KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON ZESTY SALAD Theres nothing nicer during these dreary days before Easter than zesty salad which should perk up the appetites of all members of the family Spring may be just around the corner but before we reach it we must face the dull dogdays Its time when spirits and appetites need lift and theresno more pleasant way to lift the appetites of the family than with sparkling springtime salad The crunchy crispness of green pepper chunks and fresh celery blend with the tangy freshness of grape fruit and pineapple bringing taste of south sea fruit groves to your dinner menu When these ingredients are presented to the family in shimmering mold of jelly its sure thing that there will be requests for second helpings PERFECT CENTRE PIECE This attractive salad is also perfect idea for the caloriecounting members of the bridge club who wrll welcome it as an afternoon snack instead of rich cake and sandwiches Garnished with devilled eggs and ra dish roses its pretty buffet table centrepiece and an excellent Sunday dinner treat We hope that you will find the recipe for Orange Parfait Squares useful and that it will bring touch of spring to your dinner table GRAPEFRUIT PINEAPPLE SALAD aoz pkgs GrapefruitPineapple Jelly Dessert cups boiling water cup cold water cup grapefruit juice drained from sec tlons tbsps lemon juice cup grapefruit sections drained cup pineapple tid bits 14 cup green pepper chopped lé cup celery chopped in boiling water Add cold Dissolve Jell Dessert water grapefruï¬md lemon juice Let partially set Fold in grapefrul ections pineapple green pepper and celery Pour into cup mold Allow to set hours Ser ves 1012 ORANGE PARFAIT SQUARES 15 oz can evaporated milk 2V2 cups graham wafer crumbs oz pkg ApricotOrange Jelly Dessert cup boiling water cup cold water 12 cup sugar cup lemon juice cup mandarin oranges dralned Refrigerate milk until icy cold 34 hours Line bot tom of 13 pan with onehalf graham wafer crumbs Dissolve jelly dessert in boling water add cold Water Chill until partially set Whip until fluffy and light Whip chilled milk until stiff gradually adding sugar and lemon juice while beating Fold this foam into jelly Pour mixture into prepared pan Top with remaining crumbs Chill until firm Cut into squares Serves 810 99 NO LONELT PETUNIAS IN THIS PATCH lm not even gifted with green thumb said Mrs Hart of 246 Wellington Street East as she spoke of window full of petunia blolt omlng in March which she has grown with tender loving care Mrs Hurt planted the seeds from last years plants in December and now they are like small trees and cov ercd with myriad of blooms As you can see by the photo above the plants fill the living room window of the Hart residence lcndlng an air of spring to the de cor Above Mrs Hart is shown watering her indoor garden Mrs Harts other THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 28 limb7 Springtime In Paris Tea Planned By Collier UCW The monthly meeting of Col lier St United Church Women was held March is in thel re creation room The president Mrs Chisholm welcomed the me hers and the meeting opened with the singing of hymn Mrs Johnston was in charge of the worship service Mrs Johnston took us her theme What is the Task of the Church Mrs Stewart sang solo Following the worship 5ch ice Mr Knox spoke to the indies on the need for new members for the choir The minutes of the Febnl ary meeting were adopted as read by the recording secre tary Mrs Rowe Correspondence was read by Kempenielt Division News Of Canadian Girl MUSICAL TRAINING Eightynine applications have been received for the special musical training program for Georgian Area of the Canadian Girl Guides Classes will be held at St Andrews Presby terian Church and will com mence March 31 at 10 am Marion Hayes and Doreen sto ot of Toronto will he the in structors representing the Pro vincial Music Commissioner Mrs Dewdney Applicants from all over sim co County include Brown Owls or Captains in the Georgian area The program is planned to stimulate musical interest in packs and companies Classes will provide instruction in sing ing games folk dances and camp fire songs for guiders Coffee and donuts will be served at 930 am and bqu fet luncheon at noon Each dis trict is asked to supply nine dozen cookies and to send an LA representative to assist with serving The guiders of the division are asked to assist in setting up the tables for the luncheon Acting commissioner Mrs Kilgour was hostess to com bined meeting of Central Dis trict LA and Guiders Council Mar 14 It was reported that the card parties held March through March 10 were quite success ful Prize winners included Car ol Jones Vera BristowhHow ard McFadden David Kilgour Corkan Helen Thompson Gracey Livingstone Don Jones John McNabb is Ste wart Beckingham Hazel Williams Barbara Anne Kelly Sherry Cooke Fralick and England Plans were discussed for co okie day to be held May and for the trip to Toronto April oto see Lady Baden Fowell One girl from each pack and