Here is one elephant you need not fear Youll love him and love making him too in basic single crochet His eyes are shiny buttons centred in crocheted circles Bangles and beads remind everyone of his proud Indian ancestry Free instructions may be obtained by sending stamped selfaddressed en velope to the Needlecraft De partment of The Barrie Ex aminer and request Leaflet No CFC1196 International Eve Observed By Club The Business and Professional Womens Club held its regular monthly meeting Feb 20 In and PW clubs the February meeting is observed as Inter national Night The president Mrs Ralph Dawson assisted by internation al committee chairman Mrs It McLeod conducted ceremony written and planned by founderpresident of our In ternational Federation Lena Madcsin Phillips in 1941 It was designed to pay tribute to member clubs in occupied coun tries or in countries torn with war Today it is tribute to the 25 countries belonging to the federation The federation has broadened its horizons increased the rights the skills and the op portunities and the services to one another and humanity It has given consultative status to the economic and social coun cli of the United Nations and ANN LANDERS has worked with the Commis slon on the Status of Women and the Commission on Human Rights to advance the position of women Through these we as group may express our views and work directly to so cure recognition of the principle of full equality for all women to achieve the welfare of man kind and to give reality to the dream of all peoples world peace The ceremony closes with prayer for strength wisdom and greatness of spirit of its leaders and each member to make effective our efforts for better world business session followed with the minutes read by the secretary Miss Dorothy Iauk llEl Final arrangements were made for the annual bridge being held at the Eastern Star rooms Owen Street Feb 28 Biology No Problem Dig The Chemistry Dear Ann Landers am Joy 17 My parents are won Ierful but they are too strict am fair student and man sge pretty well in most subjects but am failing biology My mother and father cant help me becacse they dont remem beranytbing about biology My girl friend is vary good at it and she has been helping me several oveningsa week after gt8quEI After my last report card my parents decided should stay home evenings and figure out the biology homework myself My mother claims all we do is donce and that my girl does the work after leave which ls why dont know anything was really making great progress until the folks lowered the boom on me Please help BUM GRADES Dear Bum Grades You would do better with biology if there WEle no chemistry to worry fabout Get follow to help you with your homework Or ask your folks to hire tutor Your re port card suggests you have been doing more dancing than reading Dear Ann Im engaged to handsome guy who has way with women He wants me to marry him but insists that we keep it secret when asked why he said because marriage will be an emotional shock to his system and he must get used to it gradually was willing until he asked for $300 He hasnt worked for two months and didnt want to tell me He owes on his car his insurance and his rent have good job but Im far from rich love him deeply but dont want to support any man He says when people are in love there is no yours and mine only ours and that every thing in family should be shared He swears by your column and says this is your philoso phy too Im confused and need your help Cme SKIES Dear Cloudy believe in sharing also believe both parties should contribute some thing Whet is be contributing besides his good looks Dont float any loans to this guy and dont marry him so crotly Marry him only when he has job and is willing to carry his share of the financial loud Dear Ann Lenders This is CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 hard letter for ms to write dont know where to start My wife and have been mar nod for 18 years We have daughter to and son 12 Our home is paid for and we have no money worries Our problems began about ten years ago when an old fam ily friend bars came to visit us He seemed to like our home and got himself job and just stayed After about two years noticed my wife was acting cool toward me finally dis covered that my wife and this family friend were carrying on right under my nose1 should have thrown him out then but didnt have the nerve Now my wife has asked for divorce She wants to take the children and leave with this man Her lawyer told her she has no grounds for divorce The friend is still with us She says if he leaves she leaves too What can do lV It Dear Any man who knew what You kne and put up with it in his own home for eight years must have hard ware in his head Inform your wifes family friend that he has 24 hours to get lost If she wants to go with him tell her goodbyebut that the children stay with you To permit this arrangement to go unchallenged is immoral in decent and stupid Choir Wins Honors At Kiwanis Festival The King Edward Ladles Choir of Barrie under the dir ection of Mrs Jean Dobsan placed secondin the Female Voice Choirs of not more than as voices at the Kiwanis Fes tival in Toronto Feb 24 The choir gained 167 marks for two selectionsLtwo marks less than the winners the Lyric operatic Society of Toronto Leonard Herivel of Motion England praised the choir for an expressive and musical per formaoce with good quality tone and balance ROCK STEAM BATH Open am to pm Phone PA 371 and Mrs Bird She had costumes and minia Guthrie WI Hear Talk On Citizenship Guthrie Womens Institute mot at the home of Mrs Gough for the February meet ing The meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Roll