REPORT FROM ILK idiotic Examiner Closing of Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager TUESDAY MARCH 1m Puc Holiday Campaign Calls For Rearranging Vacations The Canadian Tourist Association has launched what it calls massive st fack on the major problem of the tourist industry the feastorfamine situation produced by the jamming of holidays into 3he last two weeks of July andthe first two weeks of August The association is distributing thousands of posters to fac ftories and offices across Canada and the Canadian Labor Congress is coopernting thy sending more posters to union locals hroughout the country The message of the poster is Plan our vacation for time when you can enjoy it most Avoid the peak period Jhe last two weeks in July and the first ltwo weeks in August Go the first two iveeks in July or the last two weeks in ï¬ugust Holiday throngs are densest at resorts motels campgrounds from mid Iuiy to midAugust Room rates are oft higher You can enjoy more relaxed flimsyreturn to work refreshed if on avoid the peak period Save money Rates are lower at many vacation spots before July 15 or after August 15 Its commendable effort but we cant help feeling that the individual operators in the tourist industry as well asthe var ious tourist boards and other organizat ions could do lot more tosell the ad vantages of holidaying in various parts of Canada not just during few weeks in July and August but at other times of the year Mani industrial workers have their bol idays red by plant shutdowns and often the plant managers have little room for manoeuvre in arranging these shutdowns But most workers are not so affected and and sales effort mi ht well pen suade em to holiday at ferent times of the year In June and September for example the water may be cool for swim mini but the fishing is good October can glorious month for hikers and camera bugs The growing popularity of winter sports could be factor in the ar ranging of holidays in January February or March ilould Spoil The Broth Ontario Economics Minister Macaulay Is an idea man articulate energetic and ambitious All these qualities were revealed this week when he unfolded to the Legislature the governments 20 point program for the economic develop ment of the province It was good con structive even inspiring speech but it still left some doubts These concerned the coordlnation between committees of the l7member Ontario Economic Council and the departments of government invol ved in similar areas of research Mr Macaulay suggests that the commit tees will cooperate with and supplement the work of the departments 0f agri culture for example he said As our seventh plank and as supplement to the great work of the Department of Agriculture and in close cooperation with it an Agriculture Committee of the Economic Council has been formed to consider certain aspects of our agricul ture industry Later in the speech he said Our twelfth lank relates to the creation of committee of the Economic Council to study the tourist industry One of the goals of the Committee on Tourism will be to attract more foreign tourists to Ontario and at the same time encourage Ontario and Canadian citizens to vacat ion here Some of the subjects to be studied the Committee on Touris will be the evelo ment of sultablea trac tions and fact ties cam ing sites hist orical sites domestic an foreign adver tising government aid and services li quor policy financial assistance throu an Ontario Development Fund and ot or mat rs Presumably the Department of Travel and Publicity the Department of Lands and Forests and couple of other departments will be concerning themselves with exactly the same things There is an old saying that two heads are better than one but there is anoth er that too many cooks spoil the broth Cabinet ministers and Economic Council committees may have merry time just keeping out of each others hair Other Editors Views SKILLS AND IMMIGRATION Brantford Expositor Since the 1920s Canada has been lean ing heavily on immigration to fill skilled jobs We have shortsilghtedly relied on other countries to do training for us while neglecting to make the massive soc ial investment ineducation required to increase skills maintain growth and pre vent stagnation Now the chickens of neg lect are coming home to roost and our Government is reduced to wasting money on the wild hope of luring betterpaid Americans to pull up roots and settle here If we had anything economically better to offer than they now enjoy they would flock here of their own accord EASIER T0 BAN SPINACH London Free Press British cigarette smokers who are pay Ing an average price of 68 cents for pack of cigarettes will find their habit even more expensive it committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Sula geons has its way The doctors hope to decrease the incidence of lung cancer and chronic bronchitis by making cigarette smokingtoo expensive They would re duce the tax on cigars and pipe tobacco What successthey will meetis doubtv ful The human race is notoriously im mune to warnings of any kind When the first statistics linking lung cancer to excessive cigarette smoking appeared few years ago there was an immediate and sharp drop in sales Smokers were frightened But not for long The sales curve soon turned up and continues to do so Cig arette mkers added filter tips with the implication that any carcinogens in the tobacco would be trapped At thersame time they vigorously denied that cigar ette smoking had been proved to bee causative factor in lung cancer The ad The Barrie Examiner Authorized ll second clul Post Office Department Ottawa and or naymant or pnstflo In cash puny Sundays and Statutory nousy excepted were warns Publisher nnraw sworn General Manager MoPHERSON Itlnnnzfnz Editor CHARLES wanna anlneu Manner nanny mean Advertising Manage some homes Circulation manner sunmipuun rate