Flight Lieutenant Florence BEM Officcr Com manding the RCAF Clerk Ad ministrative Training De partment at Camp Borden was recently presented with the First Hot to the Canadian Forces Decoration This ward representing 22 years of service was presented by the Commanding Officer Group Captain It Hilton CD top right native of Toronto FL Florence presently resid es at Cedar Crescent Camp BORDEN AIRMEN Borden No members of the RCAF Photo Training School at Camp Borden wero recent ly presented with the First Bar to the Canadian Forces Decoration by Group Captain Hilton CD They were Flight Lieutenant Enwden bot tom left the Schools Officer Commanding native of Lon don Ontario and Warrant 0f ficer Second Class Rat eliffe of Tisdale Saskatche wan bottom right FL Baw den presently resides in An Max Iatia Group Delights Community Concert Audience The Max Jaffa Trio delighted the audience of 550 last even ing in North Collegiate auditor ium for the second of the 1981 62 Barrie Community Concerts Association series The middle aged group from England vio iinistvleadcr Max Jaffa pianist Jack Byficld and cellist Regin ald Kilbey talented with their instruments in solo right were obviously enthusiastic with their profession of music They seemcd happy in providing en jo ment There was not the s1 ghtcst trace of job to do in their performance which at pears all too often in some gravelling professional music ans First part of these communv ity concerts usually opens on heavier musical note and this was no exception The per formers indicated their talent in handling the best The trio opened with Slavonic Fantasy an arrangement by pianist By field The strong rhythmic patterns melodic content and general reflection of national istic traits were evident in the composition something famil iar to the American folk songs which are heard so often TONAL QUALITY Handels Largo followed and the trio here showed their great tonal quality as team The Great Waltz by Johann Strauss closed the opening group of numbers on familiar note This remains one of the most opu lar at the more than 500 one pieces penned by the famous Viennese composer Mr Kilbey was heard to ad wantage in two solo numbers Apres un Rove by Gabriel Fa ure French contemporary of Debussy subtle number writ ten for voice but adapted beau tifully for cello For his second number Mr Kilbey chose David Poppers Harlequin Mr Pop per was Hungarian cellist born in 1843 one of the great est and this was one of his finv est concertos FAMILIAR MUSIC The trio reappearcd play Jenn Hubays llejre Kati ton Hubinsteins Romance and liossinis Largo at facto tum These numbers are all fairly familiar to music lovers especially the latter fro the famed opera The Bar er of Seville After brief intermission the trio presented two numbers Pas des Fleurs from the bal let by Leo Delibes and Robert Schumanns romantic Trau merei veritable gem of mel ody familiar to all Pianist Byfield had his turn for solo and his first number was Clair do lune by Claude Debussy of France master of impressionism He followed with Chopins brilliant Fantasia impromptu in which the pianist was able to give full effect in improvisation LIGHTER NOTE Closing the performance the trio hit much lighter air Mr Jnffa is full of wit and deft of humor and his ad lib re marks kept the audience smil ing and laughing His an nouncement of the next num ber Roumsnian Songs and Dances as Gypsy music we wrll play with abandon and you can tell when were aban doned set the key note and so in Byflelds transcription of Londonderry Air and the Welsh numbers We can play any request numbers it we bap pen to know them Mr Jaffa revealed his own talent on the violin in two solos and finally the lovely evening of music come to close with Gounods Ave Maria This is the Jaffo Trios first tour of the United States and Canada One of the features is no music is used Their enorm ous repertoire is memorized ranging from the classics and opera to popular music and musical comedy Prior to join ing as trio in 1949 their sep arate talents were devoted to playing in orchestras broad casts hotel and club work Final concert of the Barrie series will he on April fea turing worldfamous pianist Alex Templeton of New York WEATHER FORECAST Synopsis Pleasant latewinter weather is expected to continue today across the province weak disturbance in the west will bring an increase to cloud overnight and cinury day Fri day with few snowflurries likely In northern and central areas Little change in temper ature is expected Lake Huron Niagara West ern Lake Ontario Lake Erie re gions Toronto London Ham ton Sunny with cloudy intervals today Mainly cloudy Friday withnot much change in tem perature Winds easterly 15 Lake St Clair region Wind sor Variable