RENTALS lprs HOUSES To RENT RENTALS APTS HOUSES TORENT RENTALS WANTEDTO RENT lVERLOOKING THE BAY At Dominion Shopping Plan bedroom apartment Stove tad reirigerelor laundry lacille if own thermostat Downs ew Drive phone PA 60659 ILLANDALI small unthbd lpaflmerll Iar lenL Hut and er tm gugrutd Bus stop at deer tygty hurtoh Avenue nut novss tar rent are tips to gtrtlsfll Pars stroud Apply Ceeii isn Deruooy and son Turnip farm Telephone lslts streud IODERN lbne Poona ullconlaim pd apartment Slov and NIH era kr IuPPllM Clo to bus alo phone PA MIN IRES LARGE Rooms and bath mrnished lsundry lsctlltlex Park Centrally located Telephone PA basal or PA um avenlcgs 7E tout erACIous unturnlshes mum belted No children Avail Ih Central location Tali phone PA Nata rtm DEDRODM live room Apart menl Stove and re rstor bath laundry with dryer basement Garslc AdulLa only Central Ions lion see monthly Cali PA mil IlvnERN newly decorated hcdloom bunslow Cent to bus slop Very much staiishle stay nasal Two Dxbltoml sellcontained psrtrnsnt lol rent Ilated unmrv nirhrd garage Children welcome I13 monthly Allsndaie dilirisi Telmhona rA ems NEW Modern Apartment on Hillt tu In at crown ItltI Larse liv room and kitchen downstairs bedrooms and bath upstairs Tele phone PA lNll ltCATsD UNIURNIsHaD sell mnsihsd apartment ground tloor 1ee large rooms Near school lurking Prints entrance monthly Telephone PA its THREE DEDROOM apartment or mil in new building washer timer and Janitor acrvlea supplied Aulllble immediately Telephone PA one lar lurther intormatian TRAL Roomy two bedroom In apartment tor rent Water and heat included Private eht rsnce Silo monthly Apply Peel Street Apartment 10 YOUR last month rent One and two bedroom mouls Jahlior ellvice RE are per month Telepho 52510 tor lurther lnInrmIilon two Clos renL PA hone rLltNIsHED Apartment lsrsa Itlt ehen bedroom living room tiled bath lots at cupboards Completely nlwaic Newly decorated Risks sweet nest beach Available now Telephone PA Hist MODERN one and two bedroom apartments east end Barrie barn bun drapes Vencllart blinds Auto melc Isund lilies Parkinl Telephone 29 lo turthes lntormstion 0N unstoou Haul or rent Partly rurnished Central no month Available Kay PA mu leURNIsIIID no room spart meot with pd bath Heated Hot and old water stove laelus ed Priv ntrsoes AvalishlI Hey Telep PA uses Now an unders one and two bedroom apartments on scenic Rampetch bu ri or arm and tsplter service lhelu ed utotnaue Iaahlnl tr cuiuu PA um SIX KOO Home or hill Vital acumen and sense centrally located in per month was or PA as eURToN VL Three room un lumilhed apartm hi to not all heated but wai sum and re truertor Private hath Apply Centre st or turtbar Inlornlauon your curltub Two bedroom apartment in new buildios Store and relrtseratcr lied Laundry tscilitiel also par ns Available stay Telephone PA sane UNTURleHTD modern Iour room apartment with be Heat ed Hot water and stove supplied Located in Angus Telephone the camp Borden cllolcz Apsrtnisnt modern one bedroom unlurnlshad selleon tslned Laundry and Dark ins tacit stop Im medlsta possession Telephone PA ester or Author dliaIlL 115 ON usnnoml Apartmant stove and rolrlserator supplied Also two 1bedroom apartments Laundry larilltlel In no are ment hutldln Telephen N5 NEWLY deerrd brish st we unlulnlthed thr room intent with private tll sell eo lined Toronto Street district Ct to bus stop Talaphone PA Lease PRIVATE ground tiocr ens bed room hp tmcltt Lsuhdry Iacliie lies cen rsl Water and heat llt eluded 55 monthly Available May Apply Peel street Apartment ROOM la BOARD ROOM AND noARD anllsblo tor youne gentleman Dunlop lrld hradlord street dillrict Telephone PA Waco tor lurther details RooM AND quRD available on Elsa Road In private home All Imm eeolrtng and lunches packed Fnr lurther lntnrmsuon telephone ems ROOM BOARD WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED Protestht home In the country for two school TEACHER wishes to rail three bedroom home by Aulusl prelu sbly with option to buy write desrrlptlen and terms It Drown an rsueton falls on == SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES To RENT IUanllllD Collue lnllda Cops venisoces alue Mar BIITII ï¬ll week Also rumlshed bale monlllplrtmenl northwest Tor onto lll weelly stieluey