time for EASTER The Lucerne gectroéome Deilcraft cabinet masterpiece of furnl ture tsinmenl AMFM Radio For Complete Home Enter Full Record Storage Space Truelife Sound Reproduction Full provision for the Electrohome exclu sive 360 sound Bonus Extra of FREE CAPITOL STEREO RECORD PACK Featuring all the to Other Electrohome AMFM Stereo start at pfllght artists 12month warranty on parts Fred Eplett offers this outstanding Stereo with on Easter 26950 Come in for demonstration but hurry fhe supply is limited Epletts Electric I47 DUNLOP ST EAST BARR PHONE PA 66441