cloudiness today Cloudy Friday with light snow in the evening Winds easterly illaiiburton castern Lake On tario regions Sunny with few cloudy periods today and Fri day Litticahange in tempera ture Light winds Timagami Georgian Cochraneregioiu North Bay Sudiniry Sunny with cloudy in tatvats today Mainly cloudy With few snowflurries Friday Not much change in tempera ture Light winds White River Algcma regions Sault Ste Marie Sunny with in creasing cloudiness his after noon Cloudy with few periods otlight snow tonight and Fr day Little change in tempera ture Light winds Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Friday Windsor 25 so Sudbury 30 Eorlton all Kapuskasing 30 White River Mnosonee SS Marie Bay RECEIVE DECORATIONS gus Ontario and 02 Rat ciiife iii 11 Oakley Park Square Barrie Ontario VOZ Ratclifie is Scoutmastcr with the 5th Barrie Scout Troop Asbestos HIE Abltlbi at Algoins meal at Aluminium HE Alberta an as Alta Nat Gu luvs Atiu Steel 31 Bk of Mont 70 Bank of Ms 785i Bell TcL 5a Brnxlllan 325 BA Oil 35 BC Power its5 can air of Corp 61 can nrawer izu CPR out can Cement and can Chemical can all 324 Calgary Power 24 Con lullmsni ï¬sh Gt Glt iiornc Im in Lahltt mousrniAI Dis Sell Dom Found num Stores Dom Tlr Lnku Pow itnrde Farm Flt Home oil ltud BI Imp To sceo Oil Accept Inland NG néen Nickiellx nurprov Jockey Club Lnkclnnd Mac Pow Massey Ferg 21112 EARN EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH Ask City Support Yellow Margarine Barrie City Council has been asked to support resolution calling on the Ontario Govern ment to allow margarine to be colored yellow at the point of manufacture The letter was sent to coun cil for its consideration by Mrs Charles Hanis Secretary 0n tario Margarine Committee The letter points out that an enclosed list of organisations has endorsed the resolution and that the Committee has pet tion signed by more than 50000 consumers who are asking for this change in the law paragraph in the letter states we are hoping that with the added support of the coun cils of all Ontario cities the Ontario Government will heed the voice of the people and change ter discriminating leg Islutieu Council is expected to deal with the letter at its next meet ins Poodles are so gay andl happy they are just like little clowns said Mrs Charles Beesley affectionately breeder of poolch for eight years Airs Beesley was strlpy ing the poodlo of his reputation of being sophisticated high strung breed of dog Poodles like people better than dogs said Mrs Beesley As one of my friends sniys They think they are people TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn Dunlop St Barrie Nor om No Monro Corp Mcin rare eraw Paciï¬c Pct Porn rip Page Hersey Qun Not on Ro nouimuu Royal smi satcs Shirrlff Simpson Sbnwtntsm Stool of Cari TorDom air Min Riv Union Gus telling ol diamond studded col con Paper Norandn Consumer Gn Wliklr new MINING Gcco Mlnu Gunner lit liotililler KernAddison Lamaquo Londo Maritime Can Dyrio Con Husky Can Devonian Comp Chlb Con Del Rio cappu nuns Con Hall Dcnlson Mine Sullivan Falconbrifln 0pcmlsltl Qusmont Rio Alxam Sher Gordon Steel Rock United Oil Ventures thro Wtitlï¬y Murray Min Nometal Northlnto nvz MOST ACTIVE srocxs Cdri Breweries Demon Mount Wfllht Latin Amerteln Northntl nowoost an Yams AVERAGES industrinls up Lei Rolls unchanged qtliittu up or rename srocu EXCHANGE mm Indus down 05 Golda down Met down Oil down MARCH SPECIAL By Any Measurement theres NOTHING Just As Good As GENERAL ELECTRIC Auimulicv WASHERS DRYERS NEW V12 AUTOMATIC FILTERFLO WASHER 311 12 upqu OFflurvflo wuhfn at bl watcr Innis PrMet water snrr ICholoe of was water temp animus Orlando ï¬lter on Ilnpinl sun in osuoi return 171 out MODEL 55W NEW CYCLE HIGH SPEED DRYER oAutoinnuc high speed drylnl system onig capacity oVnrfania but selector Slfcty rcaurt switch Poreellln crime Wop And drum Ffile maul screen lint trap oopcrntn on either 115 or 210 volts CGE Written warranty $169 MODEE 52D Come And See The LE WRINGER WASHERS Year Protective Warranty EPLETTS iv and APPLIANCES I47 Dunlap St East PA 664 MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS SMILE FOR CAMERA IT IS DOGS LIFE Poodles Are People Or So They Believe Poodles are the desired breed of many people said the breeder but we always caution the buyers that it costs money to keep poodle looking pro perly Four clips year cost at least Sill she said Poodles were described by Mrs Beesley us being hardy dog They are wonderful hunt crs They can flush rabbit Just as well as any hound she said Perhaps onc of the facts that lends people to believe poodles are delicate breed is the large variety of accessories and clothing available for them One international magazine carried feature on these accessories