Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1962, p. 13

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RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT LRXIIIIZD fwd room basement nonmetal Heal hydro and Iran cry laciiiuer Included Oakley prrk area Near our aura Ila nearly Telephana PA amc oar awn Two Bedroom Apart menu ler rent unrumlahed heat rd reaame nuance close to Well Lea Plan Reasonable Tel phone lA 65705 115 R00 sell contained apartment in modem triplex with tuning and parking facilities Central loerrion Available April Telephunr PA class POUR mm untumlahed apart meat for renL One block mm Pest Uiilee Private entranee Avulab immediately Telephone PA or Iurther tnlormaiion one bedroom apartment unrurnished stove and relnarraior Ground floor Central Iectian suliahle tor one or two adults Telephone PA Mbll Ursruhhlsnao rsu contained latter apartment or rent llaateo aunpth modern kitchen and human heavy wirint Telephone PA 65m YER CENTRAL Two bedroom Apartment to new buIIOLIIl Stove Ind relrlgerator auPphtd Iy rartlliiea also any Telepho lISIAIRI unmmlrhed apart rsrnt tor rent Separate entrance private bathroom rains Avail lvlz immcdlllely Ilephont PA 5277 or PA Lasts rim nthiOoM salt contained Aparlmehl or rent Heated Garn included Children welcome $1 per month In Allandala district Tcltphoh PA cmu TWO BEDROOM healed apartment located on st Vincent street North bottom floor of modern triplex Available soon s53 per month Telephona PA IDZIM nurtTON in Three room um lttrnlshed apartment to rent Oil ated hot water stove and re Iricerutor Private hath Apply to centre st for turtber information XELFCONTAINE upatlln part meat store rclrt rs bu tar and arkina Pmtlfli ivast Bo Plan Aduiu Avaliah immediately Telephone PA 61151 Turin ROOM unfurnished heated apartment selfcontained Central location Oilstreet parking Avail able now Telephone PA Moon or lurtheP inlomalinn NEWLY Decorated two bedroom apartment In modern apartment building Refrigerator and stove Laundry and parhtrix laciutier Atlliahle Immediately $100 per month Telephone PA em sUNNIDALs residential area might spacious newly decorated two bedroom apartment stove ro irlseratur balcony and laundrK tnlt rludcd monthly TEIeP an PA asset atter km ruurt ROOM tnrillth artment Ilratcd refrigerator and heavy duty stove hardwood noon three piece bath Available April II Apply Armstrongs hardware 90 Dunlop Street Zest UNPURNISIIED our room apart ment with bath Upper duplex Heat and hydro supplicd One hiock north or Post Olflcc Child Itn welcome $65 monthly Tele phone PA 750 NEW AND Modern one and two mam apartments Overlooklnl srnic Kempcntelt Bay Ileat wa tcr parking and itnitor service included Automatic wuth eiiiiies PA gasoz THREE R00 Basement Apart mm heated seiccontalned rate bath Ratrigcrator and stova Partially Iurnlshed Telephone PA aslzil or PA and for luther Iri Iormatiom MODERN newly decorated one and two bedroom apartments tor rent Centrally located with water and heat supplied Telephone PA am or PA N183 tor Inrther in tornation AVAILABLE Now Two bcdmom uniurnishcd apartment Heat and water supplied Selicollthined East and location on DIX mute $75 Icr month Telephone PA atria rUlLNIaIIUD or Unturnlsbed Apart ment heat and water aupplled Front and back private entrances Three picca bath Two minutes walk irom bus terminal Tele Phona PA 102 YARTIALLY Furnished lovely large two bedroom apartment bots oi cupboards Near East End Plaza Iew blocks ironr beach gallium AprII 15 Telephone PA is CENTRALLY apartment or rent stove and rerrlgerater supplied bedroom private ent ranee Over Filter Queen orrlce Available immediately Telephone PA dam IMMEDIATE Occupancy Centrfl Iy located cxecuttve apartment with private balcony The rooms tastelully decorated stove and refrigerator optional with auto matic washer and dryer Telephone PA 34350 or PA Maxi UNIulmlsman self contained apartment consisting or living room kitchen bedroom and bath room fiangette nilIterator and living room drapes supplied Kent 5370 llnonutly PA 82485 or PA 211 hitLsz two bedroom apartment ls square root living room ple lure window patio 555 per month Two room