Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1962, p. 4

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Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited is Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager MONDAY APRIL IN Pll0 Hog Town Is Getting More This Time From Government Premicr Robarts has missed marvel ous opportunity to take ositive and most important step towar decentral iutio of industry He has moved in fact ong he road to further concentra tion of business and Industry in the me tropolitan Toronto area by deciding to spend $50 million on provmcral gov ernment office project This huge con lstruction program will be carried out witth twoblock area over period of ID years It will add strength to the Tor onto magnet and discourage attempts to bring industry to other Ontario com munities Why was some thought not given to expenditure of this huge sum of money in another Ontario city or in several communities for that matter Why in fact has some consideration not been giv en to the transfer of all legislative func tions to smaller quieter area where there would he no underground railways trafficchoked streets and harrassed cIt lzens Men who deal in large sums of money are expected to think big But those who run our government our major indust ries and major businesses too often seem chained to the Toronto orbit They pay lip service to those who urge industry to go into the hinterland but practice centralization Hog Town has become an overstiffed giant depending to large extent on the rest of the province for financial aid and snapping up de velopment that should go elsewhere The Legislative Buildings do not have Greater Effort It may be too harsh judgment but Canadian recently returned from Rus sia says that in comparison to youth there youth here is saddled with mid dleaged attitudes Dr John Hastings Toronto Uni versity associate professor of public health was telling Toronto convention audience of observations made on six month trip through Europe and A51 Whenever he traveled in the USSR said Dr Hastings he found that young people are dynamic purposeful It frightens me he went on to compare Russia with Canada where young people worry ing about security and pensions have middleaged attitudes before they have been young Until we instill the same feeling or purpose the future for us Is going to be rocky It would be easy to dismiss Professor Hastings judgment asa generalization but at least as far as the attitude of many Canadians is concerned it is not too hard to find evidence to support his opinion For instance in the help wanted to be located in Toronto Provincial gov ernment offices likewise could be built elsewhere erhaps at much less cost than that alrea planned on the Toronto buildings The average city of Ontario does not resent Torontos development it is con cernedand rightly sowith the concen tration of wealth business and industry In the metropolitan area why should the government not take the lead by its own example in bringing about form of decentralization Industry In the United States has seen the advantage of building in the coun try and giving lift to communities In the doldrums In Ontario the reverse has been true largely More and more industry and big business is concentrat ed in the Toronto area creating problems of transportation and accommodation there and depriving many other deserv ing communities of the opportunity to get ahead Ontario is not Toronto alone despite what Torontonians may think It Is re presented by hundreds of places large and small that are fighting for diversific ation of business and industry but too of ten must be sustained by narrow range of development There are too many one industry towns too many that exist on little but their own ingenuity in making living Ontario cant reach its full potential unless it has capital that will reach out beyond Metro and seek new fields to conquor Needed columns of our daily newspapers It Is comparatively rare advertisement that lists willingness to work as require ment and there is much less emphasis on opportunity than there is on security To win response even in these times employers seem compelled to play down the work or the pay and play up patern alism Certain phrases occur over and over again as in these samples Young man 1120 clerk 5day week excellent fringe benefits liberal program of fringe benefits liberal program of fringe bene fits and excellent medical and pension plans provided 5day week statutory holidays and vacation with pay pensions insurance medical benefits etc Group insurance sick benefits 5day week In surance welfare and benefits age prefer red 21 to 80 However if young people are coming to value security above all else is it not mostly case of oping their elders The trend of modern government is to offer social security as the lieall and endall and to repudiate the principle of greater reward for greater effort Other Editors Views HINTS FROM DETROIT ON PLANNING Detroit Free Press Our objection to city planners is their Infatuation with regimentation It is often magnificent regimentation but it winds up having about the same charm as an army posts recruit reception barracks The only difference is that one is done in masonry and the other in clapboard But one look and youve seen it and ghe element of charm is about equal in oth Charm is what brings people crowding around and charm depends on variety variety in shape age and character It appears that when Skid Row is re placed there will be an effort to have something more attractive than green strips miserable to cross when the wea ther is foul and identical oblongs of what planners call functional architecture We hope it comes out all for the best Lets say something like youd find in San Francisco New Orleans Quebec or