company is to be chosen for this visit Names of guides hoping to attend the Allandale District camp were requested as soon as possible Assistance was asked of LA members for the Music Tram ing Mar 31 Mrs Gracey urged that all guide companies subscribe to the Council Fire publicat lon The group will meet again April 11 at the home of Mrs Corkon 86 Eccles St Third Barrie Parents Com mittee will hold rummage sale March 30 from to pm at St Andrews Church Hall For pick up call PA 63024 or RA 6007 DIVISION EXECUTIVE Kempenfelt Division Execu tive met at the home of Mrs Martin Mar 19 The 21 girl guides and brow nies chosen to represent Kemp enfelt Division at the Lady BadenPowell Rally April will travel along with the Mid land group Those selected will meet at Trinity Parish Hall Collier St no later than 530 pm in full and correct uniform Mrs Bruce Gray who will be guiderincharge of the Kem penfelt group requests that the 52 fare he collected by the district commissioners and sent to her as soon as possible It was urged that all memb ers of the movement strive for full use of the patrol system from the company up to all levels DIVISION DINNER The annual dinner meeting will he held in June with the date to be announced when confirmed The coconvenors will be Mrs Winters and Mrs Bobier Each captain and brown owl is asked to compile the report of their years activities and send it to their district com missioner as early as possible Since reports will be present ed in book form this year it is imperative that they are in the hands of Mrs Woods no later than May New views new ideas and fresh enthusiasm are always necessary ingredient for sue cessful organization The districts of Kempenfelt Division have been asked to send at least one new mem her from their group to work for guiding on the di ision lev el These people need not have any other guiding connection but must be sincerely interest ed in the growth of the move ment CAMPING map and compass weekend is planned for Otter Lake Sept za 29 30 The quota will be to guidersand 24 patrol lead ers Since this is Georgian Areo event it means that PLs will be sent from each division There is also room left for blue guiders in the procamp training to be held at Bonita Glen in May International camps will be beld in Canndain 1964 and national camps in 1967 Guides This will include 1200 to 1500 girl guides from across Canada to camp in Ottawa as part of the Canadian Centennial obser vance Camp themes will be historical or geographical Brownie Day will be held in Orillia on Sept with Wendake division presenting their Brownie Frolics Each adult leader is asked to go prepared with singing game Tentative plans are also un der way for patrol leader training in the early fall Proposed changes in the re aders badge for guides were not accepted by the group but all agreed to having only one First Class badge even though some girls may have to take alternative tests due to phy sical handicap It was felt that any girl passing an equivalent test should be able to wear the red first class badge and not be made to feel inferior by wearing different color than the rest of the guides total of $6483 was sent this year from Kempenfeit Div ision to the World Friendship Fund This was most worth while effort and while some groups fell short of expecta tions others greatly surpassed their quota motion was duly passed that an International Division Fund be set up with all mon ey raised by the districts de posited thera to be used by any guides or guiders travel ling to international events from throughout the division It is anticipated that three guides and perhaps at least one guider will camp this sum mer in Great Britain GUIDERS COUNCIL Innisfil District Guiders Co uncli met at the home of Mrs Frank Carter March It with representatives from Alcona Beach and St Pauls in atten dance Among the topics discussed was cookie day the Lady Bod enPowell rally and both the music training and the train ing to he held in Midland Problems methods of financ ing new groups and community support were also given much thought It is very necessary that these newer packs and companies have the full coop eration and support of both the parents and the community as whole GUIDE SHOP Did you know that there is guide shop in Georgian Area All guiding needs can be sup Mrs Newton She reported that bequest had been made through the will of the late Mrs Murray Brooks Mrs Armstrong paid tribute to the late Mrs Brooks and spoke of the great interest she had in the work of the Unitcd Church The treasurers report was presented by Mrs Stephens and was adopted Committee reports were pre sented by the various chair men The ladies were reminded by the Supply committee of the need for good used clothing for the Overseas Bale which is to be packed in May Mrs Ross Stephens reported meeting had been held by the bazaar committee and it was decided to call it The Four Scésons Gilt Shop it will be held Nov 14 Mrs Chisholm reported Spr ingtime in Paris tea is to he held May and by Mrs Pratt and