Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1962, p. 10

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ADVERTISE DURING NATIONAL WANT AD WEEK MARCH 1217 ll TEE DABKIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 13 1962 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE REAL ETArt BROKER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Trauma FAMILY HISTon Ins can be gfllfin with clinging lrom our Dai runner is Hap yynentayhittnis UGAGL TS and WmDINoS Notices or there events oRIyd 53 Drtn them to the us ter Er telephone The Barrie aminer PA 52414 iinIN STREET EARRIE REAL ESTATE 1188 MOOREPA in RoomsPA use EVENINGS CALL PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE oUNLoP STREET EAST First in Baxno Home SalesForemost in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT rent in new building wuner dryer and trailer urvicl rupplird Available immediately Telephone PA Mu tor further lnlormatlon mu hwuooil House for rent Modern kitchen and bathroom Lo cued in Angus close to school Available March 15 Telephone Tum sturgeon Ipartment for POSTERPA H10 CONNLLIFPA 165 H719 RENTALS Am HOUSES TO RENT HEATED two bedroom modern apartment available to stroud anment house Adult pnlemd obieeuon to baby so monthly Telephone stroud to HSATnlJ rellrontalned apartment mund lloor Three Irrga rooms Near uhnol Paging Ilriglil elnx ranee moo eep one um ARTICLES For SALE NO DOWN PAYMENT Food and Freezer Plan SAVE MONEY BY BUYING BULK ON THE BLUE RIBBON PLAN It Costs Nothing To Investigate CALL RURTON sz Three room tia furnished apartment to rent on healed hot water sth and re lrigeralar Private bath Apply to Ceriln st lor further information Six Ron House lor rent with sunroorn and gauge on healing CentralLy located Available now slop per month Telephone PA 32933 or PA sous THREE Romi unlurnlshed heal ed apartment seileontrineo Cen tnl lorann oilstreet parking Available now Telephone PA nUNuALow ror real fire rooms and bath Modern eonveniences per month Telephone non1t Stroud or contact Harvey spring RR Emma THREE Rzonnoil modern house Large living roo dining room kitchen lurnaee Driween Camp Borden end narrie Apply hie Cann Utopia Telephone aim Ivy NINE ROOM house or rent Pri vate drive range oil heating Modern kitchen 3100 per month Apply 216 Dunlop st or tele pboor PA olziid Two DIDROOM heated apart meat completely lollcontained Centrally located Availhie now Telephonl PAJelIu tor further details POUR RaoM Apartment for rent unfurnished belted Ground floor Private enlranee Sellltontained Available now Telephone PA 00301 for turther tnIormatlon roUn DgDRoOM oil heated home for rent Downtown location Col ller Si Possession Much 15th Ilenonablc rent Telephone PA 56857 for further lnrormallon Two DEDRDOM House or rent Ideal location on Kcmpcrllell bay Adults preferred For futher In lormallon contact Mrs chreston PA Misti Monan one and two bedroom lplrtmcnll cart end Dorrie llam boo drIpeIVcileilrt blinds Anio matlc lluhd flcllltics Parking Telephone Mics or lurthcr intornration FOUR nooM Apartment tile bath unlurnlshed Stove and re Irigerator su plied centrally lo cated No on drcn Available im mcdlately For Iurther interma tion lelepbono PA 50111 Six nqu Hours for rent Newly decorated on heating Central lo ertlon Hardwood floors through out Parking laciiillos Telephone PA 839 any and PA Mon even tngs SPACIOUS rive morn unlurnished apartment stove and reirigcretor optional Automatic laundry and parking facilities Telephone PA Munch or PA an lor Iurthcr de ta ONE npuuoou Iplirlmcnt in mod em apartment house Hcat water retrlgerator stove storage laun dry iacilltles and parking East end Na childrcn Telephone PA R1161 Available April COMFORTABLE Inge three roonl apartment Moderate rent Warm Scphrhto entrance storage park ing Central at bus laundromat Allowance tor service 135 Pene Iahg st PA Mall FIVE rtooll Upper Duplex Well ington and oaynold Sirccts nasc monk rear yard and parking priv ileges sits monthly Adults pre lerred Telephone days PA um evenings PA 33250 UNFUIINISIIED three room apart merit and large hall heated plus vestibule and aunporeh Sellcon talned Ground lloor Available May $65 Allandala Hardware telephone PA Hm Two BEDROOM modern apart ment nnIurnlshcd Includes stove