Apartment 530 Flvl plus rooms 555 All large rooms separate entrances separate batha New triple overlooking Highway bus stop at Hawkestonc Tele one 531 are station Pumsnn cottage Private sell contoined neat hydro and water paid Near downtown washer stove and rmlgerator Clean and comrortahie Available April 1st Bedroom lirlngdlulng room ldb ehen emcee bath utility more Good neighborhood Telephone PA c7150 atter pm Two nounoosrs kitchen stove and retrlgerater Living room din ihg room electric dreplacc surl bath Hardwood floors undry with dryer In basement vate entrance trout and rear garage Hot water heating Adults only No pets Very central loca tion Available April Rent has manthy Contact curt Brown Realm phone PA soul PA mu loeated APTS HOUSES WTD WANTED Furnished house up ariment or cottage in Dalrte are for month or July Three adulta Write Miss Moore 51 old mu Terrace Toronto Is Out ROOM 8r BOARD ROOM AND utith available in Illlvatc homo Tclcphnntt PA 87333 Room AND BOARD available or young gentleman nunlop and Bradford district Telephone in Loam or Iurther Intormatimt ROOM AND IIOAIID the two to airnro large room separate beds Good meals Very reasonable Tele phone PA 04710 or apply 13 Brad lurd street COMFORTABLE ROOM and board In private home two pcnplc rep sraie rooms central location parking Telephone PA nus ror turther details RENTALS koéms To LET FURNISH bedroom or beddt uu room available in printl dauihl rant rod on has rout PA um alter run for rent to quiet home for gentleman Close to downtown motions PA L1H tor rurther Information Blufil iumished hourekeepina room Stot and relrigenter Amlt Pie Parking West end location PA Mini intlellxD Bedroom Ior rent to Todd home two blocks from down towo Homz privileges Partinl araiiaole cut weekly Telephone PA um for turlher details rURNIsIIm light housekeeping or rent with separate oath and cut rance Parking available In Allan dale district Clara to bus stop Telephone PA um PERMANENT Roemar peoslanar or steadily em loyed gentleman Rater re outbi the week or month Kitchen privileges Telephone PA NM between to anemoona or to evenings runs on rails comma or uniamirhsd rooms All convenieoc ed Raffllerator Ilova Suit hush be couple Telphone PA euro or apply hunipp st iv ARTICLES For SALE NEW BICYCLES All SizEs From $3450 Complete with chain guard kick stand tool bag tools bell chroma rims balance wheelrll necessary See ThfimTcgtday At FIRESTONE STORES 88 Dunlop St PA 66585 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner II you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall phatogra phcrs please at our oust ness Oificc Wc art sorry we cannot accept houa orders Glossy Prints $100 IO $125 plus tr SIMCOE DIST CQOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Molfat RCA Victor TV 259 INNTSFIL STREET PA 66531 ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful Items stored in your attic garage and closets It you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING EARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 SALE SALE Were Moving from as Mary St and cant take It with us to R058 sr UNCLAIMED AND TRADEIN Radios Televisions Car Radios Phohograplls Sale Friday evening and all Saturday TELESONIC Television Service 36 Mary St COIN COLLECTORS W9 carry complete stock or com catalogues and coin folders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlop St st Barrie SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced air new oil or get $1100 FINANCE RATE Used Oil Burners for sale PHONE PA 60391 Pmco Television or sale at gluten lbland wrdolitrxght iron Lllisu eh can phono PA 84661 395 Tee aora ICE CREAM Machine with milk ahake attachment like new cost $2300 hargaIIi ior quick aale Alan Iathecue Kingcooks to la chickens At once in excellent condition Telephone PA M111 ARTICLES For SALE Ire has cAuIAN accordion 315 or hell ouer Telephone altar In PA mot cumn with ease or II In alie1w condition Ttlsphont PA curs mus auto at or month Telephone PA Crescent menu to Duoiop St West MANS MART ilaxlii handknlt specter tire 4042 maroon with gray and white dill item only three times Hi Telephone PA 3453a altrr pm AivNINCs in