s1 Crsydon Avenue Tamils Tots phone no LII WHERE TO GO CAMPINDI see our selection or no lenLI on on all tent eras on now 6a ri Governmenl Sul plu Dunlap street west Tele phone PA mu == ARTICLES For SALE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances iiloifat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66581 SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES lt Forced all new oil or lids Intcrcst up to Sis buy now bclore lurthor Increase Used Oil Burners for this PHONE PA 641391 0R STROUD IRS PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints ol any news pictures taken by our sinlf photogra phers piousc citil at our Bull boss Ofï¬ce We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new alighthi damaged Items way helow original cost We also buy molest lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phune PA 82427 CARTERS for Used Furniture Relrlgeratprs electric ranges TVs and many more used Items and ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 89831 LAMIIREITA scooTElL In new Telephone Barrie lA Mm DARN mu sALB ts Ieet good lumber Selling reason Izbgloy Telephone Cookstown so sale tie hn motor used less than one month Telephone PA NW so roLDING CHAIRS attached in pairs Very reatonsbla price Tela hon PA HM during olllca our cllnsTrnllaLD Sillie tor sale two pieces mushroom shade modern style in good condition Telephone PA M15 tor further details oAslI Luellaam at month Tllephona PA CrdICeDl nuance so Dunlop at West ltl IlRlutls strstton tractor 30inch RotoTlIlel reduced to Helnch IoIuch disc Sullly Trailer on rubber Sale or trade Tcirphona PA owes me llELllWOODl rreelsr or rule 11 cublC leet chest type prurnlLV selling lor nail vitl take saw essh Telephone PA Mm alter pm VALKle Relrigerstor and Com presmr ior sale 3400 Propane Gas Grill 24 to £15 Deep lst Iryer 75 Mrs Iter Msrchlldon telephone halts Latentinc CEDAR FENCE Posts 1000 to 7inch lnps Anchor pasts hrs posit cluthesltne poles Id leet lonlt Quslltliy wood Gordon clerk PA Men TTPLIIRITRRS bousht said not ed mpslred student rental rates Ask about our Rent Try then Duy Plan star pcwriter Ce Is Mary street PA use aloToRcchD lor ssle lilo cc Francis Darnell in good worklnil condlilnnl also 10 Imp Mercury motor ttith controls Telephone PA Mm utter pm tlIRls viscoUNT English Gear ROOMBIJ House bedroom conveniences garden nice toes lion convenient to Harris shd Camp Bordon Apply ItcCpnn gimme Phone lvy tlml alter pln UPPER DUPLEX two bedrooms living room and kltehcn lully tiled four piece bathroom on hrnied Laundry lsciiities lmmttl isteDg possession Telephone PA so sLLP CONTAINED unturnlshed apartment three rooms and bath in minutes walk lroln downtown lteiriserator stove and garage op tinnal Available immediately Tele phone PA Hm INTRAth located Two bed roilm apartment Heat water hy dro slave and retrlgerstar sup piled Immediate possession over the Filler Queen OIIICC 87 MIDI Avenue suNNIDAu residential bright splclous newly decorated bedroom apartment stove re iriserstor laundry balcony shad ed private grounds $83 monthly Telephone PA asset liter pm UNPURNIslIED heated apartment or rent Sellcontained our rooms and bath heavy wiflnm ParklllR space In Queens Perk ares Avsll ablen April 15 Telephone PA p31 ULTRA MODERN unlurnlshcd one bedroom aparlrnent Private balcony trout and rear Relrigers tor and dunes iupplled Centrally located Ideal for young married rnuple Telephone PA 683 THREE ROOM unfurnished loll conthlued heated apartment Ill triplex Rent reduction lor keeping grass cut and piece tidy Close in schooll shopping and bus PA 58567 UNrURNlalrzn one bedroom apartment with kitchenette separ ate piece bath Heat anti lllhts supplied On bus route close to or Telephone PA Him alter slopm Two BEDROOM Apartment in tri plcx Extra large panelled living room spacious kliCherl double cu has In bedroom tiled hhl Near East End Pia beach Tale phonl Pa Llibt UNrUItNIsRED Upstairs Apart lnent separsie entrance Heat water rslrl enter and parking lseiliues Vclnity or West End Plaza Available immediately Tele phone PA 611 or Iuflhei Pll ticulsrs FOUR LARGE 1100M apartment unmrnished healed hellContained playyard Available April In two snilll children welcome I10 monthly Also three rhom Inert ment Adullg only PA sCisst or 145 