THE BARRIZ EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH fl i962 MineMill Union Roars Defiance At Red Taggers TORONTO tCPlA militant retort In its toes came Monday from the latemational Union of Mine Mill and Smelter tork ers under fire from rivals some of its Canadian members andin the United Statestram federal boards investigation of Communist infiltration international President John Clark who joined the union in 1908 at Phoenix BC roared unlt qualified defiance as the union began its 57th convention and the first held in this country First conventionfloor discus sion at resolutions was sched uled today after report by Canadian President Ken Smith The live day convention has drawn 200 representatives of the unions strength set at 100900 In the metalmining industries of the continent liir Clarkin an opening ad dress and in the officers report he read later castigated the archrivai United Steelworkers of America which leads iurisdic tioaal raids on Minelilll in both countries He said he is confident the American section will win the fifth in series of attempts to find former or present union leaders guilty of Communist in fluencc This latest test arises from report of the us sutr versive activities control board last December The report recommended that AlineMill be labelled Commu nistinfiltrated and hearing is pending Mine lllli would be barred from bargaining for its members if such an allegation is substantiated tilnehilll ls barred from at liliation with central labor groups the Canadian Labor Congress or the American AFL Cloand is vulnerable to raids lmm affiliated unions hlr Clark and Mike Solskl president of hiineitlilis eastern division bore down Monday on the situation at Sudbury where Steel has launched determined takeover bid The vote results among the 17000mcmbcr Local 598 the Canadian Wings larg est are still tied up by Nine Mill charges of Steel irregularl ties Local 598 officers have with hcld dues to the national union or year and have no repre sentation at the international convention hlr Soiskl said the Sudbury certification vote brought by the United Steelworkers had been conducted in an atmosphere of hate confusion and corrupt practices never before heard of in the trade union practices of this country New Tune Plays On The Old Fidel HAVANA AP Premier Fidel Castro assailed old Com munist militants Monday niflit for believing they are the only ones capable of leading the Cu ban revolution He accused ono of them Anial Escalonte of creating real chaos In Cuba to enhance his own political power Castro charged that Escal ante top planner in Cubas march toward communism had sought through personal ambl tion to model Cubas new mono lithic political party along his own sectarian lines The Cuban leader denounced his Communist aide in radio television address before con siderable number of ranking government members in the studio audience Castro did not specify that Es calnnto had been dismissed from his top posts but indicated he had saying We have come to explain the separation rt this companion whom we consider culpable Escalanle saeyearold foun der and former editor of the Communist newspaper Hoyt only two weeks ago was named to the 25member national di reclorate of the integrated rev olutionary organizations known as 0er Last year he was given the job of welding all Cuban organ izations including Castros 26th of July Movement and the Pop ular Socialist tCommunistt Party into single party to be known as the United Party of the Socialist Revolution It was in carrying out this task Castro said that Escal ante abused the confidence an trusted in him and tried to create an app atus to pursue personal onds Babysitter Convicted 0i Beating Boy Given 2Year Suspended BRANTFORD lCPt Mrs Barbara Hodge 27 convicted last week of beating three yaamld boy whom she was minding was given twoyear luspended sentence Monday and ordered not to take care of chil dren other than her own Mrs Hodge mother of ï¬x can Seeks To Go Back To Russia THE HAGUE Reuters Aiexei Golub Russian nuclear scientist who was given asylum in The Netherlands last October because he wanted to work in freedom was in the Soviet Embassy here Monday night arranging to go back Dutch foreign ministry spokesman confirmed that Go lub wants to return to Rossia and has asked for his passport The Dutch government vestigating whether the deer on is his own free wish the spokes man added Golub and his wife visited