Hamilton principal of Barrio North Collegiate Yes should say an leyearold in high school would handle it pretty intelligently i1iosa out of school who are working paying taxes supporting families all should be allow ed to vote am not against this at all SHOULD lBYEiiBOLDS BE ALLOWED TO VOTE Bod Horne service station operate lbs taxpayer the property owner the resporn sibie citizen should be allow ed to vote It ill dont think an isyearold student has the time or the inclination how ever to think muchabout politics HES ONLY PABTLY RIGHT Barrie Educationists Lack Full Agreement Educationlsts in Barrie are only partly In agreement with the comments of leading Ca nadian educational director given yesterday at the Canad ian Conference of Education currently being held in Mont real Dr Neville Scarfe Dean of Education at the University of British Columbia told the con ference ibut Canadian child son are not being educated ns effectively as they should be He added there is nothing wrong with Canadian education that better quality teachers will not put straight Jock MacLarcn chairman of the Barrie Public School Board defended Barries public school teaching stuffs by saying the qunliiy of our teachers has im proved considerably in recent years particularly since our inspector Angus McKay has been on the job MrMnanrcn indicated that in the past public schools every where had been plagued by serious teacher shortage lie said however that this short age is now almost nonexistent and pointed up the fact that the Barrie Public School Board re quired 14 tendiers prior to the start of the current school year We advertised and received 128 applications in return he said Our interviewing team was enabled to be most select ivo in their choice of suitable applicants for the postal BETTER CREDENTIALS Mr MacLaren said that tea chers in search of jobs can provide better credentialsv than heretofore and he asked when could we reach the optimum situation where we are entirely satisfied IIe oncluded by saying that In his opinion tea chars today are better more skilled than they were 20 30 and 40 years ago Dr Scarfe recognized as leading authority in educational matters in the country also said one of the major faults is that children are being taught to memorize and regur gitate facts when the emphasis should be on teaching them to think creatively He continued teaciiers free dom is restricted and they are not adequately trusted and not given sufficient scope to teach in ways they know to be better than the orthodox Dr Scarfe said that one rea son for this restricted freedom lies in the inadequate profess sional education they received They need as long and rigorous preparation as doctors urchi tects engineers and lawyers and this is just as true for those teaching kindergarten as grade 13 AllTL TRUE Bowman principal of Central Collegiate here admit ted that the problems clted by Dr Scarfo are true to some extent He said however one of our greatest problems is that each teacher must tench stud ents with wide range of abil ity Dr Scaries statements may be true of students head ing for university training but cant go along with his criti Unions Firms Learn To Live Side By Side By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor Edward Cushmsn vice president of American Motors Corporation says the companys progress sharing contract with the United Automobile Workers made inst fall is part of developing maturity in companyunion relations He told press conference and the Toronto Canadian Club these relations have passed through two phases and now are ready for third The first stage following un enthusiastic acceptance of un ions by management tended to be one of conflict and depend ence on power The second stage saw the two moving into utual accommodation and leaming to live witbone an other but still with depend ence on power and without much consideration of econom ics and the welfare of the busi ness Now said Mr Cusbman there is need for move into organized co operation rather than organizedconflict and he feels the current contractvls an advance in that direction It is essential he stated that both sides recognize that their relationship is permanent that each recognize the needs of the other as institutions and that they work out their dif ferences within that context TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn DE Dunlap St Barrio MVSIIIAI Dis Sell Dom Found 67 Dom stores Asbestos mum Steel oni Aluminium Alberta Gal Alta Nat ï¬n Atlas Steel Bk Mont Bank of NS Bell Tel Brazilian BA Oil 80 Power In Cdn Bk of Com Cdn Brown Dom Tar Gt Lakes Home on End Ba Cds Cement Curl Chemical gall 0UP usury owes Con Minasni con Paper Mustliners flu Lnbntt llluilnd Nornndl use Pow Hulda Farm Home Pit Min Imp To acco Accept Inland MG Inter