Bradlard Street Two BEDRDOM modern art meritIncludes stove and rel per star automatic washer and on er Sepante entrance oilstreet parkins Central Seineontplnad Available nvw Telephone PA 95010 TWO BEDROOM Apartment with llvlnl manl kitchen dining area Seusentalasa heated Centrally located on Collier street Available lilny Telephone PA emu sites 1me PA stm COMPLETELY selbcontained helb ed spartmcnt Including heavy duty stove and rslrlseretor private out rsnce Very central 15 Must be seen to be appreciated Telephone PA 66274 NEWLY Deeorated two bedroom apartment In modern apartment building Refrigerator and stove Laundry and parking lsetlltles Available Immediately stotl par month Telephone PA M092 TD APPRECIATE Freshly decorated two bedroom lllll living room kilnhon hath llust sry eaciuttes Arnpll cupparel Parking Available MAY Apply 255 Bhyfleld Street AVAILABLE Now Modern heat cd two bedroom apartment in Stroud apartment house Adults preferred No obiectlon to baby Use of swimming pool sea month ly Telephone strand all LARGE maddrhthres room une Iurniahed apartment spacious grounds and awlmnllnfl pool Also brick bungalow two bedrooms And crater Ccntral lacsllolt Telephone PA usual or PA soot LARGE lumlshod sted room to rent Relrlserator ransetts wash ing machine end linen supplied Apply 51 Mary street CENTRAL In quiet home clean furnished bedroom Has to be seen to be appreciated For lurthcr In Iormstton telephone PA sass Ttvo FURNISHED bedrooms or rent In private home located two blocks lrom down town business men prererred For turtber da lalls telephone PA Mills LARGE BedSitting Room tor rent on ground tloor very central Psrltlng lseililies Apply to so Isry Elf DI telephone PA 87142 Two FURNISHED Rooms heated hydro rerrlxerstor and rangette Downtown sres suitable lor cous pie Also lurnlshed bedroom Available immediately PA 3291 alter pm Try An Examiner want Ad PHONE PA 82414 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 MCFADDEN Appliance 12a PENETANG sr SDWho Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA Mild Any one at the three classified ad takers will be glad to assist you with your copy NURSES MATERNITY unllorln tar sale 5le Twoplcco Tele phone PA sasil alter DAINES sAUNA Rock steam Bath open daily one to pln Prolesslonsl message by appoint ment Telephone PA Mill 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 64839 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors Public Conveyance tt office Elmvale Ont 13 Owen 5L Rarlll PA hdflll Rows QC Eeagrsm Q0 Gordon Tcakey CONDER SUGG BARRISTERS SOLICITORS dc NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDER DA SUGG EA 129131 Dun st East PA 91 COWAN COWAN EARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER 51 PA 34521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barrister and Solicitors 13 Collier EL Edrrll Ph PA 68401 LEGAL ACCOUNTANTS WMhN HINTSON BA HARRIS NEEDHAM Rifle Sail WRIGHT Clrllllad Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie Olilce Wilson Bldl reed Grant street PHONE PA 301 Needham CPA Undarhill CPA Resident Partners ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA SD Collier Sl Phone PA 84949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher 01 Plano Singing Thlory Puplls pr bred for examinations of the Oval Connerytow bl lttttsle Toronto All srsdes anfl Ath Modern methods studio 11 Drafllnrd St PA $511 THE DAVIES OI CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 211 NAPIER 51 BARBIE WILSON MOORBY BARRlSTER It SOLICITOR ll OWEN 51 PA soles SMITH McLEAN Haber Bmllh Q0 Arthur Moldn Bruce Owen asrrlsters Solicitors ate ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instrue lion Plano Theoryl chins lil greenbelt Latin other hool sub 91 Ross 53 Darrin PA lbflfl OPTOMETRY BARRIE PA 3775 collect Tllllfroslltlhthlï¬ tailliï¬lllgix $l 00 taleyele Al Condlilnlt re and trout brakes running lights kick 10 $125 stand ringl Iool sglfii Mag eia seen ram are cars ra ROOMS To LET plus tax me am RDDM tar rcnt downtown ya USED REFRIGERATORS 13 rooT GLENNITTE Trailer weekly Apply ls Maple Avenue sleeps sour toilet water tank All with Propane relrlgerator Propane LAhoh furnished housekeeping FREE stave and owning only used two room with rangstte use or relrlll wceht Grand new Can be seen