Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1962, p. 5

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SHEILA MeKINNON ream CALVERT ST JOES SENIOR GRADES Students Visit ay menses COLLINS st Josephs St Joes senior students at tended the Monday morning sca sioa of Magistrates Court this week in the Barrie City Hall They found that watching the wheels of Justice In motion was most interesting and infor motive Comments on this visit were many Mike Garvey our licad Bay had this to say This visit really showed me the fair ness of the court process as regards the accused Terry Calvert was he said impres scd with the ceremony and op eration of the court Neither observations lacking from the girls was most fascinated by the human interest which the Judge dld played in assessing each case said hiarle Kelley Sheila lIlc Kinnon who followed proceed ings closely noted that judge faces many varied cases and accused men in short morning To judge each In fair manner would seem to be very onerous task Our basketball team was at lt again last Thursday The team played against Elmvale High Seniors in an exciting and thrilling gamc St Joes boys hadnt practislt ed for two weeks and were sadly off in their passing and shooting as result the Elm7 vale cagers dominated the first threequarters of the game buil ding up solid lead However In the last eight minutes St Joes team turned tbs tablcs Using full court press they harried the Elmvalers balding them up in their own hall at the court This determined but late drive resulted in 4645 victory for St Josephs but it was close squeak LOPSIDED GAME Last week the lntormural Basketball Championships at St Josephs were decided in rather lopsided but exuberant game Team two not only faced team threa but walked all over them to the tune of sllsill Although not indicated by the score play was fairly even However the shooting ac curacy of such players as Jim BOB RYAN Corrlgal and Doug Stone ea abled team two to win go Iag away After the contest Sister Her chmans Principal of Sir Jose cphs presented the trophy to the winners and congratu ate them on their cleanly won gamé She also thanked the members of the Senior Basket ball Team who had managed the league and refereed the games The rest of the stud cats who were present In body to watch the game aplt plauded the Champs heartily as they accepted their trophy We are proud to announce St Josephs winners of the School Trophies presented by the Lions Club for the best or atory in the School In the Son lor Division ladies first Sheila McKinaon took top honors fol lowed by Mary Anne Stone Jan Cavanaugh again proved to be the best among the boys runnerup to Jan was Peter Murdoch another at St Joes representatives at the Annual Speech Festival of this past month in Toronto In the Jun lor Division the most proficient North Senior Girls Capture Georgian Bay Champ Title Norths gym last Saturday was the scene of the tournav ment for the GBSSA Geor gian Bay Secondary School As sociation Championship la the first game against Newmarket the second place team from the South District North won victory to enable our team to go on to the fin als During this game one of our players received smash ing clbow in her eye and Is now going around school with black eye The evening game was piny ad against Richmond Hill the winners in the game against Collingwood The game was hard one with penalties being handed out freely Even though the oppositions basket was wellguardcd Ulle scored baskets and Tina man aged to get baskets The game was actually very one sided as the final score can indicates This victory makes our Sens for Girls GiBSSA Champions The members of the team are Tina Cameron Ulla Lentsivs Linda Marshall Diane Gordon Marg Drury Carol Spark Suz anne Leviason Astrida Berze MaryJane Garner Connie Otto NORTH NOTES On Monday at oclock Mr Rollasons room was the place to be There were three little duckiiags swimming around in the water in his lab sink Exam timetables have been posted for several weeks Just little reminder even though you probably dont need it exams start on March 19 Grade 12 girls health classes are making toys for their pro ject Such things as dolls fur niture dolls clothes stuffed an imals coloring book rand drawn pictures and even hobby horse have been hand ed in The yearbook Polaris is slow ly taking shape Writeups of dif ferent clubs and events are be lng handed in and pictures are being taken The English clas ses are cooperating by writing poetry and stories for the lit erary section Even while this is going on and advertise ments are being