Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1962, p. 10

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SPRINGII INTO CLASSIFIEDPAGES BY DIALING PA 82414 10 THE BARRLE EXAIILLNER SATURDAY IMRCIIJJ 1962 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BAYSTAIRS LODGE hllNETS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Beautiful grounds for pictures youll clienshl Ample parking for guests con veniencel We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourself Facilities for dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS coon NEWS sronr ivnen on announce the bin at your can Ln Tbs Elml bummer Clippings of the notice are available in floor Boon FlmIIy Ill Record Ind to that YOU Honda and relNil It tans tamway places ro piaca an announcement after birth call Bar rls Examiner Cluslflld PA mus nELTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital llarrle on Thursday March 22 195 to for and Mn ilnlpa ueli Ialnswich ontario twin lion DOanEAvAi the Royal vic torla Iiospltai Barrie on Thun day March 22 1961 to air and Mrs ucn noudruu 41 Napier Sireci Ilarrte daughter sis ter for Davy Debbie and Dougie FLETCIIEnAI the Royal Vic torla llaspllal home on Thurs day March 1962 to Mr and Mrs Lloyd lleichcr Rh Oro station daughter LATCOCKMr and am VIll 1am Laycock 159 ounn Strwt Barrie are happy to announce the arrival of daughter on Friday March 11162 at the Royll Vic torla Hospital ENGAGEMENTS sAhIsEbsroNAaLn The en gagement announced at lilarg lrel Annie Marla Samscl daugh ier of the late Mr and Airs Emil Semsei of barrie to Robert Eu xenc Spdnarle can of hlr and Mrs owen spoilagic of Nova set tta The marriage to take place In nurton Avcnue Untlcd Church Earl1e on Saturday April 21 1952 It our oclock IN MEMORIAM TIFFINIn loving memory of dear husband father and grand rather Joseph Tifftil wbo pusod away March 20 1960 Gone from us but lesvlnr mom arias Death ran novel iaka away Memorics that wlll always ilnrcr yirhllc upon this earth we stay Lovingiy remembered by wife and iamuy CARDS OF THANKS bx BENTLEYI stb to tbank Du Edvardrad Earrington and Dbllzy the nurses of lioyal Victoria Hos pital my many friends and rela tives for the lovely cards and flow ers Special thanks to my Dad my special nurse lioliy Choir Reverend Wm Canadylct Clos ms thues Hill vl itko UCW and liouy neighbors who were so kind to my family during my at some and linen my return home Your kindness will long be re membered Sincerely Mrl Nor een bentley JENNE would like to thank fay many friends of Christ Church vy and others my past and pres ent pupils and Rectors for the lovely surprise party and beautiful gifts they gave me for teaching Sunday School the past thirtyfive years They will always be cherished memory blrr Elwood lonneti COMING EVENTS DONT MISS THIS ONE RUMMAGE SALE Friday March 30 10 am pm YMYWCA COLLIER STREET Auspiccs Ys Monetles Club For pickup call PA 89633 Wolves Edge Sault54 SUDBURY CWNeil Forths goal with only four seconds re maining gave Sudbury Wolves 54 victory over Sault Ste Marie Thunderbirds in an Eastern Pro fessional Hockey League game here Friday night The game had no meaning Wolves are definitely fourth and IvBirds are out of the playoffs lant practically certain to finish as Nevertheless close to 2400 spectators turned out to watch the fast pleasing game which gave the Wolves the seasons se ries against the TBirdsseven wins three losses and tour ties Gard Haworth Leo LaBine Ed Stankiewicz and Jack Hen drickson shot the other Sudbury goals Defenceman Dino Ro bnzza led the TBirds with two Merv Kuryluk and Ed Kaolmr contributing singles Rookie Forth scored withmost of the spectators were crowding the exits on passes from Den nis Kassian andBob Dillabougb both rookies Sudbury outshot the Soo 3719 there was only one penalty to Sudburys DonCherry for trip ping in the second period OPERATE AT LOSS TORONTOCP recent survey of 22353 restaurant cor porations in the United States showed that 17293 were oper ating at loss Ralph Smith of Toledo president of the Na tional Restauth Association said Thursday He told the Ca nadian Restaurant Association convention here that moreot the sales dollar is spent on For complete moving service whom DDUHLE Erlck Roaming wages in the restaurant busi ness than in any other retail business PROPERTYfOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND couPANv EL Realtors 96 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 VONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to own your own building and business on Cookstowns busy main street Could be beauty parlor and barber shop combin ation restaurant or whathave