at lil weilinsten street West Phone PA 91 av hiRl only 1935 DODGE Sedan law tnllesge immsculaie blue and while lerCh Circular Saw with motor and bench Power Jig Saw on stand an inch depth at cut with moi Tools Firearms Rooks dlc Estate faith II Holsata st saturdsy stter run runs WILL BE sccapltd by the un dersigned lor lhe purehsse of Is ttooden bnrrela Slsc 29 high by opening diameter Barrels hsvd llllhl rrlpchllle all coating on the entire inside surlaee and are in excellent eondlion bids will he accepted until 12 noon Thursday April by lilr rarwell Pur chasing Agent Grccllllllt Wire Rape and Cable Co no box up Midland Ontario FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Caurllsnd and other varieties grade Macs $l50 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 89201 llAsrucitltv PLANIaI Ihsm Vikinl cruel Taylor per lilo Strawberry Planlli Premier Temple HarvestKing Eenatoh Dunlap Psymlstor Rcdcost Spar hie Esriidatvn Cavalier sun per too 10 per 1000 Certlllod seed colors olssleii nuips la par lilo sza per icon Cerilld seed Potatoes Kcswick sobalo other potatoes Inc an Item Chi ws Waroa Pontiac Art Vrgltl Valley Ghrderls PR lob cili Iaro all DOGS PETS DALMATlAN Puppies nicely mark ed Telephone PA HASH WIREHAIRDD Fox Terrier Pup pies reï¬llleled ready or Easier Mrs Reg Irwin IR Drillll Telcphnnp Fslrvlew Mil BOATS MOTORS ldFT MOTOREDAT and Trailer tor sale lully nipped approxim stsly tiloo Ielop one PA sorts noAT IMoot Deterslt Dost motor and trailer tully dipped in ex cellent condition elephons PA sUhDRAM VACUUM Cleaner lor PASTURE inï¬r acne or LAND in rent Coo cesslen Township el Innisht Telephone PA or PA 66834 LIVESTOCK Tantalum Plus Ier salt eight weeks old Apply Garnet haly Cochlown telephone TEAM Jelllln Horus somL tar as quiet Registered ehort horn Rull one year old Also wesned Yorkshire Pigs Telephone 9R1 Strand FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Good supply oi power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at moder sis prices PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 CEO new one lor sale power cleaned and treated Apply Orval Carr Thornton or telephone Ivy tents vomt DARLEY tor sele cleaned and lildldJlllmD brllhl ample ruled to er will uch se Ior Calves or Dill Bert Alla sing telephone 32 uAIIRIt DATE Russell Ill Herta barley shed and cellor timothy Clintr teed sell slaw Inealng III RODNEY ICED oATs cleaned and treated also Allslls and Timothy Hay well cured baled ltelstsih Snrlnlers and Ircsh Cowl socd gmducers Reason hi Telephone hNOI elenlllls POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems coll Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 11 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service ChseNcw Holland David Rrownl Really Farm Equipment 11 BURTON AVE PA 5231 CASHy TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Iilllkcrs Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any milker HANlt BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 641338 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESHIG VIKING cream Separstort floor and swing type milking machines service parla acvcrai used mach ines in aloelr closed on Sunday Open daily till Alici hours please telephone aatla viking Sop atorl Sales Box Cull hursi Ontario AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU RAMBLER VIAU MOTORS LIMITED 11 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE 51 PA 6132l HARW MOTO RS mama and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 EAYFIELD sr PA 94165 ma PLYMOUTH our door black cylinder radio 3150 or heat ou ec For lurlher Internslion telolt Phone PA 841 BARGAINS 1052Ponllncgodd cons ditlon slei ills me laugh con dilian $13 Terms of cash 17 ARTICLES For SALE FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE PONTIAC BUICK DEALER l96l PONTIAC SEDAN SALE PRICE Besuillul blue llnish with mat SALE PRICE While well tires SALE PRlCE SALE PRICE I959 BUICK 2DOOR No tone blue SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE steering power brakes white wall tiles Equipped with FIRST SALE OF 1960 OLDS 4DOOR SEDAN citing interior Equipped 1960 FALCON STATION WAGON standout car Yellow with red Interior This one looks like now I959 VAUXHALL SEDAN Red with beautiful rod end white