SUGRBIN TIME Iii PLUMP FOB CREMIITION Cleric Tags Funerals Costly Cruel Jokes nie Barrie Unitarian Fellow ship is included in the number of fellowships and churches that suggest cremation as good alternative to present funeral practices which says Rev John Morgan oi the First Uni torinn congregation in Toronto are nothing more than cruel and expensive joke Rev Mr Morgan made dds statement in sermon yester day in Toronto lie termed present practices tarradiddle and Cadillac coffins and cos metic corpses DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Lausanoe SwitzerlandProf Auguste Picenrd 78 first to soar into the stratosphere and first to plumb the great ocean depths Santa Barbara CaliiJean Goidkette 69 Frenchhorn band leader prominent in the 19205 and 19305 who moved here from Detroit MontrealEdward Cioghorn 59 associate director of the Montreal Museumof Fine Arts after briei illness New Glasgow NSDonald Carmichael Sinclair 14 who practised law in his native Pic tau County for more than 50 years TorontoMrs Jessie Emma Preston who would have been 101 on April 11 Toronto Dr Arnold Mason 33 dean emeritus of the faculty of dentistry at the Uni versity of Toronto fuaaaa OntMelvin Crich ï¬t reeve of Clinton Ont Toronto Gladys Elizabeth McEroom nursing service su pervisor of the Private Patients Pavilion is tioronto General Hospital The local Unitarian Fellow ship has information forms be ing made at the printers said spokesman for the Barrie group today These forms will direct the next of kin in regards to the type of funeral the person wishes and will also include any information on cre mation and related services he said They will be distri buted to the Barrie lawyers undertakers and ministers in the very near future he said This is nonscerctnrian and nonprofit social action reminded the spokesman The spokesman described the costs and preparations for cre motion The closest crema toriums are the two in Toronto The crematoriums will not ac cept the body unless it has been embalmed and dead for 48 hours The body must by law be en closed in wooden casket The cheapest casket is clothcov ered pine box which runs for approximately $60 Uniortun ately most people still choose the conventional type casket which just goes up in smoke anyway it is in the buying of the pine casket that the real saving is made The undertaker must also by low supply this pine casket stated the spokesman He can not say he cant supply it or doesnt have it in stock as the law states that he must have eight varieties of caskets in cluding this son pine box type Also included in the crema JFKIKE MEET PALM SPRINGS Calif AP President Kennedy and former president Dwight Eisenhower talked alone in Eisenhowers desert home for 45 minutes Sat urday in their fourth meeting since Kennedy became presi dent There was no immediate indication what they talked about Presumably their discus sion dealt largely with the in ternational situation TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dnniop St Barrio mnusmml Asbestos flu Ski can Alumlnlnm Alberta Gas Alta Nat Gas Atlas Steel BL of Meat Bank at NS 2211 Tel Brazilian DA 01 30 Power Cdn Bk of can can Browns cm can Cement pan Chemical Can on salary Power Con hundrsrn Can Paper Consumers Ga Dam Tar Gt Lakes Horne Inn on Labatt Lakelimd Nonnda Ills Seal Dom Founi Dom Store Cat Pow IIIrd Farm Pit Roma Eud Bly Min Imp Tobacco Ind Accept Inland NG inter Nickel iaterprov Plpo lockey Club lilac Pow Riv Massey Forg so 661 VA soil 13 31V no ï¬ler mg n0 core or Aldo Pare Oshawa Paciï¬c Peta rem Pine Earn Hersey Qua NIL an has Rathmlns Royal Bank Sampsonrm SimpsouL Shnwinixan steel or can raraiana air mm Jan Trans inc rna Fin Texaco Union Ga them new 215 56 495s 31 145i weather tors cost is fivedollar cor oncrs fee This is always re quired The coroner must state there is no indication of foul play as analysis or postmor tem of the body after cromn tion is impossible There is also $25 transpor tation ice for taking the body to Toronto The ashes oi the body can be either left at the erematorium for burial or taken by the next oi kin booklet is also being mimeolt graphed by the fellowship out lining cremation casts and re lated matters including dona tions of bodies to science and eyes to eye banks interested people can obtain these booklets from any mem ber of the local Unitarian so cial action