Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1962, p. 4

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can 12 Exam hibiished by Canadian Newspapers Umited la Bsyfleld Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian slsigbt General Manager WEDNESDAY MARCH 1m Plga Canadas Travellers Have Made Tourist Trade Deficit when for decades travel receipts she 71 Canada has recently become such potion of travellers that Canadians spend more money abroadpcr capita each year than residents of any other country in the North Atlantic area This statement appears in the current issue of The Bank of Montreal Business Review and is not hard to believe when one considers the number of local people who are somewhere in the South at the present time numbers of others who have been away and are now back home and numbers planning to depart in com ng weeks All this of course is their own bus iness and if they want to get away from it all the snow and ice and what have you more power to them We are looking at it only dram an economic point of view But as result of all this including trips to Europe and the Far East Canada now regularly runs significant deficit on travel account in contrast to the period prior to 1051 sistently exceeded expenditures The deficit in 1960 mounted to over $200 million By that year Canadian tourist expenditures abroad had risen to an alltime high of $627 million nearly three times as great as the total spent in 1950 On the bright side expenditures by foreign tourists in Canada have also been rising although not to the same extent and in 1980 at $420 million were larger source or recelpts for Canada than any commodity export with the exception of newsprint All of this is fine We cant expect people to visit our country if we dont visit theirs The main thing is to ad vertisc as you travel tell your hosts what wonderful place Canada is and they should visit it Then it wont be long until the balance of tourist trade is even iGeneral Wolfe Remembered General James Wolfe who changed the history of Canada is very much Xavoritc of the English too There are carefully kept associations with Wolfe in many places in England from Ports rnouth to Cheshire Chief among these is Quebec House at Westerham in Kent which was the boyhood home of James Wolfe it is now owned by Britains National Trust the body which exists to look after places of historic architectural and scenic interest Kept as museum Quebec House contains many interesting relics of the youthful General whose surprise tactics atWolfes Cove and valor on the Plains of Abraham over come the wellcommanded French forces and brought the present Domin ion of Canada under the British crown Gabled Quebec House was known in Wolfes time as spiers but was re named in honor of the famous victory 9n the village green at Westerham is statue of Wolfe erected in 1911 The parish church contains beautiful stainedgloss window to his memory Wolfes commissions and many of his letters are preserved at Equerryes Court seventeenthcentury mansion to the south of Westerham if At the age of ii Wolfe left Wester ham and spent most of the rest of his life in Greenwich the Thamesside town now suburb of London that has so many associations with the great names of Britains history Macartney House on Greenwich Park Wall was the home of James Wolfes parents from 1751 onwards He lived for time however in Bath the beauti ful Regency town in Englands west country and it was from No Trim Street in Bath that he left to take command of the forces against Mont calm General James Wolfe never saw his native land again but his body was brought back for burial On the lovely terrace in Greenwich Park hard by the zero meridian from which longitude and time are measured stands the im pressive statue of Wolfe which was the gift of the Canadian nation It was designed by the Canadian sculptor Tait Mackenzie and unveiled by the Marquis of Montcalm The height of land at Greenwich on which the statue stands is rather reminiscent of the one that made Wolfes name famous throughout the world Here as at Quebec vast river side panorama is spread out before the eyewith the difference that on both banks of the Thames the sprawling bulk of London fills the landscape as far as one can see The cloak which Wolfe was wearing when he died at Quebec is displayed in the White Tower which is the cen tral keep of the Tower of London The flag in which his body waswrapped to be carried off the Plains of Abraham hangs in chapel of Chester Cathedral in the north of England The Cheshire Regiment was one of the gallant bands who fought on the memorable day Monuments to Wolfe are to be found both in Westminster Abbey and in the parish church of St Alfege at Green wich built by Wrens pupil Nicholas Hawsmoor