lars mink trimmed pyjamas and even smoking jackets WANT TO BREED Almost everyone who buys poodle wants to breed it said Mrs Beasley This will if it hasnt already spoil the poodle as breed she said Every poodle has fault in ley breeding we try to cancel out these faults with the ultimate aim at making the puppies bettetLthnn their parents she expls cd it has been my experience that the miniature and toy poodA le have always been the most popular said Mrs Beeslcy The fashionable color in pood les scams to go in cycles sho said Block scents to be in de mand right now of the 55 dogs at Becsleys Royal View Kennels 10 are poodles They also breed Bass sett bounds and miniature and standard Dachshunds Poodles should have some basic training as that of other breeds said Mrs Secs think it should begin when the pups are six or seven months old she said Another Enrric poodle breed er Mrs James Childs expres ses similar sentiments regard ing the indiscriminate brcedlng ot poodles The quality and market are diminishing because of this method of breeding said Mrs Childs brought two poodles from Scotland and began breeding them in Barrie nine years ago she said At that time their popularity was sweeping Scot land and England and dog judge told me he thought they would do the same in Canada and the United States she or plained In returning to the breeding problem Mrs Cliilds expressed the SILVER DOLLAR PIERRE SITS WITH MRS BEESLEY Barrie Operators Veto Extension An Ontario legislature com mittee recently refused to con firm the validiw of Toronto city bylaw calling for the dos ing of gas stations at pm The legislature made its com ment after the Ontario Supreme Court had ruled that it was be yond the powers of the city of Ottawa to pass bylaw regu lating closing hours Some Toronto operators are taking advantago of the com ment in the legislature and are ignoring their citys bylaw Such situation is unlikely to develop in Barrie where gas station hours are also regulated by bylaw Most operators in Barrie dont want to extend their hours They say that it would mean higher operating costs longer worio ing hours and very little in crease in gas sales Terry Harris operator of Finn Station on Collier Street said he didnt want to see later closing hours work 12 hours day al ready and thats enough for any man Mr Harris said It would involve extra help and to spanieis few years ago would happen to the poodles You can hardly buy spaniel today said Mrs Childs Dog fanciers will have chance to see this favorite breed at the annual dog show to be held May is in Barrie everything else and dont think it would result in much greater sales We would be cutting off our noses to spite our faces Lawrence Brennan Bradford Street operator said that he would favor later hours on rotation basis among stations in the city it woutd help people who run out of gas he said But am not Interested in working It hours day wouldnt stay open later than 10 pm George Pearson Bloke Street snidthat Berrlcs bylaw was already open to question We already have stations within the city which stay open till it pm up at Candles Mr Pearson said that ho was not anxious to stay open after pm and stated that it he did It would mean hiring extra staff but that he wouldnt sell any more gas Automobiles only burn so much gas he said People adjust Uiemselves to hours If they know the stations will be closed they get gas beforehand City Manager Walter Gigg ex ploined that the stations in the Cundies area had longer hours because no request had been made to bring them under the city bylaw after the area was annexed to the city Ho said that the pm closing bylaw had been requested by the station operators associn tion in Barrie and the hours could be changed if majority of operators in the trade re her fears that what happened Arena quested council to do so REGULAR 7950 Mattress or Best Spring THE PERFECT REST FOR PERFECT NIGHTS SLEEP These mattresses are made by Featherweight and are scientificallycon structed of finest materials to eliminate slum nerspring unit construction embodies 405 coil support for the entire body Ventilated sides quilted border style striped ticking cover Free set of continental le SIZES CONTINENTAL BED OUTFITS llhls real value includes mat trms and box spring set of legs and padded headboard in wash able vinyl matrtrms is smooth top construction choice of or 33 widths Selling for the low low price of only SEE us TODAY 34 BAYFIELD ST 53950 ping and sagging Special in to give ï¬rm yet comfortable sturdy turning handles attractive high gs it bought in mattress and box spring sets ALL BUNK BED OUTFITS These space saving beds have 10 pieces and sell for the remarkobly low price of only 5999 FREE PARKING Etliitiis nous FilhtitSltiiiiiS