prenticeship system is followed She doesnt know whether she wants to Work in large or small office but Vallee Chootler 17 says our days actual office experience is TDarnacrons sar Judg certainly learning what an officcts all about Vailee was employed at the Canada Life Insurance Company eff ice in Barrie for four days SPOT ZONING ment On 400 The Ontario Municipal Board reserved judgment yesterday after daylong hearing on Barrie businessman Lorne Jack sons application to rezone the sixacre site of his proposed luxury motel at Highway 400 and Dunlap Street West Mr Jackson was represented by Bruce Owen The antimo tel group composed mainly of established motel operators was represented by Gordon Mc Turk Mr Owen called number of witnesses to explain why the planning board and city coun oil had approved the rezoning Planning board secretary Ken BORDEN BEAT Johnston said the board had felt that the site was advan tageous and that the project would be in the interests of the city Neil MacDonald former chairman of the planning board said the board could see no drawbacks to the project The site was not adaptable to manufacturing he said It would be favorable to the city in terms of revenue and employment If it is not estab lished in Barrie it will go some where else Dr Scott of the Simcoe County Health Unit testified on the developers plans to supply Dental Technicians Receive Top Training By JIM STOTI My last contact with dent ist was about 15 years ago when school doctor pulled tooth which claim to this day was perfectly sound it is not surprising in light of the above that to me dentists were rather sadistic men in white surgical coats whose main asset was certain amount of brute strength required to ex tract hapless tooth from young mans head That impression of dentists lingered until couple of days ago when visited the Royal Canadian Dental Corps Clinic at Camp Borden This is where dental techni cians and dental assistants are trained for the armed forces The building itself must he dentists idea of heavenor hell depending on whether or not he likes his work It is equipped with 22 operat ing bays many of which have Xray machines and darkrooms attached The building also contains laboratories lecture rooms and store rooms All of the equipment in the building is the most modern in the field Some idea of the complexity of dentistry today can be gath ered from the fact that it takes the army five years to train qualified dental technician This compares to about eigit years on civvy street where an ap Dental technicians are of two types laboratory and clinical Lab technicians are the fellows who make dental plates Clini cal technicians are the ones who clean and repair teeth That is an over simplification of course Dentists are supposed to have the shortest life span of all pro fessional men and asked clinic officer why In civilian practice he said they are terribly ever worked They could work 714 hours day and still not catch up with the demand for dental work They are also on their feet all day which takes quite bit out of them He explained that the service dental corps was better off in this respect and worked regular office hours except for the oc casional emergency At the conclusion of the in terview counted my teeth and left much impressed by the advances in the dental profes siou since my last contact 15 years ago which came close to giving me pathological hatred of all the tribe HERES ONE An armored corps trooper was told to go to Alliston Station and that trans portation would leave Camp Borden to get him to the station at 430 am to catch his train The man was nowhere to be found when the car arrived to take him to the station but he later turned up at his new unit right on time An investigation revealed that the soldier pack and all had walked from Bor den to Alliston to catch his train area HARRY BUCHANAN Harry Buchanan Passes At RVII Wellknown Barrie citizen Harry Buchanan died yes terday at Royal Victoria Hospi ta Mr Buchanan served on Bar rie town councrl during the early 19405 and was an active member of Barrie Lodge No 53 10°F He is survived by his widow Eva Pearce sisters Margaret Mrs Wolfendeat and Maude Mrs Dudley of St Catharines Mary Mrs Dob sonl of Barrie and brother Al bert of Weston Service will be at the Pethiek Funeral Home chapel April at 2pm with interment in Barrie Union Cemetery Mem bers of Barrie Lodge No 63 1005 are requested to meet at the funeral home on Sunday at pm Working at Sterling Trusts was termed valuable ex perience by Terry Laine 17 Barrie North Collegiate commercial student William Lemmon head of the North Commercial department re ported nearly 100 per cent co operation from the various Barrie businesses Reserved ezoning water and sewage facilities by means of well and septic tanks There is sufficient space for sewage drainage the doctor said Septic tanks are glorified privies and useful up to cer tain time Dr Scott comment ed when asked if there was possibility of the sewage con taminating the well No SEEPAGE Murplu chairman of