Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1962, p. 11

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album RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwnrth Modern home two bedroom large living room tiled kitchen with dining arcs oil but with air conditioning lull basement serviced landscaped pounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA 82760 Trust 110th Apartment vary nuonsbll rent In exchange or some 1st around homo and no nets Telephone PA uses wruansm bested upper pmxeeni on rent Seircoatalnea Modeln kitchen heavy witinn Centrally leetee us per month Tsicphonn PA Hm film BEDROOM iiouse or ran Modern kitchen and bath room lacstcd In Angus close to school Availbis now Telephone Iii osllv mumuoull unrumished Ipllb merit for rent one block from Past mire Private entrance Availhis April Telephone PA um lor furthcr Wormnon mmm modern ions room lvlrunont with bath Hest od Hot water and stairs supplied Located In Angus Telephone Isl Camp Borden mill nooll Apartmlni Lilo hath nnrurnished stove in lrtlentor supplied Co 1y Io No children Ava Inn lnvdiately Ier iurther Inlerrns uon telephone PA soul was CENTRAL Three room apartment for rent In new bulldtrll stove and rcrdrarator supplied Laundry fscllltles AvalI shls immediately Telphone PA 34300 for further particulars our CONTAIN upstairs apart ment near west and shopping pla ra Scpustc entrance lest and water squlled No children AVAIL able lrrlmcdlntcly stove and my supplied Telephone PA silol two bedroom spars ment centrally located stay and renirentor Pres Iaundry nlld arkins utilities neconied in anlnis choice or colors Available March Telephone PA 66091 IPAcious rive room unfurnished apartment Steve and reirlsorator optional Automatic laundry and srklnp faculties Telcphone PA Loos ol PA 03314 or further de tails FURNISHED Apartment for rent roe rooms and hath Suitable or two adults Available April Plenty or parking Central loca tion Telephone PA M715 after prn mammal or unnmushcd aphro ment host and water supplied rent and back privnto entrance three piece bath Two minutes walk from bus terminal Thicphonl PA 702 snr common unfurnlllnd our room apartment or rent Stove refrigerator drapes and to mppiteo Queens Park Is no monthly Available May Telephone PA 66613 LArtGl FRAME house contra located room kitchen In both upstairs room kitchen and two baths downstllrs Oil host newly decorated silo month 1y May sublet Tolephone PA ssosz NEW MODERN two ballroom apartment Lula kitchen and din ing room with balcony in quiet residential ma Hot water heat ing Loud and asking facilities Telephone lss or apply Ilosc Street PUlIlenEp cottage Private sol coniained Heat hydro Ind water paid Near downtown washer stove and rnirlgerator Clean and comtortahlo Available April 1st Bedroom Ilvtnydinlng room kit chen plcco bltlz uttllb mom Good neighborhood Telephone PA 847150 alter pm ROOMS TO LET RODhl for rent In clean family home Board optional close to bus stop Telephone PA 07294 for further information nanm numb 130mb Linen supp ll us Nu Lillhl housclteeplIIz denud Telephone PA 50130 ROOM 8t BOARD imam AND BOARD available or young gentleman nlrniop and aradrord streets district Tele hone PA 60066 or nlrthsr in famous WANTED TO RENT ELDERLY LADYJquIlrcl one bed room apartment Furnished Cen trui Ground floor preferred Tole phone PA 09st alter pm hi UIIIED nu May ior respon aihiI couple with one child Un lurnishcd faLrly modem three betlroom housc or Apartment Liv 5t trig room and kitchen Central loca tion or St Marys am Relcsnnccs Telephonn PA 61639 hefor noon or after pm ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have ro prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please ca at our pm nesg Office We arr sorry we cannot accept JIIOUG orders Glossy Prints 7I $100 8x10 $l25 plus COIN COLLECTORS We carry complete stock or coin catalogues and coin folders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlop St Wast Barrio USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG 51 SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced all new oil or gas $1100 FINANCE TE Used OilBurncrs for sale PHONE PA 60891 ARTICLES For SALE USED FURNITURE BUYS Rebuilt and rccovercd dsvenpolt