drawn up the sale of yearbooks is on You can pay for your yearbook in the main hall at noon Pay ments may be made in instal lments or in one complete pay ment Be sure to order your yearbook beforethe exams We at North are proud of our contestants in the Public Speaking finals for the city held at our school Monday night cj King Futures Syndicate Inc 1962 World rith reserved Carolyn Cox from our school won the Girls Competition aga inst Central and St Josephs Her win puts the city trophy in our possesion for the scan and straight year Finn Sm melhag spoke for North in the boys competition Congratulat ions to Carolyn for splendid performance This term the English com position exam is being treated in new way Last week the grades wrote the word study part of the exam The exam was written in the English per iod on specific day for each grade The composition will be written with the other exams on the timetable It is good system because it divides the studying of the exam and gives more time to devote to other subjects Yesterday students from North who are mathematically Inclined wrote the math exam or contest for the provincial math contest The students were David Eobier Brian Cook Myron Sponagle Vickie Smith Susan Sellers Anne Patterson Annette Raikes Jane Huyer Judy Lenanon Barbara Varcoe Les Jolliife Earl Morris Tina Cameron Tony Geazebroek Geraldine Haylock Robert Mac Martin Colin Wortley Elaine Sponagle and Richard Green ill The doctors not inhe caught cold audwent Gay Ellis Brenda Johnson and Shirley Hunter Congratulations to all the team members and to their coach Mr Dryden for splendid coaching and team work in winning the championship LEIGH RIDE Last Friday night was the time for the iSCF sleigh ride Club members as well as other people gathered at the school at 730 and proceeded from there in cars to Elenor Jones at Mineslng When everyone arrived they all set out on the sleigh ride There were tobog gans attached to the back of the sleigh to provide more room for the group of approx imately so people The fun came When the tob oggans kept breaking away and people kept getting left behind After about two hours of fun the group most of whom felt as if they were frozen into solid blocks of ice went back to Jones to get warmed up and to eat While there they ate hot dogs doughnuts and hot chocolate and great variety of cookies which were simply delicious singsong followed and the group was accompanied by someone on the piano and an unknown talent on the guitar Paul Clossan head of ISCF for Simcoe County also spoke to the group Games were led by Finn Sim melhag and everyone seemed to have wonderful time even thgugh it was rather chilly out or COMMERCIAL CLUB Last Saturday number of Commercial students from North went to Orillia Collegiate to compete In the Georgian Bay Commercial Student Contest There were representatives of schools from the complete Geor gian Bay District There were four competitions or classes in which students could enter They were spelling mental ari thmetic shorthand and typing North students entered in the last two classes with the re sults Lorna Horton second in Senior Typing Contest Vallee Chantler second in Junior Typ ing Contest Sharon Hay sco oad in shorthand and Tony Pearson third in shorthand The scores will be sent to the Ontario Commercial Teach ers Association MARIE KELLEY Court girl speaker was Sharon LaJoie she was closely seconded by Joanne Coughiin Tommy Col lins proved to be the best fun lor hoy orator with Paul Sch nurr coming next Two of our students were participants In the Lions Club District Finals Oratorlcai Con test held last Monday Sheila ilthinnon and Jan Cavanaugh spoke and both did rather well Jon won top honors for the District with speech Chart Your Course dealing with teenage indecision in choosing career This win gives him the right to compete in the Lions Club District Finals to be held within two weeks Our best wishes and hopes go with him to the contest If he should win it would be great credit to himself and to St Josephs TEE BARRIE EXAMIN EH FRIDAY MARCO D6 Borden Fashion By ROLAND PASKAR The girls in the Home Econ omits classes recently held Fashion Show under the super vision ol bliss Dames Parents teachers and female students were in attendance at this show which raised money to purchase supplies for the Home Economiu department The Student Council in an effort to present abalanced budget this year had decided to have special Tea Danccs on muday afternoons The Camp Borden Cadet Corps in preparation for the forthcoming inspection this May has been holding voluntary