you Newly listed price ONLY 55453 or evening PA Hm FARMS WANTED We have at least five buyers Same with all cash Telephone PA 66453 and list with In to day Member of Harris and District Real Estate Board SIMS 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tha imperial Theire DREAM HOME Will go quickly at $15900 lihree bedrooms living room with din ing area Outstanding cup boards in kitchen Cold air rcg spotless condition Buakc at PA 645481 or after call PA 60803 PA 6648l timber or barrio and District Real Estate Board Stoull REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrio Home SalesForemost to Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENmGS CALL If nooksPA um RoomsPA use Mutants BAluuz DISTch RLAL STATE BOARD CLIFF RmEISROWN 82 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA mu PA $0M Huber ol use Bum Mal hut Baud Smith CmpboIIPA was $9500Call Maryann Smith PA Im WT Norman SheIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage lundrAvallable Interest 60 of Value No Fer Charged $8500 FULL PRICE Four room stucco bungalow home ideal for the person wit General Store Joa Longiirl PA was Everltt Shslswell are 2le PROPERTY FOR SALE POSTERPA but IL CONNELLPA H78 ma LangPA um Chulll EndPA 518 PA 39961 PA 6814 modern and extremely well kept green thumb Enjoy asparagus from your own garden this spring also apple trees and rasp Cali Jack Willson to arrange your inspection ap $4000 FULL PRICE IVvo cottages available at lllinelg Point Plan now to spend next summer at the beach and within easy commuting distance of work Call Jack Willson for details BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES gross 566000 per year Investment Properties coll Joe Longtin for further details BUILDING LOT ister in recreation room Allin $1400 full price located on Grove St Call Ralph details Call Howard Norris for DO YOU WANT The extra convenience of finished recreation room bar an extra bedroom in the basement as well as six full rooms on the main floor This brick homc will be bound to please you An attached garage patio and barbecue will add extra pleasure and convenience Call Norman Sheiswcll to arrange Inspection Evenings can Jack ivillion PA HM Norman Sheliwell PA 311901 Hm Howard Norris PA Agencies Lch CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 SOMEBODY LUCKY will love living here Just off Hwy 11 at Palnswick Three bedroom red brick bungalow Member of Barrln and District and large kitchen and living room Lot 75 200 garage 14 24 Priced for quick sale at only $11500 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS CENTRALLY LOCATED On Eerczy SI 82 148 $4100 Parcel of lots Mulcaster St Asking $12200 BEEF FARMS 140 acres of good grain and potato land creek through pro party new born with steel stab 59500 Price ling Also eightroom house wifll all conveniences Close to school and church Two miles off Highway 11 167 acre beef farm highly pro ductive soil large bank barn Slum loosa housing 52 110 will ac commodote 100 head of cattle All cleaning by tractor and load hauls immediate possession er Trench silo in loatirlg area plus new concrete slab silo 14 34 room brick house oil furnace bath new garage Priced to sell at $28000 Member or the name and District Real Estate board Ivaan CALL MERV GOULD EDE oouLn HARRY SLEssoh PA M513 once BROWN PA Msz LLOYD HOCKLEY PA Hill 2mm muonsan sTAmet 100W 0120 ms 0R0 251s Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROIER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 89917 loe Palmer PAMIEBJ Emory flutter PA 3056 iiiembar of the Barrie and District lleal Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82419 93 Dunlop St MABEL luAnsnALLPA 53343 COREYPA Haas MUIuEL JEFFREYPA so MOVING safer and easier Call STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 85575 nuNGALow In village of MldhuraL bedrooms Forced air heated plus fireplace in first class repair Tele phone PA 33518 OWNERS threo bedroom bunga low one Year old Scroll down payment Telephone PA Mass for self furtber information House furnished in rooms All rented Monthly rental $550 Cell PA b5082 ovEnLouluNa beautiful Kempnn felt nayz spiltlevel executive type home at as Kempcnfclt Drive bcdrootm heated garage fin Islled recreation room Aluminum atoms Ind screens Many extru Mutt be sold Phon PA ml full basement forced air oil monthly including taxes 512800 New bedroom brick kitchen and living room equip mediate possession HENDERSON REALTOR iv COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 82678 WINGS CALL IIIIA SCANDnm PA 114065 bottom WILCOX PA sssia PERCY ronD PA Moro EAIEITsoN swAIN PA sssos Ontario Real altan Boards ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7s TIPPIN STREET HARRIS CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 NEAR UNIVERSAL COOLER rooms III ludini bedrooms modern eating Carries for about $66 GROVE ST New Large living room kitchen with bedroom bungalow bout years old brick $1500 own payment close to all PENETANG ST ungalow large family size ed with double windowsirn NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many dcluxo appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 84186 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and 11 you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 5180 OR PA 61502 113 Dunlap St PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom bungalow at achcd garagE finished rec room fully equipped with storms and screens large lot PHONE PA 82047 three bedroom home arge dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ty divided basement Large at in good residential area close to stores andschoois TELEPHONE 84281 Refreshineg Different $1950 down Large bright six REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES RENTALS APTS HousEs To RENT sNAcn has wanted to rent con In IIulo Krllur Memorial Avenue orulia Telephone cam for fun particulars UENISLIKD iwo bedroom mobile home for rent hilly equipped in eatad at in 611nm Avenue rele bone PA Locos or PA Mus MARY STREET Buudlnl for rent suitable for rnolt types of bubmcu 00 aquare 36L Apply to II Palmer Telephone PA UNPURNISIILD self remained lower mnmenl for rent IIutrd runoorcn modem kiieben and aibroom on per monih iieavy from Infior Telephone PA micwsivz fabulous Psoriasis rrancaise to rupolutblo men erai roll or pm ulna business ham to mo weekly Learn to up aohter furniture Ind auio Inter Ion with thil modern tnduiirisl miracle irre brochure Box BInto hamlncr MORTGAG ES niIIIIEDlAIr lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere Mud or PA um for urine Ln forination AVAILABLE Now Two bedroom unmmiabed apartment neat and on all properties wrrn Low nonracy PAYMm Tmllm TO voun bunchr MALL one bedroom apartment for rent Unfurnished Stove and rcfrieeraior ground floor central location suitable for one or two dulu Telephone PA scold RATEn Apartment unlumlahed ibres rooms and privaie bath Self conLILned month Telephone PA Min for further dnrolmailon MODERN newly decorated oo Downtown us per in apartments for cat Cenkll located with water ad but supplied Tele hone PA IF YOU NEEDMONEY marshmhrrnssa oro consolidate debts Nomi Inwrovcment oAny wonhtha caud PA 60931 Mortgage Funding dryer and Available PA 3235 for further information FURNISHED Aparmnt for rent per month Telephone PA was morllagea comin up W003 apartment for in new buudlnli washer nitor lervtco supplied adlately Telephone over three moms private entrance and SimpsonsSears MORTGAGE MONEY Electric 11459 after pm GROUND noon Apartment for aih Parking Close to General Adults Telephone PA Will unfurnished ante ent AVAILABLE rlnrc NO BONUS Payments lnsurcdebgainst accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE aelfconialned Rent monthly For further baformatlon telephone 37m stroud llPSrAiks meal for rent Separate eniran AW rivets bathroom parking MDUNLOP ST WEST EARRIE ble Immediately Telephone PA PA 60203 527711 or PA um MORTGAGESlat and and board said and Irranxed CommerclaI and residential mom loaned on existinlr mortal srrls non page Brokers moi roull ROD Winterlxcd cottage for rent Tolicndal Rood Space cater and oil tank Instantd Tele bone PA poses for further par Iimilars ernNisiinD self coniained RENTALS Low COST suck for rent Clean modern buildings suitabla for commercial or light Industrial Telephone PA 575 modern four room apartment for rent 35 monthly heated Located 12 Penctang street Phone PA Mold or PA 87174 AVAILABLE Now Furnished cntcd Ipnrtmcnt Central with stove and reIrtlzcrntor Suitable for no or two adults Absiainers Ap NURSING HOMES SI on PAIIONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available for welfare and convalescents Tele phone SIAYNER 552 Aim EDEN Nlliismo norm built for this work Sam and range PA 68171 PARTLY Furnished thrcu room partmcnt to rent Rotrlgcrator nd rangcue Newly decorated Heat and lights Allandalc district Telephone PA No for further information HEATED two bcdroom apartment rivate entrance and bathroom All convcnlcnces Near schools and us slop lient reasonable New included Telephone PA private rooms kind nursing enre M730 good food Tv roams stallon wa lion for outings Telephone dolls stroud APTS HOUSES T0 RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca TWO BEDROOM sclfcontalned uppcr duplex hcaied spacious nd