loot rollup INIan eonrplete Iallh rolier Also fool pullup awning both in road cum dition Apply Red and White store Lelroy aPALDING Golf Ciu woods live Irons and putter also oar excellent rondillon only lid dak starhlatie Camera with carry in care takes black and white PA woos AslahchN teol quick ehanra ylalrle with accessories 11 Jones shioman press drill Moms taper adapter and drills Ill Alklru power backsnt alter and Decker valve relerr black and Decker valve seat mutter Sunnrr pinhela hone machine vel Alro contain atlon sink washing machine ish washer Apply aluewater Vyct Telephone Elia a1siv BOATS MOTORS CEDAR STRIP Poa good con dtinn Telephone PA H3806 ALUMINUM Cartop lost Ii hp motor boats suitable or cottage in Ilp Johnson la Cum Apply Agnes Dame ARTICLES WANTED CEDAR POSTS wanted IO buy 4wa to iv hllghion nor in Durham Ontario or telephone Allen Park in colored and clear Ianml let sets banks pine iurnliure or what have you Write Po Box In uarrie FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small udimpla removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA ETISI cuilcctj or ask for ZENITH 91130 INO CHARGEI 14 hours day7 days weer ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Faxmeud Ontario Licence No 172152 NICK Montague Prop VESTOCK so itEANED PIGS for rate Apply William Edgcrton Crown Hill for Iurthcr details IIOLsTaIN IIEIFzrt for salt years old due middle Apply Charles an or Essa Townahlp Is REGISTERED and Grade sut foik Ewes with lambs Adverll Yearling and LyeProm Ewes Alro Ewes with lambs at fooL Priced reasonably Telephone Cookstnvm 4534556 FEED SEED GRAIN aml IIALIzs mixed hay Im sale Altalra and aroma At Palnawiek Telephone PA itIul POULTRY 8r CHICKS SPECIAL Spring Sale on started Pallets weeks old We weeks old vac 12 weeks old 3119 All birds vaccinated and delivered Contact Ilendcrson started Chick Limited tclephone 54511 Seatorth Ontario FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Rrowh Beatty Farm Equipment 17 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS MASSEY RARItIa special trac tor good rubber Al condition Would like to trade Ior cattle Telephone Aulslon HE 57310 be tween 121 or atter pm AUTOMOTIVE color or rotor sudr TelepbooaI AUTOMOTIVE moron CARS FOR SALE I960 CHEV CORVAIR door sedan mislom radio window washers and backup lights 11000 Original miles This car cannot be told from new Two tone blue with spotless interior new tires real buy al only 8675 with 10 down up to 30 months on the balance ur highcsl trade ale lowance Phone PA $7031 BAY CITY MOTORS LIMITED 45 Bradford St PA 37033 957 STUDEBAKER Silver Hawk with automatic transmission custom radio new tires tone paint brontc and beige tires as new This cari owned by local teacher me ers name on request Priced at the ridiculously low figure of 075 10 down Phone PA 87083 BAY CITY MOTORS LIMITED 45 Bradford St PA 87083 rintcriar See VIAU For RAMBLER VIAU MOTOM LIMITED 17 COWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE sT PA 61321 961 METEOR Montcalm hardtop This Is just like new black finish wIth red Equipped with power steering power brakes dual range transmission custom ra dio and whitcwaits Complete Iy equipped right down tdtitc rubber bumpcrcitcs low mileage one owner car OWncrs Items on rcquat You own this nearly new car As low as 10 and up to 35 months on the bal ance BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone PA L708 185 PONTIAC Scdln One owner car Automatic transmission Very good condition Owners name on rcquest 5450 Telephone PA lilflBJ Eh 1951 AUSTIN for sale Coed con dltllarl NEW tvalve Job Good new on car us all IlTeie 70 phone PA 1352 CHEVROLET coach power glide low mllealc In good condl tlon Telephone PA 197 for the ther Information last CHEVROLET Western car Vcry good condition $250 Radio and block heater Morrison Angus Mobile tlomc Park Row Trailcr Angus ma CHEVROLET coach twotone Radio windshield washers Very clean Good tires six wheels Would consider trade or older model Telephone PA Moo Isse DUICK four door top privately owned in cxccilcnt cons ultion radio automatic with pow er steering Telephone PA 34688 after run 1951 MONAitcH Hardtop