drill In the gym on Wednesday ev enings 630 to 800 and Ith Concert Band is gradually tran sforming into marching band In our Tuesday assembly Drama Bars were distributed to members of the club who had earned sufficient points Mr Murray the staff advisor to the Drama Club referred to iriplay Night and presented the schools best actor and best actress awards to Annoiiiaria Boucbard and Bob Hardy In the same Assembly we were honored by the appear ance of Professor At Me Bryde of the Science Faculty Waterloo University who spoke on further education and en couraged everyone to at least complete their high school edw cation and stressed the growing importance of University de grca At this weeks assembly Mr Scott from the Do Vry Trades GEORGIAN BAY CHAMPS Above are the Barrie North senior girls team GBSSA champions Standing left to right Gerry Dryden coach Brenda Johnson Connie Otte Cami Spark Donna Bowen cctronlcs An excellent film showing developments in the field of automation was screen edlklollowing liIr Scotts brief ta School spoke on careers In cl Centrals Tops In Talent Features French Can Can By ELIZABETH TRAINOR Central Collegiate Centrals Tops In Talent show sponsored by the Student Council the first attempted in several years will be rememI bored as one of Iliamost ea ioyabio programmes ever seen From the suggestion of our principal Mr Bowman variety show was put together somewhat hastily but the result ing success judging from the approval of the audience was well worth the work and plan ning Master of ceremonies Ross Spearn put his audience at ease by his relaxed manner of per sonal conversation with them despite the periodic microphone failure In his opening remarks in which be welcomed the as Bradford Dramatic Play By MIKE KILKENNY 11A and FRANK MEHER 11A Everyone has buckled down to work now that the Easter ex amination timetable has been posted The examinations start March 15 for all grades Many of the students minds were set at ease owing to the results of the tuberculin tests which were read last week In the interhouse basketball Ieague this week the boys standings era as follows Juniors Green Blue White Red Senin Blue White is Red Green The girls standings are not yet complete The playoffs start this week ay avast OWEN us On Thursday and Friday of last week Shakespeares Rom eo and Juliet was put on in the schgol auditorium by the Drama The cast was headed by Doug Sioneham as Romeo the awardwinning Leona Van Dyke as Juliet Chris Evans and Carolyn Kirkup as Capulct and LadyaCapulet Richard Lang rldgc and Margaret Kerckes as Montague and Lady Montague Marilyn Lamson as Juliets nurse Jim Yorke as Tybalt Lee Wlnterkorn as Eenvolio JackNesbitt as Paris Henry Kleiss as Mercutio John Stam as Sampson Bob Jackson as Balthazar JohnMilos as Greg ory Arthur Taylor as Abra ham Page and Peter Peter Schcdlich as Prince Escalus Arthur LeBianc as Friar Law rence Barry Langridga as Friar John Mike Uliki DANCING ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY TOM caows SATURDAY and his Quinta TARTANS Barrles Newest Piece Orchestra All members of Barries flamed Central Collegiate Band ADMISSION 75c REFRESHMENT BOOTH No SLACKS on JEANS PERMITTED Old Tyma and Modern Dancing program and commented on the sembled parents friends and teachers Ross stated that there were no dress rehearsals for the fact that considering there were over 140 students taking part in some way or another it had to be team work all the way The Collegiata Band under the direction of Mr Fisher was punctual as usual and sported civilian dress because of an upcoming concert in Wat erloo the next day Their numbers included Per cussion Espagnole by Robert Prince Bolero by Maurice Ravel and tribute to Benny Goodman SHORT PLAY The Drama Club presented short pla by Dora Reich en titled St Voices Presents Tom Marshall as officers of the guard and Eleanor Eelfry Sheila Bell Betty Ann Dales Suzanne Hansen Ann Hollard Shirley Kirkup Stella Novosad Pat Siorvogel Linda Taylor and Susan Turner as citizens of Verona In the first intermission the Grade IX ChoirI directed by Miss Coon sang Early One Morning Canon and Ash Grove The colorful costumes were made by parents and friends of the actors who did great job with them Wardrobe and makeup assist ants were Barbara Gardner Gwen Mandy Jennie Yarmoluk and Jane Anderson The lighting was ably handled by Philip Martin and the stage manager was Suzanne Marshall The balzkground music was re produced by Robert deValk The visual effects were beau tiful and the words of the ac tors could he heard clearly from every part of