No good hostess chain Largo bullet Dresser Beds complete Crib with good plastic mattress Gendron bshy carriage lgood condition Lpiece chrome suite Gimme swich bar stools like new Walnut dining room table with live chairs Good reclining chair +piece Gibbard mhbibliinigo APPLIANCES USED REFRIGERATORS Astral 613 91 cubic feet Admiral with lull width freezer USED STOVES vloirich Frigidaire with deep well so which burner Westinghouse which 4burner Frigidaire 30inch nearly new Keivinator 88950 $900 $5900 $11900 $3500 900 $9500 2900 CLARKS HOME FURNISHING 38 Bayfield Street PA 82843 80 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA 82414 Any one of the three classified ad takers will be glad to assist you with your copy Do you have any of these items in your basement or attic which are no longer in use OSpcrting equipment Radios car or portable ORecord players etc OUsed furniture of any kind proves to be fast seller GOOD used clothing llf you would to exchange your unwanted items for cash call Classified Advertising Mignon 880 am and prn PA 82414 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 RE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2905 New Viscount Appliances Mofiat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 mammal Upright Piano for sale In good condition sIool in eluded Telephone PA 37061 for further information Pawn suussw seed prlu as Telephone PA 19 Install Motorcycle for sail Ts but offal or will lrsdl TIIO phpnl PA NIH AltT pun nATrlmBm or sale Good clean condition Und ons sr Reason Iblo price Telephone PA 50011 CA posits400 at on month Tllophol PA solicit acclaim man 10 Dunlop St condlllau 0300 so SQUARE of luvhind roofing lion gauge ht heavy ow About hair new he Oorlnlly his ntAliIi BARN for said 0170 Unusually good To be lwmoved Telephone Gorinlcy M10 or IIIh thor lniermatlon Romnusk three hp Porter cahls ravens gears Good condi tion Used 10 hours Wul trade or chain nw Telephone aims alcoh stone or pm 715 HP Eczema Motor 60 or 610 110410 with lrusinl unit com prulcr Soil repsr Iy Bergin Isllo neon sin sin Lloyd Phelpsion BEATIY snub bull psn complete with tlbup manger 3125 five Bonity steel call ml with man Egalnd ates Telwhono 50ml MEWS bauth sold mt repaired student nntsi rates Ask about our itent Try then Buy Plan Star Typowrltor 00 Mary Slmot PA 56595 MODEL OF Plppr control line modal has been light ustod color yrllow with trial Wing rplrl engine has had hourl running randy 10 go or mmnllr tying Will mango roe flying Instruction PA was FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtiaud and other varieties grade Macs 150 per busheL Fresh older Phone PA 89201 BOATS 8t MOTORS lwAT milEB so loot alumin um Ladder in foot sea Flu hoot 2011 DOX Trailer 11 foot mould bont Apply LII Peel PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL WM HlNTON BA Banister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 81839 aovs SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors Materiel Pirhllc Convey can ate Branch offlcc thva Ont Dulce PAOwcpguStg srrie Rowe QC Sea am QC Gordon Tell CONDER SUGG EARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIH PUBLIC CONDDI EA was DA 129151 Duniop 52 23 PA 56407 COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 34521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitor Cnonr Sc 13ml Pb PA OM01 WILSON MOORBY BARRIst 8t SOLICITOR 11 OWEN 81 PA 00100 SMITH MCLEAN Haber la smith on Arthur McIAsn arnc owen Barristers Solicitors die an own 51 PHONE PA cam GLADSTONE CURRIE QC BARRISTER souclrort LIW OUICOI It Wilson auudias mo Grant am name Ontario Telphone PAriswsy ocean FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR DEVICE AT MODERATE COST Corlvnnlant Tom 80 Worsidy SL Barrio PA E55 ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM 8r WRIGHT Clrttlled Public AccnIIIILlnI Toronto Ind Bsrrln olllce Wilson hid Fred Grant Stunt PHONE PA 83391 Nscdhsm CPA is Underhtu CPA Resident Partner ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA 60 Collier st Phone PA 84049 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Tuchor or Plano storm The tis Drlplrod lor exunlnstlnons turnv2 dimaw Toll El In Alter odern methods studio 21 Bradlonl 5L PA 718 THE DAVIES