SPRINGII INTO CLASSIFIED PAGESBY DIALING TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 196 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS cc rd nBAro and rs dealon Barri are happy in Jul unee he birth or on Titu isy March m2 at Toronto wnicm Hospital HAPPl ocCAsIoNThc birth at your child To tell the good nan to lrlends and neighbors Ahc Barrie Examiner classlned star are as near as your Ill pbone The day at birth lust dlal FA Hut The rue is only DEATHS nillei Sud denly at noyai Victoria Ilov oiilil Harris on Thundly liareb m2 In her list year Ethel liachael llualer itarmerly oi Lim beioved daulhlcr at in lIIsin and Jane ilunter naehar the late MoanCharles alie nesting at the lame Lyrlrl runersl liorne trimvale tor runersl service on Sslurdy Maren in at 230 PJh Enlarubment tlnvaie Cemeiery chapel PACE Duncan deals at his home ill Elicia streei liarrte slarch I961 Dun beloved husband or sluriel Dills dear rather of Luis loin It loelslral or Cobours Gall Cathy Sharon iamie Dreni dear son or Mrs Charlotte and the late James race dear hrothcr at Jack at nurllnilloa Gcolle oi Pastx and Jim at StaY ner healing at the lumen Pans erai Home 151 uradlord Strut oarrle Funeral services Satur areh in It pm interment nlon Cemetery IN MEMORIAM KNAPPI1 loving memory our dear perean Jinn KHIPDa who passed away September 22 IE and Mary Knlpp lttnrch 0l957 They harc not gone from thus they low Nor have Iticy rnndcrcd in Just cnicrcd Gods most lovely room And iell the door alr Lcl loved Ind iemembcrcd lrene Wallace and Henry KNAlPIn my only sister who pluld awl March 1957 Your laughter in my heart will dwcll Wherever may be otsyaur face stay with me And make me thank pad every da For your sweet memory ivcr remembered cmms CARDS OF THANKS sznALLlva wish to express our appreciation for the floral oil erings and killde shown us during our recent bereavcmcnt in the to of our lavcd one Claudia Averall Special thanks to Rev Jinnahll airs Lola Bryce and tho Pallbearcn The family acrrlzrllDGc We wish to ex press our apprcc alien to our many friends and neighbors or their kind deeds and expressions or sympathy in the loss or our dear mother also to liev Bell or his consoling words Arit Eden Nimian Home and donors or the beautllul llaral orierlnrs and cards Detterldlze 1nd Home alnliies leNWe wish to extend our beartrelt thanks and appreciation tor the many acts of kindness messngcs or sympathy and bull tliul tioral tributes from relatives Lrlcnds and neighbors In our re cent bcrcovemont til dzll molt lher Spcclal thanks to hey Willis and the Jcnnctt nincral iioine Thc Irwin Family nonchTsDNWe wish to ex prcss our sincere thanks in every one who so generously Assisted in at the time or our lire lIlr and ills Allan Robertson COMING EVENTS rST PATRICKS TEA WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 230 pm St Andrews Presbyterian Church Corner Owcn and Worsley Sis ADULIS 35c CHILDREN 15c BAKE SALE AND DELICATESSEN Auspices Evening Circle WA DANCING svcnv SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757B FASHIONASHOW and DESSERT COFFEE PARTY Wednesday March 28 230 pm CHRISTIAN EDUCATION WING Auspiccs Burtan Ave United Church Women TICKETS $100 Door prizes loving memory or Mary Knapp Pipeline Planned from Texas To New York TLANTA Ga APA num lie of ail companies plan to sponsor construction at 1600 mile pipeline from Texas to Ngw York Sponsors say the line is sched ii to be completed by the fall or 1553 Plivate financing is expected and new to raise $350000000 for new at any kind fililn the Colonial Pipeline CD sponsors said Arranements or financing project have not been com pxcd but organizers were listed ftmcrican Oil Co Cities Serv Ice Ca Continental Oil 00 Gulf Oil Corp Phillips Petrol elï¬h C0 the Pure Oil Co Sin clajr Pipe Line 07 Socony Oil C0 Inc and Texaco pnoocnrr FOR SALE ROSE nan STATE BROKER 1s TIFIIN sillirtr hAiilil CALL on on EVFJVING PA 82379 MIDHURST 18 ACRES 56am full price lbacres more or less containing several acres at excellent garden soil and the balance in reforestation on which is located room dwell tag with bedrooms piece bathroom lull bascmcnt tum ace Close to school store and church ALLAN DALE $10900 Sycarold bungalow rooms with bedrooms madcrn throughout including aluminum storms and scrccns lull base mcnt Iorced air oil heating large lot 66 165 