Nickel CPR 1H Interpret Pip Jockey Elli Nor out no more cm Mcln Pore OIIIIWI Pldï¬ PAM gem glpfl Ill em Que Nat an Ros has swamin Simpson samurai 5991 of Gen Tcthm Bk rim Dan 45 15 30 Mac Pow air Massey hrs MINING can Dyna nan l1va Devonian Camp Chlb Can Del Rio Copper fluid can Ilnli Daninon Minn Sullivan Falconbridge Gunnlr Holllnler Lnninqun Mrado 175 Nometll am Northsnto deco Minn Maritime Musfly Min KernAddison Steep Rock Unites oil Vantum Wilroy wuiuy EVE M05 1le STOCKS Goal Mug Sc smelting WIUD Mount Wsint Lat Amen Steal of MI nowuones NEW YOIIK AVERAGES industrial up 08 Rolls down 39 Utilities dm Tonomo our EXCHANGE Ianx Industrial up 95 GnidtJln 12B Metals ll 15 Gill DP DIVIDEND DzeLAnArintvs Odd Veltiflghuuu Ik plylblo April ex dlvldand Motel bl Frank Heney council mom ber think this is good idea The average student graduates at about from high school and think that at this age he has attalced 800d measure of maturity chap is not in steady at this age as he is at so but he certainly can reason It would stimulate the doctorate as well cisni entirely when you consid er thatwo have students of widely varying ability Mr Bowman said that tea cher must slant the teaching to the median of the class This must vary from class to class he said The principal also pointed up the serious teacher shortage facing school boards at the sec ondary school level The pub lic school teacher supply is much better be said How ever at our level we have faced very serious shortage of good teachers for the past decade Such shortage is bound to influence the quality teachers who are available when they are needed Mr Bowman said that it would probably be another ten years before the shortage is caught up He pointed out that there is pressing demand for the 1962 63 term for 1200 teafliars at the secondary school level He es timated the source of supply of newly qualified teachers at something less than half this amount Mr Bowman said that he felt that Harris was particularly fortunate as to its size and lo cation Because of these fac tors we are in good position go secure teachers of high cali re Mrs Marita Paulin first year member of the Barrie Pub lic School Board mother of school aged children and interv ested in community activities indicated that she felt Dr liowmnn principal of Barrie Central Collegiate Neotyono would be saf or age We are getting down to questionable level at is and think any change should be made gradually Perhaps at 20 then some ob servatlons then gradually down farther towards in To go down by degrees would be solar plan Searfo was only partly right in his comments STANDARDS IMPROVED From my own personal know ledge and observations know that teaching methods and stan dards are improved she said Attainment of higher stan dard never hurts anyone she said and this applies to the teaching profession as well as any other Mrs Paulin interjected that she felt some of Dr Scarfas criticism could be directed at parents as wall as at teachers dont think all parents off ectivcly live up to their role she said Too many of them are inclined to place the entire load of teaching and develop ment on the teacher The board member said she agreed feathers should ba sis lowed wider scope in their me thods However she said where should the line be drawn We must have some standard or we would have ut ter chaos Mrs Paulin expressed the opinion that many of the prob lems outlined by Dr Scarfa were problems that rightfully belonged to the Department of Education In this connection die pointed to the need for the general standardization of text booksu As parent Mrs Paulin said that she was reasonably happy with the teaching standard of Barrie schools have my own pet peeves she said but this is strictly personal 1186 on Snow Banks Obstructed Vision Driving Charge Is Dismissed The increasingly high snow banks that line Barrie streets won an acquittal for Joseph Frank Ayotte in Magistrates Court yesterday He was charged with careless driving after he collided with taxi cab driven by Roland Dyer of Barrie Ayoite pulled out into the in tersection of Boys and Dunlap West over the four foot high snow banlrs The next thing he knew he was in collision with the taxi The taio went distance of 180 feet bsdora coming to halt after hurtling through one of the snowbsnks and striking hydro pole The taxi had an estimated lie was unable to sea $1000 damage One of Dyers waists was broken and also fl With these snowbanlrs it is just impossible to see if any traffic is coming until you get out into the intersection point ed out defence lawyer Bruce Owen The banks are all over the city and this court is be corning crowded with careless driving charges because of them Ayotts was cautious in mov ing into the intersection the lawyer added and the taxi or