AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY NEW PLOS By MRS WANLES Jack Shepperd and Bruce of Everett were recent visitors with Mrs Clarence Atkinson Cliii Burkholder at Queens ville was weekend visitor with the Huth family Miss Doreen Smith Toronto was home tor two days last week Mrs Alee Finlay spent iew days in Tomato Mrs Albert Jackson oi Arnlt prior spent two days last week at the home oi her sisterI Mrs Harry Train Mr and Mrs Cline Rawo and iamiiy attended iamtly gathering in Guthrie hall tor the latters uncle and mint ltlr and Mrs Walker Caldwell who were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Emerson Mad ill at Bradiord spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hamid Smith and boys Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron were supper guests Sunday oi Mr and Mrs Norman Hawes Sunnldaie Much excitement was creat ed one morning this week when what appeared to be rabid skunk was iound in the school yard by teacher and pupils oi New Flo school The proper authorities ln Barrie were no tiiied and it was removed NEW FLOS WI Sixteen members and two Ivisitors attended the annual meeting held at the home of Mrs Archie Smith Mrs Gerald King presided ior election oi otticcrs result int as Iollows Honorary pres Mrs Smith pres Mrs Bert Kenny ist dcepres Mrs Geroge Smith md Vicepres Mrs John De Garter see treas Mrs John Busch as slslant Mrs Cline Rawn dis trict director Mrs Smith alternate Mrs Adrian De Backer branch directors Mrs Smith Mrs Gerald King public relations oiiicer and press Mrs Vanless audit ors Mrs Wanless Mrs De Garter Conveners ot standing com mittees agriculture and Can adian industries Mrs Jos Bei court citizenship and education Mn Kin historical research and current events MrL Aiu Finlay home econ omics and health Miss Mary Mulroy resolutions Mrs Sam Allen nominating conunittee Mrs Allen Mrs Smith Mrs Cline Rawn sick Sec treas Mrs Alle anistant Mrs James Kenney 4H Club Leaders Mrs Allen Mrs dos Beioourt Mrs Jack Cameron gave the motto Seeds oi kindness are cheap sew plenty Mrs Har old Smiths draw was won by Miss Margaret Ruth The next meeting will be held at Ruths School Tuesday May New Flo teacher and pupils are to he invited to attend 0R0 STATION By MRS JORNFIONE Mr and Mrs Andre Gellnas Sarnie spent two days with their parents Mr and Mrs Howard Crawinrd Those visiting the Johnstones were Mr and Mrs Howard Johnstone Lloyd and Dianne and Charlie Rogers all of Oril lla and Mrs Allan Shaw Nevis PLAN SUPPER April meeting of the United Church Women was held the home of Mrs William Crawford with 17 members and one visitor present Worship and program on Easter theme was conducted by Mrs Mitchell with six members as sisting Plans were made tor congregational supper May The May meeting is to be at the home of Mrs Gariield Bur ton May week early ow lng to Presbytery meeting at Alliston May Mrs Graham Mrs Karl Gilchrist and son Allan spent the weekend in Toronto with relatives Mr and Mrs Bert Crawiord are spending low days in Toronto with relatives Mr and Mrs Elwood John atono visited Sunday with his brother and sisterinlnw Mr and Mrs Wilired Johnstone Rugby TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARBIE MONDAY APRIL L00 Womens show Friendly Giant stag hing Around ituzie Duals Popeyor TV Party Facing Pun Farm Market Report News Westher Sports Zane Grey Theatre Don Meuers Jubilee Danny Home Live narrowed Lilo lloorn For One Merv Camera Canada CBCTV val Weather Sports News Enquiry ruasDAY Arman is 11745 rut Pattern Romper noon Popeye and rm Noonary Report News Weather sootu rrrm Report Coming menu Movie Patrick no aret lopen noun