MISS VIOLET KING first Negros admitted to the Ca nadian Bar Association spoke on Brotherhood to the Jay cees and guests last night at Community House Herc Bill Cain left Miss King Mayor Les Cooke and Jaycee president Charles Vadge en joy joke after the dinner Rotarians Hear Publisher Give mpressions Of Japan Jim Lamb publisher of the Oriliia Packet and Times this week told Barrie Rotarians of his experiences during recent visit to Japan Jim born and educated in Toronto and at MC served in the Royal Canadian Navy and came out lieutenant eomA mander Before settling down in Orillia he worked on the To ronto Globe and Mail the Woodstock Sentinelstlevicw and the Moose Jaw Times Herald Mr Lamb says his trip to Japan is not remembered as series of experiences but ra ther as group of impressions While Japan is rapidly be coming vesternized the ancient culture and traditions die hard To those of us reared in the Christian atmosphere she is almost impossible to under stand She presents series of paradoxes Ceremonious polite ness is coupled with manners which to us appear rude Mercy is not virtue and the cult of personal cleanliness is coupled with complete indiffer ence to the condition oftheir surroundings Floral arrange ments and the cultivation of gardens go hand in hand with uncut lawns and flowerless parks he said Magnificent buildings are not maintained as we think they should be with even window washing only done when light and vision have been almost obliterated MANY RELIGIONS There are many religions but nothing basic Buddhism is the principal religion in the cities but receives only lip ser vice in fact it does not close resemble Buddhism as praev tised in other lands Shintoism appears to he basically code of ethics charming but with no real hold on its followers It is used mainly as an excuse for reveiry and celebrations Beautiful shrines can be found everywhere but visitors think nothing of throwing empty pop bottles behind the altars said the speaker Man Cleared Slight Error Not Careless After injuring policeman and causing $736 damage to police cruiser Stayner man had careless driving charge against him dismissed because he was frank in giving eVi deuce Bruce Thomas Paxton struck an Ontario provincial police cruiser on Jan 24 while mak ing turn from Highway 26 on to sideroad near the Vespra townlinc Constable George Winters told Magistrate Howitt in mag istrates court yesterdy he came to stop on die sideroad and saw Fartons vehicle approach ing It was dark and wind was blowing snow across the high way obscuring visibility in places To give the other car gbetter visibility he switched the police car headlights off and left on his parking lights He was at stop and intend ed pulling out onto the highway after the car passed him Corporal Arthur Kellogg passenger in the cruiser said the car approached at high rate of speed and suddenly turned into the sideroad struck the cruiser and continued for 200 feet before coming to stop The magistrate refused to al low statement made to Can stable Winters immediately of ter the accident to be admitted in evidence statement made to policeman after an accident is normally privileged and it would probably not he in the interests of justice to hear it he said Cpl Kellogg suffered minor neck and head injuries Parton admitted an error in judgment and speed in making the turn but claimed the police cars parking lights confused him He thought the cruiser was on Highway 26 and not on the slderoad He did not feel mi nor error in jpudgment consti tuted careless driving even it he was the author of the acci dent Magistrate Howitt agreed and dismissed the case Japan is country with beautiful scenery and large and imposing cities ft is also small country in its area and its large population imposes crowds and congestion that must be seen to be believed City streets are narrow and crowded and the increasing number of automobiles has cre ated traffic conditions that im pose unbearable strains on those responsible for its con trol PLANNING DIFFICULT Due to land scarcity town pianningas we know it is diffi cult lleavy traffic and lock of alternate routes make it im possible to close of roads for repairs and improvements Mr Lamb continued Rural life is more pleasant insofar as surroundings are concerned but work is harder with longer hours and consequently sons and daughters all want to go to the cities Industry is the backbone of the nation There are two kinds The old family type with small staffs second rate hous ing low pay and long hours and the newer and immense in dustrial complexes with com plete living working and re creational facilities for their staffs These large companies exercise paternal attitude to ward their employees and at tempt to take care of all per sonal problems including hous ing and medical care Here low wages have become second Mrs Margaret Ellen New man 92 11 Marcus Street died at Inniswood Private Hospital Feb 12 Mrs Newman widow of Rev Marshall Newman was one of this areas oldest residents She was the daughter of the late John Wright former owner of what is now the Clifton Ho tel Bradford Street She was member of Essa Road Pres byterian Church ter EtheltMrs Stevens of Scarborough son Jack of Parry Sound grandchildren Ei leen Mrs Jack Jewison Bev erly Doyle Suzanne and Rob ert Stevens Barbara Mrs Pond of St Louis Missouri Gordon Newman of Miami Florida Great grandchildren surviving are Gary and Mary Ellen lewison Ward Fond Nancy and Robert Newman Mrs Storey and Mrs Robinson both of Barrie and furs Besh Toronto are sis ers Rev Bell conducted the funeral service from the Jen The Museum