Mon treal places people still love to visit because the planners havent as yet had their chillyand uninspired way with them What makes us little fearful that it will turn out with all the dreariness of which the planner has proved himself so capable is the haste to tear down cer tain old buildings that could as well be The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second class mall Post ofnca Department Ottawa and for payment or pomp in cash Dally Sundays Ind GnuINT Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN SLAIGET General Manager MchsflN Managing Editor CHARLES WADGE Business Mmllfl Hana WEED Advertktng Illannnr JOHN HOLDER Circniation Mlnllef Subscription rate daily by earner Ildo weekl 1820 year single copy mail In Ontarib ao you not six mama $250 three months mil month Outside Oratorio £900 you cameo can ldl QZUDII year Offices 425 Unlvcrsl ltrcaL Montreal 1125 ver Member of the Canadian Dolly Newsboys Tub ushers Association The Canadian Prrsl and an Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is exclusively ontitlod to the use for republication of all now dispatched In um Ever credited to It or The Associated Press or may and also the local nun publishd therein Ave Toronto Cothcart denim smut Vancou left up if for nothing else than their variety and mellowness In the heart of downtown other con siderations sometimes have to prevail but in neighborhood thats being thought of as tourist magnet planners can do better with more flexibility HOUSECLEANING AND HAPPY HOME Fort William TimesJournal Dutch doctor insists while clean liness may be next to godlness it doesnt necessarily produce happy home In fact the exact opposite may be true He has found the housewife that over does the daily pursuit of dust can make life miserable for her family Over cleanliness can chase away husbands as well as germs He advises wives not to overdo housecleaning because it Is bet ter to have little dust and happy family However it is safe to saymore unhap piness has been caused by husbands who are overly critical of theirhelpmates housekeeping than by housewives who overdo cleaning tasks RECOGNIZE VALUE OF SEAT BELTS Owen Sound SunTimes All automobiles starting with the 1965 model year registered in New York state will have to include safety belts in the front seat under legislation just passed There is increasing recognition use of seat belts is important for the safety of automobile occupants Many life has been lost in serious car collisions because the driver and the front seat occupants were not protected by such belts 0n the other hand it is known fact that belts have prevented tragedies in highway ac cidents Sponsors of the use of belts say they will cut down the number of fatali ties and serious injuries by 85 per cent There is strange reluctance on the part of many to employ unusual safety measures Therefore automobile manu facturers have particular responsibility to make seat belts part of the motor car that theymay become generally used They are much more Important than many other more costly added features WORDS FROM THE CROSS OUR ENTRY IN THE GRAND PRIX TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Tranquilizers Dont Mix With Alcohol By JOSEPH MOIIVER MD Dear Dr Molner You have mentioned that alcohol and tranquilizers do not mix Why Can one get craving for beer the some as some people crave whisky Alcohol Is sedative Tran qullizers are just what the names implies drugs which re laxyour tensions Dontcare pills somebody once called them And some of us some times need drugs to help us no cept the tensions of living more ploddly Well you get Sedatlves and tranquilizers together and you can become as relaxed as footof cooked spaghetti Living ul certain amount of curing and useful amount of tension Bein too relaxed in lassitude poor judgment irresponsibility lack of caring about things In addition tranquilizers have variety of physical side ef fecm which may or may not be aggravated by alcohol Too much sedationandtren quilizing makes you into some thing more like clam than person Your inquiryiebout crav lug for beer is begging the question It isnt the beer Its the alcohol craving for alco hol is another way of saying alcoholism Dear Dr Molnar Is it true that human milk contains brain cells Would breastfed vchild stand better chance Intellec tually While Im thorougth In favor of breast feeding both from the standpoint of somewhat bet ter physical health and some what easier emotional adjust ment cant say that think it results in better baby in lellectuaily Itls NOT true that human milk contains brain cells Dear Dr Molnar When travels long distance in an automobile get dull ache in my left de It also happens when stand in one position for several hours usually when Ironing Can do anything to prevent it This suggests back strain and isnt at all uncommon Ad justing the car seat forward to lessen stretch on the legs or using pillow or support at your back may help Break ironlt ing into two periods Rest may notbe needed but switch to some other activity which takes the steady strain off the afr fected muscle ormusclesr Dear Dr Mother Is it wise to store food such as sauce or stewsyovernight in an alumi oum pan regardless of Its age Theres no danger In storing food In aluminum containers or foil overnight or longer The age is of no significance Its still aluminum and safe But food should be refriger ated no matter whether it is in containers of aluminum tin china stainless steel glass or anything else Refrigerating suppresses theraction of bac teria Engravc on your mem ory this rule Keep it hot keep II cold orvdont keep it Dear Dr Mother have heard all my life that removal of moles can cause cancer That Is why havent had one just under my arm taken off It Is continually rubbed by my bra