OF CANADA vomn PIANO mum in NAPlnn sr annals ANGUS ROSS BA REELtend Millie Teacher bluish lion Pllno Theory coschlnl LII rsch Lattn oilIor school Nb ec Ross St Earlll PA 775 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO OPTOMETRIST to 550 Cloud Wed Immm ll Bunion 8L Bird PA oases NOEL STEPHENSON RO OPlDlIlmlsT burden st East nurt Pholu PA odoi ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE pa c2414 lema Cream ARTICLES For SALE BOATS MOTORS scurrst as and Helen horn II It Canon Must be said Ibis weak suns Apply 17 Asas soreg sense DOGS 8i PETS WILLEIIS PETS 41 COWAN STREET Complete Line by HARIZ MOUNTAIN and LDNGLIFE lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Duties and all peu OPEN PM DAILY PHONE PA 63038 Mom Pupplll Cuddly white ssnlclnd Dnvpiu remth media old male and females To hon PA or Ilflhfr ARTICLES WANTED m1 arm Comping louipmeat wanted In road condition Am mm Leics camera must be In Mb fect condition Also In mot orcycle in any condition cicphonl Me alter pan FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or aippied cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For first service phone Hui7751 collect or for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE noun day11m was NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Founded Ontario Licencc No 172062 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK LI mums Plus and Is slvhc weeksold Tllophonl MI Ivy ll noLsTnIN It calves for rule weigh 75 to 600 lbs Apply Stewart Johnston Hawkestone or telephone on Orv CHOICE lionstIN cmv or sale Elva yells Also holler good pro ducer Slmlnstloh brwd Duo Mar th Apply Campbell Bros RR Oilr10 Tolephono PA COW snvnltAl isorvlcoshln age York lhlm boars sums with bonuL Sir ed by hish advhos ricllstry scop lnlflnm Sire which produced tho Grand Champion and reserve ban row carcasses st lvsl Royal Wint er Fair Parksr Puoock ER Strand 13111 FEED SEED GRAIN 1900 sodium IIALEg Wheat straw for isle Tele hono Alvin Green law Elmvsle 0R7 POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultIymen are choosing DEKALB PULLEIS Startcd ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For scrvico or help on your poultry problem can Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 nsAcll agar Eu Markets by ordering now Bray has ror prompt shipment Amer Sykes and Comt on specialists dsyold FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Rrown Beatty Farm Equipment 17 BURTON AVE PA 04373 CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkcrs Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Paris for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRE HOLLY PA 90333 Witmegs Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING Sepuaton Floor and Swing woo Milking leiminer servic plrfl SGVIBIII used much fuel in stock Class on Sunday on dllly till Dim After hoIITI plum telephone PA 58479 Viking Separator Sales no 41 Grill burst Ontario AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBIER HILLMAN 10 DOWN 11 COWAN ST PA 66488 BLAKE 51 PA 632I HAROLD JORY MOTORS IUMPR and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes ML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 1558 FORD $555 1955 Mercury 3595 54 Chevrolet W95 19 Ford $395 19 Ford sedan dollvnry 5375 19 Ford heirton mo loss Mercury 3170 SFroulo Supnriut HWY 21 one south of Thomwn Tilt phone Ivy 11111 1951 BUICK Century Convortlhll mill 0t ncwt andurbddlgl crup an Ppe cludinl wiregivyheell This car Is in an outstanding condition Terms to ulbinmcltbuflfialéhFO lappolnlsngnl is on us yron City Motors PA 570 mo soup remade not our door sedan six cinndor white ln color with contraruns rod lnteriorAnt omane Custom radio white mu tires surety vndded duh Wuh ers and backup llghll use down rake over payments or 35950 por month Télephonn PA Moss AUTOMOTIVE mm I96 MORRIS THE PRIDE OF THE MORRIS FLEET And believe us this Morris Minor Is the most Immacu lately finest cared for an owner car we have seen or many moon cradle Gian himself couldnt find body blemish or Interior scar Ricbly finished In pull lilac finish Previous owner drove this beauty lea than 5000 miles Tho lamb as new Editide with wash nrs user will receive May 100 guarantee On display