The generals personal standard hangs here too He was bur led in the family vault in the church after being brought home with an escort of the fleet and landed with full mil itary honors at Portsmouth on the 17th of November 1759 Other Editors Views PUNCTURED ROMANCE Peterborough Examiner recent advertisement in West Ger man newspaper asking for European girl under 22 interested in becoming the 42nd wife of an Arab sheik brought 2000 replies Inasmuch as the Koran permits Moslems only four wives the oth er 40 in the advertising sheiks team would be better described as concubines Asfsuch they would be ruled by the head domestic chores than in romantic inter iudes Down Memory Lane 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner March 1942 Barrie workers exceeded Victory Loan objectives in two days Copaco and Tanning Company first over the top CNR close behind and Clarke do Clarke Leather had most applications Wil liam Bell principal of King Edward School reelccted chairman of public library board Air ViceMarshal Cuffe of Battle posted to Halifax as air officer commanding RCAF East ern Command Grey Simcoe For esters lst Battalion at Camp Borden start training for conversion from in fantry to tank regiment Lorne Pete McIntosh of Collingwood arrives to take over as manager of Barrie Walkwel an The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second clns mall Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment or bortnfin in unit Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN ELAIGHT General Manager il lticPlIEilsoN lilanaglng Editor CHARLES WADGE dullness Manager HARRY WILSON Advertising Muner JOHN HOLDER CircnlsflanJifInagey subscription rlfa daily by carrier 350 weeki £1810 year Shall copy 7c By mlil In Dillrig $700 Mr 00 six months 5150 three months 6100 monl Outside cumin 5900 yur cums cm no0 ylu own as Univsrui Avs Toronto no Caihclrt 5mm biontrsli ms ivm Gcflrgil street Vlilcnu 91 Member or the Cnnldiln Daily Newswlper Fury llllllll Association The Cnnaiiiun Pres and iii Amilt nursau or circulations The Canadian Preu is exclusively entitled to the uni Icr rcoubl atchcd in in Inner cronilrd in ft or The Assoc mu Press or colon mo lilo tin local now published liarin Burton Avenue store Two young members of the Royal Australian Air Force training at Camp Borden killed in crash when their Harvards collided in making landing near main alrdrome Air Force hon ors were accordedthem in funeral at St Marys RCAF cemetery plot in Bar rle second crash at Edenvale RCAF airport killed flying instructor whose family resided in Barrie but his pupil escaped with minor injuries John Brooks is of Alliston faced trial before Supreme Court in Barrie on charge of murder in fatal shooting of Wilfred Daley 16 Mayor Donald Mac Loren officiated as Bell Telephone Co switched all Barrie equipment to dial system Duncan McCualg KC of Barrie Liberal MP for simcoe North addressed the federal parliament Call ing for selective training hethought some exemption should be made for farmers rather than postponement Barrie Womens CanadianClub heard former British consul to Japan Ker mode call Japan not minor nuisance but major menace Fred Doug las sells his drug store to Harold Cus den Barrie Red Cross Society sponsors skating show with stars from Toronto Granite Club Temperance rally in United Church hears Rev Gordon Domm Toronto call for restrictions in manufacture and use of alcoholic beverages Boy Scouts and Girl Guides held service at St Andrews Church to honor Lord BadenPowell Speaker was Scoutlnzistel Bert Moltlnck advertising manager of Barrie Exam iner and would spend far more time in TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Babies Have Tricks With Their Food BLJOSEPH iifOLNKR MD Dear Dr Moiaeri When my baby was small be it up lust like any other Now It seven months he doesnt last CONFIDENT HE CAN WIN OTTAWA REPORT Collects Complaints About Post Office By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAOne oi the most consistent critics of the Con4 servutlvo government is your old Azcllus Denis Montreal lawyer who has sat in Parlia mcnius Liberal MP for ex actly half his lifetime Mr Dcnls favorite and only target is Postmaster General Hamilton his shafts con cern inefficiencies and robber ies in st offices and what he eviden considers the child like vanity of Mr Hamilton The record of poor service and rising costs gives Mr Denis ample ammunition but he has yet to strike the gold which lies in our public accounts showing that proHamilton surpluses of about $8 million $10000000 and $0000000 in the years 195557 have dwindled sadly to become $5 million deficit last year in the operations of our post office Mr Denis threw one of his typical curves at Mr Hamilton on the latters birthday last