Two tone paint custom radio This car is In exceptionally good condition Only $195 For appointment to ace coll PA Moss 1955 DODGE two door coach One owner car Very clean and in good condition with custom radio This one is real buy at $379 Call PA a7ne3 or turtber pap ticulare MOTOR CARS FOR SALE I957 BUICK Roadrnaslcr convertible with all the line car appointments This is real beauty with lull power equipment including steering brakes windows scat antenna automatic transmis sion custom radio In gleaming white with contrasting genuine leather interior Its just the car for the sunny days ahead and yours for only $1799 with 10 down and 30 months to pay for those who qualify BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone PA 87083 I960 FORD FALCON Deluxe od cl door in gleaming black contrasting blue interior For anyone looking for economy this one cannot be beat Low mileage real beau ty Priced at the low Iigure of $1595 with 10 down No pay ments till June Phone PA more BAY CITY MOTORS LIMITED 45 Bradford St PA aIosa WANT TO BE HAPPIER DRIVER Buy new car new with lowcost liieilisund SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA mo uiLLMAN or sale Not running condition aest oifer Telephone PA b1409 1951 OLDBMDBILE iotLi door hard top Automatic custom radio white wall tires allvtr gray and black with matching interior An outstanding buy at us down and take over payments at stun per month Telephone PA woes 1952 PONTIAC foul door 855 Front lenders and grill ror 1952 Ford $20 Also steel bar good or farm trailer sit Telephone PA 66919 1556 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan is In outstanding condition Cus tom radio two tone paint and white wall tires Owners name on request Take over payments at 51750 per month Telephone PA Muss TRUCKS TRAILERS 1351 ram 99 Pickup Truck for sale with stock racks heat otter over 515 Telephone 512 Mlnesing MOBILE HOMES MoarLI ROME for sale in reel two bedrooms completely tarnished newly painted Tcla spbone PA BSIOI week days after pm PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN APRIL SPECIALS 25 OFF PERMS $350 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 17A Dunlap SI EPA 6473 17 Essa RoadIA 89811 No appointment necessary 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP HouaLREuPER Cook lea In and take complete charge at large home children Automatienp pliancer Liberal time oil $100 monthly Joan Garrick PA 661 CLERKTYPIST Lady larsinail plhht omcc lilust he good typlst and accurate at ligurcs Fiveday week Apply at Canadian Wira Brush Company PA BSIIBI TYPIsT or general oiiice work Varied duties to include lllIng telephone and some dietphone work Iiveuiay week Apply in This Is own handwriting stating an edu cation expcriehce it any to Box I1 lillrla Eulmllihr I0 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE YOUNG MAN For general olfice and store work typing capericnce desirlt able Must be good in mathe malics minimum grade In ex perience not necessary Excel lcht opportunity or advance ment into sales EXPERIENCED MAN For hardware department lot building supply business YOUNG LADY For iuhior olficc cicrk typing filing etc Experience not nec eatery Apply in writing to The Ball Planing MiII Co Ltd 48 ANNE ST BARRIE ItArRDRhssLRs male or lentla Salary and commission Experienc ed Apply Joan Darnell Hair styl lrtl so Maple Avenue BarrIs MALE HELP EXPERIENCED Dry Cleaning Presser QUALITY WORK STEADY POSITION Apply NUSERVICE CLEANERS 14 HIGH ST BARRIE OFFICE MANAGER Good opportunity for the right person Must be experienced and capable of taking tull re sponsibility Apply in person to BRISTOW ITlJ 8t DUIILOP ST WEST BARRIE RADIO COLLEGE or ANADA TRAIN Nowiv ciiucr In Dioetro ict Courses tur Autobla4 ar Computers Dullic Television Communlcr tionr lterldent clnses flirt May it to Toronto Ind Montreal Hull Stu Courses Alan any tlmc rout rtedie Cells Kin St TOP MARRIED MAN required lor dairy farm Relorenccs preferred Apply to Doll la rue Ex sINaLa MAN require for work Must have experience Good wages steady employment start immediately Write herds Barrie Examiner PAItM HELP IInlIc mm to take lull charge of small