OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele hona PA amt The telephone number to call for the Runnus or Editorial Dch in PA sum LOCALWEATHER Sunny occasionally cloudy Low tonight to high tomorrow 32 For complete summary turn to page two 112 ram Examiner Barrio Ontarlo Canada Wodnnday March I962 9m oarNo 57 Rev Sherring Elected tall kindly clergyman who is regarded with warm affcc tion by thousands of district residents has beennamed Bar Barrie Citizen Iries Citizen of the Year for Will Be Paid $50000 WASHINGTON emus spy pilot Francis Gary Powers is free to choose his own life with the aid of some $50000 in back pay after being vindicated and described by senators as courlt ageous American The final chapter of Tower5 highllying drama over Russia which led to the collapse of summit conference unfolded before the Senate armed serv ices committee Tuesday Fingering small slender winged model of his photomi sion plane the softspoken lir ginian told the hearing he didnt know precisely what caused his plancvto crack up at 63000 feet near Svcrdiovsk in the heart of Russia the had heard whump and could remember feeling hear ing and just sensing an explo sion There was slight for ward movement to the plane and looking up from his instru ments he could see an orange color everywhere had never seen anything like this before felt that the explosion was external to the aircraft BELIEva SHOT DOWN While this was all the explana tion Powers could offer for the Murderous Storm mysterious break up of his plane Congressman Carl Vin son Georgia Democrat told reA porters later that intelligence experts believe the craft was hit by Russian groundtonic missile Contrary to Soviet charges the 32yearold Powers who freely admitted he was and still is an employee of the US Cen tral Intelligence Agency said he had not been ordered to com mit suicide through use of poisoned needle if caught by the Russians Instructions given him were that it captured he was to sur render vithout resistance and if necessary tell the truth about his mission The needle was to be used at his discretion in case of torture or other reason Powers recital of his efforts to destroy the secret equip ment in his stricken craft his agonizing tight to get out of the 02 and his disposal of map while riding his parachute down obviously impressed senators and spectators He testified that when his ef forts to invent cover story failed he decided to tell the Bus sians he was linked with the CIA but withheld some vital in formation PRAISED BY CIA Even before Powers testified the CIA said in report the pilot had lived up to his instruc tions and his obligations as an American Powers ï¬lled in with vivid de tail highlights of his spy flight When he was winging high over the Ural Sea he saw two vapor trails for below him that might come from Russian jets hunting for him dont think they ever saw me said Pow ers When he had landed by para chute hc saw another parachute in the sky not part of his planes equipment At the time he said he speculated it might parachute bringing back partore fired Russian rocket The Russians claim rocket shot down the U2 Powers an parentiy was convinced it was near miss His first reaction was to reach the destruct switches These were connected to 2pound charge set to damage the photo graphic equipment WhilerPoncrs never made it clear whether this also would destroy the plane Senator Barry Goldwater Rep Ariz said such charge would have been highly damaging to the plane it self Goldwater is reserve air force general SPACE T00 TIGHT Powers said there was good reason why he couldnt use the pilot ejection mechanism pro vided in the plane In this particular aircraft there isnt much clearance be tween the pilots knees and the top of the windshield and it had used the ejection seat at that time would probably have lost both legs just above the knees Instead he said he opened the canoDY loosened his seat belt and was thrown half way out of the plane He tried to get back into the aircraft to trigger destructor switches but couldnt Finally something strapped and he was floating free Shorn Of NEW YORK tAPThe rem nants of killer storm shorn of snow and freezing rainbut strong in battering winds and inundating tides continued to lash the populous northeastern United States today The storm by far the areas worst oia waning winter hur tied uptho eastern seaboard Tuesday piling up to three feet of snow in some inland centres and flooding vast coastal areas At least 11 deaths were at tributed to the storm At least that many more were missing and hundreds had been evac uated Damage was expected to run into the millions of dollars Wind pushed tides running three to five feet above normal today promised little relief for the coastal areas flooded at the height of the storm It was these tides that