week Wishing him the happiest birthday ever he added His work is very burdensome in volvlng as it does extensive travelling scooter driving an nib changing and so forth or his own good wish him long healthy and he py retirement away from po tics after the next election But in spite of those motor counters and the replacement of steel nlbs with ballpoints and in spite of higher wage bills QUEENS PARK largely caused by huge addlc tions to the army of lettercor rlcrs the service deteriorates And in spite of 20 per cent increase in revenue during his four years as postmaster $6 000000 loss be time of letter deliveries it very clear that Mr when not seck lo emu Vkespcaras Puck who lll put girdle round about the earth in forty minutes Nor does he match cosmonaut Glenn who girdled the earth in so minutes In fact the Hamilton delivery service lhls me letter which had taken 04 hours to travel one mile across Ottawa slower than the us post office took to carry aj letter from New York or the British post office to fly letter from England both delivered at the some time as that Ottawa tortoise which moved at one 11 half millionth of Glenns speed lessthan two feet per min Our post office today is 200000000 al business seven times the size it was quarter of century ago Typ ically today postal service in Toronto costs 317000000 year and in Montreal $18000000 these two cities alone exceeding the snnual 330900000 cost of the whole of Canada in 1936 MrDenis is an assiduous coir lector of complaints about the post office Recently we have heard his plea that an effort be Big Govt Spending Not PieInSlry By DON OHEARN TORONTO There was warnlng in this years budget It wasnt warning that was stated in so many words though there were hints of it But it was caution that was quite clear in the figures themselves The warning was that we might educate ourselvesinto bankruptcy This years budget had no sensations one way or the other There were no bold new steps And neither was there any hold retrenchment it was budget in fact in which you had to dig deep to find the real signif leance But it was there all right There in the fact that quietly spending is continuing toini crease and more important much more importantthe rela tive cost of government to the income of the people is not only increasing but accelleratlng at rats from which one can take fright COST TO TAXPAYER One practical way to look at budget is at what it is casting holder the average taxpayer is paying in relation to what in earns This is the figure that has meaning in contrast to the fac that the government is spending more than billion dollars The big spending Is just pie lnthcshy figure in the average cilizcn ilut when he knnws what is going out of his own pocket he can give serious thought as to whether too much is being spent and whether at least gov orlnmerit should be more care Figures in this years budget show that the head of house hold of four an average tax payer is paying out testas his share of the cost of running the province This is pretty sizeabla chunk out of the average nans annual pay cheque It can be startling when you consider that federal and municipal taxes come on top of it But the alarming factor is the way it is growing FIGURES WERE LOWER Five years ago the compare tive figure was only $535 This Is an increase of SIMin the intervening period But in the coming year the jump in relation to this is going to be sensational For on the forccast figures the increase will be $71 or 12 per cent in the one year There are two fields of spend ing which are mainly respon sible for this skyrocketing the taxpayer What the house One the more minor one is health The second is education It is whcro we are going really into the hole And though it is almost re garded as treason to say so to day this is field at which we are going to have in take look oming brought TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS March 1902 In prelude to the Sec and World War Hitler or dcrcd the remiiltarlzallon of the Rhinclond in vio lation of the Locarno Fact is years ago todayin lead The following day German troops moved into the Rhineland amid protests by France Britain and other European nations lslkAlexander Graham Bell was granted iha first basic patentcn the tale phonc la7s The University of Western Ontario opened at London made to deliver Easter greet ings in time in contrast to many Christmas greetings in Montreal which were delayed We heard his criticism that 0000 letters lay forgotten in collection box for two wecks But Postmaster General Hamilton nevertheless reports that there has been steady decrease in the number of pub complaints about our postal service over the past several years BIBLE THOUGHT Hath not and chosen ihe poor of his world rich in faith James 