Barrie Public Utilities Commis sion said several layers of clay would prevent any possibility of seepage and there was plentiful supply of water in the area Mr Owen said his client would pay to have city water and sewer facilities put into the site if the experts thought this was necessary The cost of this was estimated at $30000 Mayor Les Cooke said the site in question was an isolated par cel of land which was unsuit able for industrial development He was questioned by Mr McTurk about annexation dis cussions going on between Bar HE and Vespra Township which would involve land immediately to the north of the motel site dont foresee industrial development or extension of water services to the area im mediately north of the site in question Mr Cooke said SAY SO UNFAIR Mr Mcfurk called number of motel operators who said everyone agreed the motel site was an excellent one and in preferred location This they said was unfair Lou Graves operator of restaurant and service station said he had been told by the city clerk that his area could not be zoned highway commer cial because there was no city water or sewage service in the William Caldwell represent mg Barrie Hurania Motel said the occupancy rate of his mo tel was so low that another mo Save On Pure tel in preferred location would be real blow Roy Osborne of the White Towers Motel told the hearing that several years ago he had tried to build motel close to the highway and the depart ment of highways had told him to tear it down in summing up for his client Bruce Owen rlsaid planning ox perts the planning board and members of city council had all testified that the rezoning was good idea He said the pro posed motel would access onto Dunlap Street and not Highway 400 and that his client had compiled with department of highways rules This is matter of free en terprise Mr Owen said You cannot fight progress The downtown merchants complain ed about the Highway 400 by pass The community has con tinued to grow SUBSTANTIAL OPPOSITION Mr Mcnlrk said the avi deuce given at the hearing had shown substantial opposition to the motel Our attacks he said have revolved aro nd the points of zoning and arming The area was desi aated industrial by the professional planners who drew up the citys official plan Mr Mclurk contended the application was case of spot zoning Spot zoning he said is when zoning is hanged in one area for one applicant for one purpose He said there was evidence that the city would obtain ad ditional land to the north by annexation and suggested that these lands would be used for industrial purposes which would no longer make the motel site an isolated parcel of land He also sugested the city would want to extend sewer and wa ter services to this area The hearing ended at 630 Chairman Arrell said the board would probably reach decision within month position in Barrie legal office is the aim of Sharon Hay 17 Sharon was one of 20 North Collegiate students City Chessmerf Beat Toronto The Barrie Chess Club came out as victors by iv points in return match staged last night at the Barrie with West End YMCA of Tor onto it was the largest gather ing in the history of the Barrie sold Max Morris with 28 members playing at one time Eight nationalities were rep resented by the Toronto West End Club This is one game which is recognized as uni versal pastime said Mr Mor rir The Toronto Club also brought along guest player John Rein bergs who has been the Toronto Public School Junior Chess Champion for the past three years Each club had 11 players in competition and each game was strongly contested said Mr Morris The Barrie team included Clorkson Crosble Sles ling Cole Rahder Fetch Capt Stamour Hoff man iulicn Bothner and Hempel Toronto West End Ys team members were Shaeffer Wyn nycky Szalajko Ploszczaski Lorhergs Buliubasic Vermou len Ibach Taylor Hook and Relnbergs Roberts May Call Night Sittings TORONTO CF Premier Robarts of Ontario wamedlthe legislature Friday he may call four consecutive night sittings next week despite plea from opposition parties for level lingoff in the work load He told members he is sched uling sittingreach day from pm to pmincluding Wed uesday day reserved until now for legislative committees There would be night sittings Monday and Tuesday for sure and possibly Wednesday and Thursday as well The government is behaved to be aiming for adjournment of the current session byApril 13 or earlier The usual practice in past years has been to adjourn the week of Good Friday which is April 20 this year The usual night sitting begin MondayTuesday SPECIALS White Granulated ESUGAR 5IB BAG gt3cv 45 Save on Eclipse Canada No Grade Creamery BUTTER lLB PRINI Stockup At Saving Of 20 Cartonl CIGARETTES ALL POPULAR BRANDS $The CARTON OF 200 Shop early in the week for extra value at your friendly POWER store oc Wellington St BARRIE PLAZA who spent four days working in business offices throughout Barrie Condor and Sung law office provided Sharon with employment for four days Trudy Derochie 15 said she will work in larger