at Bay CIIyBlot ors used car lot PRICE WAS 01299 NOW ONLY 3999 WITH ONLY I599 DOWN BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone PA woos See VIAU For RAMBLER 1960 Rambler Custom Finished in aquamist Equipped with radio reclining seals and wheel discs This is low mile ago one owner car 1960 Ford Taunus Finished In classic black Equip pad with radio wheel discs and seat belts Economy plus par formance 1960 Hillman Minx Finished In mralvand while two tone The perfect second car for the family 1958 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible Finished In rod and white two tone with matching interior Equipped with radio whitcwalls automatic transmission seat balk power brakes power steering power windows This beauty Is in Al condition 1957 Oldsmobile Super 88 Finished In coral and while IWo lone Automatic transmis slon radio uhitowalls wind shield washers This car is priced to sell VIAU MOTORS LIIIIIITED ll GOWAN STREET PA 66488 or BLAKE sr PA 6l32l I959 VAUXHALL WE AGREE BUYING USED CAR HAS ITS DRAWBACKS Nevertheless you must be satisfied with Bay City car or your money back within so days if you have been scouring Barrie for an economical mileage miscr at conservative price then try this for size Its jowai Victor sedan in white one owner car with exceptionally low mileage and condition suited for king And whats more no rust or interior blemishes From Missouri look see will tell the story Price was $1099 NOW ONLY $999 ONLY $99 DOWN BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone PA 87063 I960 FORD WORTH $1999 OUR PRICE NOW ONLY $1709 Only $179 Down It sounds like value No its not cab police cruiser or rental unit Its one own er original that was sold by us and maintained by our own service department beauty with original white filliin and as new red inter ior that looks like its never been used custom radio window washers backup lights Its an economical six with automatic and white walls Bringa magnifying glassyoull need it to find an imperfection Carefully driven only 27000 miles so day guarantee on parts and labor Situated on our used oar lot BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone PA 37053 1551 some automatic transmis slon $5 down $0 wuhly Toll pbone PA M590 after pm 1961 VoutsWAGriN VAN or six month old Telephone cml for Mfllu details xl mo nsbm Volkswagen for one linuosloblo Blue Telephona PA sum or further Information lssz CHEVROLET Conch power llidl low Inllsalc In good Bondi tion Telephone PA 197 or mn thcl Information mo Poltn Fairlaril our door se Custom India sissssl Isalmon over psymcn or month Tollphonn PA $7083 loss PLYMOUTH two door in spot in condition Full pric 917950 Tolephorle PA 51083 or further amnion EL ms MERCURY two door hardtop Automatic and radio All now tins 75 Currice for $1750 Per munlh Telephom PA M00 or dlillll II PA MUST SACRIFICE 1950 Paul our door nation WIOII CIPlcllI nine pmungcrs Low down ply mont with terms to suit TOIIPIIDM PA was alter pm loss mazch sedan llltnmnllc Vgtd motor Real Ily Make In In nller Call In flnlncsd Tel phdno PA 05550 or Ills door owes alumni AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE lass cansoer coach two dons down Ink WIT payments 81150 For marlin Telephone PA was for uricr inletmatron Iss1 Mona ricer 1000 mans mu As CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MINORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD PHONE PA Hm Cllfl lOI our car Lions All oil we trs or down so dlll Motors 11 Road Nomi on TRUCKS TRAILERS lssl Donal Ifva Pltkrup with rocks In good runntnl order Nsw Hun Ono mu Tllvphanl PA MOBILE HOMES ohm Hold for sale Int two hsdmoms mmlah miy paint Tele heno PA uiol wank dlyn arm erI PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN MarchS ectals 25 FF PERMS $850 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUDYS BEAUTY SALONS Dunlap St IllPA 61731 17 Essa RoadPA 09811 No appointment necessary LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govcruhlnnt Chnrtarod School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culturo DERWDI HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WOHSLEY ST PA H962 LOST FOUND LOITlilnroh it ringer spaniel In the 1h Cmmrm or Vesprn Sunhidnll Mldhurst ares