relrlnerator automatic washer and dryer Separate entrance oil alreet parking Central Available now Telephone PA Main VERY CENTRAL Three room apartment Ior rent in new building stove and relrlgerator supplied Laundry Iaclllties Avail able March 15 Telephone PA lluns ior Iurther particulars SMALL furnished apartment lilo dern kitchen bedsitting room bath nicely dcorated Private en trance Utilities included Bradford Street suit quiet couple 55 mon thly Telephone PA M600 FURNISHED three room apart ment with bath Modern Iurnlture and appliances Near Barrie Post Oflicc Clean sellcontained heat ed Available now Telephone PA alast tor Iurther iniormation UNFUIINISHED SELFcoNTAINSD three room apartment hot water heated stove rerrigerator and garage available in minutes walk trom downtown Telephone PA 56283 1110031le newly decorated one and two bedroom apartments tor rent Centrally located with water and beat supplied Telephone PA 32253 or PA 33733 or iurtber in Iormatlon AVAILAan Now Two bedroom unturnished apartment Heat and water suppued sellcontained East end location on bus route $75 per month Telephone PA 39358 FURNISHED or unIuialshcd three room sellcontained apartment Two blocks Irons downtown on Owen st Hcatoo Private bath Use or dryer sen monthly Tele phone PA ohms Form RDDM upper duplex sell eontained hoatcd spacious and modern Retrigerator and stove supplied Available April Queens Park area Telephone PA $1315 MODERN two bedroom apart ment centrally located stove and relrlgerator Free laundry and parking lacillties Decorated in tenants choice or colors Available March Telephone FA 05092 UNFURNTSRED tour room apart rnent tor rent Large living room kitchen two bedrooms hath Heat ed Newly decorated throughout Available now Telephone PA 39259 or lurthec information LARGE FRAME house centrally located rooms kitchen and bath upstairs rooms kitchen Mutants BARBIE DISTRICT REAL TATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Rich 5mm SASRIE PHONES PA coon PA we Hernbcn at tho 317171 Rlni hm Baud Smith CampbellPA um Joan LangPA um Perlus GlrvcyePA Mm charlie madPA N311 CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA $12900 asking price bed rooms tiled bath modern then lots of wall space in lng room large recreation room with extra large windows homo completely equipped with alu minum storms and screens Only about 11 years old Car riu for $95 monthly including taxes One mortgage good buy Vacant immediate posses 510D NEWTON STREET $12500 Iull price down pay ment 51500 bedroom brick bungrllow Large living room kitchen with dining area piece tiled bath recreation room lor ccd air all heating Very good location to all schools Owner is transferred to Toronto SHANNON ST Brick ti mom bungalow equip ped with aluminum storms and screens Large recreation room paved drive garage 16 38 lully landscaped lot This is well kept home and well worth your inspection ALLAN DALE $10500 lull price siorcy home about 17 years old bedrooms and bath upstairs Living room dining room and kitchen down stairs Full hastmull new lorctd air furnace large lot garage PA 61562 TODAY Home Economics Food and Freezer Limited ROSS STREET PHOTO ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME H000 available GET CASH for useful Iierns Two DzDRoon upstairs The Barrie stored in your attic garage and meal reprate entrencc heat and Examiner closets water plied Near west end shopping gins No children Avail dam Vim mm if youwouid like to hava re prints of any news pictures able April Telephone PA 61107 body does taken by our stuil photogra USE FAST ACTING BARRIE $55 aelterlfisfififirllf Xiiulél EXAMINER WANT ADS phcrs please cof at our Busi ness Oificc We am sorry we iiiuhi¥2linifi PA 82414 cannot accept phone orders ACE BARGAIN Glossy Prints Buy your hrrnsce now belwesn Jan 15th and Feb filth and got your dual nir attachment SI 00 lo SI 25 plus it FREE with every complete installation REBUILT 21 TV Reg 569 SALE FORCED AIR 011 OR GAS NEW 3110 i959 ADMIRAL walnut console like new 58450 Finance Rate Phono collect Stroud 41115 1959 WESTINGHOUSE table model with matching sinnd WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors new picture tube Walnut IIlll gunrantce $11450 RR Strand low Overhead Low Cost I959 WESTINGHOUSE portable