sally by clrrflr sin weakly an year Binsloca 7c ny roll In Ontario 100 your use six man not time months and month ouiudu antno son year Outnao cue sou 1mm your Offlccs as Unlvarslt Ave Toronto 040 anthem Street Montreal ms est énarstn street Valian Mcmbur en Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub lilhcrs Animation Tho Canadian run and Audit surnnn of circulations Tlio Canadian Press Is exclusively entities to in if for re Ilbllcntloii or all new dis etched in this Esaum me to It Or ran Ame ms Prssl niteis and also in lean nun published thentn of the education may be to learn dlcted public puffed away harder than over One wit has remarked that if there was as much evidence linking cancer with spinach for instance as there is for be having that heavy cigarette smoking cans Islung cancer spinach would have been outlawed long ago But few people crave spinach twenty times day BRITAIN KEEPS HAND IN Detroit Free Press Britain has had to hurry troops back to British Guiana to ut down disturb ance in that South erican land it so recently began giving independence hinting that ran up casualty list and did $28000000 worth of damage broke out over an austerity budget presented by Cheddi Jagan the Redlining head of Brit ish Guianas government It isto Britains credit that it is not maintaining handsoff attitude When Britain grants independence it customar ily accepts responsibility for seeing that independence works and usually it doesnt grant it until there is good reason to behave it will work Had this country been more consistent in that way we probablywouldnt have Cuba problem on our hands today and the Cuba people wouldnt have had along succession of problems When the SpanishAmerican War and ed we held both Cuba and the Philippin es Neither was at all ready for self gov ernment But we turned Cuba loose in less than three years submitted its peo le to succession of vicious administra ions and now have communism on our doorstep We held the Philippines for close to half century during which we inculcat ed the people of those islands with the ability to run respectable government Since 1946 in consequence the Phillip pines have been world show piece in capany exercised independence and sov ereignty CANADAS BEST Stratford BeaconHerald In spite of all that is said about the California climate Edwin Kritzer found that on yearround basis he does not like it as well as Ontarios The Cana dian summer is much more enjoyable In California the thermometer jumps up and down with temperatures above 80 every day and real chill in the air at nights requiring sweaters for warmth most sum part hat things at home are pretty oodafter all If he never had gone to California he would be less enthusiastic about Ontario mer evenings Travel is educational and the best Is Major Tragedy By In 800D Went for The Birth Examine GLEN Rm Maud as Gian Miles gallifly hi cabin opened veyears ago as the showpleu of the coal mining Industry of landand vlngmuitlrelynew lookto ngoperatlonslsto bcclosed down Its closurols needed by the coal snipers of Scotland as major mew even disaster When it was decided to open up this eolliery IN HARMONY ON ONE NOTE ANYWIIY OTTEWII REPORT Protests Follow Story On Microwave By PATRICK NICHOLSON UIIAWA me of the most vigorous lobbies have ever seen on Parliament Hill has been prompted by the decision of our two his railroads to con struct microwave communi cation link across Canada On March la Donald Gordon and IL Buck Criurip the presidents of Canadian National and Canadian Pacific on nouneed this intention flie Emitmile network will be commenced this stunmer to link St Johns with Vancouver and Whitehorse and will be completed by the end of next year at cost of $35000000 shared equally It will be built with modern equipment to pro vide high quality communica tion with 1200 voice channels and provision for the numerous and advanced business needs of today such as telex teletype circuits data processing fee simlle transmission telemetan log and allied fields as well as cable and message traffic It will also be capable of carrying both blackendwblte and color television DEFENCE NEEDS MET Also important the route of this new link will generally be well away from existing trans Canada communications links and will bypass major builtup communities it will thus pro vide welcome and essential safer communications for an tegic defence purposes on route less vulnerable to IIbomb attack than existing routes Eut even before this public announcement is voluminous brief was presented in the of flees of key cabinet ministers oii behalf of the telephone ccrrn panics operating in the various provinces This asserted that there is no requirement for this extra link that the existing transCanada microwave link operated by the telephone com panies could carry all the ex panded trafï¬c in the foresee able future and that the cost of this extra link should not be imposed upon the public The telephone companles com menced their microwave link now our only such conununica tions channel in 1954 Electron ics has made such immense progress both technically and in commercial use in the past eight years that In the opinion of many communications ax perts that earlier link has neither the quality nor the ca paclty needed for all modern re quirements The railroad diairmen issued reply to the telephone oom TODIIY IN HISTORY By CANADIAN PRESS March 27 1962 Meat rationing carry over from the Second World War came to an and In Canada 15 years ago today in 1941When it was in troduced In mid1943 thera tion ranged between one and pounds per person per week depending on the kind of meat ismPonce do Leon dis covered Florida iaflHohn Buchan was appointed governorgeneral of Canada panies brief stating that their construction plans are based upon careful appraisal of the growth potential for long dis tance cunununicatioiis to Can ada Their