dairy farm Must be able to be reliable and honest Top es Write Box 20 Barrie Bitmin GOOD MAN to sell membershth tor Ontario Motor League Can adas oldert motor club Comm slon hasls hill arPArtttIIns Con tact Norman Crane Box 15 lim valo Ont Telephone mw AUTUMOTIvD Parts Wholesaler rcqulIcr top notch salesman with car to cover Barrio and orillia area Commission basis All replies strictly confidential Contact Har ris Auto Electric Dunlap st West arric rouNG MAN with commercial ed ucation background to learn cost accounting with opportunity to take cumpiclc conunl Reply rtac lug ago adoration experience If any to Box 13 Blflid Blmloer ADvrmTlslNr Salesman aggres slve sclfaslartcr looking to go pla ces required tor daily paper in the heart or Ontarios greatest tourist region Youth promotion ability and plenty or ideas are what we are looking ior in man who has had basic training on one or more or the smallcr chain papers in space sales promotions and attaches layouts Prererence to the applicant with regional ad vertising sales background Write with lull particulars ample and reierencer to Donald Williamron Assistant Publisher Murkeka News 12nd Banner Cravenhurrt Mur okr TEACHERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SCHOOL AREA N0 APPLICATIONS are invited for Teachers Schqu year com mencing Sept 1962 Minimum $320000 with Annual Increment Cumulative sick leave plan in effect Slate references qualifications age experience it any name of last inspector and if available for interview state telephone number II LOUGIIEED SecretaryTreasurer Painswick Ont EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL GIVE day care to Dmichbol child in my home in Eut end Telephone PA 32m DAILY CARE given to children in my own home Mnndhy to Friday Will call Telephone PA diets I3 AUCTION SALES SIMCOE COUNTY SHORTHORN CLUB ANNUAL SPRING SALE Barrie Fair Grounds APRIL 1962 part 15 BULLS AND to FEMALES Lunch Available Ontario Government Bull Pram lurrt Policy in ellect on all tellt ed and qualified bulls For catalogues write the Secretary HARRY RUMNEY Midland RR Ontario LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR OR GARAGE ls titers anythingthere you can sell Iol cash Hundreds 01 people use Examiner Want Ads to scllarLIclcs they no longer need want or use PHONE PA 824 I3 AUCTION SALES 0mm AUCTION SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS IPROPERKY SALE NO M760 Approximately 51 acres of land and 1way brick house with frame addition at the rear frame pack barn small frame outbuildings situated at Pt Lot 25 Concession Township of Vespra County of Simcoc located approx miles north of Barrie on Highway 400 AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE N0 M315 Approximately 06 acres of land situated at Pt Lot 33 Cons fission Township cl Vespra County oiSlmcoc located ap prox ll ties northwest of Bar rle mot on the West side oi Highway 400 AUCIION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE NO L431 Approximately 9016 acres of land situated at Ft Lot 35 Can cession Township of Vospra County ol Simcoc located ap proximately Il miles northwest of Barrie ironlihg on file west side of Highway Nil 400 Sales will take place on the iormcr Wilson Property Pt Lot 25 Concession Township of Vespra commencing at 130 RM EST WEDNESDAY APRIL 1962 TERMS $50000 Cash or Cer tified Cheque Payable to Treas urer of Ontario at time of each sale balance payable in 50 days Further information may be obtained train The Auctioneer Ahderfig Plowman and Colwlll Victoria Harbour Ontario Telephone 506R22 0R Department of Highways 335 Saskatoon Street London Ontario Telephone 45145450 =Spica subject to rtscrve bids DDPAlerllilNc lllqllwhirs ONTARI Hebert Leads Azalea Open WILMINGTON NC AP Jay Hebert shot threaundcr par 69 Friday and moved into onestrokc lead in the $20000 Azalea open golf tournament ftttjle hallway mark with 177 One strokebchind was United States Open champion Gene Littler who had 68 Friday Veteran Jim Ferrier the first round leader shot 72 for thirdplace tie at 139 with Dave Marr whose 66 was the best round at the tournament so for Jerry Mugee at Toronto shot 72 for 143 total while Al