new picture tube lull guar PAYING soc nAcil lor 194 Tom anice $8950 nubAr the Royal Vieloria Hospital on Salurdlr Mush lo no to air and Mrs George nail iii Grow so 11 name daughter lpebora Eilnhcxh ltLNNtmrAt the Royal Vie toria Hospital on Sunday March 11 in to air and sin David Kennedy 00 Johnson SL Barrie non ilames David KDIARAt the Sermon Gen orai Hospital on Friday Much 1m to bonnie and Michael item or 11 Kennedy Ild ran iLee Henry Abroiher lor Terry LAMB At the Pelcrborough civic Hospitalen Saturday March 10 1m to Mr and Mrs John Lamb lace Anne aletealle lit Marina Blvd Peterrblorpugr 5cm gr mum mEfNzluITt Letan Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available 77 Interest 607 ol Value No Fees Charged all lee Longtln PA uma lacls wulsoo PA m1 Lsmt snela ell Ora 2919 Norman Sbelarrell PA 39901 Howard Nam PA to PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT sitva ROOM Duplex House Two 45A DUNLOP ST bathrooms In good central loca tloh Available now Large lot Ger cht door to the Imperlll Thein ACRE age Make tenor to roll Apply bundoneld Street name BUS OPPORTUNITIES acre with excellent buildings Full price $10500 with only $1500 down Coll Russell Car sxcwsrvs tabulous Pabrlcoie lranehlsc to responsible men Op son PA 96461 or after call PA 645161 erele roll or part time business DUPLEX Earn lo 00 weekly Learn to up holsler lurnllurc and onto inter Lnrgc brick duplex ccnlrolly locaicd Full price $10500 tors with this modern industrial miracle Free brochure Box 91 Call Ralph BoakcPA 56481 or after call PA 60903 narrle Examiner MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE ISI 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere DUCKwoRm 5T On All Properties Excellent ll room home with PA 60981 bedrooms aluminum siorm Mortgage Funding windows attached garage sit uated all large lot $10000 lull price with only $4000 down Car ries or $70 per month princi pal and interest Call Russcli nvcr SimpsonsSears Carson PA $6481 or alter call PA 66161 129 DUNLoP Sr IIIORT GE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS BAYFIELD ST Payments insured against Storey and hull brick home accident sickness death Large trccd 101 Good condition throughout Ileasonublc down payment with balance on easy terms Call Ralph Boake PA 66481 01 after call PA 60803 CRESCENT FINANCE PA 6648i 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE Member or harm and District PA 50203 Real Estate hoard IN MEMORIAM IDAIn loving memory or In dear wile lelnnla who passed away March ml 4tdlymisseo by htubhiid Pan qurle Ritszln loving memory or dear and ttondrrftti mother who ay March 13 ml remembered by daugh ters Lucy and Rene Aln loving remembrance org eet and wonderiul mother and ndmother who who ukcn from lllarcb 1H esrdly mlucd by daughter Mary aoninlru Harold and granddaughters Nancy Ind Rate mary Pennoek LOWE in loving memory of dear husb no and lather Fred iowe who passed away March 1950 ILdvcl greatest gilt remembrance Evcr remembered by Hazel Don Ind on vhlcFADDEN in loving memory at Elsie Alice McFadden lhn pguv ed ley March 11 Two little hsnda are loving heart is still little daughter we Intrrl waiting For or lost over the hll asvrr remembered vv rather sister Linda and tumor Ronnie lilllrliy ff COMING EVENTS REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tilfii SI PA 60475 $800 DOWN PAYMENT Barrie Branch Til bedroom incllcnl home In Alincls Point 10 mmuics drive will dtrlml iI Bani Irics ORDER or amti lmnicly per month lie nmlc in soil OF NURSES For inspcc on coil nry Mil litI PA 67563 Ciiolcn Apartment modem one bedroom unlurnlahed selleon tained healed Laundry and park ing Incliiilu Near bus atop 1m rnediala possession Telephone PA or or lurther detelle NEW ANll Modern one Ind two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic kempenteu Dly rlcat Ier trklog and lanilor scni tnelo ed Automatic washing te etilties PA usuz TIIRES ROOM Basement Apart ment heated sellcontained pri vate bath Relrigeralor and stove Partially lurnlshcd Telephone PA Mind or PA 52951 tor turihcr in formation NEW LARGE Apartments lor rent in new apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and re lrlgeraior laundry loellltiar sup plied Queen street area PA were ULTRAMODERN one