Whisky Toasts By Communists LEIIZIG East Germany Reutersl Communist leaders drank toasts of straight whisky with British businessmen Sun day as the Leipzig Trade Fair opened to the public East Communist Leader Walter Ulbrirht made public appeal for British recog nition of East Germany and both he and Serial Deputy Premier Anastas til repeatedly called for increased EastWest trade Mikoyan arrived Saturday to lead the Soviet government delc gallon to the fair at which more than 9000 firms and trading or ganizations from 57 countries are represented despite partial Western boycott TIIROUGIL FOR YEAR MONTREAL CF Franz Baler conchol Canadas Nordic ski team said Saturday star jumper Gerry Gravcllc of 0t tnwn will be unable to compete again this season Gravelle 26 broke four ribs during practice for the world championships at Lakopane Poland Information Oh Justice Locke Leaves The Bench In September By JOHN in OTTAWA CF Mr Justice ICharles Holland Locke will re lira from the Supreme Court of Canada in September after distinguished 15year term as member of Canadas highest court The former Winnipeg and Van couver lawyer will reach the compulsory retirement age of 75 for Supreme Court judges on Sept to His successor likely will be named before the open ing of the courts 1962 fall sit tinR Oct Mr Justice Locke will retire on pension However he does not plan to remain inactive and likely will practise law in com suitative capacity in Vancouver quietspoken expert in com mon law Mr Justice Locke has theen member of the court during period In which It has made many major and binding Lightning Is Sought By US Scientists WASHINGTON AP The US Air Force plans to draw lightning to the ground in soupcdup version of Benjamin Franklins kite experiments The air force Office of Aer space Itcsearch said the Cam bridge Research Laboratories Redford Mass will experiment in the ï¬ring of rockets into thundcrhoads The rockets will trail line steel wires of high tensile strength it is believed that the main discharge or the lightning stroke will follow this wire to the ground vaporizing the wire in the process and creating an ionized channel down which subsequent lighInlIIg strokes may he channelled the announcement said From these experiments the air force hopes to learn more about the characteristics of lightning with particular re gard to The radio frequencies gea eratcd The currents and energy of the lightning stroke The possibility of coupling energy to the ionized channel created by the vaporized wire This ionized channel may possibly be used as an antenna for very low frequency trans missions the air force said FtEMINGS of BARRIE DRAPERY SALE AND SLIP COVER FABRICS Approximately 3000 Yards NOW YD EXTRA YARD Regvalues to 595 yd 299 FlEMINGS of BARRIE T9 DUNLOP ST PA 84934 FOR THESE TUES WED SPECIALS 499 ODDS Er ENDS WINDOW BLINDS 27 BRING YOUR SIZES IDEAL FOR RECREATION ROOMS GAME ROOMS PATIO FOLDING CHAIRS 95 REGULAR 695 99¢ PILLOWS cLARIcs at ISAYFIELD sr BUY EXTRAS AT THIS PRIcr TOP QUALITY PA soars VALUES TO $395 decisions that will govern future Canadian law Mr Justice Incite and till colleoguos are probably as little known as any motor public fig ures In Canada The nature of their work as members of the court of last ruelsort makuali necessary or em to rem out of the public limelight However in November 1957 hlr Justice Locke bounced Into the headlines through no Inuit of his own The late Lewis Duncan of Tomato appearing before the court as counsel in win case Inked that lllr Justice Locke excluded from beach of five judges hearing the action Mr Duncan said hnmade the mo4 tion because he felt that for 30 years lllr Justice Locke had ï¬tertained antipathy toward The court rejected Mr Dun cans motion but Mr Justice Locke withdrew voluntarily Mr Duncan was fined $2000 for contempt of court and was ordered to apologize unreserv cdly in open court before he would be allowed to appear before it again He paid the line but did not apologize before his death in Toronto APPOINTED IN 1947 Mr Justice Locke is one of three Supreme Court judges who served before the court become suprerne in fact as well as In name He was appointed June 1947 more than two