TALNTED WEAVER RENOWNED FOR CRAFT Dutchborn Ric Donkor Ban nister one of Canadas fore most weavers sits at one of the many looms in her Queen slon Ont store Mrs Ban nister who came to Canada 26 years ago has been weav ing for 40 years and her work is widely known in North Am erica Photo Churchill UCW Plan Irish Supper Churchill United Church We men held their February meet lng In the Sunday School room of the church with the presl dent in charge In her call to worship Mrs Lucas quoted from the Book of Leviticus am the Lord your God Ye shall therefore sancti fy yourselves and ye shall be holy Hymn 196 God Re veals His Presence was sung and the president read the Les son Thoughts based on the six th chapter of Isaiah concluding with rayer and the sin ng of sto ce the Lord Is Kng Roll call was answered by Biblical verse featuring cour age Several additional mem bers were enrolled An invitation was accepted to join with the ladies of St Peters for the World Day of Prayer ANN LANDERS An lrish supper was planned for March 16 at which time Mrs Pitcher of Alliston will entertain with pictures of the Holy Land taken on re cent trip there Mrs Burns reported on the activities of the Messen ger group The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs Lucas Mrs Paterson led in prayer for the special missionary Mrs Allan Todd as chairman of the program committee for the evening gave an interesting account of the UCW inaugural Presbyterial held in Barrie The scripture lesson from the first chapter of Joshua was taken by Mrs Mac Stewart Mrs Nagel led in prayer and the meeting closed with the Mlzpah benediction Lunch was served If He Likes Extras Give Him The Works Dear Ann Loaders My fiance and are having disagrees ment and we want you to settle It before we merry Clyde comes from welltodo family The most casual dinner at their home is like state occasion They use fancy linen good silver and the works was brought up in middleclass family My mother had to do all her own work so we cut few corners here and there Sometimes we used paper napkins skipped bread and butter plates and so on Clyde has had dinner at our home several times and we have never tried to put on the dog He has seen us as we are Now he has made few sug gestlons for our home when we marry He has asked me not to put catsup bottles jelly jars or sourcream cartons on the table say this is ridiculous Putting such things in dishes and on plates makes extra work and the food doesnt taste one bit better In fact pickle right out of the jar cant be beat We have agreed to let you settle it It you do your own dishes Ann know what youll IBMHERES HOPING Denr Hoping Remember the coast to coast knock down dragzout we had in this column starting with the should wile iron the bed sheets if her husband asks her to Well please reread the advice Its the same If the extra niceties are im portant to man his wife should be willing to put herself out to please him Its an even bet that hell respond by being extra considerate to her in return Why would you wish to put jars and cartons on the table if you knew in advance that this would irritate the guy The smart woman knows how to cast bread on the waters and get back sandwiches Dear Ann Loaders note of thanks from me to you Last week wrote letter to an old college chum told her my busbaad and were planning to attend convention in their city next June and that wed like to stay at their home just knew that since we hadnt seen one another in years theyd be thrllled Recently in your column there were letters from Seattle Reno New York Minneapolis Phoe nix Las Vegas and Louisville The people who wrote all voiced the same complaint They were griplng about friends who had dono exactly as we had done invited ourselves as house guests When read that column it was as if someone had turned on light in my head sat right down and wrote another note to my chum saying we had changed plans and were staying in motel Yourcolumn made me realize how thoughtless and inconsiderate had been Thank you for waking me up AN OTHER ANN Dear Ana Loaders My father lives with us He is very pleasant person but our ideas on rearing children are not the same He does not interfere but he often offers suggestions with which do not agree My father says that children learn best by experience and that shouldnt shield our youngsters against life Yesteru day our fouryearold got hold of some sewing scissors Ive told him many times not to play with scissors but be managed to climb on chair and help himself When took the scissors away from him my father said should have allowed him to cut himself little just once and then