school Telecast Verdict Your News Womens Show Adventures or nunry Flowerpot Men 700 Dr Kim 800 Thats wnm the rowo Golnl v00 Mn Hooray llls cnorv News ilsn Weather Sports News 1145 Time out For Pun wnostnaY APRIL Is 1045 Test Pattern 1100 nomncr Ttoom lzoo Popeye Ind Pall use Noondly Report News Wortnrr sport Farm Report Pronrm Preview hlovlo Young sorttaco Mlle de Paris slnrlc areIt Verdict Is Yours News The Womens Show Friendly Giant Mania Margins nmIs mule Huckleberry Hound Provincial Affairs Prrm Market Report News Weather Sports Pierre nerton The Law and Mr Jones Bachelor neuter Pinydate Perry Como News Magazine Canadl At War pnfldnunwmumm ANTEN MILLS By MR5 SCOTT Miss June Cole visited dur ing the weekend in Toronto with her sister Mrs Ron Bull Mr and Mrs Murray Mo Kenrie and iamlly Tomato spent Sunday at Wilsona Vic Sansorn Sr is pati ent at Penetaag General Rose pltal Mrs William Coughlin Inter talned at dinner party tor Mr and Mrs Grant Swan Rain Mr and Mrs Archer Elmvnle Mr and Mrs William Johnston Barrie and Mr and Mrs Frank Coughlln HOME AND SCHOOL The monthly meeting at and was held Wednesday night and it members were present Roll call was the worst mishap you have exper ienced in car large amount at business was dis cussed Program was in charge oi Marion Cox and Lillian Hankin when they each gave an interesting talk on saiety rules tor children and car drivers Members were given question pamphlet on driving test rules May meeting last or the season will have slee tlon oi oilicers and reports Lunch was served by program conveners SHOWER Friday night the little red school house was well iilled tor social evening to honor Norlnne Might and Tom Park whose marriage will take place April 21 The program was very pleasant with plenty oi music supplied by Robert Park accordion Bert Boyd vlailn and George Shaver guitar The couple were presented with many beautiiul and nseiul gift Both replied thanking their friends They will be living in this community as Tom is completing their new home Mr and Mn Basil Dodd Port Credit recently visited Mr and Mrs Babe Adams Mrs 1rwln Knapp returned home last week alter spending the winter with iride in Tab on MIDHURST STN By MR8 MONTE Midhurrt United Church Wom en are holding an aiternoon tea and bake sale in the Sun day School room Wednesday April to Everyone welcome Mr and Mrs Reid Richard son Mlneslng and Mr and Mrs Bob Laycoclr oi Barrie visited the iormers cousin Mrs Vie tor Reid Sunday Weekend visitors at ltlr and Mrs DAngio were Mrs Munt and Mrs Moore Mrs Morris Susan and Debbie Bob Vrtrcoe and Miss Gib son all of Toronto Mrs Fairfax lottenham Mr and Mrs Vern Coleman and Larry Mr and Mrs Colburne Ste phen and Fay oi Beeton Mrs Vanwater oi Walters Falls is visiting her brother and slsterlnlnw Mr and Mrs Peacock Charles Bowdery spent tow days last weekend with his daughters in Toronto CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER East dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NOBfl elem 11106 use wasn Insert omens one so 95 43 are IAOKQB oxen KTB The bidding East South West North it 80 Pass Pass av Opening lead jack of dia monds This hand was played in the Life Masters Individual cham pionship in l968 In an individ ual event participant takes turns playing as partner with the other players while in other types 01 events par ticipant plays steadily with partner at his own selection The winner in 1958 was Sylvia Stein of Detroit This hand helped her to win her iirst national championship Mrs Stein was East dciend ing against three hearts She won the diamond lead with the ace and returned the nine Tha nine play was signal to her