HOLGATE ST $10300 Open fireplace in living room bedrooms lull Itasc ment all heating storms and screens laundry tubs This home is in excellent condition outside andinside Fully land scaped lot NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA $2900 asking price bed rooms tiled bath modern chcn lots of wall space in liv ing room large recreation room with extra large windows home completely equipped with alu minum storms and scrccns Only about its years old Car ries lor $95 monthly including taxes One mortgage good buy Vacant immcdiate passes sion APARTMENT HOUSE Codrington St Older building completely renovated contain ing onebedroom apartments showing good revenue on very low rentals Call for full infor mation Member or Lise as rte and District ii Esta Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 liffin St PA 60476 28 MARIAN CRES Asking $13900 with SLSOOIIUWII payment Cull Joe Palmer MINETS POINT Asking $6300 with $1000 down payment Catt Karl Marshall BARRIEBORDEN IIWY Asking $7500 with $1000 down payment We have many more to choose from Call day or evenings With no obligation to you EVENINGS CALL Karl lilarahail PA sisali Ioe palmer PA 6035 Emory allllor pa oases liiember of the pants and District Real Bible Board HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 63453 ANYTIME KITCHEN SINK INCLUDED in this terrific 4bedroom buy of the month Full price only 59H50 and owner will hold first mortgage and finance it at siz Best Feel Street loca tion too Let Doris Nuttycombe hear from you at PA 64453 MOTEL DINING ROOMrCON CESSION Reasonable rent in cludes heat lights water and gas Terrllic buy First time offered Dial Maryann Smith PA 66453 or evenings PA 84028 Member or Earrle and District Real Estate Board CARSON EA 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Thcltfl PA 6648I liiemhcr of parrie and District Real Estate hoard MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE coverage SEE STEVENSONS PA Gttiltl OR PA 61802 113 Dunlap St THREE BEDROOM ranch style bungalow Large landscaped lot Close to aehobla Large roe room Attached garage Haas TORONTO NarihWest Mcntlon Three bedroom new brick hangs low Including alarms and screens soddcd back and lrent $13000 32500 down Telephone Mr How ells pA solid to Telephone PA REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RENTALS ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrio Home SalesForemost in Quality at Senion PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL mm MOOREPA Min FosTEnFA Mm ROGERSPA Law ELLJA Hm sinuous BARRI DlsrnlCT gt ESTATE comp CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA M741 PA 502 Members or un name heal Litlo board smith Clmpndll PA an icon LangPA ulsi rergu tamey sA am Charlie RI PA Mali Norman Shelsweii REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available 75 interest 60 ol Value No Fees Charged BEAUTY BUSINESS for sale to settle an estate Equipped ready to walk in and start business Best location in Pcnetang Presently rentedun til June Apply P0 Box 406 Penctang or telephone 5498385 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties PA 60981 MortgageFundiug DVBI SimpsonsSears IZD DUNLOP ST MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation DfBilis Horns repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 Ctl $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4I Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGES1a and 1nd bought sold and arranged CommcrcIaI and residential moneys pound on existing mortgages aarri Mart gage arokcra PA sasaa WANTED born or 9200 to $1000 lar plumbing and ncutlng huslncss in panic Fully mound and good Interest rate Apply To 55 Barrie Examiner MP upward Norm pA deluxc appointmcnta Full price Owen Strent Barrio PA 186 Year all HES WW boards and storagc Oll heated lance to schools and shoppins close to stores and schools EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 is coLLlcn snaps garage aluminum storms and DOROTHY VILCOX PA 63543 EXCHANGE 0R SELL Ontario ncai mate board ycar round busincss For pra mm mmmnum Frisent owners retiring as lam tar quick salc Fully landscnpcd stare Area ncasonable dawn pa Puget Street Collective front Emory Itlcmbci DI BanIn Blair Evcntngs COREY Property Wanted service station site 93 Dunlop St Olnvestor with lor income ladies and childrens