OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 52414 1h telephone number to call for the Busch or Editorial Dept Ll PA 62 98th Yea rNo 90 TRUCK DRIVERS of Kings way Transport Ltd formed pickex line outside the comp nnys Montreal terminal after strike was called by the International Teamsters Un ion lND against some of the major trucking firms in On tario and Quebec CP Wire photo Crushing Of Big Steel Seen As Personal Triumph NEW YORK AP The crushing of an American steel industry bid for higher prices was smashing personal triA umph for President Kennedy The collapse may also have written new page in the annals of United Statcs presidential DOWEI it raised new and sweeping questions about the exercise of that power in the future and the traditional American freedom of business Some business sources here were asking these questions Will aluminum companies which cut prices in September be able to raise them again without prior consent of the white House What about indus try wide wage agreements Will they be subject to White House scrutiny and pressure One Republican Senator Ro man Hruska of Nebraska summed up some of this feel ing Referring to defence depart ment action ordering contract ors to buy only from steel firms which had not raised prices he said he deplores the type of thinking that unless companies do what political leader says they must retribution will be visited upon them The instruments of power in voked by the president were many and varied They were wielded with skill and lightning speed In general they clustered around the concept of what La bor Secretary Arthur Goldberg called assertion of the national interest in wage contract dis puies The president swung into ac tion within minutes of visit late Tuesday afternoon from Bogcr Blough chairman of US Steel who brought the news of an immediate ssaton increase in prices Only 69 hours elapsed before the price increase drive cnim bled with cancellation of marks ups rd by Bethlehem Steel the No producer in the wake of big Steels move HOW KENNEDY ACTED Basically the president did these things Mobilized public opinion against the increase Started grand jury inves tigation of the increase Raised the possibility of jus tice department action aimed at breaking up US Steel Corpora tion as monopolistic coucen tration of economic power Ordered channelling of bus iness by defence contractors and suppliers through steel firms that held the old price 19 Hinted pullback by the treasury which has been work ing on changes in equipment de preciation regulations that would benefit steel companies It was the third and greatest Hopes To Interest Canadians In Lost Ilrt OI Walking GUELPH GP Philip 6054 ling Guelph real estate con sultant and appraiser has been assigned the task of introducing Canadiansto the pleasures of the lost art of walking Gosling 33 appointed by the Ontario Federation of Natural ists to conduct comprehensive survey of the proposed Bruce Trail has set himself the chal lenge of prying Canadians from their cars so they may learn the beauties of the outdoors by walking The proposed route of the trail runs between Queenston Detroit Dailies near St Catharines on the Ni agara Peninsula and Taber mory at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula The direct air mileage between Queeaston and Tobermory is 192 miles but the twisting and turning of the trail makes it much longer from walkers standpoint said Mr Gosling Running through beauty areas such as Mount Nimo Rat tlesnake Point Credit Forks Hockiey Beaver Valley and the Blue Mountains the troll will be laid out and marked to encourage maximum use by all interested in the outdoora StrikevBound Combined Weekend Paper Out DETROIT AF This city was without its two regular daily newspapers again today following an announcement Sun day night that neither the morn ing Free Press nor the evening News would attempt to publish There were indications that neither newspaper would have presses rolling again until alter settlement of contract dispute with the Teamsters Union Detroit News executives an nounced that the paper would lay off employees in several de partments The action was simlt ilar to that taken earlier by Free Press executives combined NewsFree Press Sunday edition was the first newspaper delivered to sub scribers of either since the Teamsters went on strike against The Free Press last Wednesday night The chief hope for break in the situation appeared to hinge on scheduled meeting Tues day night on rank and fife members of Teamsters Local 372 whichrepresents circula tion department employees at both papers NEW OFFER MADE Teamsters President James lloffa who joined the negotia tions during the weekend said Local 372 members will hear details of new contract offer by The News Hoffaa union has walked out only at The Free Press but The News has not published because of an agreement that strike against one newspaper is con sidered to be strike against both Both papers however are bargaining on new contracts to replace those that Expirfd last Nov 15 wave of power generated by Kennedy since last summer to influence events in the steel industry Amid speculation of thorn impending steel price rise Ken nedy last September wrote heads of the 12 biggest steel companies urging them to fore go an increase