the auditon nun Mr Robinson members at the cast and all others as sociated with this fine roduc tion are to be congra ated In the play the director por trayed by Patricia Seruton was giving instructions to other char acters who represented Inanim ate obfects having human qual tiles The pieces of furniture namely the chair played by Doreen Roberts and the rocker played by Tom Variey aired their views on the faults of the human race Maureen Stuart gave life to the wall while Fred Heutink and George Hoiiownia the only real human characters took the parts of the two Iona Dave and Ben An Introduction to the play in the form of chance meet ing between Carolyn File and Norma Roberts on street gave the audience the main Idea of Still Voices Other than regular cast mem bers Gerald Churchill and Jim ce Reynolds were in charge of lighting sound and properties Commentating on the dances from the Roaring 20s to the Twisting 62s was Joan Atkin son representing the HiY Club From the 20s Dianne Law Bill Kennedy Sherry Richard son and Don Esford did their version of the Charleston Later in the lliY number Don Es ford and Jackie Weatiiorill prov ved that the waltz has thrived even after being starved by thetwlst that brings on indig estion New and Rab1mm $7950 SIMCOE BUSINESS MACHINES 69 Dunlop St WPA 84824 il FEATURE THE BOY and the PIRATES in Color Sat Morning Show at 12 Noon ALL IN coma PLUS THESE CARTOONS on Molller Cnbhord llaflllng nunnIes Wolf Pardon Felix The Fox Oflon Linn uons PLUS BONUS FEATURE IAMWS PLAYERS THEATRE COME EARLY DOORS OPEN AT 1145 mun GIVE BOOKS of FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS Ideal for Birthday and Parties Ulla Lentsius Tins Cameron Diana Gordon and Gay Ellis Kneeling left to right are Linda Marshall Suzanna Myl son MaryJane Garner Marl Drury Wanda Lees and Al trida Berle North Camera Club Photo Pupil Talents Gain Laughter By ELIZABETH TRAINOR Central Collegiate The Glee Club directed by Miss Wase presented dif ferent type of performance than they usually do While the Glee Club was singing with the odd giggle Say it with Music Jon Hennebry disguised as girl and George Hollownla her bashful boyfriend demon strated love scone nothing that would rival Romeo and Juliet mind you but it was probably more enjoyed by the audience The Special Girls Choir sang Ezeckiel saw Wheel Roll ing and Fantasy on Nur sery Rhymes During the song The Gandi Dancer by the Glee Club several boys dresslt ed as trainmen and strutted their stuff Bill Onkes and Grant Peever gave thrilling parallel bar demonstration on behalf of tho Boys Athletic Association The KeyClub presented an not entitled Magic Eliminated with Rosco Spearnoti and Com pany Temporarin acting as Carl Hamilton gave some at the interesting biography oi the great Spearnoffl He was born on snake farm just north of strand and it was there that he learned his myslt tifying acts The great Rosco was assisted by the famous one million dol tars Legs Lumsten and that cute girl from the Glee Club number Homer Hennebry DANCING I5 FUN Barrle TEEN TOWN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 75¢ Per Person Spot Prizes Ample Parking Diamond Jim Brady who really does come from Stroud went into the audience and chosa several objects and when held up the Great Roscocould identify them even though he was blindfolded Apparently he had help from party under table who remained unknown to the audience until the and of the magicians performance at which time Gary Maw made spectacular and unexpectcd appearance with few words of his own to say From the Allandala Dancing School Rosemary Hobson Dore en Roberts and Evelyn McCann danced to Jass Interlude and very well too CAMERA CRAFT STUDIO Appointments Fas Weddings Child Photography Commercial Photography special offer Camera Craft Studio will takn lb lnlutcly free the portralt 02 any brtdovtobe Have your engagement pier tlua taken now Appointment made at both noses 37 Dunlop st West Fred Grant Street PA 83927 IIIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Ell 388 BLAKE ET Beslda Kempvlew Bowl PA 68961 BANQUETS MEETINGS PARTIES CONVENTIONS WEDDINGS FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE NOW SHOWING Recommended As Adult Entertain ment gt ANNIE IIIRer mos CWISHIMSIB man IiiIna Rose Worsecamoamma SUSAN HAYWARD IoHN GAVIN mEssnun can VERA MILES mmnmmmmn Evening at 115 and 320 Starts SUNDAY BRIDGE TO THE SUNf with CARROLL BAKER IMPERIAL Now SHOWING 9m film nos uwnnn BIIIP ilililiiittiiililTECHNICOLUR mnam EVE AT 700 and 900 am CONTINUOUS

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