Mrs Bart Simmons Mrs Kearsey reminded the ladies of the rummage sale to be held April 14 The representatives of the various units reported on their meetings held the previous month Mrs Knox spoke on be half ofthe Mission Band and asked that assistance be giv en to the children with their tea to be held May 26 Mrs Steele was in charge of the program for the even ing and her topic was The Total Mission of the Church She told us of the many ways this was being done The meeting closed with the singing of hymn with piano accompaniment by Mrs Small talents include baking her own hrcad excellent qual ity as the photograper can testify Irene Brace Heads League The Ladies TenPin Bowling League held meeting Monday night prior to league play for the purpose of completing plans for the remainder of the sea son and electing new execu live for 196163 The vote was unanimous that the league continue play for the point system until after May 21 with playoff dates set for May 23 and June lntcrest was keen regarding the election with 20 nominees standing for the offices Elected as president was Irene Brace with viccpresi dent Alma Lewis Mrs Pat McGuire was reeiected as secA rotary for another season banquet will he held at the close of the scheduled season at which trophies will be pre sented to the winners compli ments of the management of Holiday Bowl Named President Of BSP Sorority Mrs Harold Nichol was cle ctcd president of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at meel ing held at the home of sor ority member Miss Joyce Cai dwell The remaining executive Is as follows bliss Faye Wolfe vicepresiden Mrs John Mere ritt secretory Miss Janet Bes sey treasurer During the business session letter of thanks was read from the Red Cross Blood Donor expressing thanks to members who had donated blood Miss Irene WaIson reminded members of the coming conven tion in Sault Sle Marie It was announced that the Founders Day Dinner will be held at thcCommunity llouse on April 30 At this time the girl of the year award will be presented and the ticket draw will be held for the tra nsistor radio The program You and Your Audience and Express Your self was given by Mrs Lorry Gilliland and Miss Fay Wolfe The next meeting will be held in the form of pot luck supper at the home of Miss Baltersby as hostess Members are asked to wear on Easter bonnet of their own design debate on whether married no men should hold positions out side the homc or not will be discussed by Itirs Bruce Whitc Miss Kay Buckley Mrs Max Judd and Miss Janet Bessey Annual Spring Tea To Be Held May 30 The date of the spring tea for the Senior Citilcns Club of Barrio was announced at the business meeting of the Soro ptimist Club by the ways and means committee The date for the annual tea has been set for May 30 The event will be held at the Loyal True Blue Hall High Street Mrs Dorothy Vance has be en appointed convcncr of the event Plans were discussed for the pot luck supper to he held at the home of Mrs William Pratt Mary Street on April 11 COUPLE PLAN APRIL WEDDING UNITED BAPTIST Church Woodstock NB will be the setting for the April wedding of Miss Anne Elizabeth Grant and William Albert Empke of Ottawa The brideelect is the daughter nof Mr and Mrs Robert Mowatt Grant of Woodstock New Brunswick The bridegroomelect is the son of Mr and Mrs Empkc of Barrie Mr Empke is graduate of Trinity Col lege University of Toronto and is present taking post graduate work at the Carlton University He is employed as finance officer with the Dalston Womens Institute Elect Executive For 1962 The March meeting of the Dalston Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Torn Coward with 14members and one visitor answering the roll call rural sound that ap peals to me The president called the meet ing to order with the Opening Ode Mary Stewart Collect and the Lords Prayer The min utes of the previous meeting and correspondence were read and dealt with The members decided to send donation to the Red Cross Committees were appointed for the spring tea to he held April 28f Mrs Bert Massey conducted the election of officers which are as follows president Mrs plied here and it is urged that everyone support this local ag ency Send your mail order re quest to Maude Arnem Ltd Oriliia Ontario RADIO AND lTELEVlSlQN All Work Guaranteed PA 82059 MONARCH REFRIGERATION Allan Brown vicepresident Mrs Handy secreta treasurer Mrs Torn Coward assistant secretary treasurer Mrs Harry Wright district dir ector Mrs Lorne Jory Convenersmf standing com mittees as culture and Can adian dustries Mrs George Salisbury historical research Mrs Harry Wright citizenship and education Mrs Mark Sponagle home economics and health Mrs Al Grad public relations Mrs Stan Watson auditors Mrs Clarence Brown and Mrs Gordon Jam The meeting ended with pot luck lunch The next meeting will be held April III at the home of Mrs gm Treasury Board Department of Finance in Ottawa The brideelect received her Bach elor of Arts degree from the University of New Bruns wick The wedding will