Johnson of Montreal and Stan Leonard of Vancouver fired 14 and 78 respectively ior 144 totals Shaved Linesman Kuryluk Fined OTTAWA CPIMch Kury luk forward with Sault Ste Marie Thunderbirda or the East ern Professional IIuckey League was lined $250 Friday for striking linesman Frcd Harr risen in league game at King ston March 72 In making the announcement league presidcnt John Urle noted that Kuryluk denied hav ing done more than giving the oliidal push Urio said Whether It was shove or blow deliberately struck is immaterial Kuryluk had absolutely no right to touch an otiicial and such con duct will not be tolerated Urie saldtile line was being imposed because penalizing the player by preventing him lrnm taking part in league contests would have had little effect since the Thunderbirds in last place had only one game to play Kuryluk has been called up by the parent Chicago Black Hawks for the National League playolls By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Proleseloaui APt 37211122515935 3874 3273 22504 as 25 to 260 210 32 27 31 11 229 265 as North Bay 2337 913022355 Marie 17421120728515 llridayl Results Saultste Marie tiKitchener North Bay Sudbury HullOttawa Kingston Sundayl Gamer Kitchener at Hull NorthBay at Sudbuiy HullOttawa Kingston Kitchener SudbulY TAKES BOWLING LEAD WINNIPEG ICPIRcd Glas scr of Regina piled tip 934 points in the first flvcgamo block Friday and took 544 point lead in the eighth annual Canadian Idpin singles bowling championships Doll Leady of Edmonton was second with 930 InI0urlh pluce Was Toll CIIIIII of Leamington On with tliil IIItlbi won the national title lnr last two years HOCKEY RECORD MINESING By MR5 PERCY MUIR Little Ana Marie daughter Mr and Mrs Harold Atlanta had the misfortune to break her arm that week Miss Diane Langlandl of Burks Falls It visiting with her sister Mn Donald 0rd ard Our congratulations in Jun Wood and Sid McIariane who were married at an evening ceremony at Burtnn Avenue United Church on March Mr and Mn Keith Morrow Mn Weatilcrbee and Mrs CGrarit were In Toronto on March 18 Eldon Adams who retired ironi the Department of High ways after 15 years of serv ice will honored by his fellow employees onIrlday evening March Is lie was presented with platform rocket and smoker at surprise gather Ing at the highway harm to Allandalc Eldon expressed his appreciation and we join with host of friends in wishing him many years of retirement Mr and Mrs It Harvey ol Beaten were recent visitors at the home 01 Eldon Adams Mr and Mrs Charles Grant visited at Archie ltlcthba at Stroud on Friday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kch May on the birth or son and to Mr and Mrs Albert Mcrrett on the birth at daughter Bill Adams Cihlr Priest and Glen Adams were on listi lng trlp to Mattawa during the weekend WA MEETING St Peters Anglican Church Womans Auxiliary met at the home 01 Mrs Fcysloh or their regular meeting The meeting opened with hymn 565 Mrs Lord lend lnprayara and Ill any The Bible reading at Psalm 51 verses to II was read in unison Program can vcher Mrs Lighthoum gave an interesting talk about the Womens Auxiliary of its found ing in 1805 by Mrs Roberta Tmon flMlJIIe primary reason or rnlgslonnry WOIk In various licids Fiitccn years ago the organization became 1i wom oils Auxiliary tho It Biican Church at Canada 6r9 drawn together for the advan4 cement of Gods work in prayer work and stewardship Minutes 01 the last meeting vcre read and the correspon dence dealt with Roll call was answered with verse prctaih ing to Lehtfi Some business was discussed Irs Lord closed the meeting with prayer Mrs Foy ston served the ladies del icious dinner before the meet lng BIIXTEB Mr and Mrs Ivan Brock wcli and daughter Carolyn Bradford spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harv Wal kenL Mr and Mrs Mchury and daughters spent Sunday with Mr Meharys mother at Orangevillc Marion Wood Camp Burden LEGAL T82 mam EXAMINER lAflRDAY ll SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS visited In days with flat Bear family The DOHA held it eucbra session with It tablet playing Prixe winners were Mrs Duhgey Mrs Hare Valeria