By PETER MOON It is hard to believe man leaves no trace after he had lived full life married travel led and started what is now one of Canadas largest daily news papers Somewhere there must he in formation on Andrew Armour who worked as printer for The Northern Advance in Bar rie in 1083 left to start The Calgary Herald the same year and sold it in film In 1885 he started The Medicine Hat Tim es and sold it before disappear ing apparently to California In three eventful years this man was known to he married mg On ExBarrie Printer llie and his wife were active workers for the Methodist Church in Calgary In 1503 lie travelled from Barrie to the Canadian West and then on Into California He founded The Calgary Herald which is now trying to find out who its faunv der was The Barrie Examiner has been conducting an extensive search for clues that might lead to some further informa tion about Andrew Armour His age place of birth and death are all mysteries Yesterday the hunt went into the records of the Simcoe Coun ly registry office which total Funeral Services Are Held For Pioneer 0i Mrs Annie Ellcner Lennox died at her home 28 Park side Drive recently after lengthy illness Mrs Lennox was born at Clowns in Oro Township on November 29 1370 She was District the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Thornton In 1893 she married John Lennox of Clowes at Edgar Congregational Church and moved to their Moonstone farm where they lived for 30 years Following the death of her husband Mrs Lennox moved to Dalston and lived with her sister and brotherinlaw Mr She and Mrs Alfred Wood later moved in Barrie Mrs Lennox taught Sunday School at the Ciowes Method ist the Edgar Congregational the Moonstone Presbyterian Dalston United and Barrie Cen tral United churches Memorial Bibles have been placed in Central United Church and Moonstone Presbyterian Church in remembrance of her One brother John and nine nieces and two nephews sur vive Rev Cecil Brena conducted the funeral services at the Steckley Funeral Home Burial was in Dalston United Ceme tery Relatives and friends from Yellow Grass and Sovereign Sask Windsor Toronto Peter boro Churchill Egbert Edgar Crown Hill Dalston Moonstone Orillia and Barrie attended chlPPLED amtanew some nuts You Can Help By Supporting The EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN amp so CHILDREN To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE MRSI ANNIE LENNOX Pallbearers were Mrs LenV noxs six nephews Paul Erb of Yellow Grass Sask John Church of Egbert William Jawks of Toronto Gordon Duns mnre of Crown Hill MacLean Emms of Orillia and William Moran of Barrie FEATURING SDLOIST DONALD KNIGHT Dundns Skating Club sun EMMS THE CLUB EIGHT TICKETS ON SALE AT BARRIE ARENA BOX OFFICE RESERVE SEATS $100 PER PERSON more than million files and go back to the founding of the county in the dried cracked documents and faded ink of the copper plate script on them are to he found the names of every person who has ever owned land in the county Every property owner whose name began with on was checked and out of several thousands only two Annours were found One was Russell Armour at Glen Huron who has already been interviewed as reported in yesterdays Examiner PURCHASE The other was John Arm our who bought 200 acres of land on lot one concession it in Nottownsaga Township He bought it from Angus and Mary Blue on April 24 1357 for 400 pounds Shortly after he bought another area of land nearby The old deed showed John Armour as resident of the Township of York in County The land was sold in 1894 by Walter Armour of To ronto as executor of John Arm our who hnd by then died search of Simcoe County probate records revealed no Armour will and neither did the County Surrogate Court will re cords County officials said this indicated John Armour was an absentee landlord who probably lived in Toronto or York Who was Andrew Armour He does not appear on county property records Barrie tax records nor in old directories or reference books Barrie oldtimer Fred Grant was interviewed yesterday and he could not recall Armour He had neither met him nor had he heard of him even though both travelled extensively and probably in the same area at the same time and in the same trade The mystery of who Andrew Armour was remains Any readers who have any inform ation that would provide clues are asked to write to the man aging editor of The Barrie Ex aminer GEORGINA DOUTHWAITE and cast of over 200 local figure skaters THE BARR COLLEGIATE BAND The Junior and Primary Production of SLEEPING BEAUTY York lildermens Phones Ring On Margarine city council issue on the question of colored margarine has kept thc phones of Barrio alderman ringing this week Council voted Monday night to delete finance committee report item endorsing on On tario Margarine Committee relt solution to have margarine col ored at the factory Finance committee members Prank Hersey and Murray lllIIis brought in the report in favor of having margarine col ored at the factory Clarence Cumming third member of the finance committee was against the recommendation recorded vote was held with council voting to to have the item deleted from the report Those who voted against the motion to delete the item and in favor of colored margarine were aldermen Frank Hersey Earle Williams Gerry Roberts Murray Mills and Everett Emms Aldermen Charles Newton and Clarence Olmming who both have business connections with farmers were the strongest op ponents oi the move to endorse colored margarine We represent the city oi Barrie Alderman Hersey sold The molority of the people in the Barrie area are not form ers think most people in Barrie particularly housewives would be in favor of having margarine colored at the Inc tory This thing is an injustice in favor of the farmers LOCAL AND GENERAL SCHOOL BUDGET special meeting oi Barrie District Collegiate Board will be held in the staff room oi North Collegiate at Mon dny to adopt its udget for 1962 The finance committee of the board has been working on detailsfor some weeks WILL PRESENT FLAGS The Kempenfelt Trumpet Bond will receive three parade flags on Sunday from Barrio citizen Mrs Nellio Alkor who celebrates her 89th birthday to day will present the flags to the bond on Sunday at King Edward