wear PA 475 ANYTIME This location is also the East MAKE AN OFFER Full basement Oil heating Gar Two storey centre hall plan Automatic washer dryer and BUNGALOW thus reasonable down payment MAEEL iilAnsliALLpA 84450 BARRIE MOORE FA 5135 evenings call Joe Lanltln wt was sacs wanton PA 345 Everit ShellIII oro ml Norman shelsweli in mm suds NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many CO $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call er Rent tote Br GEORGE DAVIES DOWN PAYMENT 511500 New three bedroom home Flt Price 513500 5100 bm Large living room kitchen with galow storms and screens built large dining arm hm of cup alums 5W tillmed PESE Colored bathroom fixtures van mcm 10 157 195 out ily divided basement Largo ton St Vithln rcasoiiablc dls in good residential on Fine selection of comparable TELEPHONE 84281 homes may be soon at your canvenicnce Call antor Coutts Modern cquipped bungalow six REALTOR spacious bright rooms Flnish ed recreation room attached PHONE PA blots EvaNles cALL scrccns Terms arranged to RITA spawnnm PA as suit purchaser Call Walter Pm me Coulis cllcnsoN SWAIN PA 68605 Member or narrie and District and Service station and lunch coun own mu bedroom bun ter with living quarters High low ann year old Small dawn ways 25 and 27 doing good paymcnt1clcpliono PA ovsss lor grew Parson here is room sllnac ncnnooal House Thred for improvement and expansion 222TEESiikmaigaiitdagwtgizih ily have left home Call mm 77 Coutts MUST BE SOLD income property Duplex 615300 class Dominion THREE LOTS man iuake an after must sell til 150 feet by depth of spring Telephone PA H601 age 150 foot All municipal services PROPERTY WANTED available Call Gordon Coutts Real Estate aoaro PHONES olllee PA adios bliiti Santa an ALESTATE 3301 SANDY CDUITPA salsa 232 Tffm St To meet our cilents REAL ESTATE demands Broke OClient with cash looking for Phone 824 OMany clients for small farms BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY property Lease this almost new store with tremendous potential in OEuddcr requires several lots Also commission on dry cloaa ing pickup and delivery De mand for alteration and repair BUS OPPORTUNITIES End subpost office with stand ily increasing returns Sale forced throufli illness NEAR $8000 Kitchen with dining area living room two bedrooms and bath age Close to downtown on quiet street SIROUD brick house on Highway 11 right in the village Three bed rooms Forced air oil heating stove remain in this house Two CHI garage FOUR BEDROOM Seven large rooms in this lovon residential area Two batti rooms Only two years old to one NHA mortgage This is an excellent home at lair price conisr PA salsa lIlURlEL JEFFERYPA 65183 Keith REA ESTATE BROKER PA 82532 ls cnappanron sr FRANK NELLES pA soars Member Barrio and District Real Estate Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE 74 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Ed name Try All Examiner Want Ad PArkway $5575 PHONE PA 82414 FINANCIAL $5000 07 FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO licNAiiAitA PA 60203 MONEY TO LOAN ONLY PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em all with lowlcast lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SOOILA RENTALS low cost Act or not Clean modern buildings suitable tor eoulhierclal or light industrial Telephone PA 175 PROFESSIONAL Suite or doctor dentist etc Idcnl wllb connected residence possibility pukinl Leeae Apply in writing to box as Barrio Examiner NURSING HOMES Alix EDEN Nunomu nole Built lor this work Semi private rooms kind nurllnl care good looo TV room station wa irou or cotton Telephone dsiu stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell containcd two bedroom npartmnnt Living room kitch en lull basement Central loca tion $05 per month Telephana PA b9233 Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use at washer and dryer Radccorated annually PA $1068 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwariht Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning lull basement serviced landscéped grounds bamboo drapes $86 manna PHONE pa 32740 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools sthpin and bus and within walking distance oi downtown cane and two bedrooms OBalconies OBambao Drapes OStovcs and lridgcs Ufadividual thermostats Olncinerators IFrco washing