committee said the spokesman WEATHER Synopsis broad area of cloud which on Sunday appeared to be moving into southern and central Ontario has broken up and as result these sections of the province will enjoy at least two more days of fine Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Windsor Sunny with few cloudy periods today Sunny with not much change in temperatures nies day winds northeast 15 today light lucsday Lake Huron Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Haliburton Ti magomi regions London Ham ilton Toronto North Bay Sud bury Mostly sunny today and niesday Not much change in temperature winds light White River Algoma Ste Marie Cochrane regions Cloudy today Chance of few periods at drizzle or wet snow dearing Tuesday Little change in temperature Forecast temepratures Low tonight High tomorrow Windsor 30 52 St Thomas 52 BARRIE SKATING CLUB plum Jim Jenil comm Catmica Sauit COUNTY AND LOCAL CARRIER BOYS Robert Van Nispen and Ken Kelly left above gather sap in Oz lit Earles Hoe Doe Valley maple tree stand Centre Eugene Kraemer and Bill Soule empty the sap into the special evaporator where the watery liquid is boiled over hardwood fire until it is maple syrup The high point of the altemoons activities came when Ozzie started fry ing the pancakes while Keith Turnhuil and Larry Wilcox looked on There was lots of real maple syrup to drown those flaplacks and these Barrie newsboyshnd real feed Plan For Township Brigade Meets With Strong Opposition Strong objections were voic ed Saturday nt an emergency meeting of the Ookview Bench Ratepayers Association to Sun nidale Township plans for fire protection Oakvicw Beach has an agree ment with Wusaga Beach for fire protection but the southern portion of Sunnidaie Township has no ï¬re protection whatever ffhe township ls proposing fire department for the entire township and Ookview Beach residents who already have protection are believed to ob ject paying towards the cost of setting up township brigade meeting will be held at the New Lowell Community Hall to FORECAST London Kitchener Mount Forest Vingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Poterboiough Trenton Killaloo ltiuskoka North Ba Sudbul Earltoo Kapuskasing White River Moosonee Sault Ste Mari 2i 18 25 25 3t 30 George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA 84185 BACKACHEnn marrow night to put the cost of fire department before town ship residents personally feel that fire protection should be set up to cover the entire township Reeve Lloyd Pridhum said The south end of the township has no protection whatever The matter of fire protection will he discussed at the meeting to marrow night and the cost of setting up department will be put to the ratepayers Horticulturists Attend Meeting meeting of Beeton Horticul tural Society was held in the Library Hall with large numv her of members present The president Harnmell was in the chair At the end of the business session lifrs Ray Armstrong and Mrs Cecil Farrier gave reports on the Ontario Horti cultural Society convention hold in Niagara Falls social hour followed wrth lunch served by Mrs Frank Farrier Mrs Cecil Ferrier and Mrs Jack Gray The lucky draw prize donat ed by Mrs Gray was won by Mrs Verbeek Next meeting will be in April when plans will be made for the annual spring euehre RHEUMATISMPMNI am as many women and ma made mtsernhll common urinary an cram waste In urltlel and bacteria can irritate the eliutn pauam train the kidneys raga you can reel um um ac and Auffer mm rheumxtle pains men an enema acne Irnnnd cairitgiusciatiea cannotIns Inr than ron ansn are main man ran any with the urinary antiseptic and pain ruicvtax acuaa or arerein Then mam not well pain In and flmgrragezainr You gee younger and um ruin your mtodunndnobovrclxunednni 5YEAR PROJECT HE TRICKS AND lilE THE PRODUCE Newsboys Tap Sugar Trees At Weekend Camp Outing Tho sun was shining and the sup was running on Saturday when group of eager news boys spent the day and some of them all night gathering boiling and bottling real old foshiened maple syrup Representing several news papers the carrierboys were treated to pancake fry and lots of the product of their lablt ors poured over The treat was supplied by Ozzie Earle dis trict circulation manager and and his wife on the 50 acres of timbered hills they are develop ing exclusively