proadied at speed Because of the snowbanks it was impossible to say Ayotte was careless when be exercised all possible care Elba charge was dismissed Griffin business man 1y beliova boy £311 hum ms uro es has one through high school If we can malts cannon fod der out of them at that use we should silow them to srctu their franchise 111 some IXAMINZB TUWAY MARCH no Stayner Tees Up Salary Adjustment STAYNER Special Gen eral opinion of Stayner council lors art night It regular meeting was that salaries of town employees should he squallred This means that the wage scale for some employees is not in accordance with other em loyeu and that some are so los to get raises fhere will be reassessment of the salaries involved council decided Ind action will be taken discussion concern ing in icsl and surgical ben efit plans for town employees resulted in clerk Ah thrillm being directed to get more do ï¬ls of the various pllnl offer Oouncll moved to ply ailing town is Ilurer Harry Mc Condilhs sainry for January and Fobru asked Reeve Moon uhelher the town should with draw from the Simcoe County Recreation Committee and run ihtls ownEï¬creatlig committee ayur er that to do this wouldruttilthln the town having to withdraw from all county services William Alnley engineer from Colllnxwood asked council that be be remembered if and when grerent town engineer Angus ampbeli retires Councillor Donald hidntyr uked council what concessions would be made to any new llk duitry contemplatin er us place to set ms Dority observed that it would not be fair to existing lndun tries to grant fixed nun ment to new business Third reading was given to building I7ng for 116000 Ill uiorlzing construction and maintenance of roads Fate OI Cape Bretons Steel Said In Hands Of Quebec By Till CANADIAN PRESS The lute of Cape Bretons eiiv leg steel industry lies in the hands of the Quebec govern ment Premier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia said Monday The premier told the Novo Scotin legislature his govern ment is negotiating with Domin ion Conl and Steel Corporation for new rodnndbar steel mill at Sydney But success of such mill would depend on whether Dosco builds sheet steel mill in Quebec If Dosco doesnt open sheet mill in Quebec Mr Stanfield said it will lose potential out let for steel slabs produced at Sydney leaving economic feasi bility of the projected Sydney mill in doubt Doscos plans for the sheet mill at Contrecoeur ncar Mont real were shelved when the Lib eral Government of Premier Jean Lesage indicated it wanted part ownership of any new steal enterprise in Quebec Since then reports have indicated the Le saga government would prefer an integrated mill producing steel rods bars and sheets Developments in other legisla tures Edmonton Mike Maccagno LLae La Bichcl opening do hate on the Alberta budget said it gives distorted picture of whatthe Social Credit govern AntiMissile Missile Seen By British LONDON AmDefence Min ister Harold Wetklnson said Monday the Soviet Union is melting major effort to de velop an anti missile missile and warned against underesti mating the Russians ability to come up with one Opening defence debate in tiie Basso of Commons Watkinson sai do not see how we can forgo this kind of improvement in the struggle between the of fensive and defensive where the Russians have sought to ob tain unilateral advantage Watkinson said the Russians are behaved to be trying to lighten the pay load in their nu cleartipped rockets in order to incorporate the technical de vices whicli were an absolutely essential part of the art of either defending against ballis tic missiles or attacking de fending system Husbands Wivest Get PepllimFeeiVounger ThousandI Wm Ito ATM ellf 0m mic Ible Connie iron in 53 mwigam errant 03me wy Try om Rn dramas ment plans to spend on educa tion in 196263 He said the sov ornment really intends to give only $3000000 more to educa tion not the $800001 quoted DEFENDS HEALTH PLAN Reginl ealth Minister Davies said Snsknb chawans Medical Care Insur ance Act as it stands allows the medical profession to supply care without in any genuine ir valid way injuring their profes sional status lie criticized re fusal of the Saskatchewan Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons to discuss or negotiate the plan with the government The col lege opposes the plan which is to take effect July Quebec Establishment of municipal traffic bureaus to deal with the problem of han dling traffic in Quebec cities is recommended in report ra lessed Monday by the municipal affairs department at JohnsHighwnyl Minis ter Rowe said construc tion will start this year on the last major bridge project in Newfoundlands portion of tho TransACannda Highway east of Stephenviile on the provinces Blinding Light Shown On