although It never really gets sore and hasnt seemed to grow much in the last few years Youve heard all your life the exact opposite of the truth The false nntlon may have come from moles which be come cancerousand were re moved afler It was too late Generally however most males are harmless but if con tinually irritated they can be come cancerous So in sub cases have them removed be fore the real trouble starts You worry me when you add that yours hasnt seemed to grow much because any change In size or shape da scrves immediate examination President May Seek Injunction WASHINGTON AP Presl denl Kennedy Saturday took the first step toward invoking the TaftHartley law in the v5 west coast maritime strike Kennedy signed an executive order creating board of in quiry to look Into and report to him on the strike The board was directed to report by Wed nesday When the boards report Is in hand the president may seek lllfl Injunction under Tuttifort ey The laws emergency provi sions permit application for an may injunction to end the strike The Island state of Howell has been particularly hard hit by the strike It has reported growing shortages of food and other necessities REPORT mom 11x May Have Po By McINTYRE HOOD Special London England Correspondent for This Barrie Examiner LONDON In the course of excavations made in connection wlth the rebuilding of the prime ministers residence at No 10 Downing Street many recent and possibly most interesting of these discoveries is the find ing of the skull of young man killed at least 200 to 300 years ago probably by behead ing This skull was unearthed during an archaeological excav ation made under 10 Downing Street by team under the supervision of the ministry of works The condition of the skull the method of its burial and the place in which it was found are causing much speculation among historians This specula tion islargely ceiitredaround the belief that this skull could have belonged to the Duke of Monmouth beheaded nearly800 years gt ago WAS IN REBELLION Ihe Duke of Monmouth was an illegitimate gson of Kin Charles II He was executed at the age of 35 after his rebel linnagainst King James II Experts from theBritish Museuin who have examined the skull have sold that the headfappeared to have been hit onthe forehead with blunt and of an axe and to have mass of cutsan the back of the neck Michael Green the ministry of works archaeologist In charge of the excavation said It was found in container hewn out of single piece of stone just large enough to hold the skull The Duke of Monmouth It is recorded resided for some time in the Whitehall Palace on the site of the treasury buildings and the place where the skull was found could have been his garden It Is also re corded that when he was ex ccuted the Duke was struck many blows with the axe be fore the beheading was com pleted HEAD UNMENTIONED The condition of the skull have given rise to the opinion that It may have been expos ed fnr time Searches which were made in the Chapeljof St Peter ad Vlncula In the lbwer of London in the reign and Skull 0i Duke of Queen Victoria indicated that port of the remains of the Duke had been interred there but no mention was made of the head In the course of the archae ological excavations made since the restoration of No It Down ing Street was started evidence found has ranged from second century Simian bowls richly decoratéd found under Downing Street to pottery and but floors indicating midSaxon riverside village settlement which existed there from 650 to 850 AD Other discoveries have included pottery porcel ain glass and pipes in use from about 1550 to the end of the nth century Sixteenth century Tudor finds have included more than 1000 pottery vessels mainly drink lng mugs plates creambowls and cooking pots as well as iron tools and weapons gt One of the interesting conclu sions reached by the archaeolo gists is that the 16th century Tennis Court was originally planned and used as banqu eting hall while the other Tud or buildings in the area were still undei construction Viet Nam Force Foils Viet Cong AN BOA South Viet Nam AP Government forces tipped off by spies In the Com munist Viet Cong crushed an ambitious attack by 1200 guer rillas in this district in four hour battle South Vietnamese claimed Sunday few more wins like this and the back of the Viet Cong in the area will be broken said one us military adviser The Communist guerrillas leftbehind45 dead In the ac ti Government losses were listed as 16 dead 35 wounded About four guerrilla battal Ions launched the biggest Red offensive in months against this town Tra Bong and other out postsdn the Tra Bong district 330 miles northeast of about am Friday AnIloa bore the brunt of the attack In which 15$mlllInietro shells were fired almost point blank Into the faces of the guer rillas who drove within so feet of the mussles Saigon at The Word Of Despair to fourth at up tee of addresses no 111 Words hen the Cross cub realty being IIIfled by Rev Gardiner Skelly It the Tuesday larchHour union hs Collier Street 11an Chords My God My God why but thou forsaken me The silence has been long and grim but at len It is broken The weary termin ablo hours have draued by with leader feet And still no bangs In excruciating whlle the la meagre re due of His life eh out on death receding tlde with lid heart Ho bu home It all bu endurance as Its limit He did not or whine He did not beg or plead for privileges avclyl He bears the burden bi at long last tho accumulated load prov es too heavy With the frail body broken the proud spirit yields and so the air Is not with the haunting wail of de spair My God My God Why bast thou forsaken me Taking everything Into con sideration do you really think He was merely here repeating to Himself familiar quotntlon to