Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1962, p. 7

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SKIRTING THE BAY By EILEEN DEON When it comes to seliin beat woman At least thats expert Her advice is that if you are woman who would like to be captain of her own fate be without ceiling on your income and meet new and interesting people every day the estate is the field for you All ydu have to do is buy yourself an automch ov8n arm yourself with charm personality and poise and become real estate saleswomau REVIEW PROFESSION Inan informal conversation three real estate sales omen in Barrie reviewed their profession They were Mrs Charles Rogers Mrs Glen Scandrett and Mrs Doris Nuttycombe All agreed unanimously that women are becoming more successful in this business They were proud that more women are choosing this field and stated that many offices are trying to obtain more female sales real estate you cant opinion of one woman personnel The most important fact is that there is little any antagonism or discnmiuation against them in the business world Mrs Charles Rogers who works with her husband says its much easier when we act as team It saves time and we have found that with two of us going along it helps break the ice It removes that strictly salesmanbuyer relationship which is so awkward Mrs Rogers who was at one time the only woman in real estate in this city says when couple are look ing for home the wife is chiefly concerned with how many cupboards and closets there are and if the floors will be easy to keep clean one family may not care if there is dining room in the home while another family may want living room large enough to hold grand piano Schools play an important factor when couples with young children are househunting says this saleswoman FINAL SAY She feels that the wife definitely has the final sa the husband may inspect the home and be parfecty satisfied but will never sign on the dotted line until his wife has given her consent Mrs Rogers says men in real estate recognize that women have ideas that contribute to the business and women are treated with professional respect by their bosses and coworkers The increase of women sales personnel who attend ed the recent Real Estate Convention held in Toronto proves that the percentage of women in this field is on the upswing particularly in the larger centres in gntario such as Ottawa Toronto Windsor and Hamil Mrs Glen Scandrett homemaker and mother of four sons says real estate is natural for women fiecause they know what other women want need and The one trend have noticed is the return to the separate dining room great many people shopping for house today want an attached garage fireplace in the living room ceramic tile bathrooms and the all important recreation room says the busy saleswoman UNLIMITED CHANCES Mrs Scandrett says there are unlimited opportun ities for women in this business But she warns its not parttime job She fits her appointments to con form with her own home life as well as to her clients convemence The busy homemaker says she finds women do the looking in the afternoon and the final closing of the deal is made with the husband in the evening The wife is the deciding factor in most cases The hus bands comment to his wife usually goes like this You have to live in it People who have lived in small bungalows are now looking for more spacious homes and the trend to and two story houses is gaining popularity she noted To an already packed agenda Mrs Scandrett adds church work is member of the Barrie Curling Club and is on the executive of the Barrie Minor Soccer Club of which her son Dennis is member WOMAN BROKER One woman in the city is broker which means she is qualified to open her own office and hire sales per sonnel Mrs Doris Nuttycombe who is in partnership with one of the citys leading brokers says that when it comes to selling family home women in most cases have the upper hand But she feels that men still con trol most of the sales in commercial industrial and farms Although she is justly proud of the one farm sale she has completed Good planning is required in combining the role of homemaker and career at least in this business she said Although there is great deal of evening and weekend work Mrs Nuttycombe says it is one of the most interesting and satisfying professions am happiest when feel have sold couple the right home for them and the thought of money does nt enter into it Although it has been said that women in real estate are in it to spend few hours and make Stonéled quick money this is far from the truth she To further her knowledge in the business Mrs Nuttycombe is taking an extension course at The Uni versity of Toronto and is studying in her first year of threeyear course of the Canadian Institute of Real tors On successful completion of the course she will become Fellow of The Realtors Institute and be one of the few people in Barrie and district with this qualification The secret of this female success was summed up in two qualities always associated with the higher ideal of womanhood patience and conscience Shanty Bay Womens Institute Hold Installation 0i Officers The April meeting of the shanty Bay Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Brooks vicepresident Mrs Pa17 secretary Mrs Leviso easurer Mrs Pe Peterson Twentyone members answer ed the roll call by paying their dues The annual reports of