and drying facilities OMany other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 uNpuriNlaiiEn modern and bed roam heated apartment Available March 575 per month Parking tgggizdfy lactiltics Telephone PA ENJOY YOUR last mouih rent tree One and two bedroom apartments janitor scrvicc Rents from sas per month Telephone PA Mom lorlurthcr lnlonnatlon MODERN aix room bungalow geo ago full basement laundry tubl oak tloors tiled bathroom Rent son monthly Available now Tole phone PA 113414 or PA soul 90 lthDERN1bdrnom brick bungalow with 1cnr garage Now Vacant Immediate possession Ap ply lingers dc Cannell Realtors telephone PA asssa Two BEDROOM unfurnisth apartment ler rent on main floor or new triplex Back and trout entrances Automatic dryer Tele phone PA Mass or further inrol matlan COMFORTABLE large three room apartment Moderate rent Warnl Separate entrance atorage park ing Central at bus Inundromlt Allowance rar service isa Pene tang st PA 1145 FIVE ROOM Upper Duplex Well ington and myneld streets lsase mcnt rear yard and Parking priv Ilegcs $85 monthly Adults pr ierred Telephone days PA 85704 evenings PA 85258 UNFvansnED three room apart ment and large hall hutcd plus vestibule and sunporch selleon tained Ground floor Available May as Allandale Hardware telephone PA E2422 VEILY CENTnALl Three raoiri apartment for rent in new building stove and rclrigerator supplied Laundry racllltles Avail able March is Telephone PA azaiia or flirtth particulars Two ltoolvl surnlaiacd apartment tor rent Heavy duty stove and refrigerator Oil hoisted Heat light and water supplied Suitable gï¬sgusinm couple Telephone PA NEW Monlan two bedroom un furnishcd apartment Laundry and parking facilities One child wet came Call 44 Rose street or tele phone PA Him or further In rormation LARGE modern ï¬vn Mum dell contalned upper duplex bed room Holst landth water dup pilcd Available March 15 Apply 75 John Street Teiflphona PA 84055 AVAILABLE apartment business person or couple Aduitl abstalncra Parking availahtn Tclclt phone PA H3177 or apply in Buy neid street TWO BEDnoolli Apartment with living room and good size kitchen private bath unrumlshed heated private entrance Ccntriil location Parking provided lient 37a per month Immcdiatc possession TotoA phon PA azlilltior sites pan PA Moss Now Central Furnished suitable lol APTS HOUSES TO RENT TWO LAliaz unrumlabed rooms with private bath nelrtseralvr and stave supplied centrally loca ted Telephone PA 54150 alter mm nlnu noon unlurnilhed xro tlocr apartment tor real tactorlcs Heal hydro and supplied Parking space Telephon PA Mass or PA was or details mun noon Apartment lee rent Private bath uulumlsbed and but ed rtvale eniranee Close to uhoo and bus children welcome Box on Barri Examiner AVAILABLE New Two bedroom ualurnlsbed apartment nut and water supplied sellcontained net and location on bus route in per month Telephone pA Mass mun Roost healed ed spartmeni Near Dattley Paris school also Separ to reboot Psi vele enirance la ndry laeililies nhd plrklnl space Available now Telephon PA blaaoa anion Turin BEDROOM much or rent in new build saber dryer and Janitor urviu vbplied Available immediately Telephon PA 5235 ior iurtncr tnrarmalion platinum newly decorated one and two bedroom apartments to rope Centrally located with water and heat supplied Telephone PA um or PA um lor furthlr ia armtion 701m Ronni Apartment for rent unlurniahed heated Ground lloor Private entrance Sellcontained Available now Telephone PA W301 tor lurlber lolormaiian Two BEDROOM House or rent ideal location on Kempenlelt Bay Adults preleired For turther tn rornlatlon contact sire Chreslen PA C0512 soch noon upltsira apartmcni steam healed private entrance Also one tarnished housekeeping room round rioor Central For lurlber lnrormation phone PA com Mailan one Ind two bedroom apartments cut end larrte nam boo dnpel Venetian blinds Autolt matlc laundry racilitics parking Telephone PA azvzv tor lurlber inlormailon liionanN two bedroom sart aaeni centrally locaicd slave ad reirigeretor Free laundry no parking raelllttca Decorated in tcnnnt choice or colors Available lilareh Tel bone PA 5509 FOUR lino Apartment ulo bath unlurnlsbcd Stovo and re frigcntor supplied Centrally lo cated Na ebldren Avallahll Im mediately For lurthcr tlun telephone PA Wm 0N3 BEDROOM apartment In rnod ern apartment