bedroom apartment villt private balcony Drapes supplied centrally located Apartment is completely lurnlsh cd with matching colors lurnlture lamps etc This iurnlturo may be purchased reasonably by anyone rcnllng apartment Must be sold as party lranslerrcd ideal lor young married couple s75 without lurrtl ture Telephone PA 68191 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND DoAItD one in private home bat nlclrels other Canadian color wanted Telephone PA 84961 QUANTITY or Sap Buckets Spiles End Evaporlsation Pan Apply to Dyci RR Dlxtie Tele phone PA S2157 CHINA cAnlNST for sale doors Iull drawer It bottom in excell ent condition Reasonable Tele phone PA ollln belore in nm or alter pm DUOTUERM SPAcE HEATER cooking range on wood coal combination 200 gallon oil tank with stand and ehesterlield bed Telephone PA H095 Icn SCOOT with 115 horsepower anombing motor In good candle tloh Apply evening to Fred Harrison Stroud corner of 25th ridcrord and Concession 11 FREEZER 17 cubic leet floor mo del 3220 30inch Molfat electric range fully automatic with many extra features one only floor model 5218 Robinson Hardware PA null BOATS 8s MOTORS SPRING TUNEUP JOHNSON EVINRUDE GALE OUTBOARDS OVERHAUL AND SHARPEN POWER LAWN MOWERS FREE PICKUP DO IT NOW DELANEY BOATS LTD Bayfield St PA 66413 RDAT TRAILER wanted in good condition with tilt action or 1510M boat Weizth 1000 pounds Telephone PA mm ARTICLES WANTED OFFICE Dpsrt and Chairs wanted Telephone PA H752 BABY STRoLLER wanted Must have springs Telephone PA S6365 TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER PA 82414 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year T°lephone PA 82414 1957 WESTINGHOUSE blondc tabla model ilEW picture tube lull guarantee $7950 Member the nor me District Real rm 1955 PHILIPS walnut over $80 in how tubes in this set in cluding picture tube Com pleto guarantee power trans former and hand wiring $9550 1955 VIKING walnut console new picture tube lull guar antee $5950 CASH 0R TERMS RAYS TV 210 WELLINGTON ST PA 83606 YR SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFH STREET PA 66531 COIN COLLECTORS We carry complete stock of coin catalogues and coin folders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlop St West Barrie casn campfiqu s12 per month Telephone PA H101 gvresiept Finance 25 Dunlop st es lome priv iieges and parking Telephone PA 37903 for Iurlher information R00 AND ovum or girl in new home bloeir tronl hospital Private room lvl hnlnc privileges Phone PA 8502 for inlormation ROOM AND Itotrill available for young gentleman Dunlop and Rradtord streets district Tele phone PA 00356 or Iurther lnlon mation ROOMS TO LET BEDROOM lor root Central In downtown area For business gen tlenlan For Iurlher inlormotion telephone PA 83651 nnhnooil ior rent in quiet home tor gentleman Downtown area Telephone PA 87315 Ior further inIormatlon FURNISHED Housekeeping Room Stove relrlgorator and sink Sult able Ior two girls or buslncss peo ple Parking available it desired At bus stop PA azoso FURNISHED nouroom lor rant Laundry Iacllltlos hrcaklsst and lunch packed if desired Telephone dnys PA onoli or evening PA slll27 ior further lntormation DRIGHT lurnished housekeeping room Ior rent stove and vlclllflcl ator supplied Parking facilities gesntl end location Telephone PA sri FURNISHED lineal tor rent Also completely tarnished room and kitchen with roirigarator and stove separate entrance Dowm town location Telephone PA onset Annual Meeting MORTGAGES11 and zoo bought sold and arranged Commercill and residential moneys leaned on existing mortasm harri Doro gage Brokers PA scoot MONEY T0 LOAN FIRST AND Sccorrli existing mort sages bought ior eash Telephone PA snarl RENTALS Low cosT SPACE or rent clean modem buildings suitable lor commercial or ligbt industrlrl Tolcpnmtc PA com NURSING HOMES PATTONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available or welfare and convalescerlm Tole phone STAYNER 5521 ARR EDEN NURSING HOME built or this work semi and private rooms kind nursing care good Iood Tv rooms station was con ror outings Telephone cant Strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca tion 585 per month Telephone PA 89238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown OOhe and two