years before Parliament abolished appeals to the judicial committee of the Privy Council In london The two other judges who served prior to this Dec 22 m9 event are Chief Justice Patrick Ker win and Mr Justice Robert Tascherenu Chief Justice Kerwin mem ll THE BARR m3 DAY MARCH In ROVE EARLY Henry Wheeler began driv Ing taxicabs In Montreal In 1912 when hard wheels rough roads and high fares made things nervewracking and ex pensive for passengers In up her of the court since July V1935 Is 72 and will retire Oct 25 1964 his 75th birthday Mr Justice Tascherenu appointed to the court in February 1940 reaches retirement age Sept 10 1971 CANADIAN GENERAL MelADDEN RENTANGST ELECTRIC Model 14PII YR WARRANTY s109 EASY TERMS This Is Just One Of The Terrific Buys Foaturod During Our Huge ODDS 50D SALE Auteur PA ma per photo he is shown with the first cob he drove Vlnot Now 73 he relaxes in his Verdun Que home with his wife lower photo CF Photo an Sincehls appointment to the court Mr Justice Locke has taken special interest in cases trom Western Canada He has Isat on the vast majority of Western cases heard by the court in the last 15 years Fear Constitutional Change Would Force ProfitSharing MEXICO CITY AFtA con stitutlonal amendment that would force businesses to share their profits with workers In on the way to becoming reality It costs the shadow of totalitarian state over Mex loo say the Central Ern ployers Association of the fed oral district long awaited dream ll about to be realized answen the Mexican Confederation of Workers The legislation was pushed through his rubberstomp Con gress by President Mai to pet Mateor It now faces vote In the legislaturerof Mexico 29 states If twethlrdl of the states approve the measure will become an amendment to the constitution and It provi sions go Into effect The legis latures are expected to approve If the president pushes for Inch action SCORE DOUBLE SWEEP MONT TREMELANT Que CPILeo Lacrolx of Frances national Aki team and Llnda Crutchfield of Shawlnlsan Que won the Quebec Kandhar com hined ski championships Sun day They made clean sweep of the twoday event placing first In both Saturdays giant llaiom and Sundaya two slalom MI HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 SPECIAL ZVWINDBREAKERS Boys Kasha 1inedwide wale corduroy Windbreaker with cuffs and waistband slash pockets REGULAR VALUE contrasting black zipper front Sizes 814 Red only trimyon collar knitted two lower 249 Boys Kaaha lined sueden Windbreaker knitted collar cuffs and waistband two lower side pockets zipper breast pocket zipper front Sizes to 16 The BrownNavy and Olive LIMITED QUANTITY color assortment includes Even as part of the nonsti tutlon the profitsharing regu lation could function or flour der depending to great ex tent on the will of the powerful presidency national commission would decide how much each com pany should split with Its work ers or whether It should spilt anything at all MIGHT REINVEST company would not have to share profit II the commission decided it would benefit Mexico more for the company to plow the money back Into the busi DCII president who decided that the profitmaria would be en forced strictly could see to it that all companies handed out pesos plentifully The Idea of compulsory profitshoring Isnt new Recoil The mutilation drawn up in m1 after bloody civil war de clued employees should share in the profits Enforcing legislation was pro posed by small group of con gressmen to years ago but the move got nowhere Then came President lope Ilateos surprise introduction of the bill Them II no provision to main workers shore losses The amendment also would prohibit children under it from working and those under to from working after 10 pm CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Comm ciai Warehousing Agents for North Amarican Van Lines DISCOUNT ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY SPRING COAT Either Cash or Layaway Discount Effective Till March 17th only SIMMONS CO THE COAT STORE DUNLOP ST PA 9402 WOWI CHECK THIS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED 299 onsn and aim BARRIE TENT AWNING BAYFIELD 5T PA 166437 WITHOUT DOUBT TODAY ToMORRow AND