lnlerior 1958 DODGE 4DOOR SEDAN Vd engine Push button automatic trans DEAN MYERS MOTORS LIMITED 145 BRADFORD STREET Low Down Payment Easy GMAC Terms very low mileage car GOODWILL USED CARS Dean Myers Motors Limited Finished in behulllui turquoise with grey interior Equipped with pcsitraclion very clean car $2099 with hydromelic lrensmisslan power chrome wheel discs custom radio windshield washerr $2397 1960 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4DOOR HARDTOP Bcnuiifuilawn bcigelinish with matching Interior Equipped with automatic transmission Radio Chrome wheel discs and windshield washers $2376 $1799 ynnliow transmission radio white well tires well kept car $l697 $999 mission sparkling clean lamily car $l 049 PA 61885 lest PLYMOUTH Savoy sutontsile lransxmlsaltln $200 Telephone PA mo CHEVROLET Ssdsn or sale new tires rebuilt motor A4 condition Must be seen to be It proclsted Telephone PA oom alt er mm mo FORD our door cylinder automatic excellent condition while Walls private sale will con alder older ul II plrl plyrnenL Telephone PA stall lssll VAUXHALL crests six cylln der radio Clock arm rests twill visors and snow tlrs luxury Car 81500 or bust tiller Telephoul Orr 1715 1851 Palm Falllane two door hardtop automatic white wafl tires This car as new Take ev payments of 50 per month Tele Pholle PA 8108 194s loItD CAR cylinder In good runainl condition with new tires and battery Tele hone PA $146M days and PA svelte gs lass PLYMOUTH lcur llam sedan automatic transmission custom radio in gleaming two ions men Ind white S595 ll $1850 monthly Telephonl PA Lions 1552 Its AND 1954 Ford front len dcrs brand new sllll Ill wrapping loss than 35 price 322 each Sprouls super es Highway 27 one mile south DI Drnlorl Tellphorle Ivy ltltll CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRLES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR I76 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 cAsII run your ear Liens paid off We trade It or down Ailarr dale Motors Tl rss Road Barrie PA 39521 TRUCKS TRAILERS CAETOP BOATS Fiberllfl Alu minum lZIl Flberitlas Canoe 10 hp Jnhnsan Oils hp The Net Boat Trailer Sell se lately Aps ply 31 AIM Sta Barrie lilIuuT KEEN CRAFT RelAllh 35 Ink Johnson Electric lilo Tus Nea alter Tarp Antiaccessories Only tint about hnurl in 1901 New condition Apply l1 Campbtll Avenue Barrie ARTICLES WANTED BABY CARRIAGE Grill and Hint Chllr wanted Must be illload Eighth condition Telephons PA FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor deed or crippled cattle and horses Small arllmhis removed free For iasi service phone or ask or ZENITH Niall iNO CHARGEI hours day1 days weak 20 OWEN ST PHONE PA El GLADSTONE CURRlE ROBERT SMITH QC RO mifof°°° to sso°T2sElvlsTnmm Wilson Bullying migrant strut $3 ézï¬Ã© 55 IthPlIontl PATRWIy Gd FUNERAL HOME STEPHENSON RO OHDMITRIST Dunlap EL tut EllTIA STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME surchloh aruvtch nude lwh flronm lurrllshed pollutants All canle Telephone PA Al MODERATE COST convenient Terms Wardy flu lam PA Ell Phone PA 94le Anvmrlsn in THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHDNEVPA All NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxrnebd Ontarlo Licence No 1729 Nice Montague Prop 34345 Ellkfl Smll TEIWIIDHI PA 555 mum cm 30 one list MBA IR land condition titan tus ronn 11 or terms srranled Telephone PA Racks and la Included 53 °illï¬hnofu hf saw or sea is at to cum street phon FA was 5mgggoflmflflflfflgri lass nouns tour oom sedan in im lNThnNATthAL Dump and running order No down ment can srrltllla finance phone PA dDlli Isis METEOR sy ele priced rllhl It S1195 PA 8408 black automatic transmission sslety padded dssh safety belts all delp tread Lisa 50 down And per month PA l1DOJ 1951 CONN Beds for la 0ne owner CAT This no in spotless enndltlon Ill down and 39 per month ale hone PA 106 or rurthcr Is WILECKINGI 1935 Pantl E1 1955 automatic Ford use Paul at auto DIRECTORY Truck In good condition Reason owner Telephone 211m streud with automatlcmndliiiinï¬rm == sell eu tom radio white wall tila sell PERSONALS sslety padded dash This car tsss PONTIAC conch IR smaller Am 20 mm °r PA cello LEARN RAIRDRESSING Quickie Shampoo slid Set or selllul no lurlhar ml to GOING To MONTREAL and ï¬nes hree shsra