Film OI lieEntry WASHINGTON tAPLtCol John Glenns reentry to the at mos here from his space flight flooth his capsule with almost blinding light the first color films token inside the capsule showed Monday special preview of the film was arranged by the House of Representatives space commit tee Highlight of the film included Straps on Glenns space suit waving about like seaweed as the astronautbeceme weightless in his thricearoundtbewordd flight Glenn lifting his faceplate and squeezing applesauce into his mouth from special food contain are An apparent bump when the retro rockets fired to slow Glenn down from the raentry into the atmosphere =25 BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 Do the Residents of Barrie and District for the wonderful attendance at the OPEN HOUSE of our Bronze Medallion Home at Barrievlew last week end For those who could not attend another date will be announced in the mm special toflie many people and firms whoeontributed to the success of our OPEN HOUSE including the press radio the Public Wish Contractors libTrades and Suppliers connHOMs DEVELOPMENT no Gordon Spring and Douglas Homer westcoalt The Itofoot concrete bridge over the Gumbo River near Gander will replace tem porary wooden structure rr eontly threatened by flooding School Students Observe Routine 0i Police Court Burris Magistrates Court had an attentive audience yesterday morning comprised of students from St Marys liigh School They were addressed by Mug istrate Foster who intro duced court officials and ex plained the functions of Mas istrates Court to them During the morning the stud ants heard careless driving charge and several liquor off once which came before the Magistrate DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Kansas CityDr Cur ran 89 Australianbum ophthal mologist who pioneered the sur gical treatment of glaucoma to years ago Ternl HolyLibero Liberati 34 tamer world motorcycling champion for the Wet class in road accident TorontoGordon Howard 64 veteran CBC sports commen tator who began broadcasting for the CBC in 1939 Madrid Donna Sol Fitz James Stuart Falco 62 Duchess of Ssntons and des cendant of King James II of England REFUSES PETITION GLASGOW AP sugges tion that wives of prisoners be permitted to spend night occasionally with their hus bands in jail cells has been turned down by John Manley secretary of state for Scotland Maclay was unmoved by what hashecome known as the love petition of Christine Neill whose husband is serving lo year sentence for assault Maclays office said it is impossible to relax present restrictions Will Address Unitarian Fellowship Dr Helm of Barrie will be speaker at the Sunday sob vics the Unitarian Fellow ship on March ll 11 Im st Banlo ValYWCA an own St Members of this Fellowship while free to hold many and diverse beliefs concerning the nature of God man and the uni verse are all committed to pre servation of personal integrity continuing search for truth through the use of critical ln quiry use of democratic pro ceases to human relations and the obligation to work for the greater good of all humanity In this frame of reference Dr Holms presentation will deal with the application of physical mental and practical resources to gain good feeling as re lated to the art of living Dr Helm will also demonstrate how the conscious mind can govern tho functioning of our subcon scious mind to our benefit when so desired Everyone is welcome to at tend this valuable presentation by the wellknown Barrie otiir opraetur musical interlude will be provided by John Sturgess Must Achieve Shorter Week Meany Says WASHINGTON AP AFL CIO President George Mesny Monday put must tag on shorter workweek to curb un employment He would reduce the hours without cutting pay Meany said he does not know how much the regular 0hour week should be shaved to share available jobs but it should be reduced enough to assure em ployment to every American wanting work If this means 85 at 33 or 80 hours week oriess so be it he told conference of the AFL 010 Building and Construction Trades Department SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR FOOD BILLS NO MONEY DOWN PA 501 KlEERPAK pond carry Liability insurance Certiï¬cate with you at all timesl REMEMliRVOIl Ilsx Ivrnrmliic It you ml to can soon miunv norm DAMASI Insurance on roun vriilru Your savings income and persongsl property are subjectto liability Judgments for injury or death to persons as well as damag the property of others caused by your car to PROTECT YOUR lNTERESTS and get your certiï¬cate today PLUS Complete Protection Savings Easy Payments Fast Claim Service 14 Office to Serve You in the Province of Ontario MERIT INSURANCE gout ssooxes COMPANY slut Representative ll COLLIER ST PA 35945 7O OFFICES FROM COAST TO COAST