bedrooms Oleoonics OBamboo Drapes OStoves and fridges IIndividuai thermostats Olncinerators CFree washing and drying facilities OMSDy other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen lby calling PA 83186 smoun six zoomed house Mod ern conveniences Large garden area Telephone stroud 4112101 THREE ngnnoonl house tar rent Newly decorated 55 per month Apply 144 sonrord st panlo and two baths downstairs 011 UNFURNISHED apartment tor heat newly decorated silo month rent Sellcontained Reasonable ly May be sublet Telephone rent For lurthcl iniormatlon tcle PA osoaz phone lvRz Strand CZNTRALLY located new modern THREE Room unturnished ground apartments now renting trshaped 1001 sportmcnt or rent Near living and dining area two bed factories Heat hydro and water rooms Tone hot water heating supplied Parking spacaTelephona stove and refrigerator supplied nlsD washer and dryer One bed room apartment alsn available Immediate possession Coutts do Ella telephone PA 455 or PA 8181 loam so CORBY iron lino LVtD IlifiilllJlls kit chen living room with dining arcs lhicc piece hilll Only 57500 lull pilCC rlL Karl Mar shall PA pron EVEN os tvUI ltavi AIhrshnIIi1 9911 Joe IuLmerPA 1136 Binary ltIillev PA out Ilcmbdr oi til Millrte and DLILHEI Iirnl into Board HENDERSON REfiLTOR in com 2r STREET DPNC PHONE PA more Imumfy WATCH youn WIFE Her 15 PA 592 Hall eycr llI light up when she sees Hum ST Rm EVERY sAlfl JIGHT irhis Tueloin built bedroom and erg nagging gs gzasn Phils Cnuntrv Boys and room splitlevel brick ANme basic Western Modérn Music jmL II MEI 151 Eafielngaggm ADMISSION 75c garage Fireplace in llvrltg room dining room family size NEW BEDROOM ST PATRICKS TEA Hanover kitchen $21500 with BUNGALOW WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 NBA terms Exclusive Call An excellent home with mail 230 pm Rita Scandrett deluxe appointments Full price St Andrews Presbyterian OVERLOOKING THE BAY 515500 Down payment $2250 Church Completer captivating centre For appointment to inspect call Garner Owen and Varsley Sis hall brick home combining mo GEORGE DAVIES ADULTS 35c CHILDREN derlt comfort Ivlth colonial PA 831 BAKE SALE AND charm Broadloom living room DELICATESSEN New three bedroom home with fireplace separate formal anemonesanew WWW PM $21935 highs oiled den large kitchen pan elled family Ilium powder boards and Storage Oil heated mom all Jnaln floor SEC Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large and floor buths4 spacious bedrooms 422 Cadrlnglon with lot in good residential area close to stores and schools anr garage For appointment call Rita Seandreti TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING nvanNcs CALL Dont forget to transfer your RITA SCANDRETT PA 84865 INSURANCE DOIIOiEIY wnvcox PA oases PERCY FORD PA Miro and It you need extra coverage at any kind EMERSON SWAIN PA oosils SEE STEVENSONS Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards PA 618010R PA 61802 113 Dunlap St OWNERS three bedroom bunge Erwin one Tyihrh old Piniongown Iy en no one so lurther intornlatloa or TIiRRE DSDRODM ranch style bungalow Largo landscaped lot Close to schools Largo rec room gégiégbcd garage Telephone PA THREE bSDRoolil House Three and onehalf years old NHA mort gage In Oakley Park area Priced or quick aale Fully landscaped Telephone PA 137754 FIVE ROOM sluceo House tor sale all conveniences Largo lot with small orchard Landscaped Located In Crecmoro Tole bond 186M Crecmore mcohln Properly Modern Triplex on St Vincent street Fully occu pied over $200 monthly One beuroom two ihedroom $17500 with rcaaonllblo down payment Telephone PA Sasta Faun nunnoonr brick bungalow Living room dining room kitchen tinished rccrcntlolthrotrm garage pavrd drive Landscaped lot In use and on bus route near school Tcrms torult purchaser Tele phone PAjstm 117 All Examiner Want Ad Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE pA 82414 REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 32415 93 Dunlap St MAREL MARSHALLPA 5534 COREYPA lislsa iIURIEI JEFFERYPA odiu Wm MARCH 14 pm WEN IIIJFYIING Keitll Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PO BOX 501 OR PHONE PA com APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE FLOOR COVERINGS BARRI FLOOR WALL TILE Sales