the standing committees were read by the oonvenors Arrangements were made to have supper Aprll at 630 for the senior and junior ockey teams at the Commun it 3lilisirman for the election of officers for the coming season was Mrs Prissick zoofficcrl were President Mro tersori district director Mrs Martin alternate Mrs Prissick Standing oommlttee convenors agriculture Mrs Campbell Canadian industries Mrs ss citizenship Mrs Robins Jr education Mrs Robins Sn home economics Mrs McCrack en health Mrs Henson pub lic relations Mrs Levison historical re or ch Mrs Simpson current events Mrs Bownan fl committee Mrs Hickling The meeting closed and lunch eon was served TAli CELEBRATES HER An alterhour party was held in honor oi Tans Ssso who celebrated her seventh birth day recently The celebration was held at the home of Tanal parents Mr and Mrs Tony Saso Mary Street Above Tana is shown front centre surrounded by her young friends Guests included WW THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 1962 NDEA Officer Receives The president of Camp Borden and District National Defence Employees Association Col lins and Mrs Collins entertain ed the executive officers of the local branch of NDEA at their home on Marlon Crescent April The guests of honor were Robert Bolton eastern vice Hillsdale UCW Plan Bake Sale The Hillsdale United Church Women met at the home of Mrs Fisher Gunton April Mrs McGrath presided over the business session Plans are being made to hold bake sale at Gantons store on Saturday April The annual bazaar will he held May 19 The president gave report on the executive meeting of Sim ooe Presbyterlal held in Barrie Mrs Nelson was in charge of devotions with Mrs Dawson os sisting Scriptural reading was followed by reading The Triumph of Love and conclud ed with poem The Cross Was His Own The meeting sed in prayer followed by lunc eon served by Mrs Smith Mrs White assist ed the hostess UCW Meeting At Minesing The regular meeting of Mine siug United Church Women was held in the Sunday School room with an attendance of 12 Mrs Grant presided report of the afternoon tea and bake sale was given Aluncheon and tea were serv ed by the UCW at the Mission ary and Maintenance Rally Iri day evening An invitation was received from St Peters Womens Asso ciation to meet with them in the new Parish Hall April 17 Devotions were in charge of Mrs McLean An object Iession was done by Mrs Maguire The meeting closed with the benediction Isw An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 For Both Body and Spirit Will Be Offered In The SPECIAL Lenten Program of COLLIER 51 UNITED cuuscn mst InThe Chum Delicious Sandwich lunch For Only We In Fellowship Hall from 12 Noon DEVOTIONAL SERVICE 1230 1251 Beginning and Ending Iuuctuallyl Make This Serim Your Lenten Award resident of NDEA and Mr and irs Hopkins Mr Eeltou has completed tour of the military camp and air stations in this district which included Camp Borden AFV Ranges Meeford and RCAF Station Edgar This was his first visit to this part of Can ada but from this on he will be returning at least twice year Following journey to Ottawa for consultation with high gov ernment departmental officials Mr Eelton will return to his home at Summmerslde PEI for the Easter weekend During the evening Hop kins was presented with his past presidents pin by Blairr secretarytreasurer of the localbranclr of NDEA Mr Hop kins sorvedfor four years as the president of Camp Bordon and District NDEA and was pro vincial president of NDEA for Ontario until he retired from the Civil Service few weeks ago Mr Betton also presented Mr Hopkins with testimonial letter from NDEA national ex ecutive token of gratitude for Mr Hopkins untirlng efforts in the field of labormanagement relations for government em ployees other guests included Mr and Mrs Melvin Braymnn Mr and Mrs Blair Mr and Mrs McLeod and Morley Hoffman TH BIRTHDAY Misses Alison McKenzie Mary Ann Maloney Beccy Rodgers Angela Ferrerl Diana Caucll la Diane Cochrane Noranno Sosa Cathy McCloskey Rose anne Sexton Michele Caruso Cathy Kelly and Nancy Swich FOR TOMORROW Misleading influences whore financial deals are concerned continue from yesterday so watch your step in this respect In other fields however you can make plans for carrying out good ideas by midweek FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you could benefit greatly by making plans now for lob and cr business expansion beginning with the latter part of this month You are currently in cycle which generously favors curccr interests cordln to the stars worth while projects he gun now should culminate hap pily by December You really have an excellent year ahead Financial affairs should also improve during the some period and health social and family matters will be under good as pects for most of the year ahead Between June and September look for stlmulatlng experiences in the fields of romance and travel and in late September or early October expect some excelleutmews in domestic nndor property matter child born on this day will be industrious and fairminded but may be extremely emo tional at times DAY AFTER TOMORROW Stimulating aspects should make Monday notable day You should make fine headway in both business and personal TOOTHACHE umt sunr warmly not loud Jim from fluobblfl aln of tool wlthfniastln 11 Pain sou In mun Ellafilled or room out All drug xinm ill orejug Former Newspaperwomcin OTTAWA