while away the time as it were It has been suggested that somethlng like this was happening These words of the cry of derelictlon are not orlg fool you see Theyare part of the 22nd Psalm and as such had been In existence and use long centuries before tho cruci fixion And so It has been an sued that In this straightened situation our Lord Is merely us lng them as medllaflonal de vice or even as psychological technique like whistling In the dark to kne anes courage up The conclus on of such argu ment Is to suggest that since He is merely repeating an on cicnt passage of scripture it cannot be taken as partlcular Iy recise or exact expression of Is own feelings Now admittedly we have all made thls kind of devotional use of scripture and very good thing too lvo weeks ago stood beside bed In hospital where the patient was due to undergo extenslve surgery the following morning and we talk cd of theonxletlcs of such situation and also of the great spiritual resources which are available at such tlme And she said to me have so going over my verses of sag turc all day and It was vlous that In those she had an undeniable source of strength and peace We have all found that kind of comfort and heal ing in the great traditional pas sages of scripture Through the centuries men feeling the stress and strain of life have Order Strikers Off Property VELLAND iCP Booting placardbearing members of the Seafarers International Union Ilnd were ordered off Welland shipping canal properly Satur day by city police The SIU members were picketing passage of the North ern Venture through the canal Manned by members of the Canadian Maritime Union the Northern to passed through the canal last Monday escorted by security guards em ployed by Upper Lake Shipping Limited Some so SlU members quietly left after they were told by police it was illegal to pickct on federal property Theirplacards bore the mes sage Locked out referring to CMU members replacing SIU seamen on the ship Ti murmured to their own heart the treasured phrase of the Bible with gratitude and witbt blessing But is this all that our Lord was dolag there Is it an ode usts explanation of His cry of pair to say that He was merely quoting scriptural think not because in the first Instance this Is not devotion al passage of scripture at all There Is nothing In this utter ance to buoy up the droopan ti quite the contrary for agony of these words In suf ilcleot to dispel the last linger ing remnants of hope And so well as this eve Instinct within us compels irreslslably to the conviction that this cry comes from deep within and is nothing more or less than the expression of III souls anguish It echoes with stark realism This Is not lust the meaningless parrotiag of anothers phrases It has about It the unmistakable ring of personal experience WhatIs there here for us to learn Flm of all we see standing out In hlgh relief the utter hideousness of human sln Here it Is stark naked In all Its frightful potential come In the smiling affection of Mills child and sin has slapped Him In the face Thats what the cross really amounts to you know Yes we see here sin which is capable of perpetrallng such re chllofl as that but Worse still we see It as something which momentarily at least ls able to blackout the Fathers presence from tho cruclfled SonWc can never really plumb the depths of the meaning of this cry as it breaks from the cracked and swollen llps of the dying Christ But of one thing we can be ab soluter sure It is this that on the Cross God has not really deserted Him Yet it appears that the whole accumulated burden of mans sin had coml down on Him like thick suffo catlng blanket overwhelming Hlm in sense of desclatlon and cutting off for at least space the shlnlng radiance of the Fathers presence This ls what sin is end what sln does It Is always the brutal rejection of the best that we can know and always the brutal destruction of the best that we can be This Is not something to be condoned not something to be shrugged off This is some ing for which to repent The other thing we may learn here Is that Christ has plumbed the depths of all our human sul fering and so shares to the full each tribulation of the human heart What comfort to know that however bftter the pain or heartbreak we must bear God has been through it all before us and even now stands beside us to share our desolation This Is the ultimate answer to suf fering Explanations and rea sons aro no good They dont make our cross any lighter But what does hely amazingly is the knowledge that we are not alone And that is the menu ing of this cry of despair He who was present In the awful midnight of Calvary is with us still and His love will never let us go Thanks be to God The fifth address In this series eutllled The Word of Victory will be delivered In Collier Street United Church at the LunchHour service tomorrow at 1230 BIBLE THOUGHT rs Lord himself shall deu end from heaven wlth shout with the voice of the archan gel and with the trump of God Thessalonians 416 If you dont llke to think about the Lords coming it Is time to think about your own living Investment Cabins investment forms an important part of ewnomic activity Implementation of public and private programs has an important influence on capital markets Our April Review dismisses the growth of theyarious investment sectors and the outlook for capital investment in 1962 Current investment suggestions are in cluded in the Securities List containing diversified selection of government and corporation bonds and representative list of preferred and common shares Avtopy of our Review and Securities List will be forwarded upon request wear nnémsnnm ALAN so NFss 176Weuingwn Street East Barrie TafqvlwmPAthmy 3990

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