house heat water rerrldcrator stove storage laun dry taciililcs and parking East end No children Tclepliona PA 01137 Available April six ROOM llousc ror nnt Newly decorated oil heating Central IoA cation Hardwood floors through out Parking luclllties Telephone IPA aaaat days and PA anal even has HPACIOUS live room unlurntshed apartment stove and rclrlgcrator optional Automatic laundry and parking laellltles Tnlcphunc PA 51 or p11 boast rar lnrther de UNFURNISIIED our raom apart ment vlthbath Ground rloor Sclfrcontaincd Newly decorated Modeln Heated Parking Clcan Cauld supply some lurnlshlngs If required Telephone PA 3405 lnrorma ualurntah RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT Iix 00 nous with and turn basement Also seated apartment tor mat Telephon PA not lol ruriber laionslsiion COMPLETELY harnlabzd llous lor not bedrooms eloao to bus route and churches Available April Pluu call PA Hm alter and Two BEDROOM upslaln art ideal Itplnln entrance heel and water ruppbed our best end shopping plus No children Avau obi April Telephone PA 51m amino two bedroom modern apartment available in strond art ent none Adults preremd on eellon to baby no monthly Tllcphono dawn to nsAnD selfrcontlincd ground floor Three in rooms Nur nbooi Parklnl Prtv entr rance no monthly Telepbo PA 59228 aunmNAVld Three room im rurnlshed up irncut to hi all healed not water stove and no rrlxentor Private bath Apply in cent st or lurlber inlormeilon SIX BOO our to rant with domain and nun Oil hutlrll Centrally located Avsuablo now ciao per month Tolvpboaa PA 31951 or PA Haas Tmiu nooyi tarnished ari nual madam convenience and light supplied $55 monthly Apply Crsllhunt General store or falophona PA llsla TImEE noon unrurnlihed hut ed aperinieni ntlcontllnpd Cen iral location oilstreat parking Availbl Mow Telephone PA H000 lulu rtdaent clinic Apartment made heomont unlurntahed ael telned hosted Laundry and lag raeilittes Near bus stop Imr mediate possession Telephone PA 354 for iurthel details NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom artraents curlodklnl scenic Kern anleit neat wa ter liIIDE Ind tor service inciu ed Automatic wasblas ta cluuea an alibi Ihrea main hut ullrcontninnd with Penctanl Strcct close to stores schools and bus stop Available immediately Tele Phonn PA 63472 TlmEE n00 Basement Avut ment rhcstcd acifrcontstncd pri vate bath nelrlgoralor and stove partially turnisbcd Telephone PA about or PA is or lurlber tn iormstlon COUPLE to share he lawn garden etc heated modern lumlaned ment Television everything plied Central Parking Tolephona PA M119 alter pm NEW LAlinz Apartmenta tor rent in new apartment building tin and two bedrooms Stout and re lrigerator laundry laelutles sup plied Quecu street area PA coals ROOMS TO LET noohl lor rent Central location Band optional Telephone PA 65255 or further interdiction annual for rcnt Central in downtown area per business sen lloman For furthcr information telephone PA 54661 EBDRODMS or not One slnrle one with two beds llousekccplnil ll desired in quiet hamc Would suit business acnilemeu Apply ln7 Sapliln Street West MoiialtN two bedroom apnrtmcnl large living room kitchen thrcis piece bath Front and back ent ranees Laundry room in base meat One or two ehlldren will come Available April Apply 31 baylleld Strnot or PA sails ULTRAJODE one bedroom apartment with private balcony Drapes supplied centrally located Apartment is completely furnish ed with matching colors furniture lamps etc This furnlture may he purchased reasonably by anyone renting apartment Must be sold as party irensrerreil ideal for young merited couple 575 without fumi iure Telephone PA oaaaz ALICE BROOKS FUN AND THRIFTY II bright felt print 01 tiny checked cotton these pillow pets make hit with youngsters For cheerful ayefut toss these pillow pets on childs bed orzipper them to make jama bags Pattern 7121 trans for of heads directions Send Thirtylive ccnls coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of the Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Taront Ontf Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Ontario residents add 1c sales tax NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Noodle cralt Catalog ready now Size Beautilui Buikies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys alghans slipcovrs plus free