CPIllrl Eileen Cox administrative head of Carleton Universitys two new student residences has first hand knowledge of Itudcnts problems Her daughters Brenda 22 Ind loan 18 are Carleton undergrads and her Ottawa home is gathering place for many outollowu and foreign students Mrs Cox will move from her home dubbed the annex by visiting students to campus apartment before the residences open next fall The quarters one for 111 men and the other for in women are Carlelonl first since it was established so years 350 Mri Cox youthful 49 with soft brown hair and twinkling brown eyes has been mem ber of the universitys admin istrative staff since 1953 She took position in the registrars office 11 years ago because all of my friends were working Her husband died the first day she reported for work Eileen Cox was born and raised in Yorkton Sask where her father Sam Wynn Il pub In Administrative WHAT THE STARS SAY ESTRELLIIA matters and some unexpected recognition for past efforts is distinct possibility Avoid an tagonizing superiors however FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next three months will em brace most propitious period for enterprises rcquiring initia tive and good judgment Within the next week you enter month cycle promising much in the way of career advancement and financial success but you will of course have to take ad vantage of all opportunities also be willing to assume some extra responsibilities chance for travel could broaden your horizonsbctween June and September and new contracts made then could even tually prove valuable from business standpoint Look for some excellent news of per sonal nature in late May or early June especially good fl nunciol breaks in December of this year January of next child born on this day be endowed with excellent judg ment and anextremciy practi cal viewpoint in business dealg lugs Teething and rotfull Bens vim to dal STEEDMANS for baby Rent for yqu atolls helpid to for dinuffro uium mammalian ledhlw drumam mum Shop novv for the diamond jewellery youve been wanting youll never get better quality at low er price our selection is ferrificl ur CARAT gum in lilillfllllls in on to run our FlllEvlllllllllllflV IOU Gill WEI ill Bill STATEMENT Til GIIII VIIIEIIT nines mans Enormous man is to min $33 Wedding set solitaire with bar uettes diamond band from rMans squarecut diamond with matching side stones 14K 3015 REEva 76 DUNLOP ST UBEOUR CONVENIENT LAXAWAY PLAN Diamond Merchants JEWELLERS LTD 33145 rims cums cox fisher of the weekly Enterprise During summer holidays she used to report social and sports events an easy job hec used to know everybody She graduated from Victoria College University of Toronto In the midst of the depression and moved to Gait Out where aha worked without pay for several months at training school for delinquent girls and then want on staff at $10 month Although she had no you for teaching she ended up Parents To View Gymnastic Display The April meeting of Codriug ton Home and School Associa tion will be held Monday ove ning at 916 pm Following brief business meeting there will be gym nastlc display by pupils of God rington School The display will be under the leadership of Da vid Kcybo supervisor of physi cal cducation for Barrie public schools Grades four to eight will be open and arents of students in these grn es will have the 2g porlunity of meeting the ten ers Post on the academic the onemorn high sdrool never studied no hard in nwllfculdldmparingthou lessons Later she moved to Toronto and was secretary to mining engineer Mrs Cox plans to visit both old and new residence at other universities before the fourlevel residences hero open in the full Board and mom for the aca demic year will be $575 for double rooms and 5700 for Ilnglr rooms Mn Cox says she is getting lot of advice from her daugh ters about her new lob They tell me what Im not supposed to do Mrs Dunsmore Hosts Meeting The Crown Hill United Church Women met at the home of Mrs Gordon Dunsmore for the April meeting on Wednesday after noon The leader Mrs Dune more called the meeting to or der Mrs Gough conducted the devotional section lha subject being Treasures of the snow Job 38 42 The roll call was on Easter verse or thought lengthy business discussion followed Mrs Switzer was hostess for thlsimonth The meeting closed with the theme prayer Travel Arrangement AIR SHIP BUS RAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTAIJ 0K Yohnlon and Co Ltd World Wide Service on costs 101 Bunion Burl ost nu IL reroute IM um YOURE THEIBOSS lwlien you assemble your own ELMPLACE on your own lot and BALL PLANING MILL helps you all the way ONE OF MORE THAN IZO HOME PLANS Most of the time trouble and labour in budding your own home is eliminated with the PrecisionBuilt system at proconstructing wall panels and roof trussesat our factory You simply assemble these panels in position on your foundatifi and subflooring You save mublosoteotyanrhomokstatcndskvugor WALL PANELS AND PARIIIIONS PRECISIONBUILT FOR YOU AT DUI MILL ON vYOUR FOUNDAIION Call In Writ for flu PRECISIONElliI HOME SELECTOR CATALOGUE with sample dill all nluliny III hum and flour plan ylhlsh will you fuin It gt Please Send Me Free Folder on Your PB Hamel NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE undefltnnd there are no obligations can mail would CO LTD 43 ANNE 5r PA c2496

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