accounted for lions share of the deaths At Dover Del five children members of the John Wa ters familywere drowned as they started to flee the flooded shoreline of Delaware Bay sixth child was missing and presumed drowned Two New Jersey couples were washed way and declared miss ing Tuesday night when coast guard amphibious vesselrevac uating them was smothered by 10foot wave near Beach Haven Inlet There ware known storm dead in New Jcrscy Maryland New York and North Carolina tluough drownings electrocutions from fallen wires highway accidents and heart seizures Schools were closed in many places and thousands of homes wcrewithout power for hours Atlantic City NJ and Ocean Swinging from his parachute at about 10000 feet he tore up small map opened up coin in which there was poison pin and dropped the pin lease in his pocket story that he was off course but the Russians wouldnt buy it as they had found the poison needle maps of the Soviet Un ion Russian equipment Nnr MISTREATED He was questioned as much as to to 12 hours daily for some time but was not mistreated Did the Russians misquote him as having said he made terrible mistake in flying mis sion over Soviet soil and was sorry No that wasnt misquota tion made thisstatement on the advice of my defence coun sel and also because it was easy to say was sorry What meant by saying that and what wanted them to think meant was quite different My main sorrow was that1 my mission failed and wasl sorry that was there and itl was causing lot of adversei publicity to the States fouflscafdholfrlod toirwonpT Sales 50 rubles and other Its Bite City Md were cut off from the mainland at the height of the storm when winds reached 75 mph and mfoot waves poured ashore Part of the famed steel pier at Atlantic City was torn away GREYHOUND bus with 40 passengers including halt dozen babie made an un scheduled st on country road west night Des llfoines last The us still stuck to most unrctired man invthe I96I Rev Frederick George Sher ring MC 77 was the over whelming choice of board of judges who met last night under the sponsorship of the Barrie branch Royal Canadian Legion In addition the board numcd Bud Thomas as runner up an honor enjoyed by Mr Sherring year ago am embarrassed Mr Sherring said when informed of the high honor bestowed upon him dont know what have done outside my duty Doing his duty encompas scs many things He makes re guiar visits to Royal Victoria Hospital to see and comfort patients He is the official pa dre of the Barrie Legion branch and an active worker in Trinity Anglican Church Mr Sherring retired several years ago as rector of an Anglicanchurch but his con tacts and his own pace of work have in no way diminished One of the several organizations that offered his name in nom ination describedhlm as the city Retirement is word foreign By run CANAlztIAN mass Business in katchewan towns near the Manitoba border has dropped as much as so per cent since last December Lib eral bockbeneher told the Sas kntchewan legislature Tuesday Bernard Gallagher tLYork ton blamed the drop on the in crease in Saskatchewans sales tax to five from three per cent Jan Manitoba has no sales Mr Gallagher suggested Pro vincial Treasurer Blak eney make trip to border towns himself to see how busi ness has declined On any Saturday he said the streets of Calder Sash are at most bare while in neighboring Roblin Man you cant find parking place He said that as result at the tax policies liberal hor der ad been built around the province People in the border seats believed something was wrong with the government This border is going to en gulf the government when they go to the people the Liberal MLA predicted The increase in the SaskatE chewan sales tax was brought about to help pay the cost of the provinces medical care insur ance program which goes intoi effect July REV SHERRING Worm Affection to the makeup of this llveiy man of the cloth would die If had to put myself on the shelf he remarked today when asked about the problem of iindingemployment for the older man limply must keep going Keeping active lsa fulltime job for this still energetic man Hcwns on his way out at 330 this morning when he was con tacted by The Examiner Be cause this is Ash Wednesday he found himself modatbari Its ually involved at Trinity Church He took one early ser vice and was scheduled for ano ther later in the morning He tween services he managed to call at The Examiner office see many people to and from the church and take number of phone calls of congratula tions SERVICE ro MAN Mr Sherring is man whose motto could be service to man kind He is distinguished in both the church and the army He holds two long service de corations as well as the Military Cross which span to years with armies in both England and Canada He served as young soldier in