The Netherlands together with other Russian tourists last October The scientistdecided not to go home His wife refused to stay in Holland When she left there were clashes at the airport between Dutch officials and Russian em bassy staff that led to the re turn of the respective ambassa dors to their countries At the time Golub said he had planned the night because he wanted to work in freedom TRADE CENTRE Nagasaki the first Japanese port to accommodate Western trade is on the west censtot Kyushu southernmost island LEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY MARCH 28 1962 745 pm JACKPOT 9000 LEGION HALL COLLIER ST children admitted striking Rich ard forio after iii eboy and his sister were left in her care by Mrs Ruth loolo Feb 13 She said she previously told him re peatedly to dress and come to breakfast the boy spent week in hos pital with back arm and leg iniuries Magistrate John Shillington said he decided against jail term for Mrs Hodge because this would in effect punish harv Twp children EBES+SOMETHING iISHY ABOUT THESE Heres the winners of the 2nd annual Lake Simone Ice Fishing Derby Shown above are to Byron Hamil ton Uxbridge first prize wln her who received plaque and $100 for lb ii oz trout Art West Dow Brewery sup ervisor holding plaque in scribed with names of annu al winners Charles Cnrman oi Oriiiia winner of plaque and 350 second prize for 1h oz Whitefish and Harold Van Vyck assistant senior conservation officer Depart ment of Lands and Forests IN PBOVINCllll HOUSES BC Power Debate Ends In Shouting By THE CANADIAN PRESS Committee debate of bill merging the 30 Electric Com pany and the 30 Power Com mission turned into shouting match in the British Columbia legislature Monday The outburst began with an interjection by Waldo Skilllngs SCVictoria as Alan Maclar lano LOak Bay was attack ing provision of the hill tor bidding court action on matters concerning the Social Credit governments expropriation of 80 Electric last summer Mr Skillings shouLEd across the floor the Liberal member stepped short turned to the government backbencher and shoutcd That Is rotten scurrilous thing to say Mr Skillings and Premier Bennett leaped up to demand withdrawal of the Lib erals statement and chairman Alex Matthew SCVancouver Centre agreed the remark should be withdrawn Mr Macfarlane said he would withdraw only if Mr Skillings withdrew the interjection lle accused me of being on the pay roll of the 30 Power Corpora tion he said and thats an insult to my reputation TOOK COURT CTION 80 Power Corp has ob tained Supreme Court injunc tion placing assets of EC Elec tric in receivership pending the hearing of an action lodged by the corporation former owners of EC Electric against the takeover and compensation set by the government Premier Bennett demanded that the chairman name the Liberal MLA requiring his re moval from the chamber Mr Matthew appeared to be losing control of the shouting match and Speaker Hugh Shantx stepped in to extinguish the blaze of oratory in the end both members withdrew their offending words By the end of the sevenhour sitting the government had gained committee approval of the hill and had pushed through third and final reading ota companion bill amending terms at the 130 Electric takeover Developments in other provin cial houses Edmonton Mike Moccagno LLac La Eiohe introduced motion of nonconfidence in Health Minister Dr Donovan Ross and asked that his salary be cut to $1 year The motion was voted down amid laughter from the Social Credit govern ment supporters who hold all but four of the legislatures 65 seats Toronto Health Minister Matthew Dymond announced plans for bursary fund to en courage budding doctors and dentists to practise in rural and outlying areas of Ontario Toronto May Tax Old Woodbine Bets TORONTO CmCity council Monday unanimously endorsed proposal to impose onepor cent tax on all bets placed at Old Woodbine racetrack Controller Donald Summer ville who introduced the resolu tion estimated the tax would bring the city more than $400 000 year in extra revenue The next step is for council to seek provincial approval to levy the tax iTsTHENurArHisNumrsri Feature Time 735 and 950 pan Dflf flfllflivltlfltfWfiifll SIEGE 0F SYRACUSE 700 and 1025 TODAY ONLY TOO LATE BLUES 845 pm Adult STARTING TOMO FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE WINNERS Awards Were presented at din per in the Compass Restaur ant Newmarket The con test run