Board of the Simone County Museum met Thursday afternoon in the Com mittee room of the County Building to work out plans for the new Museum Tbe new pro Ject planned to be opened early this summer will he built on dthreeacre site located six miles north of Barrie on High way No 26 near Springwater Park Plans were discussed includlt ing gift shop which would sell items of interest to those Visiting the County It is hoped that items of handicraft nat ure made by persons in Sim coo County will be available for sale in the gift shop The Boardappoihted Ross Channen as Curator of the new Museum to begin work on the first of March Mr channen PICKLE PROOF BARNSLEY England the pathetic plight of pickle packers was solved by deodor ant firm Young girls working at pickle factory here couldnt get rid of the smell of onions after work and unkind jokes were hurled at them while the boy friends stayed away The perfume firm cooked up deo dorant that smothers the onion odor She is survived by daugh ary to mechanization us the basis of low cost merchandise Japanese work hard with long tiours but live it up at night They think nothing of spending lot of money to ob tain recreation although some of their ideas of enjoyment are difficult to understand As wo men in Japan have no status the head of the house thinks nothing of going to cabaret where professional hostesses ca ter to his ego Vhile city hotels generally are only poor mans version of the Royal York country inns are charming Here everything is scrupulously clean well or dered and with beautiful sur roundings Foreign visitors will find them particularly appeal ing Today the Japanese people are becoming westernizcd so quickly thot they are very stat us conscious They insist on American made cars although their own are better adapted to local conditions They prefer western goods such as cigarette lighters even when their own product is well made and much cheaper The men do not wear colored shirts even for dirty or menial tasks as white shirts are considered to confer su perior status In conclusion he said all In all Japan is wonderful place to visit but dont be sur prised it you cannot understand the whys and wherefores of much that you see Pioneer 0t Simcoe District Mrs Newman Dies fit 92 Ar was MR8 NEWMAN nett Funeral Home with burial in Barrie Union Cemetery Pall bearers wore Stevens Stevens Gosney Godden Dixson and RRowe Ross Channen Is Curator Of New Simcoe County Museum who for the past two summers has had his collection the Stra thaven Indian Museum open to the public will move the col lection to the new building as part of the County Museum col lection It is hoped that with the building of the Siincoe County Museum the early pioneer mat erinl used by the settlers in the area kept in the County ned to have displays set up to show not only the things used by the settlers but also how they were use léRESCRlPlIONS We always give prompt courteous service Ask your doctor about our phamlcy next time no writer prescription for anL Prescriptions pickedup and delivered free charge CUSDENS PHARMACY 11 Dunlop PA 55559 48 Collier St Pa new will be preserved and hit is plan Canadians Lead Insulated Lives Four million young adults the total number of Cnnndians be tween 13 and 35 lead insulat ed tit and know little about their neighbors of different ethA nic or religious backgrounds the Jaycees were told last night at the annual brotherhood din ner Miss Violet King the first Negress admitted to the bar in Canada told the Jnycecs Jay cettes various local clergyman representatives of the local ser vice clubs and Mayor Cooke that to bring brotherhood into actual practice young Can adians and the generations to come will have to change the prevalent attitude of ignoring other groups in the commun ity Miss King explained that our bicultural society has induced cautious attitude toward other peoples feelings about race religion and ethnic origin CAUSED RETREAT This has she said caused all these various groups to retreat into themselves thus widening the gulf It has also brought about double standard in the minds of young and old Canadians alike This double standard is the conception on the one hand of the foreign country and its people there and on the other hand different opinion of those people when they arrive in Canado as immigrants Younger generations Miss King said will have to take second look at this attitude Canadians she said rnust form national opinion to streng then Canada ln the eyes of oth er countries who at present can form no set idea of Canada be cause Canada represents no set ideal in the field of social and cultural relations Miss King said that the ma jority of immigrants are in the young Canadian age grou 18 to 35 She added that on 23 per cent of young Canadians are active in established organ isations or clubs and of these clubs only few are homo geneous in nature and practice although many of them stress nonselectivity in theory NEW PROJECT Miss King is at present en gaged in project called the Young Adult project sponsored by the Canadian Citizenship Council She is study director of the plan to flat young people in touch wit one another through projects undertaken by groups clubs and organizations across Canada Young Canadians can do lot she said to prove that multi cultural society can WDIk Mayor Les Cooke said that early in this century as immi grants flooded lntn the country AngloSnxons were the first elass citizens and anything else was little below But these nationalities hove blended since then he added and as the different groups still arrive the challenge to get along with one another