the Boer War and as padre In both the First and Second World Wars In the First World War he was overseas for four years but age kept him in Canada in an organizational capacity during World War II When he gave up his position as church rector he broadened rather than curtailed his activi ties During his nine years in Bar rie he has come to be regard ed as the padre of the hospital although there is no such ofti cial designation But every Anglican patient and others in the hospital too see him at least once or twice week days call at the hospital means visits to at least 25 patients He rctiredfrom the army as daybecanie mired in snow on piled up by weekend stormthe 18th of the winter for Iowa the heated has afforded the passengers corn fort during the sixhour wait bus reached it The driver Glenn Cederberg Omaha didnt have far to walk to the Chester Thraikill farm mail hoxt to call for help APWuephota Of Year fullf1cdged lieutenantcolonel and has maintained an active interest to all things military Itc has been and continues to be confident and fatherconfes sor to scores of chlon mem bers and his whlfo hair is familiar sight at the Collier Street headquarters of the Ear rie branch officially he will receive the William Wright Memorial Trophy at Legion ceremony April The award ls mode for outstanding service to the city of Barrie which is given outside of the persons normal occupation without mon etary remuneration SCORED MANY VOTES Points were awarded on the basis of service to the com munity during the past five years during the calendar year for which the award was made and for service in public of fire Mr sherring scored heavily on all fine counts The bal lots were marked secretly and no official figures were an nounced but it is known that the winner was well ahead in the voting Mr Thomas who was one of those largely responsible for or ganizing the United Appeal and the Winter Carnival has been an active member of various civic organizations including the Industrial Commission Members of the board repre sented The Barrie Examiner station CKEB the Barrie Min Parish the Barrie Legion and the Legion Auxiliary Fishing Acreage Payout OTTAWA CPiNewest idea by an opposition MP Ocean acreage payments for hardpressed fishermen One dollar per cubic mile of ocean Frank Howard COF Skeenal proposed in the Com mons niesday night affirming that drought stricken Prairie farmers on three occasions have been paid $1 an acre up to maximum of $200 per farmer Up for debate was govern ment measure to extend the Fisheries Improvement Loans vAct for another three years from June 30 1962 The celling on individual loans is $4000 and the interest rate five per cent IVIPs fom the Atlantic prov inces and British Columbia didnt laugh off Mr Howards suggestion Some of the sharp est criticism of the government in this field came from two Maritime Progressive Conser vatives Robert MseLelian PC Inverness Richmond said Ca nadian fishermen need dust as much as underdevel oped countries in Asia reee ing Canadian aid under the Co lombo Plan Pewer Torrer Is Blasted Into Lake NELSON BC CPiTlllee charges of explosives pitched Booton steel tower into Koot enay Lake Friday creating an areawide power failure which has left 500 to1noo men out of work for weeks possibly months The blast was described by owners of the tower as major act of industrial sabotage It occurred in the southcentral area of BritishColumbin where bombings have been blamed on the radical Sons of Freedom Donkhohor sect No one was in jurcd The tower nearly V400 feet high oupporteddwo miles of power transmission cables that formed part of an B7mlle link to one of East Kootcnnya most im portant mining developments The line across the lake 10 miles northeastol here was known as he longest in the Western virld Three giant Ill lsterlal Association St Marys 91p at present will force restriction tower supporlpd Not More Than par Copyl8 Page OfflAWA tCPt painless dawnthehatch method will be available to Canadians this year to obtain immunization against pollomyelltlt Health Minister Monreith im nounccd in the Gammon Tucs day that licences have been granted by his department for the manufacture in Canada of oral polio vaccine of the live sabln variety The new vaccine represents another great medical break through and one which may in effect result in the almost com plete eradication of paralytic polio in this country he paid Live polio vaccine is not ad ministered with needle as is the deadvirus Salk vaccine One half cubic centimetre of the tasteless live liquid vac cineabout oneslxtlcth of an ounceis placed in small quantity of milk or water with an eyedropper and taken at gulp The live vaccine will be pro dueed in Canada by the Con naught Medical Research La boratories of the University of Toronto and the Institute of Microbiology