oNALLY KNOWN 135 To Put Barrie On Map One organization that has put Bnrrie on the map is the internationallyk wn Barrie District Central collegiate Band The hand first made the in ternational news when they took their trin to Europe in 1958 Since then Illey have received ajudieators pr is and ï¬rst prizes in various must it festivals held throughout the province ltlr Fisher director of the hand began school orchestra in 1937 They changed to hand in 1910 and in one year progressed to the point where they played in Massey Hall in 1941 Since that time the band has been playing in the Kiwanis Festival and capturing tirst place every year except in 1957 when they did not enter It tht band wins first prize in the 62 Festival their ï¬rst pr ize awards will number 5i They will he entering three classes this year The band has been consis tent winner at prizes since its DUNLOP ST inception said the Director Mr Fisher The past summer Mn Fish cr took the hand to the Canad ian National Exhibition as he has been doing since 1951 Here again the hand carried oil tir st prize The band has also entertained audiences in such places as Orillia Penctang and Graven hurst lhey presenth midwlntcr concert in conjunction with the Ross Caldwell singers This ben elit evening was held to raise lands for the bands travelling expenses Aside from putting on th eir own concerts the members also play at the Skating Carnival and the Remebrancc Day Ser vice The bands uniforms are paid or through various organizations and approximately tvoltthirds oi the members own their own in struments The school owns the remaining onethird ltirl Fisher has knowledge at all instruments and his mus Draperies 8r Floor Coverings oungd ical education is nuLstanding in his college days he played in dance orchestra and was in an orchestra in Ogdcnshurg lte also played lead clarinet in band in Cobourg lie was recently elected to active membership of the Am erican School Band Directo rs Association He holds the honor of being the lirst Canadian cl ectcd to this association Tapes are on their way to the Periorming Arts Committee at the Worlds Fair Century 21 in Seattle Washington These tapes are being submitted in the hope that the band will he no cepted to play in the Band or the Day feature which runs from hlay to October Bands tor this program will be drawn from many countries with the program being booked from the 27th of August to the first or October with Bands from the American Schools Mr Fisher said The line recommendations mm the De partment of Education for Ont ario and the submitted tapings may result in an invitation and citation for the Barrie Col legiate Band in August It the band should be able to go west said Mr Fisher we will probably be playing in Vancouver as well as Seat tle Mr Fisher is assisted by Mr Mitchell business manag er for the group and Carl Ham ilton personnel manager There are 76 members in the band They include Valerie Vestman Ken Brock Katherine McBride Barbara Duckworth Elaine Smith Lynn Murray cl arincls Janet Ough Linda St urgess Stephen Chesine Patrick Gooderhurn Mark Kramer Don Crowe Dayle Young Linda Stephenson Margo Stu ge Margo MacDonald Carol Gra ham Lora Hennebry avid Mitchell Carolyn Pile Ann Spearn Don Finlayson Wayne lSpcarin Patricia Hay and Lor na Mae Lee oboes lneson Kristin Embersun Do Ramsay bassoon Susan Rod gers and Brian Henry saxoph sauts 1955 For individual Tastes reputation of service backed by 12 years experience plus our Free Decorat ing Consultation Service guarantees that your draperies or floor coverings chosen at Youngsvvill afford your home an air of originality Our courteous staff Mrs Eileen Horverh Mr Ron Tueltey and myself Keith Young are at your service to help you with any decorating problemsl empadwi Free Home Eonsutmlon Service PA 33588 tPhoto by Furmt ones Nancy Orscr Les Boswell Michael Henderson Pamela Ca roll Terry MacEvoy at Homer and Gerald Churchill corneu and trumpets Stephan tr Ogden Hill More Barr Dyke Stan Elliotson Jon ch ncbry Gloria Jeanett Vaughan Sturgess Murray Miuer Wendy Lindsay Bill irihble tr horns Patricia Scott Mary Lar kin Joan Robinson Heather Mc Niven Myrna Spencer and Bon nie Rodgers baritones Rentner Gerry Vegman Rich ard Gates Hort Simmons and Chris Gnllupe trombones Carl Hamilton Bob Bogardis Boyd Simpson Bob Kinslent Dia mond and Boo Lougheed Bruce Henry Bill Stewart Paul Keicey Stephen Crane Bob Galamaga Jim Flewelling an Dove Webster percussion John Steele Grant Fair Alon Dyer and John Coutts policyholders loAnll mm EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY t1 196 In Imus Reward offers you better shopping convenience Theres no mystery of unopened boxes hero ovary style in stock is on open display You choose better and more quicklyfrom the vast display of what you no SAVEWITH SAFETY nEWAnn SHOE sroius SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 68 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PA 606 II In lamEll lamina Surieunt insurance Agency lid 51 or SERVICE IN 3mm It was 1905 when Walter Sarjeant and Allan Laidman formed partnership to sell general insurance In that era before the widespread use of automobiles farm insurance was featured and this agency became well known in Bar rie and Simeon County In 1928 the business was incor porated in The Sarjeant Company Limited under the management of Fred Sarjaant The business oontinued to expand as automobile insurance came to play more dominant role In 1947 the business was moved one door east on Dunlap St to the larger accommodation of its present location In 1950 the Sarjeant Insurance Agency was organized with Fred Sarjeant and his son Robert Sarjeaut as partners In 1960 this partnership was in eorporated as Sarjeant Insurance Agency Limited to bet ter serve the expanding local commercial and industrial In insurance service is the important factor There is very little difference as faras cost of insurance is concerned between one agency and another or one company and another The principal difference is in SERVICE The agency which keeps its clients advised on changing con ditions delivers policies promptly endorses changes which take place during the life of the policy with dis patch and efficiency and generally makes insurance as simple as possible for the policyholder is performing its function in the best manner This office is equipped to render good courteous service and advice All Adding up To Experience and Stability see