School on Burton Ave llirs Aiker has been Barrio resident for 60 years ever since she arrived from Lnncashire England The band has no flags she said so Im giving them Union Jack and two CanadianEnsigns These are things parade doesnt look right without IéRESCRIPTIONS we alwayl give promllt Courteous It our doctnr about our pilnmyucy next time be lite Prescription for You Pre an lions pcke up In antlerEa free of chatu CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunlap PA 8505 colller st PA Mm BARRIE SKATING CLUB pm you Jaw 4mm 6mm VA BARRIE ARENA SATURDAY MARCH 31 PM REIIES POUND prasomarrr Hunters can begin planning ahead for their hunting com Ennions next fall No young ounds are boarding at the Barrie dog pound Both these dogs are too young to hunt right now said dog catcher Bob ilallett hut now In the time for the hunters to buy them for $3 and train them during the summer Next foil said Mr Hollctt the hunters will be paying $30 to $40 for trained hound Both the male hound above and four other dogs are available They can be seen at Robert Street Borden Landmark Being Demolished One of Camp Bordens most famous landmarks is falling under the wrecking bar With In few days the building that was known to tens of thousands of exservico men as tho Sally Ann will be only memory and pile of used building materials This large frame building which was on the corner of what is now called Falolse ond Oriana Roads was built at the beginning of the Second World War Shortly after it was erec ted it became canteen and it was run by the Salvation Army and many citservice men who were at Borden during the war years will have mem ories about these people Because of the canteen the life at wartime training camp was mode little bit more bearable one official said After the war this building was remodelled and it became two chapels one for Catholic and the other for Protestant servicemen and their families Within recent years two new chapels have been built near the permanent married quart ers Both are now in use therefore the old building is no longer needed and Is rop Ldly falling under the wrecking DIX liirman Witness Against Friend Aircraftsmnn William llinrtln of RCAP Camp Borden drove friend LAC Hugh Parks into Harrie yesterday in Parks car Parks drivers permit was suspended lastlJuneï¬nd is still under suspens appear ed in court Maggiday charged with driving car while his licence was susp ndcd Chief prosecu on witness Aircraftsman Martin You drove Parks hero in his car to give evidence against him queried Magistrate It Foste Ye said Martin who then left to drive friend Parks back to Camp Borden after he had paid his $40flne mr BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 30 its Lamp Caused Fire Police Informed Artist Ernest Taylor told In vestigators yesterday that the fire which killed his wife and six children and destroyed their cottage home near Coilinguood started when he tried to it ht an oil lamp to finish pa ntA ing Mr Taylor was taken to has pltal in Coilingwood suffering from shock and burns to his face and arms after neighbor found him lying at the roadside several hundred yards from his burning home it with thought at first he had returned home from trip to Colllngwood to find the house on fire The artist told provincial police officer yesterday he had arrived homo about omand had decided to finish paint ing The house had no elec tricity so he fit on oil lamp It flared suddenly he sold and set his clothes on fire ltfr Taylor said he ran out side to get rid of his burning clothes and by the time he had done so the house was burning too fiercely for him to rcvcnter lie then tried to get in through bedroom window with an axe but was driven back by the flames He told police he did COUNTY NINTH MOST POPULOUS Simeoe County Is the nin th most populated county in Ontario according to the 1961 population census The countys population increased to 141271 persons from 127016 in 1955 Counties exceeding Simcoe in population are York 1733108 Ventworth 358837 Carleton 352932 Essex 258 213 hiiddlcsex 221422 Wa terloo 170754 Sudbury 155 fl52 Veliand 164741 Allandale Drugs Changing Hands Allondale Drugs Limited Essa Road will change hands April It will be operated by partnership composed of Doug Armstrong Miss My Christian and Roy Livingston Mr Armstrong has been as socintcd with the company for 10 years Six years ago his partner Doug Hunter died Mr Armstrong continued in the business as partner of the Hunter Estate and manager of the business not know whether his heard his shouts lr Taylors wife Michele and six children including yearoid baby died in the fire Constable Elmer Ferguson of the icaford OPP detachment said no Inquest would be held The artist is in satisfactory condition at Colllngwood Gen erat and Marine Hospital Beads Blocked By Show Storm CHICAGO AP spring storm left roadblocking snow up to eight inches deep across northeast North Dakota Thurs doy and scattered mixture of snow and rain nomadplagued Iowa ond Nebraska Cold air pushing into the cen tral US nipped spell of balmy spring weather but eased flood threats in some sections by slowing the runoff from melting show halfinch of snow on Nor folk Nob where flood waters from the Northfork River rclt ceded slowly after washing over 100 residentio blocks and much of the business cn of the city of 13200 population The flood threat was improvli lng generally in eastern Ne braska where several hundred persons have been driven from their homes wife But flood dangers mounted rapidly in scattered cities in town The Floyd River rolled into the communities of Chero kee Le Mars and liinton in northwestern town At Sioux City city of 89000 population 175 families were evacuated with the flood crest still to come Cherokee was under four feet of water In spots and 75 families were evacuated there The enst ern half of Hinton was evacu ated and the national guard was called out BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 56531 Smooth friendly satisfying Dow is always the easy drinking best in beer BLENDED HARLEY MALTS illllililfli BMW help make it so Perfect malts from ï¬nest Canadian grains specially grown for brcwmg blcndcd in the special Dow wa for uniform flavour an gumnmdprmm Thats why more and more men agree 00W