anon omens The industry held prices steady butsald it did so be cause of forces of the market place rather than in response to Kennedys request Later White House pressure was exerted on the United Steel workers Union to curb demands in bargaining on new wage contract new pact was worked out in the last days of Marchthree months ahead of the expiration of the old contract Kennedy hailed the agreement as nontinflationary in mes sages of congratulations to both sides The ink was five days dry on the contract when US Steel startled the country with its price increase announcement Barrie Ontario Canada Monday April 16 1961 on titanic Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with moderating emper atures today and Tuesday Law tonight 10 High tomorrow 48 For summary turn to page two Not More Than per CopyH Page POST POLICEMEN MP Says Union Lied On Closing Foundry HAMILTON CP mem ber of Parliament said tonight he had not been told tho truth by union officials regarding the closing of foundry by Conn dinn Westinghouse Co Ltd Quinto Martini Progressive Conservative member for Hamlt ilton East spent two hours this Sunday talking to mom bars of Local 504 United Elec tric Radio and Machine Work ers of America who work in the foundry to be closed in June because of economic ren 50115 Mr Martini was asked at the special meeting to appeal to the Government to stop the company from closing the foun dry The union said the Canadian Government tako the some stand against electrical firms that President John Kennedy took against US steel comp anles Union officials urged the Government to take defense contracts away from the cam pony unless it rescinds an ear Ller decision to close down the foundry in its air brake divis lon John Campbell company pre sident whca informed oi what happened at todays meeting got in touch with Mr Martini first by telegram then by tech phone and the two met for one hour at Mr Campbelll home tonight Mr Martial said after the meeting Now can say to them the union why havent you told me the truth No one in the foundry is going to lose their jobs Mr Mart said he had also been told that the company would stop manufacturing air brakes and these would be brought in from the United States He said he was told by the company that air brak es would continue to be made in Hamilton Mr Martini said the whole matter was little disgusting am going to tell them lets have the truth because the public deserves to know the truth They didnt tell me the truth you see how unfair they are he said However he said he would present both the unions and the companys case to Prime Minister John Dicfenbaker in Ottawa tomorrow At the meeting today John Ball Local 504 president said think the Government should be telling the company Youre staying open He told the 39 workers who attended it would require ex treme pressure to stop West inghouse from closing the loan dry which employs 140 persons The president of the local which represents 3000 workers at three Hamilton piants said there was no necessity for the foundry to close Westinghouse announced on fan 26 that part of the com panys foundry division would be shut down after 57 years of operation because it was losing lmoncy The company will con tract its casting work to other flrms Countries Attempt To GENEVA Reuters Eight nonaligned countries attempted today to break the EastWcst test ban deadlock with com promise plan calling for an in ternational scientists watchdog commission that might make onthespot checks of 1suspici nus events However the pew proposals put before the 17nation disamr ament conference apparently did not advocate automatic on site inspection of such events in connection with the banning of nuclear weapons tests US delegate Arthur Dean said the idea would be given consideration by the US BC Proposals Ere Modificatibn VANCOUVER cs lice Minister Fulton says new proposals made by British Co lumbia in connection with the Columbia River power develop ment seem to represent sig nificant modification of the provinces position on the ex port of power At the same time Attorney General Bonner of 30 says he believes the federal government may be changing its position on the export of power The two government spokes mcn comheated on Columbia and power developments gener ally in separate statements and speeches during the weekend Mr Fulton in speech at Vernon and in statement re leased in Kamloops and Van couver said the BC govern ment has madeinteresting pro posals that are being checked carefully to see whether they might form good starting point for an acceptable solution to Columbia River differences Mr Fulton chief federal no gotlator when Canada was deal ing with the United States in sessions that led to the inter national Columbia River treaty said the 130 government has held up ratification of this treaty for 18 months Seaway Open For Business In SpiteOf Crack In Lock MONTREAL CP The St Lawrence Seaway began the 1962 season Sunday with the prospect of business on lim ited basis while repairs are made to leaks in the Eisen lrilower Lacks near Massena The repairs are expected to take at least two wears mean ing through traffic on the giant waterway wont be possible un til the end of this month Two German freighters the Transpacific and the Saarstein slipped through