own volume of busi ness has tripled in to years and cannot be further expanded on their outmoded wire line plants Further they asserted the tele phone compnnies are contem plating the building of further cross Canada network which certainly indicates that they recognize the need for more facilities PRUDENCE AND ECONOMY potential point not men tioned is that the CBC has just taken its radio network business away from its fellow federal kown company the CNIL after three decades and given it to the free enterprise telephone company and its associates ac cording to reports here Before each railway invests 3180000011 in this project we can be sure that careful consid eration has been given The taxpayers interests are surely watdied over by the experi enced and able staff of our fed eral department of transport directed by the efficient and conscientious minister Three Rivers Hon Leon Balcer No government already faced with the huge annual deficits of the ONE would permit further capital investment by that rail road unless there was public and national requirement So while the lobbyists are as pro fuse as the crocus buds on Par liament Elli it seems certain that the government decision will be the right one and will be first the railroads should proceed with their plan QIIEENS PARK Buried Hoard Is Not Luring SAINT JOHN NJ CF Possibility of buried treasure In the Westmorcland Heights area of east Saint John remains subject of conjecture but there are no Immediate plans for further searching James Teller now of Montreal knows more about the story than anyone else He believes the treasure might be old documents that would be useless now Perhaps 12 coins found long ago were the only hidden valuables bulldozer operated by Ken neth Blair at housing project site last fall uncovered metal cylinder near an old mansion once owned by Mr Telfers grandfather Mr Telfer thinks the cylinder could have been one discovered and possibly re burled in 1919 when small wooden box Was found nearby in hole left by an uprooted elm The box contained the coins dated from 1799 to 1861 Another box in the cylinder contained small brass plate marked with what appeared to he compass reading and other lettering never deciphered The Teller family moved to Montreal in 1926 Mr Telfer later investigated the mystery and theorized that someone buried papersvaluable at the timewhile Saint Johns great fire of 1871 was raging The mansion then was owned by Alex Jardine director of the Bank of New Brunswick But why elaborate planning and extensive digging at tune of panic BIBLE THOUGHT Abstnln from all appearance of evil Thessalonians 522 Evil comes In many forms some of which are disguises Our task is to search it out and throwit out Hurry For Dessert Can Spoil Potatoes By DON OKEARN TORONTOThe most ambi tious young man In Ontario per haps is not the Progressive Con servative member for London South John White But Mr White certainly rates in there with the top runners And this is unfortunate For it is holding back the contrlhu tiun which this young member on his obvious ability undoubt ediy will make eventually Mr White whines And he cavils He complains and he wastes his time with strong speeches on petty polities And as he makes them you can see him mentally eyeing the cabinet row where he so much wants to sit and will so much deserve to be when he has gone through the tests which leadbo maturity But in the meantime he can give one quite violent lndiges tion SHOWED PROMISE This young man showed up here in 1959with great promise His early gave notice be had the ability to think for himself His first few speeches were fresh and original His demeanor was bit cocky butgenerally he was suitably humble as be Iittedhis position as new member But there was change per haps because the promise was too quickly noticed and noted by the writer among fathers For the young man quickly tookunto himself in his public presence the status of an elder statesman And with the status he gave himself the mantle of political hatchetman for his party It is mantle he carries with an itch One not suited to him at all He probably could not in fact convince Sunday school class the devil was bad man unless he had the active cooperation of the man himself TWO MAJOR SPEECHES To date Mr White has made two major speeches at this ï¬es SIOII The first brought on the dra matic rereading in the hall of the Wintermeyer crime speech and gave his party an important political setback The second was budget criticism which was an im passioned attempt at oratory straight from the turn of the century There are men aplenty around who can do this and nothing se It makes one feel pitifuland sad at the waste to see one who can do so much better play ing in the mud The member should learn that great lesson of the young too much hurry for the dessert can spoil the sweet on the mashed potatoes there were pro that It would go on ucing coal at profitable level for 100 years Around it was created new town called Glen Rocha plaza lied as an Industrial commuin to absorb excess population from Glasgow Now its days are numbered and the now bown will have to look for the development of other types of Industry to justify it exist enco VIBITED BY QUEEN The Scottish Coal Board was roud of it Glen Bother Col cry It had none of the ap pearance of the normal untidy coal mine All of its machin ery and equipment were hous ed In tail modern buildings There was no smoke or dirt around it Four years ago when the Queen and Prince Philip were touring Fife while on visit to Scotland they went to Glen Rothes and saw this showpiece colliery in oper atlnn The Glen Rollins colllery cost 24 million to put in operation in 1957 Since then It has In curred losses amounting to other $10 million in the five year period It has never real zed the expectations of the coal board It was expected to produce 5000 tons of coal is day and