modern ltefnlgerator and stove supplied Available April gpfzsna Park area Telephone PA llionciiN unfurnished three room apartment for rent with stove and refrigerator supplied Central Good arlilng facilities Reasonable Availabla April Telephone PA H717 In new artment building One tion $85 per month Telephone PA 89238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently schools shopping and bus and walking disianee located within downtown Dam and two bedrooms olialconies Stoves and fridges oEamboo Drapes BUYERS OPPORTUNITY $12900 asking price bedroom split level brick home complete and screens mortgage with recreation room separate laundry room plus ample stor phone FA 66733 age space piece tiled bath equipped with aluminum storms and screens Carries for $95 month including taxes This property must be sold this week so make an appointment to In spect now and then make your offer This is low down pay ment for an NHA resale mediate possession Member of the Barrie and District Red Estate Board Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE oriom PA 02592 16 CLAPPmToN ET boom SPACE T0 SPARE Large families especide need space to be together and space for individual privacy in this luxurious Cobblestone home truly large living room separ ate dining room sun room bedrooms and bathrooms COOKE CARTAGE The design of this superb home provides for maxi mum living Situated on beautifully landscaped and freed acres with Cobblestone gar age and separated bedroom Cobblestone bungalow complete with all modern conveniences Approximately miles Barrie on paved road But you must call this office now for appointment and see for your as we have mentioned only few of the many added features and conveniences that will thrill and intrigue you tcai Commercial Inna Telephone in pool FRANK NELLPS Member Barrie and District Estate Board INCOME Properly Modern triplex St Vincent street Fully occupied Over $100 monthly One 2bedroom two 1bedroom 117500 Len than down Telephone PA M5 Examiner basement from PA Habit PA Moss room solid brick randh bunga low with attachedlgarage on private treedlot in excellent residential area One block to school shopping and bus Three years old Aluminum storms Air conditioned oil beat Tele INCOME PROPERTY for date on plex Dominion store area Garage Nicely trocd lot Sea this first then make us an offer Telephone PA 56603 DRUILY LANE Seven room House Low down payment Reason able price for quick sale Gas heated Recreation room Hondy to schools and shopPLnl Telephone PA M211 suaos noollis storey cem ent clad home large lot full bass ment oil furnaco modern conven iences Close to school and shop plug Immediate possmlon Rea sonable terms Telephone now or so Letmy PRIVATE Owner forced to soil beautiful extrslarge rouc bed room home 1400 square feet solid bllck trced corner lot or 100 Patio Built five months Near shopping plaza east end asyear mortgage $1500 down Tele phone PA solos evenings LOTS FOR SALE PAINSWICK Lot lzsfcet by 355 feet for sale on Coxmlll Road Excellent building land Telephone Lefroy 159115 for lull particulars sWAP Want to exchange Lot 56 x2t70 with sewage undwuter In Orillla for Lot in Barrie Contact Hugo Krltzor Ila Memorial Ave nuc arlllla FA +7713 anaE cnorccwoll drained mu so 120 race to he sold in one parcel Located lain Concession lnnlsfil east of ii Highway con tact Bob Spearc Handy hardware Strnud Phone stroud ivnld FOR SALE OR RENT POUR ricolii liouse at Illlnets Point with flame piece bath full size basement with furnace Low down payment Easy termi Tele phone PA 115747 ATTRACTIVE Brick Bungalow one year old thrco bedrooml corn blned living and dining room flanIA 11y size kitchen with lots of culr board space Divided cement block horsement Nicely landscapcd PA so as FARMS WANTED SMALL IAIIM wanted to rent within 10 mile rridlua of Barrie Apply in writlnlrto Idox Harris FARM HOUSE for root within Boav THREE ROOM unfurnished henlr THREE ROOM sol contained up MAIN FLOOR Apartment east 50 MONTHLY Tbrse room on Olndividual thermostats Good nelghborho Two BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good size kitchen private bath unfurnished heated Private entrance refrigerator and siovc supoued if desired Central location Parking provided Reason able rent immediate possession Telephone PA twin or after Pin PA 53695 FURNISHED cottage Private self contalnad Heat hydro and water Paid Near downtown Washer stove and refrigerator Cican and comfortable Available April lst Bedroom livingolning room kit chcn fplece bath utility room Telephone PA nciberators E71511 after washing and drying es OMany other line appolntmenls Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 