Pohlire1llnl Mann Maurice hfillcr Philip McLeIlan Draw thnerr Mr Sindelal Mra Wayland Maurice Miller Wendell Bears went by plane from Trenton to attend his fathers funeral at Prince Ed ward Island Mrs Robert nIrribuII has re tunled after spending week with bcr minimum and daught er Mr and Mrs Calvin Mcs Afce Durham Friends and neighbor of Urquhart Toronto learned of her sudden death in forum hospital Mr and Mrs Urqu hart hava cottage and spent tome time here each summer Mr and litre Dali Cameron and children St Catharinca spent the weekend with Mrs Camerons parents Mr and Mrs Elwood Gauicy Mr and Mrs Bob Cameron and family Barrie vlsitcd Suh day afternoon with Mrs Cam crohe parents Mr and Mrs Elwood Gauley SECOND LINE FLOS By MRS JOHNSTON Mr and Mrs Stewart Jami csoh had the misfortune at bad fire on Sunday morning when their home was almost destroyed by fire Fortunately they raved all their belongings but it will necessitate lot 01 work to maka It livublo again Mr and Mrs Juck Johnston and lamlly of Wycvaic Mr and Mrs Neil Kennedy and Mn Edward McGrady and family at Hillsdule were at the home at Mr and Mrs Ale lun Johnston to celebrate the birthdays at Mrs Wesley Johnston Miss Linda Johnston and Master Wayne Johnston whose birthdays were on 24 26 and Ill 01 March Sliver Maple Vomcns lhstlto tile are quilting qullt to be shown at the Quilt and Rug Fair this fall After the long stormy wint er the Sccond Line tolk are glad to see the snow melting away Mrs Anne Pearl of Willowd tile visited couple oi day that week with Mr and Mn slsy Johnston fill and Mrs Robert Magtlit new ruled by Mrs But an on figure and Mrs Russell Marshall élfiiad visited and Mn Del oyd at Hamil ton on Sunda Mr and Mrs N50 now were guests of Mr uidlMTl Oatway of Orlllia on Mr and Mrs Donald Hub bard and baby at Toronto werg Sunday visitors with their par cuts Mr and Mrs Jack llubv hrrid Mr and Mrs George Martin and Jcan were guests at Mr and Mrs George sum and umin oi Wyeval On Tuesday hi April Hillsdale Presbyterian WA are holding an Easter tca and have invited the surrounding churches Mr Stone will be the speaker PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS WM NHINTON BA Barrister Schltor and Notary Public 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 1839 BOYS SEAGEXM ROWE Earrlsterl solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancers etc Branch otiice Elmvaie Ont Dulce Ia Owen st Barrio PA 05511 Rowe QC Seugram QC Gordon Ieskey CONDER is SUGG BARRISTERS SOLICITORS do NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDEIL BA SUGG BA 12am Duulop PA 156 COWAN 8r COWAN BARRISTERS Ross COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 54521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and solicitors Collier SL Barrie ID PA dHOI WILSON MOORE BARRISIER 8r SOLICITOR 11 OWEN ST PA SOLIS SMlTH McLEAN Huber Smith QC Arthur McLean Bruce Owen Canisters solicitors etc iii OWEN ST PHONE PA Mm East HARRIS NEEDHAM 8t WRIGHT Ccrtlflcd Public Accountant Toronto and some aarrie otriee Wilson Eldg Pred Grant street PHONE PA 83397 Noeoham CPA Underhill CPA Resident Partners ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accaulltaan Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA 69 Collier St Phone PA 84941 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared tor exantinatlona or the Royal Conservatory or Music Toronto All grader and ARCT ilodern methods Studlnt 27 aradrord st PA ram THE DAVIES or CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMt 217 NAPIER sT DARRII ANGUS ROSS BX Registered Mush Teacher instruc tion Plano Theory COIChInB In French Lntill other school III lesu Di Rush 51 Barrie PA E5775 OPTOMETRY GLADSTONE CURRIE QC BARRISTEII Is SDLICITDR Law Omcca at Wilson auiidlng Fred Grant street aarrle Ontario Telephone PArkway item FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE cosT Convenient Torin WordY IL Burl PA um ROBERT SMITH RO OPTOMDIrtlsT to man Close Wed artrrnooh 53 Dunlap St El Blfli PA szsss NOEL STEPHENSON RO DPIDMLTRIST Dunlap St Elfl Burl Ph PA Mfll Anvzltma THE BARRIE EXAMINER i5 PHONE PA 8H

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