25 Poverty before God is prslt requisite of Christian faith POST 1N ENGLAND LONDON GP Elizabeth Halley 23yearold graduate of the University of British Colt lumbla has come from Vanlt couver to be an assistant ll brarlan at an East Suffolk county library splt up he brings it up little by little throughout the whole dayMn From the lsiter lm not sure whether this is drooling or whether the baby is bringingup food if it is Just saliva probably It will cleanupln time lfon the other hand it matter of bringing up food then lame causative trouble may exist spam or partial ob llruciloa the gullet or stom ach can cause this sort of thing Theres another trick that some of the little tykes can perform its called rumination willful regurgitation of food in such cases facial expres sion or movement of the mouth may give you clue that be is up to such stunt if this ll the case it may be bid for attentionand it can become habit liy careful watching fruly choral and distracting his attention you 11th able to help break the if in any event consuli your doctor to nile out the possibility of any physical disorder Dear Dr lliolner was told have polyp in the large intes tine Is there any difference between olyp and divert lculum An is surgery the only way to get rid of polypsIMl Differench Yes indeed polyp is growth from mu cous surfnce diverticulum in sort of pouch Surgery is the only way to remove polyps but it is comparatively simple Since polyps in the intestinal lract vlns distinct from polyps in oihcr parts of the body have rather bud record for being or becoming malignant its well to get rid of them Dear Dr lilolner lily obste trician prescribed some pills for constipation during my preg nancy it is now several months after the birth of my baby and am still dependent on them Otherwise become painfully constipatedMRS Use of them temporarily is understandable Some people do have this trouble in pregnancy 0n the other hand if you dlda have constipation before there is no valid reason why you should huva it afterward My suggestions Taper off on the pills every other day at first then every third day Try for some definite time each day for bowel action before or after given meal morning chnlng or whenever suits your physical rhythm Drinking three to four extra glasses of water day often does wonders If you still have some lroubie glycerin suppos ltorier can help Dear Dr Maiden Al Ion almost is but be her grown at all for two years and is not very large for his He also has very dry Do you think he has some thyroid iroublsTfims its possible There are other causes of dry skin and there certainly are other causes of not growing as tall as one might prefer Within very narrow man ginr our height is governed by heroditstLber than anything that happens later its also well known that some boys and iris get their belgbt early er have growing spurt later it isnt too intricate task to have the boys thyroid and other glandular activity checked if it Is faulty nows the lime to start treatment if its normal than accept the fact that hell be as tall or as short as Nature ln leads him to be and that theres still time for him to do some more growing Is Accused Of Corruption NEW YORK APlA fcderal prosecuior told jury hiesdsy that the late senator George Bender Ohio Republican took $100000 bribe to kill off slack fraud investigation Bender at the time was spe cial assistant to his secretary of the interior in the Eisenhower admlnlsiratlnn Assistant US Attorney Ger ald Wulpln told jury that oil promoter Samuel Garfield oi Clare Mich paid the money to Bender Garfield il one of 12 persons and four firms on trial on federal charges involving the United Dye and Chemical Cor poration now known as Chemoll industries incorporated Defence lawyers accused Wal pln of false and inflammav tory reflection upon man he own is now dead The government said the stock conspiracy began in 1055 and continued until last summer when the defendants were in dicted The public was said to lagsa been defrauded of $5000 Wnlpln claimed two other he fendonis shared responsibility for the bribe attempt He named them as Virgil Dardl of New York president of Chemoil and oil investor irving Pasternak of Denver Colo As outlined by the govern ment the case against hede fendants involves intricate stock manipulations and the alleged misleading of the public on earnings and prospects of Uni ted Dya and Chemical For Quality Jewellery Ar Competitive Prices We wines errurnv Eua Rd Attraction Feature comth soon oIseLAY or moon HOME PA 92267 Barrles Leading House Builder Stellat CONSTRUCTION LTD BARRIE PA 87204 See Tomorrows Barrie Examiner For and see whether we ulmilldnf ecnnnmizo This is the big message of the budget Details

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