SOMETIHNG DIFFERENT Vacant unfurnished three room apartment just like your own little bungalowbut heated Relt frigerator stove and draperies optional Next to East End Shop ping Plaza $75 monthly Tele phone PA 07475 rte city limits $50 per month For appointment to inspect telephone after 1111 PA H2111 ed apartment elfcontacted Con trol locatlon Offstreet par Available now Telephone 54000 for further information artment in modern triplex with washing and parking locIIILlos Central loontlon Available April lat Telephone PA 61093 Palm BEDROOM House for leiit Hardwood floors oil furnace A14 Iandadle district Garage Avollr able April Close to school and churches Telephone PA noose end Two bedrooms laundry fao titties stove retrigcrator heat water and packing Adults Tele phone PA 51445 UNPDmSImn selr contained three room apartment Hot Water heated stove refrigerator and garage avallable 10 minutes walk from downtown Telepbone PA H283 furnished heated selfcontained apartment Separate wiring Cent ral location Parking faculties Telephone PA 117597 alter pm for further details SELFCONTAINED three room furnished heated apartment Laun dry faciiitiu close to General Electric Suit business girls or couple Telephone PA 797 runlvisnnn large three room apartment newly decorated lie rrlgerstor and heavy duty stove Heat and lights suppued Allan dole district Telephone PA Mm DOWNTOWN Dunlap streetun furnished four main apartment large living room kitchen two bedrooms bath hosted newly dec aratcd throughout Available now Telephone PA 39250 for further information Two naonooms kitchen stove and refrigerator Living room din my room electric fireplace sun room bath Hardwood floors Laundry wltll dryer in basement CHANGEABOUT Slick quicktosew PLUS three jackets give you change about variety day aft day Make jackets in sun ny checks dots and solids Ap plique daisy easily on capsiev ed bolero Printed Pattern 4863 Misses izesll 12 10 16 18 20 Yardages in pattern Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coins stamps cannot be ac eptedl for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Ontario residents add 2c sales ox Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat Private entrance trout and rear Iem Department 60 Front St garage Hot water heating Adults only No pets Very central lilan lion Available April Rent $85 monthly Contact Cllri Brown itcaltor phone PA bout PA 02 Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready now More than 100 sparkling stylesSun sport day dance work travel Try Au Exnmlnu Wang All sizes Send 35 cents RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT Tinaran selfcontained apartment ground floorTorre this room Near Kfgol Ppgtrloei Private entgt nnre moa 1y elc hone PA Hm MODERN one Ind two bedroom lpartmenfl east end lame om boo drapes Venetian blinds Auio maiie laundry facilities Parklng Telephone PA 02929 for further Informnuon nunsON v2 Three room un furnished apartmeni to rent ou beated hot water stove and Idlellfcli Private baih Apply Centr St for further lnfommlen NEW LARGE Apartments for rent and iwo drodms stove and re itsrains laundry facilities any Item Si ct mu re area PA NEW AND Llode one and two bedroom apartments overlooklnt aeeafc Kemoenfeii Bay Holt wa ter forking and Janitor service Iaslu ed Autom tic mu PA washing in m2 nooii Basement Apart ment heated ulfcontalned prl vats batb Refrigerator and stove Partially fillalahed Telephone PA uses or PA 5293 for furtbc la formation six noon House for rent with aunrooin and garage on banner floorljirally iorlg évalllble now our mon eie boon PA not or PA ossm 1111122 noon unfurnished ground floor apartment for rent Near factories liest hydro and water supplied Parking space Telephone PA us or PA boom for details ONE AND Two bedroom Apartlt menis for rent unfurllLibcd heat ed reprate enlrance Close to West End Plan Reasonable Telc phone PA some POUR non Apartment Lilo bath unfurnished stove and frigcraiar ruppued centrally In cared No children Available Imlt medlutely For further Informa tion tclepbonn PA 60241 517 CONTAINED unfurnished four morn apartment for rent stove refrigerator drapes and wa ter supplied Queens Park area 70 monthly Available May Telephone PA 645915 CHOICE Apartment modern mu bedroom unfurnished selfcoir ialned heated Laundry and pub ing faeluuca Nul bua atop im medlato possession Telephone PA 467 for further details oNc AND rwo nedmm modern unfurnished apartmenu slave rc Irigcraiors drapes Hawkestona area lien very reasonable with yearly lease Russ Jennings PA assn or0ro so collch man n00 furnished spart ment in quiet home Sultablo for