call name an outstanding world citisen answered by 25 members Business was read and dealt with also correspondence Col lection for Northwest Territor ies was made Letter from Gu thrie WI adopted childs mo ther was read She asked for picture and so the group had one taken The cooking sciiool with Enion as leaders will be held March and 15 at pm at Guthrie Community Hall Motto was commented on by Mrs Sanderson Convener Mrs Borss spoke on citizenship reversing from new Canadians here to when she spent some time in Germany ture groceries which were very interesting contest the Foolish King dom caused quite laugh Mrs Pearsall and Mrs Campbell represented Guthrie Institute at the 65th anniversary of Womens Institute in T0 ronto Meeting closed by singing God Save the Queen Hostesses Mrs McArihur and Mrs Annette served dainty lunch March meeting is to he tour of some industrial place in Sim coe County Littles H111 WI To Meet Tuesday The February meeting of Lit tlos Hill Womens Institute will be held in Holly School Feb 27 The program will be Home Ecn nomics with Mrs Robinson Convener The motto is House de pends upon the depth oi the purse but home on the depth of the heart The roll call is make and model sec gsdgethat Luncheon committee will be Mrs Willis Mrs Srigiey Mrs Bentley FAMOUS NAMES ST DONAT Que CF Wolfe and Montcalm were to meet againunder more suspi ClDllS circumstancesat char ity hall in this Laureatisn re sort centre Guests of honor are the Marquis de Montcalm of Paris and William Wolfe of New York both direct descendants of the generals who fought and died on the Plains of Abraham jsHoP EARLY AND SAVE at cooling GA lSESSMRB MARKET SQUARE IGA DOWNTOWN BARRIE Y0 GES IG IN STROUD ONTARIO iiimcn BEEF ms vanvi may to admin at IBM slum one served its purpose well but its day is over Boyce of Strnlford public school in spector said Limitations Imposed On Pupils OneRoom School Handicap TORONTO CP The little more members more clubs and room schoolhouse has Addressing the 5th annual meeting of the womens section of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies he asked Thursday Are you imposing limita tion on your child by expecting him to get solid grounding in oneroom school Woman he said could extend the limits of the schools in their area by putting pressure on lo cal boards to improve facilities to the point where the child from the country will not enter high school with handicap He also urged the women to extend library service for schools by getting boxes of books from the travelling li brary service of the department of education either for their lo cal society or womens institute or into the school ltsolf T00 FAB 10 Go There are many good little libraries throughout the country but they are in town and you live on the Third Line Lot 29 It seems too far to go for book when the easy thing to do is to turn on the TV Mrs Diekenson of Port Hops reported at junior club work increased this year with many more displays of high quality work The need of new blood in the writing profession was urged by Mrs Ethel Brant Monture first and honorary president of the section In presentiim this years cs say award to 13yearold Jewel Arnott oi Cardinal she said this years contest was the best yet and for the first time two boys had participated Miss Amott wrote on The Place of the in dlan in Canadian History Mrs Frank Spearing of Stay oer was elected president Vlce presidents on Mrs Bell of Glanford Station and Mrs Jos eph Gnunmett of Seaforth Mrs Ironstde of Georgetown is secretarytreasurer Auto Seat Belts Urged By NCW OTTAWA CPITho 700000 member National Council of Women has undertaken cam paign to promote the use of seat belts for the protection of mo torlsti it was announced Fri day Representatives of the coun cil met with the Canadian High way Safety Council Friday to work out details of the promo tion OTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 1961 Wife Agrees With Decision To Sever NDP Connections OTTAWA CBJean ArguE who know for long time that her husband was unhappy with the course of events says she is in agreement with his deci sion to quit the New Demo cratic Party His move had not been made lightly she said in an interview Wednesday It had followed much soul searching The attractive 37 year old mother of four children said she has great faith in Helens in tegrity Mrs Argue grew up in home where her father voted for both the Progressive Conserva tive and Liberal candidates be fore the CCF party was formed Hcr greatest regret in her hus bands action is the friends who will be lost This has hurt many of them She feels the people in their Saskatchewan constituency of Assiniboia will accept the de cision in varying degrees Perhaps those who worked the hardest for the party may feel theyve been betrayed but the decision was not made lightly As youngster in Saskatche wan Mrs Argue belonged to CC youth group but didnt activer campaign until after her marriage Ive done everything from knocking on doors to attending meetings talking to people on street corners and travelling with my husband Whatever party he goes into will con tinue to work as hard as did before BACKACHEnw guillotine as may women um common Innr an Waste in titles ms mum Ilium mull In elicit will from In KIM Then on can feel ttrcd no hem llld ei from rheumatic funk nuts bucklch label around olnts smut our floristde than women mom in fun hob Ilhh mo Brink Ann91W Ind Drain Palleth uflnn 031 Then mm Ict ll Dull In and lies Mmlnl You Ieel Milli stronger mt ornrsx from War on as today and so how refreshed m1 If you are torn between two major purchases perhaps you dont have to decide which it will he Maybe you should