from Jan to March in Entrim came from all over Ontario and Northern New York State More than 5000 fishing huts dotted Lake Simcoe this year ffnllfnx Premier Robert Stanfield said the Nova Scotia governments reluctance to go to United States financial markets has paid off in that the prov lnces debt hasnt been in creased much by the drop in in value of the Canadian dol lll China Paid $108Billion For Wheat OTTAWA CWVeterans Af fairs Minister Churchill said Monday night that Red China has paid 31011900900 in cash so far on its purchases at Cana dian wheat and barley Exports to date have amounted to $190000000 he said Mr Churchill was acting for Agriculture Minister Alvin Ham ilton on bill to extend the powers of the Canadian wheat board for further five years Canadas wheat sales to China are on basis of zipercent down payment and semainder on credit terms Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA E2414 IMPERIAL STARTS WED ggï¬ Inn cm or ruouuusx sonar ONLY six15 MAN IN THE MOON SEBGEIINT TELLS CRIME PROBE Kelso Roberts Stopped OPP Gambling Raiders maonro or Provincial Police Staff Sgt John Anderson told Ontarios royal commission on crime Monday that Attorney General Kelso Roberts ordered the OPP not to raid three ma ter gambling clubs unless they got complaintswhich they rar ely did get Sgt Anderson also said Mr Roberts granted social club charters to the three establish ments without demanding the us ual police report about their operations ltlr Roberts asked that these three clubsthe Centre Road Club ntCooltsviile The Rose land at Windsor and the Fron tier near Niagara Falls be given chance to show good faith although police had been chasing men at theso placed through variotu named houses for years he said Was there any doubt they were common gaming houses asked Andrew Brewln New Democratic Party counsel No doubt at all because thats what they were the ser geant shot back Sgt Anderson said raids on one of the clubs dwindled from so in 1954 to one within two years and morale on the OPP antigambling squad sagged bo causo of what it felt was inter ference by higher authorities There had been talk by the men in the back room of the gambling Joints having been hampered by officials He had not heard the names of any offi cials mentioned Lawyer Sol Gebirtig told the commission about walking into Toronto bank with two gam blers and suitmselul of $100 bills to buy helicopter He was explaining some of his connections with gamblers Joseph liioDerrnolt and Vincent Feeley who were lined $4000 each Monday in Supreme Court here for running gaming house The lawyer who told of doing olfandon work for tchermott and Feeiey explained they were going to turn around and sell the helicopter to some mining company they were interested in They sent in 5500 he said Then the three of them walked into the bank with 4000 in suitcase In $100 bills They bought draft for 544000 Where did the money come from asked ltfr Justice 17 Roach valise Mr blltig replied Only TGA Takes You FROM TORONTO TO FIIAIIOE GERMANY SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA without change of plane Onty TCA ï¬les from Toronto to on these European Cities Parla Dusseldorf Zurich Vienna motor gateways to all Europe And this summer therall be daily TCA Giant Jet flights from Toronto to Paris then on to other TCA European destinations This year if youre planning European holiday fly TCAI Plus tip to TOABOAGFIighis Daily TorontoBritain This summerT011 offers the greatest choice over to travellers to England and Scotland Up to 85 TGABOAC flights week from Toronto and Montreal to Britain Frequent nonstop service TorontoGlasgow TorontoLondon Fast TCA and BOAC jets or lower fare turboprop Britanniaa For summer 62 TCA in association with BOAC offers the great est choice of CanadaEurope flights by for up to 44 per week in the peak season tlulollulmhlnflnitwt manna $5333 PAIl8 See your travel agent or contact ICA nus um mt Iliiiltll ran it MulllllS Iasouua was 553550 NEW anoug roar saw BUDGET WITII TOAS FLY HOWPAY lATEIt PLAN TUHIINTU l0NlllN fIIEOlIlAR FARE 345110 NEW GROUP FAHE $31800 180 Bloor 5L Toronto TRANSCANADA AIR LINES 20T DDWII nits mu rm nnimr WI it Iroitnts Subinl Io autumntitanium Ash Mini Information AIR CANADA For Your Reservations CALL NOW TRAVEL SERVICE BARRIE 102 Dunlop St 66474 COMPLETE AIR RAILASTEAAASHIP TOURTRAVEL issavics 1K Joims 697 Bay Street Toronto IO7 DunlopSthq Harris ON co Lrp EM 59m PAMSLZS