for the use of newsboys Having worked with carrier boys for years Ozzie said began to realize that these were the businessmen of the future These boys are learning how to work on their own new to get along with other people how to put initiative and ambition to good use But there was one drawback They were missing out on social and sporting ac tivities in many cases because of the time they had to spend delivering papers and collecting money on their routes 1th and Mrs Earle planned for five years before they fin ally bought the 50 acres year ago The land on the northwest corner of Con it and 25 side road of Essa Twp will he recreation centre for newsboys and their families regardless of the paper they work for We have 300 families we can draw on right now Ozzie ur piained from Barrie Camp Borden Alliston and surround ing districts There is nothing SLICED LEAN SLlCED LEAN MEATY RIB ALL POPULAR BRANDS BOILING BEEF like this in Ontario and we hope to eventually have the facilities to handle young newsboya from all over the province By facilities Ozzie means bail diamonds ski trails camp sites snack bar change housu es for the pond he constructed last year and which will be used for swimminF in the sum mer and skating the winter and anything else that 50 acres of Mother Nature can provide envision whole families camping out for few days The creek which runs through the valley called Hoe Doe Val ley delivered some very fine trout last year and think the same will be true every year if we keep it stocked NOT FOR MONEY Ozzie doesnt expect any man etary gain for all this think that with circulation drives for the various newspapers we can get funds to develop Also draws and games will or should provide more money We do not want charity nor do we need it wont stand to make any money and dont want to he said What can gain is an increased prolt pcrty value which should bene fit my son But even this is not the purpose of Hoc Doe Val Icy While some of the boys put up the tent they spent the night in beside the evaporator keep ing the fire going until the next day when all the syrup would be ready other boys gathered sap and poured it into the large tank over the roaring hord od fire BACON runs cooker iiiiivi CARTON OF ltirs Earle provided huge bowl of pancake batter late in the afternoon and she and Oz zie took turns frying the feast for the boys The morning paper delivery boys stayed on to have good feed following ii useful and ex citing night camped out in tent under the stars We hope to get about 30 gal ions of syrup Ozzie said the sale of which will bring in ex tro money for tho Valleys de velopment Three of the boys couldnt stay to iinish the work They had to leave so they could de liver their papers ltiUST RIBINVEST KUMASI Reuters Presi dent Kwame Nkrumoh said Sun day that foreign private enter prises in Ghana will be required to reinvest 50 per cent of their net profits in the country He added that in future the private smallscale personal enterprise section will be reserved for Ghanainns except for foreign concerns already operating PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY City Police FA 85588 Provincial Police PA 6643 Fire Department PA 87521 Royal Victoria llosoltal PA 85951 100 MINING 200 Coco hltnu Gunnar lit Eotlinger KemAddlron Lannan Lorado Maritime ni ltlnmy Min Nometu Narthlato FIVE M051 ACTIVE STOCKS Aluminium lanolin Latin American Northflh WAyno DOWJDNBS NEW Yuan swans Industrial down 12 Ellls unchanged up 102on STOCK EXCHANGE mdust dawn Lll Golds down li Maul nowaniEawa Oila down 35 CIGARETTES Can Dyna Can Husky can Devonian Camp can Can Del tun copper Rand Can Ban venison Miner Sullivan moonlitlike Dpemlaln Queniont Rio Allnm Sher Gordon steep Rook United on Vvtlflufll my Wilt591 BARRIE ARENA SATURDAY enema MARCH 231 3111153 PM No1 iMPORrEo usA TOMATOES gc95n FEATURING SOLOISK DONALD KNIGHT Dundaa Skating Club SUE EMMS GEORGINA DOUTHWAITE THE CLUB EIGET and cast of over 200 local figure skater rim BARBIE COLLEGIATE BAND The Junior and Primary Production of SIEEPING BEAUTY CELLO MASONIC BURlAL KGS 39° UEHLERS FOOD MARKET 16 DUNLOP 51 William Alexander Tumor Died March 24 1962 in Toronto Funeral Barrio Cemetery Tuesday March 27 1962 230 pm KERR LODGE orHERMAsons TO MEET TICKETS ON SALE AT AT BARRIE UNION CEMETERY 215 pm BARRIE ARENA BOX OFFCE RESERVE SEATS $100 PER PERSON