partner in case he suited that she wanted him to return the higherArnnking oi the two side suits spades and clubs it was use at the suitdir ection convention which is so valuable when ruli takes place Thus it Mrs Stein had held the king oi clubs instead of the ace of spades she would have returned her low est diamond the three to show that she wanted the lower suit clubs returned Declare played low on the nine oi diamonds and West niiied Obeying orders West returned the queen of spades Declarer was shrewd enough to play low from dummy but it did him no good Mrs Stein overtook the queen with the ace and led the queen of diamonds for West to ruti it she had pennitted the queen at spach to Win South would have gained trick West ruiied the king oi dia monds and returned the jack oi spades Declarer eventually used the king of spades or discard but still had to lose two club tricks and went down two 260 points The extra trick that Mrs Stein galned was an important one Overtsklag the queen made her plus 200 instead of 100 and permitted her to out scoro other EastWests who played ata part score in dis monds usually making our tor score of 130 points TOMORROW The grand Ilam lorae LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES OKWCWWPART OFMY PSWHE D01 UNiNHlBIT FIRSI YOUR FATHER HILARY JUST STAY IN THE DEEPENDW THEY CANT 60 A5 VAST tit IT AS WE CAN MWINGTOBE AVEGETARIAï¬M DECISION sauna Lite MODEL man WELt Doc HEAINTI ASA Fame HESAFtoPiSML PHEW DADS TOUGH HE wom EVEN RAISE moms it me LIVlNG noon wrm DAD Now DONALD DUCK Rani Danie ix WHENlyre eeseeeoeeseereaa23 can nuke Mercury WW DAILY csosswonn WW WW Today In Sports amass DOWN kt it re as was 522 Ramada mm mm eWN 99999999959 ugsesaggugs us aim in rigid 2M ms wag crro CHANNEl9TORONTO some mum rancid groovu an min Plant or Vii insect Greatest IIroNDAY sinus in 1125 Better Lute 11171 to an recn Proleporjs Hideaway 1119 time at nun mar Cochi nunsnav arm is umm Sports 930 hornrs in Action ml Easy 18le at products yam yum moo ï¬res and am neglect Lsubsldo An 28 on YOURE USINPERFUMID WATER lN YOUR SQUIRI GUNI Father Knows out rm and em Cat stt mm v55 luh gag1233 Editr WINE skate Egghe gigs am mallow Marietta flow bsound afloated urinati can mm mm Runny ova In discussion long WERE NOIGONNA PLAY awesome NOTPLAYIN mg amy pm my oi dash TAKETWmm wmt FAIR mm mum swm Egon gum ma WATERPIGTOlSANYMD 39m particular 10noecucida anatomy wk 17 Dressed name my ï¬nalising nurse 36me cgth mired city Named Checkmall magnum IVAHIIIH MIME ITISWELSAIDIIIATNUNE FliTWliSAlDTliATWF Miofflcllfli ASTIDSTWIIOTRUST canto NOTAFFORDW WAWMFHEHTDA FoolIS GETGUEIIT UNCLE RELATIVE IMHSTHIPE DIAPPKAR DRIVEIN PM is one gnarlIE Man From Fm 77 mm 5m or mom AND WEDNESDAY Irena in um hannci Theatre Watch For Our 59 main Playhmu TRIEDTDGFTWI OFIl can The Art the Thank 31AM THEATRE me and Easy Just wuuunr Luck WHAT Weather 19wa BUTnllilGSWENI Miami Story HURONIA Eggimmm ï¬gqu lagra II on Wigner maeawsy in manna OPENING ssssuo moomziï¬iilttm Jim Coleman Better Lain Focus BUZ SAWYER Omanmanomeme NEEDI ENDAID When unforeseen events cut into your savings quick cash is the best ï¬rst aid you can ï¬nd Borrow up to $2500 at your nearest Niagara loan oflioo Remember you will always be wei come at Niagara lllAflARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Largest AllCanadian Conlliml Loan Company Barrie caller st Pam Pa moo Ortllia colbome at Phone Pa 3588 sunomce in Culllnswnod at uJinronuno at Phone 1791 CARRIER MISS You it your carrier has not arrived by pni please phone PA 82433 And cm Will Ho Delivered To Your home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS muses AND SKEEIER