business or Air Force couple Air stalners No children Parking space Near West End Pius Tele phone PA 754 UNFUIINISIIED three room heat ed apartment scLbcontAlned with private bath Penetang street close to stores schools and bus stop Available Immediately Tele phone PA 53472 IMMEDIATE Occupancy Central Iy located executive apartment with private balcony Five rooms tastefully decorated stove and refrigerator option with lum matic waaber and dryer Telcphonn PA 341168 or PA natal RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO REN The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwortbl Modern home two bedrooms largo living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil brat With his condilionlng lull basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 586 month PHONE PA 82140 noun noon Apartment for mat Private bathroom Pariiy iurnisb ed or unfurnished Queens Park area Telephone PA 110 THREE n00 Apanmcni Very reuooable rent in exchange for some help around home and heir neLv Telephone PA 66669 THREE DEDEOO reai Modem kitchen and bath room Located In Anltu close to school Available now Telephwnl iIl $5719 DNrUnNIinzn modern one bed room healed apartment Available March 375 per month Parking Laundry facilities Telephone PA Hoof Ifouaa for llermNIsilnn modeln our room apartment with ham lieat to lot water and stove supplied Located In Angus Telephone in Camp Borden VEIIY CENTIIAL Three room supplied able immedlaiely Telephone 152308 for further particulars our CONTAINED upstairs apart moot near west end shopping Separate entrance ileat nd cr supplied No children Ava able immediately glove and frlr supplied Telephone PA um aroban two bedroom apart merit Cenlfnll IOCIEH DVD and refrigerator rrcd laundry and parking facilities Decorated In tenants choice or colors Availbis March Telephnno PA 56052 FURNISHED Apartment for rent Three moms and bath Suitable for two adults Available April Plenty of puking Central loci ttorl Telephone PA M725 after pm leNIsiiED or unfurnished apart ment heat and water supplied front and back private entrance three piece haLn Nu minutes walk from bus terminal Telcphmlo PA H702 ROOMS TO LET PERMANENT lloomor Pensioner or standby employed gentleman Rates reasonable by week or month Kitchen privileges Te1e phone PA 110092 btween to afternoons or to evenings ROOM BOARD nooni AND IIDAITJJ available for young gentleman Dunlap and flradford streets district Tele phone PA 50866 for further in formation WANTED TO RENT nnncnnx LADY requires one bed room Apartment Furnished cen tral Ground floor preferred The phone PA 9255 after pm ARTICLES For SALE LARGE FRAME house centrally located rooms kitchen and bath upstairs rooms kitchen and two baths downstairs Oll heat newly dccoratcd 1110 month ly lilay be sublet Telephon PA asvse WIN Daor Prise during Singer SaieAThon Your choice one sew irlg machine style 192 or one vac nun cleaner style E4 01 deluxe Dollxbor and floor cleaner SUI Pzo Singer Sewing Centre Bars rie Come In for your entry blank BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or You Telephone PA 82414 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE P0 BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 60706 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 56071 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavanng and Grading Water Delivery Crushed Stone Bali yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 1907 HANDYMAN Odd Jobs Unlimited 24 Wellington St BRICKLAYERS PLASTERERS CARPENTERS ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS ROOFERS PAINTERS COMPLETE HOME MAINTENANCE SPRING CLEANUP PA 68382 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Servico Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 Barrie Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 32414 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL LE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus termoalt intileum and Vinyl tfie osbeet goods Ceramic tile OHardwood flooring srpets OComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY EVENINGS WORKMANSIHP GUARANTEED FREE PARK WC PHONE PA $5862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Have Your SPRING PAINTING Done Now For Experienced Painters Contact LLOYD CONRAD Phone Oro 3723 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHIVAIIS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Smith chtoy 60M Collect REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 81 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED sv LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE

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