take place at 330 pm April 23 for limited time only ONE FREE BOTTLE IN EACH CARTDN off regular price HIST BEVERAGES MusKoxA Phone FA +2112 orlula Gordon Jory gt Planning Wedding We will gladly Help you select your entire Wedding wardrobe Make suggestions as to appropriate colour coordination Advise on acomsories Recommend drssmakor jadric 820on or Hanson is Collier sc ANN LANDERS Knitting With Knots Kins Knotty Problem Dear Ann Landon This is problem too tough for me to handle My grandmother is Kl years old wellmeaning and sensitive She is proud that she can still knit without glasses Last Christina Grandma knit sweater and several pairs of socks for my husband Grand ma feels hurt because she has never seen Howard wear her creations if you could see the sweaters and socks youd under stand She runs out of yarn and the dye lots dont match One armhole is four inches smaller than the other She makes up her own designs and they are pretty awful The socks just kill Howards feet She tied knots in the heels and the knots give him blisters He refuses to wear the socks and can hardly blame him Every time we see Grandma she asks Win Howard isnt wearing the things she made for him Help please AQUAMARINE Dear Aquamarine Tcll grandma Howard wears her cfeations only on special occae slons One day make it special occasion deck How ard out and make mil on grandma He can change socks in the car LEAVING TIIE NEST Dear Ann Lander Our daughter is attractive encr getic capable and active in everything from politics to ath lctics Bclh excels in cooking sewing and music and she has won prizes and awards galore With all her accomplishments Beth lacks confidence and she is painfully shy Our big prob lem is that she doesnt want to go away to college because she cant bear to leave home Last year she attended 4H cons vention and was mlserablethe entire week She said she ens ioyed the program immensely but fought homesiclmess and tears for seven straight days Our son on the other hand can be away from home very easily He doesnt have her drive for excellence however What can we do about Beth Should we let her attend local college or should we insist that she go away to school DILEMMA Dear Dilemma Children can not live forever under the pro tective wing of home and par ents Parents usually pass on first and the individual who has not learned to fend for himself is in for serious trouble Urge Beth to go away to school If she is utterly terrified at the prospect permit her to spend one year at local col lege If after year she re fuses to leave home she should have therapy The umbilical cord if not severed by then could strangle her permanently Dear Ann hinders am writing to complain about money am 10 years old get 40 cents week The boy who lives across the street from me is only nine years old He gels 50 costs week do lot more work than he does In fact he doesnt do any thing He doesnt even take his own bike into the garage when it rains What is the answer to my problem UNDEIIPAID nearunaemsu Whats your problem If you tell me what You do to com the 40 cents week might be able to tell You if think youare under paid As for the boy across Ihe street kids who collect money for just breathing and arcnt ex pcclcd to do anything in return for their allowance usually have their problems later So cheer up pal youre in better shape than he is Confidential Ia Ready To Give Up Your husband must tell his brother to get off his highclass qualifications and got lab Any job Give him ten days to go to work and kick in 15 per cent of his pay for room and board laundry etc SALLYS SALLIES either alluring or exotic CAMERA CRAFT STUDIO Appointments For Weddings Child Photography Commercial Photography lpcclai offer Camera Craft Studio will take air soiulcly NE the Wrtmit or any brideth rm your enzalcmnt plo tun taken now Appointment made It both ltorcs 37 Dunlop St West Fred Grant Street PA 83927 Free Shopping Draw THEY SAY THIS HAS SAVING STAMPS BEAT BY COUNTRY MILE WHY DONT YOU TRYIT T00 HERES HOW IT WORKS Just Fill Out Ballot showing Amount of Your Purchase Every Weekend At Least $5000 Of These Ballots Will Be Drawn Winners Can 8801 FREE To Amount Shown on Ballot YOU MUST save roux rare and rnasenr rr rro wm HERE ARE LAST WEEKS WINNERS Mrs Duckwortb Centre St Angus Harvey Millckcn 16 High St Barrie Mike Weber 73 Owen St Barrie Mrs Balkweli 147 Worsley St Barrie Karol Fannon 139 Berczy St Barrie II Berry 168 Dunlap St Barrie Carol Graham 10 Ferris Lane Barrie Mrs George Grant 37 Blake St Barrie Orville Potvin 52 Worslcy St Anthony flackcy 82 Dunlop St Barrie $465 45 $124 sens $229 $139 53 53 $597 Mrs Hansen Barrie Mrs Curtis Mrs John OHallo Lelroy Phelpston Mrs Tom Gatenby Box 46 Lisle Albert Bums Mt Gifford Mrs Paddlron RR New Lowell BONELESS ROLLED PLATE POT ROASTS Ill hum none our SHORT RIB BLADE ii 47 MEATY DELICIOUS crosscurlmAsrsu 55 FREEPAIR OF SHOE LACES T0 EVERY CUSTOMER WHITE BROWN OR BLACK FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS $500 UP HAIIIIMONDS HOME DISCOUNT 21f COLLIER ST PA 60961