and Hygiene of the Unlvorslty of Montreal Suf ficient quantities will be avail pollo season in June or early July COST SHARED As in the case of the Salk vacv cine the cost of providing live Sabin vaccine will be shared on 5050 basis by the federal and prov nciai governments Th announcement was wel comed by Paul Martin LEs sax East and 11 Herridxe CCFKootenay West In re ply to Mr Martin Mr Mon teithsald that eadi batch of vaccine will be subject to ex amination by his department before being released for use Mr Monteith said it is not ex pected that the live vaccine will replace the Salk vaccine at the outset Salk would continue to be used because of the out standing ruecess it had achieved and because it has been built into child immunization pro grams USED A5 BOOSTER The live vaccine would be used as booster dose for the majority of persons who have already been immunized with Salk It would also be an initial immunizing agent for those who have not received Salk Canada is one of the first na tions of the world to license the live for protection against all three types of polio Licences have been issued in the United States for the manu facture of live vaccine which will provide protection against types and2 of the disease Type polio is responsible for between 60 and 70 per cent of paralytic polio cases Health Minister Dymand of Ontario raid in the legislature at Toronto his department has ordered supply of the live vaccine and will distribute it free of charge to local health boards He said limitations in supply 50 Flee In Bamb hour OIIAWA CF Piles of night he has tentatively acce TORONTO CP storckecper produced an even for attempted robbery He portrait of the Queen in cry It Frederl an able before the start of the clan Orthodox Church to via The Other Man Had it Bigger One Franklln Brown as who flourish knife when henttempted to roba store then fled who definite and nine months indeterminate Queens Portrait For Fredericton LONDON tCPi British painter Edward Halliday has neL ecptcd commission if Canadian Foundation to paint Canadians Will Get It This Year it of the supply to children three gather with other members of the same family He said such family group are the most vulnerable to polio infection In due course perhaps even by next fall it may be made available to everybody Dr Dymand sold Fire Destroys Two Stores ST CATIIARINES CF Fire destroyed two stores and an apartment early today with loss estimated unolflclaly at about 00000 There were no injuries but Mr and Mrs Al McMillan were forced to ice in pyjamas from their upstairs apartment and lost all their belongings The fire discovered by cruising police car at 415 om destroyed Morgans Mens Wear store Western Fur and Ladies Wear both in the same building and the apartment over the Morgan store About $45000 worth of furl were lost in the Western estab lishment The fire was discovered in the Morgan store but the cause wal not known WPollcemcn woke up the Mo Milians and escorted them down stairway Police also rescued their fzgycarold dog found no conscious but later recovered Besides the Mcllfillanr eight pcrsons were evacuated tempor arily from two nearby hcurcr Several storea adjacent to the two burnedout shops suffered extensive smoke and water damage Lake Opening May Be Late DETROIT AP The weather bureau said today the most extensive ice coverage of the northern Great Lakes in recent years indicates late opening for northern lake ship ping ports this year In presenson shipping con dition forecast the bureau raid the coldest weather occurred last week with temperatures ranging from 10 degrees below zero over Lake Superior and northern parts of Lakes Michi gan and Huron Augmenting an ice threat to an early opening of northern ports was the bureaus 30day forecast calling for muchbelow normal temperatures over Lake Superior and below normal tern peraturea over the other Great Lakes Probability charts based on February mean temperatures indicate April 1720 as probable opening dates for Green Bay Duluth and Sault Ste Marie ports April 2025 for Mar quette April 15 for Buffalo and March 1529 for Cleveland and Detroit Scare OTTAWA CF Some 50 persons wereevacuated from 45unit apartment building here Tuesday night after one of the apartment Ilwciiers recur 730 pm saying bomb was planted to go off in half an ed an anonymous phone call at Lot0f Garbage In Ottawa garbage cans and cartons lined the capitals main thoroughfares today as 127 garbage col lectorr went onstrllre for higher pay Ramsay 0ft To Moscow LONDON AP Dr Michael Ramsey Archbishop oII Canterbury and Primate of all England announced Tuesday led an invitation from the Rus Moscow this year bigger one was jailed Tuesday was sentenced to nine monthl er garter robes for the Beaverbroolf months of age and overdoses IN NUTSHELL VFEZEU rpm