dc Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoleum and Vinyl tile osheet goods Ceramic tile CHasdwood flooring ICarpEIS VOCEolanele line of samples FR ESTIMATES DAY OR AND TV SERVICE EVENTNGS WORIOVIANSHIP 24hour scrvicd GUARANTEED FREE PARK lcll DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shinglillg porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS FUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe or bird DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 Copy or Want Ad Section accepted until pan Day bciore publication PHONE PA 8241 judges Banning Photos In Court XWASHINGTDN AWA group oi federal judges announced Monday rt is against television and radio broadcast of any fed eral Jildlcial proceedings and 192 taking of photographs in and near courtrooms Judicial Coniererice ot the tilted States said it adopted resolution unanimoust on tho lsgue fihe conference announcement llgted that the taking of photo graphs in courtroom during Judicial proceedings and radio broadcasting oi such proceed ings are prohibited by the led e121 rules of criminal procedure lihe new action of the judicial itfcrence favors extension at ban long applicable in crim lnplcases to all judicial pro ceedlpgs and to the environs ofitbe courtroom as well as the courtroom itself 211a wnlerence action is not binding as law but spokes man said it is expected that no tice of the judges position ttrould be taken by all federal jurists HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors V013 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME THEHOME YOUVE ALWAYS WANTED only $12900 Three bedrooms pc bath linishcd recreation room fenced and nicely tread property near shop ping bus schools park years new Priced to Sell Cull Norm Heskelll PA 66453 evenings PA 87016 ny ALICE BROOKS GIFT IDEII Precious gift Imagine Moms delight when she sees this sam blcr Story of babys arrival Arase is babys cradle the leaves tell the vital facts Charming touch for nursery Pattern 7220 Lransier lzxifilé inches directions color sche mes Send ThirIyiive cenIs coins for this pattern lstamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of the Barrie Examiner Needlecrait Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Ontario residentsudd lc sales tax NEVERBEFORE VALUE PM yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew warlye embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle crait Catalog ready now See Beautiful Bulkics In complete fashion section plus bedspreads lira 11 toys alghans slipcovcrs plus free patterns Send 25 cents nnwi PHONE PA 55862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr HANDYMAN Tréés Trimmed Cut Basements Cleaned Odd Jobs PA 8761 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Pointing Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 56956 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Altconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 PA 82320 or PA soitt or details SMALL DNE bedroom apartment tor rent unlurnlshod stove and relrlgerator ground iloor cen tral Suitable Ior one or two adults Telephone PAdzsio THREE LARGE Room on ground floor Private entrance and bath hetrlgcrator ltove and utilities supplied Use or basement and FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS Member ol Barrie and District Real Estate Board MOVING For acornplctc moving service To PROBE CRASH Safer and easier Call 6ASSHNGT11N TIJS COOKE CARTAGE erollau lcs oar Sol Monday it will hold apubiic £7 STORAGE LTD hdnring in New York next week YOUR ALLIED VAN LANDS GIT18 Marchi jet crash at Tdio AGENT wild airport that took 95 lives 43 Essa Rd Barr whell the American Airlines PArkwny $557 plane plungedle Jamaica Bay liter lake71 laundry tubs close to Mulcarter on Collier Telephone PA Mass FURNISHED heated two room ground rloor apartment Private entrance Available April 1st Relrlgentor and heavy duty stove Telephone PA 82151 Two nEDRooM Apartment with living room and good also kitchen private bath unfurnished healed private entrance Central location Parking provided Rent sln per month Immedlat posscsdion Tele phona PA Man or alter pm PA asells Burllo SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South

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