Liver and white in color Telephone PA wills or Bolton ssmlr IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP PRACTICAL mass to work purl 12 midnight and 11 mid night lull Also cook gennral willing in work six days per wash Apply Ark Eden Nurslnl Home stroud sorta MALE OR FEMALE Eh YOUR OPPORTUNITY who wants to earn an extra $50 per week or more Part or full time WRITE BOX 90 BARBIE EXAMINER MALE HELP Plan for fine future In the CANADIAN GUARDS Be man with planl Join the Canadian Guardsans of Canadas crack regimentsfor which enrolment applications are now being accepted again To play their vital role along side their sister regiments In the present troubled Intprnn lional situation tho Canndisn Guards need adventureloving young men of courage and character In return the rch moot offers many other advan tages permanent nmployrncnt healthy outdoor life good rates of pay travel at hump and abroad outstanding train ing and many openings for ad Vancemcnt if you are 11 on as single and physically fit find out more about this exciting career op portunlty NOW from your local Army Recruiting Station at CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA +7345 Please provide me details on career opportunities in the Can adian Guards Natno Address CityTown Province Phone Last School Grade completed Ago EolBa YOUNG MAN To train as advertisingsales representative for film Barrie Examiner This is an interesting and crme position with picn ty of opportunity for advance ment Apply General Manager THE BARBIE EXAMINER ODWDRKIB II or local lellirllfl Wages flotilla on ex or one WIIJIIII to 1m Apply to no an Try An Exnmlnnr Want Ad PHONE PA 92414 IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP RADIO COLLBG granola Tel out etc hsidcnt classes start lily ll In Toronto Ind Montreal Homo Etna CnIIrns start any time Free boexiot rot India Cullen cl Cando Kin 5L WC Tor unto Ontario SALES OPPORTUNITY Wonderful opportunity for young man 25 to 35 years old who is aggressive and looking for good future in the automobile business Car and gas supplied Salary up to $7000 year plus bonus Apply SALES MANAGER JACKSON MOTORS Evenings Ixmrnicsn married man for term work neer hams In Box barri Damian Yourrlk tillndhlos blfycdla dull ory wor cyc lupvl Mr Williams To Automotrn mud Birth YOUNG Ilmulvo Mechanic want ed to cm business Good bonus Advancement nIut cordon 5s srk Motors Bards Your KAN Mulrod to nslst beeheeper Apply in non or wHtIru rivl full culsrs as to experience and education to Mitchell APIIHH Chanson YOUNG armsin Mechanic warlo od for landing business nus advancement Contact ChnIIu sis son at Savoy sloiora 10 Dunlop St tut rialrls EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY CARE llvln to children in my own home Monday to Pstau Will call Telephone PA sldss II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1062 Dog Tags Are Now Avail able from the Assessor Dog Catcher or from the Municipal Office Stroud On or altar April 2nd 1062 own ers or harborars of dogs with out 1962 tags will be prosecuted diacoiult of $100 per tag will he givsn on tags purchased be fore April 2nd 1062 ELMO FORD Dog Catcher Phone Lefroy 157 COCHRANE Reeve GROH Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH RUTLEDGE All persons having claims against the Estata of the said Edith Rutledge Minets Point in the Township of lnnislil In the County of Slmcoc Widow who died on the 19th day November 1961 are required to fill proof of the some with the undersigned Executor on or before the 315i day of March 1062 After that date the Execu tor will distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which ho shall then have notice DATED at Barrie this 10111 day of Martin 1962 EARL RUTIEDGE Executor by his Solicitors WILSON and MURPHY Owen Street Barrie Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors of JAMES JOSEPH HOGAN late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoc who died 3rd of February 1962 must file their claims with the undersigned be fore 6th of April 1962 after which date assets of the estate will be distributed JOHN BERNARD SEXION Executor by his Solicitors SMITH AND MCLEAN so Owen Street Barrie Ontario 12 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL TENDERS FOR TOWNSHIP PARK BOOTH CONCESSIONS Tenders will be received at the Township Office Stroud until 500 pun Friday March 30 for Booth Concessions at the Town ship Park for the 1962 season MAIN BOOTH to be open for business during the hours of 900 an to 900 pm for June July and August and NORTH BOOTH to be kept open weak cnds and Holidays Hydro to be paid by the successful Tenderer Lowest or any Tender not nec essarily accepted COCHRANE Reeve GEOH Clerk 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Monday April 18 12 Noon Sharp Auction sale oi over 100 head of cattle 100 pigs team of horses farm machinery bay straw grain seed potatoes red clover seed and household cf lects STANLEY APPLEGAIE At Lot 17 Concession Essa Township three miles northwest of Thornton one mile straight south of Ivy village Terms cash unless otherwise arranged No reserve as form is rented and owner giving up fanning COUGHLIN and TRACY Auctioneers LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR OR GARAGE Is there there you can sell for cash Hundreds of people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL 21 pill Sharp for SEYMOUR HUTCIIINSON At Lot 17 Copccsllou it Orn Township ira miles north oi Highway II Auction sale of farm land stock implements hay strewn grain poultry and some housez hold effects Terms cash No reserve the owner is giving up and the farm Is for la JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCiiON SALE WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 12 NOON SHARP Auction sale ol 70 head of Reg lstcred and Grade Holstein Cowl and Heifers fresh springing full flow High clas iarm mach Inery hay straw and grain and some household cllccts for FREEMAN BUMSTEAD At Lot Concession ll Flor Township miles straight north of EImvaIa It mile wart oi the county road Terms cash No rcserva as the form is sold TRACE AND couGamN Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Saturday March 31 at 1230 pm sharp Auction sale of registered Hal stein and grade cattle hogs lmplcmcnls grain boy straw and furniture for ME MEL HASTINGS Sale will be held at the farm Lot 10 Con Oro Township Vi mile north of Highway 11 near Guthrie Terms cash farm is sold AUCTIONEEHS Jerry Coughlln Burris Charles II Thornton Orlllln AUCTION SALE Saturday April 12 Noon Shar Auction sale of 60 board oFHcro lord cattle pigs high class farm machinery hay straw grain and some household ell acts for ELLIS HUTCHINSON at Lot Concession 0rd Township miles straight north of Guthrie off No 11 Highway Terms cash No reserve as the form Is sold COUGHLIN and iIiORNiONIL No rcsorva ss Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Saturday April 14 1230 pm Sharp Auction stile of cattle pigs 11ml class farm machinery hay straw grain and household ellccls ROSS JARDINE At lot 11 Concession Not tawnsaga Township on townlins between Sunnidalc and Notin wasnga hall way between New Lowell and Crecmorc or miles straight south of Rimlway as Tenns cash No seams um thc am Is sold JERRY OOUGHLIN Auctionoar Oller Made For House Of History OTTAWA CPlTho govern ment has made certain otter to the city of Sault Ste Marie Ont regarding pm posed historic site Northern Affairs Minister Dinsdale said Thursday The site is an old stone house believed to be 150 years old As designated historic site It would be restored and main tained for public visits Mr Dinsdale was replying to questions in tho Commons by George Nixon LAlgoma West The minister declined to give details of the offer but said that negotiations will continue when the city replies More Probing To Be Made and sale of drugs in Canada Replying in the Commons to Hubert Endanni LFort Mr Fulton said his is unable to state when the co missions report will be avails able There is good deal of further work andanalysis re quired to be done on the ev idence that was taken he said The commission ended public hearings in Ottawa last fall Duly Lifted 0n Canadian Gilt To US WASHINGTON Al The House of RapresentatIves passed bill Thursday which would allow dutyfree importa tion of 120 tons of Canadian steel for construction Aofa newl wing on the Chippewa County War Memorial Hospital in Sault Ste Marie Mich

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