lay 2500 men But the amp oymeiit figure never exceeded 1300 and in the last five years It has pro duced only 750000 tons of coal hi the last year or sonunplel ment has been dwindhng until it ll now about BOO WORK FOR MOST MEN of then 300 men 300 will employed on salvage and main tananca work either at Glen Bother or elsewhere Of the remainder about $50 will be given jobs at other plts in the surrounding district But for 150 of the miners there will be no work In Scotlalxi at their own occupation Tbe will be offered jobs in the East hlid lands of England or in York shire The Glen Bother colliery was major cause of the loss of over 37250300 sustained last year by the East Fife area of the Scottish coal fields The chief reason was that it had an output of only 53 hundred weight of coal per man shift compared with an average of 23 hundredwelsht for the whole of Scotland and 2a hundred weight for the whole industry in Britain The decision to close down the oolllery has met with stiff re sistance and protests by the Scottish hlincis Union 1L1 president Alex Moffatt declar es thers is still very large gold of coal there to be work Operations on far however have been confined to higher levels and have been attended by many difficulties and flood ing interfered with sinking shafts to the mud lower levels where the larger coal field is concentrated So there Is no hope for Glen Rothes have visited this model new town and have been tremendously impressed with its modern homes and blocks of apartments lts wide paved meets its schools and other public buildings It seemed to me like an deal community But what is going to happen to it when the colliery is finally closed down will be quite an other story TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Troubled By Itch During The Night By JOSEPH MOWER Md Dear Dr Molncr About six weeks ago developed on In tense itch It occurs both at on usual times and places It wakes me out of sound sleep from to um and attacks the bottoms of my feet and toes and palms of hands and fingers It is more maddening than pain Otherwise an in superb health UNCOMFOBTABLE casual itch of course doesnt mean problem se vere continuing bne does Something must be causing it Its symptom Its astonishing how many different things can cause an itch from very simple to very complicated Among them are metabolic disorders infection allergy local skin ailments ex cessive heat too many hedlt clothes at night external irri tants excessive dryness Blood disorders anemia which is common leukemia which isnt and others can be associated with itch Plain nerves can cause it For one possibility person may be laboring under some worri some problem and sleep through the earlypart of the night only to be wakeued later as subconsciously the problem forces its way through to the conscious mind again possi hility saidl This is not an ef fort to guess the answer in the present case Since you are in superb health and this itch has ap peared only recently it is not helpful to speculate Heres what Id do if it were my itch Consult dermatologist to learn whetherakin disorder is involvednA specialist can rec canize signs that patient never even options If the itch is skin problem it can be treated as such it If it isnt that at least youlve eliminated whole cate gory of possibilities At that point Id begin to gender whether my health is re ly as superb as think and Id have my doctor check with some basic tests to see whether my metabolism or other body chemistry might be getting somewhat out of balance If its nerves allergy some Infection or one of the other possibilities you are still pretty sure of having strong clue turn up in one or the other of these examinations Dear Dr Molncr We have diromaplated vacuum coffee maker The Inside of the bottom has worn Will the exposed cop erhave any effect on the cof ee Would it be harmful to drink Its doubtful if it could pick up enough of the metal to be harmful and If it did the cop per in such quantity would prohablynlliduce vomiting and nausea Anyway think of all the copper tea kettles that have been in use for generations without harming anyone Dear Dr Molnar Ive read about venereal diseases and wonder if it is possible to have one of them without knowing it Previous to marriage had several affairs but so far as know never contracted any dis ease Once was treated for slight discharge but the treat ment was just douching with solution had the usual blood test for marriage and it was negative and in six years have had two healthy children Ive been considering another blood test have had no symp toms except guilty conscience MRS Undoubtedly you had blood tests for your two pregnancies as well as before marriage and had disease been present it would have been found so for get it The only advice have for nagging conscience is to let the past stay behind you and put all Your thoughts on the present and future NOT ALONE Aloneyet not alone In Nazareth Was Mary told that she would hear Gods Son Alonayet not alone Through Palestine Walked Jesus Loni and Master Perfect One Alonsï¬iet not alone On vet Ila prayed three times while His companions slept Aloneyet not alonh In Pilates ILall Denying knowledge of Him Peter wept Aloneyet not alonef While on the cross Upon His dying form con tempt was poured Aloneyet not alone Nearby the tomb Stood Mary when she met the Risen Lord Alnnayet not alone Since that glad hour He giveth Life to all who would draw near Aloneyet not alone In grateful thanks Our halleluiahs rise both loud and clear Ball The Writers Club FISH TALKS ST JOHNS Nfld CPlOf ficers and field personnel of the federal department of fisheries of five coastal districts are bold ing series of conferences at dlstrlct headquarters to discuss inspection and protection duties as well as administration prob lems fish culture development fishermens indemnity and the Newfoundland bait service