centre than Barrie probably Ottawa would like to he personal secretary eventually she CIAL STUDENTS FINISH TOUR OF DUTY IN LOCAL BUSINESS OFFICES said Trudy worked at The Examinersbusiness office for four days and is seen here with staff member Babe Fo ley Examiner Photos Local Offices Interesting Say Students After Working One girl had the measles but other North Collegiate com mercial students finished four days of field experience in Bar rie business offices yesterday in program organized by the heads of the commercial departments of North and Cen tral Collegiates all third flnal year commercial stu dents will spend several days gaining actual experience in offices this spring the North Collegiate class finishing yes ï¬rday and Central to go out in ay were very pleased at the WEATHER Forecasts issued by the weather office in Toronto 430 am Synopsis Cloud is forecast to spread northward across most of the southern regions of On tario today with threat of rain for tonight and Sunday Cold air covers northern 0n tarlo Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Southern Lake Huron Lake Ontario regions Windsor Hamilton London Toronto Clouding over today Cloudy with chance of some rain late today and Sunday cooler winds light Northern Lake Huron Georg lan Bay regions Mainly cloudy today and Sunday little change in temperature winds light Haliburton Timagami Cach rano regions North Bay Su aim at 17111 and carrying on as late as midnight may be foreshorteaed next week Im prepared to accept the suggestion that we keep things within limits when were going to meet three or four nights in succession the premier told Opposition Leader John Winter meyer Mr Wintermeyer had sug gested that with committee work nearing an end the legis lature could hold brief morning sittings and cut short the night discussions nearly 100 per cent cooperation we received from the business es in Barrie William Lem on head of North Collegiate commercial department said today In some larger schools he continued the students stay out in offices for longer periods and In Niagara Falls the students spend their entire last year attending school in the morning and offices all aftxeirnoon where they get pa He explained that although longer stay in on office would be beneficial the Barrie stu FORECAST bury Mainly sunny today clouding over Sluiday Little change in temperature winds light Algoma Sault Ste Marie re gions Cloudy with snowflurrtes ending this morning Sunny in tervals this afternoon clouding over again tonight Variable cloudiness Sunday little change in temperature winds light Forecast temperatures Law tonight high Tomorrow Windsor 35 45 St Thomas 35 45 London 32 45 Kitchener 32 45 Mount Forest 30 40 Wingham 30 40 Hamilton 45 St Cathar 45 Toronto 45 Peterborough 42 rlreoton 42 Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Knpuskasmg White Rive Moosonee Sault Ste Marie 40 40 40 25 CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 555 THE PUBLIC ARE coroner INVITED TOATTEND THE PRESENTATION OF IHEClTIZEN oriHrvrAR AWARD from T0 In Heart rHeBArRIrBRANCH ROYAL cANAaIANchIon COLLIER SkiMbNDAY IVAPRII Ata45pm dents could not afford the time away from school In the Falls he said they are running fouryear course therefore they can afford the time Ours is threeycar course COMMENT ON IDEA The four young people in the accompanying illustrations had few comments pertaining to the plan Sharon Hay l7 warkingin Condor and Sugg law office said The legal secretary is such specialized person that much of what she has learned in school will not apply direct 1y Sharon says she will stay in Barrie to work and she hopes to get into legal office after she leaves school One week is not really long enough to learn as much as one could Terry Laine 17 re marked But what have learned in here at Sterling Trusts is very worthwhile Trudy Derochic 18 working at The Examiner office said she wants to go to larger centre probably Ottawa after she leaves school would like to be personal secretary eventually she said Vallee Chantler 17 working at Canada Life Assurance Com pany said she cannot decide whether or not she would like to work in large office ora small one But certainly am learning what an office is all about and when go to get job later this year wont be so nervous about it One boy Tony Pearson has spent the week at Barrie court learning the court reporters job Others have been in busi ness offices all over town And of course Julie Youell another of the students missed out entirely at home with the measles rs voun3 nasr our for House IIEIING NOTHING DOWN Easy payments over YEARS on monthly gas hills gt $1430 ilrniiniitiiltt4 eluding ilhaol and tar tlrllll II conflict ll remit lerllllg hutu Inln Instr $530 llliflré£ itd mart furnaces CHANGEOVER CAN BE DONE FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREEIURNER SERVIBEf vour Gas umpny can not employ doorIo dnul salesmen nor illc hone canvassau to information about one In licensed bythl ottoman fittest svra mznmrmCEla it 91 TORONTO sr PA sassr