hed never play with scis sors again Do you agreeiSAL Dear Sal Cut himself little indeedi What if the child poked his eye out Would the lesson learned first hand be worth the eye Some things should be learned from experience but parents have the responsibility to pro tect their children against phys ical and emotional catastro 1Elbe when they can see it com BUILDINGA nrc ROOM MAKE voun HOME COMPLETE WITH SAFE CLEAN FLAMELESS BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BAYFIELD smear PA $6568 Change Habits Advises Speaker NORTH BAY CF Women today have tendency to follow the same patterns to get in rut Mrs Rose of onto Tuesday told the inaugural meeting of the Toronto Confer ence branch United Church women Mrs Rose member of the churchs Board Women said many women find it difficult to try new ways We are being challenged to try new ways In our hands lies the responsibility of deepening the lives of women She told delegates she hopes that through the new organiza tion more women than ever be fore will be reached feel we will have to go out side the church to meet these women We will meet them in the business world In social groups to let them know there is place for them in the church Vice presidents elected in cluded Mrs Herman Paul Powassan Mrs Alex Garvie Tara Mrs Brewer Tim mins and Mrs Sharpe Brampton THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOB TOMORROW Aim as high as possible and you cannot lose out entirely even though there are some conflicting influences now Sllt leace may be your best bet in delicate matters And do not place too much faith in the promises of others if they are not close friends FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your chart shows signs of fine year ahead Your natural abili ties wiil take you far Have con fidence in them Engage in creative work and you will be happy Ambitions should be soaring now with you in real mood to accomplish And you cant All people in your sign are cur rently in fine cycle for the advancement of lofty goals whether along personal or oc cupational lines Except for the month of 0c tober finances will be encour aged by fine stellar vibrations In job matters advancement ls indicated in July and or No vember Where romance is concerned June October and December will be highly propitious peri ods and if you have yen for travel take off during July or August December will start mag nificent period for launching new ventures which could bring great profitand happinessin 1963 child born on this day will be rather stubborn and persist ent in undertakings but will have everyoaes best interests at heart BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH Mark Anniversctry In Sunshine State Mr and Mrs Jeffrey of Herschel Saskatchewan were honored guests at an afternoon reception to mark the 50th an niversary of their wedding Mrs Kingsley Gorreil daughter of the celebrants was hostess for the party held at the Black stone Iiotel Long Beach Cali fornia Mr and Mrs Jeffrey receiv ed the guests in the Solarium which was decorated with has skets of roses mums tulips and daffodils The guest book was signed by we friends of the couple many of whom were Caaadlans Amongthe guests were Mrs Helen Stairs Mrs Blake Moyacs nieces of Mr Jeffrey and their husbands all Missionary T0 of Bellevllle Mrs George Lan ciaux Rosctown Saskatchewan sister of the bride The bride received attired in gown of blue taffeta and lace corn lemented with white orchl corsoge Among the cards letters and telegrams of congratulations were messages from the Prime Minister of Canada John Dict anbokcr the Premier and the LieutenantGovernor of San ï¬fltciiewan and Allan Stevens The bride is the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Ralncy originain of Thornton and later residents of Harris The bridegroom is native of Hellovilie County of Hastings Show Slides Of Living Conditions In India David Eadie missionary who recently returned from six years service in India will be Ipeaker at the morning service at Burton Ave United Church this Sunday 111eUnited Church of Can ada has recognized that the modern missionary must use different and new methods of approach to reach the hearts of people overseas and in reach ing deep into its membership drawing on its laymen to bring the skills of the New World to the people of the old while at the same time spreading the message of the Gospel Following high school David Eadie set up his own business in Weston operating from double garage He and his wife attended Westminster United Church at Weston and were in volved in young peoples work Later the business was moved to Kielnburg