patterns Sand 25 cents nowl rumsilcn Bedroom lor rent Laundry lacliilics llrcaklast and lunch packed it dcalred Telephone days PA pools or evenings PA 51027 tar lurthcr inlorlnetlop PUansich heated housekeeping room with rangcttc and use or rcfligcrstor central location Tel ephone PA b5082 or PA Host for turther inlormailon ROOM at BOARD noon ND noAnD available tor one or two Lunches packed if de sired Very reasonable Close to 61 Telephone PA 5075 Ron AND nDAnD available or two Central location Close to bus Home privileges Telephone PA M747 lor turthcr Information NICE uanHT Room with board with Iunchcs packed close to parking area CcntrlllY located Telephone PA nitlsz noon AND Ilamp or girl in new home block lrorn hospital Private room with home privileges Phone PA 85022 or information noDM AND noon avaUable or young gentleman Dunlap and nradlord streets district Tele phonc PA mad tar lurlber irdor mutton ROOM BOARD WANTED WANTED Room and board ior elderly gentlemen Ahstslner Icl ephone PA Mill ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner ll you would like to have re priats of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please at our Busi ness office We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 8x I0 $125 plus CASH LOANS$5M at on per month Telephone PA cam Erosion nuance Dunlap st es FISH HUT or sale store otc Iri eluded Already on the ice or Kcinpenrelt my Pflccd reason ebly at Ola Telephone PA nzaal PA 82414 ARTICLES for SALE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Itioftat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Rn all used goods plus new slightly damaged Itcms way below original cost we also buy content loll 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA E2427 FURNACE BARGADI Buy your fur on now between Jan 15th on Feb 28th and get your du air attachment REE with every complete installation Reg $89 FORCED AIR OIL OR QM NEW Slit Finance Rafa Phone collcct Strand HRS WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand Low Overhead Low Cos Do you have any of these items in your basement or attic which are no longer in use OSporting caulment liadios car or portable OHecord players 40 Uscd furniture at any kind provcs to be last sellcr OGOOD uscd clothing til you would to exchange your unwanted items for cash call Classified Advertising between 330 cm and pm daily PA 824 USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG sr PAULS LOCK REPAIR RR NEIV LOWELL PHONE 9203 Collcctt Repairs to Locks Door Closers and Sales Service Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST FULL SIZE CRIB for sale Met tress included Goad condilon on Telephone ivy zonal TYPEwanEIis bought aald rent cd repaired student rental rates Ask about our cht Try then Bay Plan star Typcwritcl Co liiery street PA 66595 TELEVISION for sale lingers Ma Jestic 17inch console good condi tion Best otter Tclcphayle Camp Borden 725R Can be men at as School street Camp Borden DUOTIIEIIM Space Heater sale electric ignition Also kitchen on range with ian could be used or coal or wood Ina gallon tank Apply d7 burton Ave manna 17 cubic that one only lloor model sm Itlollist Fiesta Range top model complete with base cabinet one only taeiory secr $251975 Robinson Hardware PA RANGE Washcr netrtuerator Television tiplccn chrome let bedroom suites pollsher lawn mower Stercn KLFI Drapes in gauge shaieun 22 automatic many mara Items All in Al con dition Telephone pa dioso BOATS 8t MOTORS SPRING TUNEUP JOHNSON EVINRUDE GALE DUTEOARDS OVERHAUL AND SHARPEN POWER LAWN MOWERS FREE PICKUP DO IT NOW DELANEY BOATS LTD Bayfield St PA 66413 RACING noAT to coat hydro plane well made boat Kelly plan two yeara old This boat will really la $150 Telephone CH 11595 or write hell Stewart Avenue Rexdele Oplarla DOGS 3t PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GDWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPENTO stall PM DAEY PHONE PA 58036 GERMAN mandarin Puppies for sale lldake excellent arm dogs Telephone PA 08936 or further intonnation cnlnuAuuA Puppies Little belt tles Ready to go With papers Stud service Telephone onwa collingivood Try An Examiner Want or NO DOWN PAYMENT Food and Freezer Plan SAVE MONEY BY BUYING BULK ON THE BLUE RIBBON PLAN Sit Costs Nothing To Investigate CALL PA 61562 TODAY Home Economics food and Freezer Limited R055 STREET