have bolhf Chances are you can too by ï¬nancing one or both of them on theBank of Montreal Family Finance Plan When you dont have all the cash you need to buy what you want tho or deily Finance Plan is an excellent way to group several purchases under single lowcost lifeinsured loan Monthly repay ments to suit your convenience may be extended up to three years So dont call coincall onyour nearest branch of the of and enjoy more of the things you want rfglit now BANK on MONTREAL Wliiili mJflluW Famil Finance Pi lows of liloiniuud lean Barrie Bronchi RONALD Macao Manages WORKINd WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE I7 Hopes For Wile With Want Ad LONDON Reuters Stair icy Fuller Wall who for years shared his life with two wives is advertising for another Fuller Wall 51 whose le gal wife died this year at is leaving him an mom sion and £55000 has made public confession to British newspapers that for the last In years of his marriage in also kept mistress Nellie who had five children by him Nellie 44 died on the some do as Fuller Walls legal wi Grace last New Years Day He told Grace about the other wife Iuiler Wall said Thursday and she for gave me He said he is advertising for another wife because he wants to raise it family Nelliel five children had left him to live with relative She must be about five feet six inches tall well built but not fat weight about stone 154 pounds and be under 30 because want to have children Fuller Wall said speaking from his is room mansion Thursday night am expecting tbde of offers he added Gae 49 Club Elect Executive iIio regular meeting of the Gas 49 Club was held at the home of Mrs Harry Horton Stroud with to members and three guests present The business portionof the meeting included summary of the years work by the trees urer secretary and social sar vica committee Roll call was answered by helpful suggestion for future meetings The executive for 1962 is as follows president Helen Gra ham viceprcsldent Ev Bix secretary June Chalmers trea surer Iresla Sohln sick com mittee Mary Krul and Vera Ball press reporter Mossis Horton Games and contests conduct ed by Mrs Sabin and Pink ney concluded the meeting The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Jerry Small There will be demon stration of handiwork by Gar net Pratt Improve Your Grin Lose Double Chin IDA JEAN KAlN Beautician would have us be love that contourvmouiding chlntstrsp together with ting ling utrlogents and muscle oils will give the chin firm grip on youth Nonsense All those lux ury itcms keep the skin smooth and lift moralHut lets face it they cannot tone the mus clcs At recent meeting where the women were various ages and all sizes glanced around sur reptltlousiy at chlnilnes The survey did little to raise my spirits until spotted on up standing woman who knew to be in her sixties She has the throatllne of woman of thirty So after the meeting spurred on by the Uiought that owe it to you readers tactfully inquired her secret Without moments hesita tion she told me she is sixty nlne and forthrigbtly informed me that few women would be interested in her method be cause it cost nothing but effort Its simply to hold your head up instead of letting it dmop and to keep straight line at the back of the neck Tell your readers that proper head car riage is better than all the other beauty measures put together Ihe stated firmly Its heartening experience to have onss beliefs so beauti fully confirmed Alter dealing for in those many years with all sorts of figure faults Im convinced that slumped posture is to blame for many of them and that poor bend carriage is back of most chin troubles in cluding double chins PTA Meeting Hear Doctor The regular monthly meeting of St Marys PTA will be held in St Josephs Auditorium Mui caster Street Feb 27 at 850 pm The speaker will be Dr Grassland During his address Dr Crossland will comment on Christopher recording on Sex Education for Children The meeting will conclude with social hour Refresh ments will be served by Mrs Stan Godin and her committee All interested parents are urged to attend the meeting You may ask it improved head posture will fix everything even it damage has already been dune Not without correc tive exercise it takes special exercises to restore tone to the bracing musclesthen the prac tice oi good head posture uill keep the muscles from falling down on the job There is definite exercise technique thc aim is to tone the throat mucles without overly stretching the skin under the chin Before you trike thin exercise test to ma sum it does not stretch the skin Resistance exercises are ef fective because they work the muscles harder Here is good one Itcst chin on heel of hand chin level Resist strongly with hand push against hand with chin slowly lowering chin Then resist with throat muscles push upwards with hand until chin is level Three times twice daily will be sufficient Many of you ask if facial ex ercise machines in which the toning action is achieved with electricity are helplul Yes ex cecdingly so if used regularly These machines are expensive but the results are most rewards log Whatever measures are used to restore tons to the bracing chin muscles this must be backed up with elegant head carriage firesto STORES BB DUNLOP ST WEST PA 66535 THE BALL PLANING MILL PRESENTS Recreation Rooms Unlimited FAMILY ROOM 14 20 COMPLETE As LOW AS 1700 PER MONTH Another of our designs which includes prefinished Takita Mahogany pan ailing acoustic ceiling tile vinyl asbestos floor tile door trim mouldings nails and staples All framing and strapping lumber are included in this package of materials CALL THE BALL PLANINA MILL 48 ANNE ST CO LTD Pia2496