where he employ ed others on small electrical contracts involving transforms ers and his knowledge of wood4 working and pattern making was the backbone of the busi ness The opportunity was presented to him to teach the young poo in of India the skills of his tra as missionary of the United Church He accepted the challï¬lige and sailed for In dia with his wife and small daughter second daughter was born to them in India Recently the Rotary Club was privileged to hear Mr Eadie speak in Barrie and this Sun day the congregation of the church will have the opportun ity to hear his story Eev Dav id Reeve will experiment with family dessert seciol to be held at pm when the fam llles of the congregation will be invited to come to the church with their children to have des sert following their Sunday din her at home Following the evening service Mr and Mrs Eadie will show color slides taken while they were in India Sandman Sticks To Schedule Parents StickToRules By castration mas Mony child three seven or much older wont go to sleep unless his mother is with him Waking in the night he must sleep with her Texas mother writes Our little boy age seven years will not go to sleep alone or if he wakes up and finds no one in bed with him he comes to find someone havetried being firm but he is actually frightened of be lag alone Other than bedtime be Is welladjusted and easy to handle but this has been problem since he was small baby and had to be or was rocked to sleep do not leave him at night much but when do he sleeps on the couch where the baby sitter to until we come home My little girl four years used to be fine about going to bed alone until the last three months but she also want someone to lie down with her She will sleep the night through alone once she gets to sleep They will not go to sleep to gether just seem to disturb each other Please give me some sug gestions as it takes me 20 min utes or more to get her to sleep at niglht tlheag hatve Ito mov man go my oy oseap sleep with him it want undisv turhed sleep let both children have night lights in their rooms and try to dispel any fears they have of dark or night My reply in partr Tied to you so long it is not strange that your boy wants you to be with him at bedtime For some months at least It might be well if these children or SPRING FABRICS ALL THIS WEEK We Invite you to see our wonderful spring col lection of new fabrics Dacroos Terylenes Ansel Spring Woollens Polished Sateens Cottons Printed and Plain Chinos and Denims Beautiful Wedding or Party Fabrics FREE DRAW PRIZES Come In and browse around Fill in your free draw ballot aémc 5pr or BARRIE Largest Stock of Fabrics ln Simcoe County I6 COLLIER ST PA 877l2l having separate beds occupied the same room You could have the younger one go to bed about 40 minutes earlier than the older one and then if he woke up lathe night Dad could go and remind him that his sister is in the room By all means Dad should look after them at bedtime and during the night Discuss Plans For lune Sale The third meeting of tho Iadlu Auxiliary of the Barrie YALYWCA WIS held It the YMCA Owen Street As result of the combined effort of the group the recent rummage and nearlynew sale was great success It was decided to build up fund for furnishing room in the pro sed new bulld lng wi the proceeds from the rummage sales retaining on so count of $50 for current ex posses The members expressed np predation to all who had so generously assisted ia this recent undertaking GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE SIX KING Sill IT 01 Damn cm RETAILERS 10 THRIFTY CANADIANS WEEKEND SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATUDAY ONLY SAVE 10 on nu PURCHASE or ANY HANDBAG 0R SPRING HAT NEW FOR SPRING AND EASTER AS PRETTY AS PICTUREI UuerLy Flnuorhg arm from Fashions smart new shades in either Straw Flower or Hail Hats All savings priced hom 2991 to 899 PLUS 10 VOUCHER TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY HANDBAG LISTED BELOW NEW MATCHING HANDBAGS WmflmahMImemehmauewcall andPaoenttianheaJhmbrightmwoolmnsfmmwtddt be choose Shocking Pit Green or Beige Savings Priced from 199 to 500 PLUS 10 VOUCHER TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY SPRING HAT LISTED ABOVE but many are sleeping Let Reeves Craftsmen help you to awaken them to new Springtime beauty by suggesting riew and exciting designs March is an opportune time when our workshops are particularly well equipped to perform this ser vice number of stock ring mountingsavailableof sub stantial reductions at both Jewellery and Repair De parimonts JEWELLERSITD DIAMOND MERCHANTS Since 1896 rA sons