the St Lambert Look at the entrance to the Sea way Sunday to become the first narrows paint to giant crack in sill of lock gat at Eisen hower Lock ncai Massena ships into the system this sea son The Transpacific of the Ham burg Poseidon Linea became the first oceansgoiug vessel to open the waterway Since 1959 when the Seaway was completed Ca nadian lakers have been the first vessels admitted each year Both German freighters will anchor in Lake St Francis to await the completion of repairs to the Eisenhower Locks Sea way officials here sald many shippers probably would choose to keep their vessels at anchor rather than pay berthing fees NY which will cause at least twoweek delay in through shipping in MontrealLake until the seaways difficulties are resolv6d Nine ships had been sched uled to pass through St Lam bert Docks today But officials said some may choose to wait outside the waterway until the complete system is operating later this month intermittent squalls throughout the day lowered vis ibility bit on the system but no difficulties were encoun tered The canals were free of ice although thin ice slabs and chunks of ice still persisted in the lakes and parts of theSt Lawrence River Ontario section of the St Lawrence Seaway Canadian seaway locks at Iroquois Meanwhile at Massena work men were busy preparing planc to repair the 80foot long split in the Eisenhower Lock discov ered Thursday when the lock gate began to vibrate The crack is three to sixinches wide in sill under the cast late Workmeu are trying first to remove metal cap bolted to the sill edge Seaway adminis trator Joseph McCann said Sat urday the sill will be repaired not replaced About100 ships carrying $15 000000 in cargo had been ex pected to enter the Seaway in the first two weeks Ooh 40 miles west of Corn wall and near Montreal open ed on sc cduls Sunday Wirepho 1800 Idled In TRUCKERS STRIKE Montreal May Lay Oil 800 In Ontario MONTREAL CPiPickctrrs marched at 10 Montreal truck terminals today in strike by 1800 members of the Interna tional Brotherhood sfcrs ilnd No violence was reported by police although constables were posted overnight euchof the idle depots The walkout affecting car riers who do most of their busi ness between Quebec and On tarlo also extended to Quebec City and the Quebec communi ties of Trois Rivicres Sher hrooke St Johns and Showin igon where the 10 strikebound firms operate smaller branch terminals Although the strike went into effect officially Sunday follow ing one hour membership meeting of Local 106 picket lines were set up at the depots of some of the firms as early as Saturday The union called the walkout to back up labor contract de mands after rejecting major ity conciliation board rcport turned in last week in Ottawa by federallyappointed board is cent hourly wage in crease spread over three years was recommended in the re port But the union wants 30 cents Montrealbased truckers now vote Today Chrysler WINDSOR th CWThree thousand striking produc tinn workers were scheduled to vote today on terms of now threeyear contract with Chrys ler of Canada Chrysler and United Auto union negotiators reached agreement on the cons tract after 12hour bargaining session that ended early today Both sides were confident the strikers would endorse the pro posals and bring an end to the strike heading into its ninth of Team week and one of the longest costliest disputes to hit the Ca nadian automotive indusz in recent years in pairs at get $155 and $160 an hour Hourlypaid employees in Tor onto receive $178 Highway drivers in both provinces ari paid on mileage basis lohn Bertrand secretary treasurcr of lhc local said an olhcr central issue in the putc is iob maintenance tie said under the contract with this carriers that expired last Oct the firms were permitted to use piggyback rall scrvlce only when trucker was unavail able But this provision was not covered by the conciliators rev port Two lines lilalslln Brotherl Transport and Reliable Trans port agreed to the unions de mands and wcre not hit by the walkout But slrikcbound are Smith Transport Kingsway Transport Husband Transport Motorway Quebec MontrealOttawa Exy press St fibervlllel Transport Inter City Truck Lines Drummnnd Transit Mc Neil Transport and Ottawl Transportation Company Cartage services between points within Montreal were not disrupted There were no picket lincs depots handling city dej livery Denies Split With 18 BONN Germany APiWest Germany insists that any Ber lin settlement keep from East Germany decisive voice in possible international control auihority over access to West Berlin government spokes man said today The spokesman denied that West Germanys demands rep resent major split with the United States He dismissed as highly exaggerated weekend newspaper reports of breach in relations The US embassy backed this up But die US state department is reported to have complained to the West German embassy in Wahington Saturday that the US plan was leaked by the government in Bonn THE GERMAN freighter Transpacific slips through the St Lambert look at the Morita real entrance of the St Lawr enee Seaway becoming tho first ship to eotertha idlaad waterway in 1962 The Traci pacific will anchor in Lake St Francis await completlo repairs to the Eisenhower near Massena NY CP