expenses Telephone WOMENS COLUMN Govérnmsnt Chartered Schooi IIlroughtralning in all brbni chat of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING IO HELP WANTED We require reliable salesman types of properties in the will interested confidence ACT NOW ARMOURIES OPEN THIS WEEKEND EARN As YOU SERVE FOR SIX WEEKS lN THE MILITIA It you are between 1d and 50 and meet enrolment standards you can help Canada and your sell by taking part in the Spe clsl Militia Training Program One hundred thousand addition sl men are needed as snon as possible to help the Canadian Army Militia carry out Nation oi Survival Operations in the event of nuclear attack Silt week training courses are being held in your community begin Ring January Later courses start February and April to 1961 During the Course you are given allday training five days week You receive the same pay as regular soldier you will live at home and receive living allowance Get lulltdolslls without obli gation lroht your Militia no emitting Officer at the address below that is nearest to your homo ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK sracurs FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS WANTED to to loads Burns yard Manure will pick up Toll Phone HE 9AM Try Alt Examiner Weill Ad PHONE PA mi SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 1861 l1wylisoutll pox123 Cream Rinse $160 mm hy certiï¬ed hairdresser in your nlvg hams Plan serum at RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS islnuniap tit EPA Eel1st 17 Essa RondaPA Milli No sppaiilhliedi necessary rustic list Etudebahar loll nadle SCHOOL EARRIE ONTARIO its aulck ills Dodge 1050 Mcr 12 wonsLEY 51 PA team strum liilalplii iiitt¢dlilill Telephone Ivy Itth YOUNG MAN 25 OFF fxANTED as apprent cc ioicarn ascs PER $50 at the printing irade at The Barrie Examiner some know ledge at typillg prelerred This position oilsrs secure luture and unemployee behcllts Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARBIE EXAMINER to p111 daily JINGLE MAN requtrsd or parties reply by letterail replies held in strict Address all answers to the attention at CECIL STAMP CAMPBELL STAMP REALTORS l9 Peter St Orillio Ontario MALE HELP REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED to assist us in the selling at all Barrie area Soilis sales experience desirable FULLY QUALIFIED MECHANIC for shift work APPLY MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD Barrie ELECTRONICS NEED lilluv You can become specialist Train st Rcc trusted name in Electron lcs Traininz slnca 1973 Autamlr tlon TV Radar etc Free Eonklell Act now Day classes atoll May 14 Toronto Montreal or Home study time RADIO COLLEGE or ADA King st Toronto Ont rouNd MANto laam Stall nlture hllsilltll Usupl Cnmplfl bencflls WT BOX 49 Barrie EX sminer YOUNG MAN with at least Grade 11 edueetlon and Cheullours llclt ence required for warehouse Dail tion with small but expanding urnl Apply to nor name Examiner ILAWLEIGII nusiless now open In Townships Oro lilndnltte and Barrie Trade well established Excellent op nrtunity Full time write stle gh Co Dept Dlw lav lone Richelieu Montreal MAN WANTED to sell stlelghs Household Products to consumers we help you Good prolita tor hustler No experience necessary to start Pleasant proï¬table dis nllled wotk Write today Raw lelsh Dept DAIHASS 40M Richel itu lvlnutresi NOT shLLINn Ionl wanted or 4meu presently employed who wish to earn an average at 575 per week to their spare time Training and use equlpmenl ill It our expense Expansion to hill time Job it satisfactory Telephone Harry voting at PA 711 lot so pointslent AMntTloUs Iran or Woman to take over established Watkins business No money to invest old est slid latseer company of Its kind Producls nationally adver tised No Is erta onpartuoii tar promotion rite immediatey to Jules Gauthier use at Roch stmt Montreal Ia ue FARM iraLP wanted Msirlas mac ial specialised turkey tam should have roullry experience and be gooswth Iarm machinery and general mt arlt cspabls cl taking chrrsa to nodes Iry Modernlxed arm house provd Sultshle Willi psmshent Pll ror Couple who will take real In operation LII er landlord Cookstowsl mass telePhtmI erll irm lrilrll nersrenccr tr sllsh to box Barrie in pm Try All Examiner WshlAd PHDNIIPA Ml