strcnth ens their own convictions This has made our community strong the future of the com munity depends on these people We welcome all inlnority groups to Barrie Appoint New Sales Manager For West Bend Division Here The Barrie office of West Band of Canada Ltd has an nounced the promotion of James MacDonald of London to the position of district sales man ager housewares This appoint ment is part of planned ex pansion program in Canada states Lockman vice president for sales in state meat from the West Bend Com panys general office at West Bend Wis Mr MacDonald joined the Barriebased company in 1960 as salesman to the retail trade Prior to that he served as manager of Good rich store in London Mr Moe Donald also was member of the Ontario provincial police or three years Mr MacDonald and his famlt lly now make their home in Barrie Borden Officer Receives Posting CAMP BORDEN Ont Cap toin John Langton 39 has been selected for posting to 27 Central Ordnance Depot at Hagersville Camp Camp Borden Headquarters announced today Capt Langton arrived In Camp Borden in 1956 and was appointed Inspection officer with 43 Central Ordnance Railhead During 196Ml he held the appointment of Camp Borden Headquarters Quartermaster and during the latter part of 196i and early 1562 served as Camp Commandant of the same Head quarters Capt Langton was born and educated in Ireland He began his Army career in 1941 Subsequent to receiving his commission in the Indian Army Ordnance Corps in 1943 Langton served in Burma eye and Borneo Capt He is an active member of both the Camp Borden Curling Club and the Rod and Gun Club He prides himself on ex tracting 10 pound Rainbow Trout from Camp Borden water back in 1956 He lives with his wife Jose phine and three children at 10 4th St Camp Borden PRAIRIE GARDENS SASKATOON CPtThe Gar deners Bulletin quarterly publication of the University of launched this month Robinson hor ticulturist of the universitys ex tension department said it is the first such publication in the Saskatchewan Prairie provinces TUFFY MULDED CLOSET SEATS PINK BLUE SUNTAN REG FEB SPECIAL 510 PLUMBING and 57 259 lnnisftl St PA H531 Mal as WHITEFISlI TOOK THE BAIT GBEEDILY good catch of Lake Sim coo Whitefish was the result of some early morning fish ing by left to right Bob Camber Chester Holley no land Holley Walter Smith Liquor Charge Is Dismissed Magistrate Has Slight Doubt If the accused man had been found by police after complet ing few orbiLs of the earth with astronaut John Glenn it might fairly be argued he had consumed intoxicants while over Nigcrlo said crown attorney Kennedy in mogistrotes court yesterday Kenneth Britnoll 18 of in gas was charged with consum ing lntoxlcants while under age and Mr Kennedy considered it safe to assume he had been drinking in Ontario Britnella counsel De wan of Angus questioned Mag istrate Howitts jurisdiclt tion in the case arguing that if the accused had consumed in toxlcoiits the case came under Ontorio jurisdiction and not the county He moved for dismis sal on these grounds The magistrate replied he was not just magistrate for the county but had complete juris diction for the province and could properly try the case Thats break for the Crown commented Mr De wan and bad one for the accused Two provincial constables said they detected intoxiconts on the breath of the accused who was being questioned in connection with another investigation on Dec 30 The youths father Cborles Britnell said he had been un able to detect any odor Lawyer Dcwon claimed the smell of lntoxlennts was not sufficient evidence and the onus was on the police to prove the youth had been seen drinking Crown attorney Kennedy then made the comparison to astron aut Glenn In the twohour period he was missing it was fair to presume the youth had consumed the in toxlcants in Ontario and not out slde the province he said The accused said he had never had an intoxicating drink Magistrate Howitt said he was very suspicious of his testis mony but because of very slight doubt he had to dismiss the charge Health Unit Man Accepts New Post James Anderson MD DPH formerly of the Simone County Health Unit will take new position on March Mr Anderson will be the new Medical Officer of Health for the city of Peterborough He was well known to Bar rle Examiner readers as the author of the weekly column Slmcoes Health Barrie and Dean Holley run were caught off Barrie Yacht Clu area Hoffa Framed Bridges Says VANCOUVER CF Hurry Bridges controversial leader of the International Longshore mens Union says that Team ster union leader James Hoffa was framed to help put preslt ldent into the White House Bridges here to attend lo cal ILU convention told 500 un ionists Thursday there should be merger of the Longshorelt mens and Teamsters unions He said reports picturing Hoffa usla corrupt and greedy man should be discounted The slandcring job done on Hoffa In the 15 was is dirty frameup designed to elect Ken nedy by making him the great defender of the people against tyrant Bridges declared Anybody who believes what has been sold in the capitalist controlled press about Jimmy Hoffa is crazy Bridges said he has deal with Hoffa whereby both unions will attack any individual or group which opposes either Bridges urged all British Co lumbia Longshoremens locals to unite into single group seeking master contract with the Shipping Federation WANTED Hearing aid sales consultant by large rmdlcal accoustic cm This is semfprofmlonai sales position mobile and be Apply aniy by writing to Must have auto willing to travel excellent remuneration VAMPLEWCOLBY ADVERTISING LIMITED 57 BLOOR 5T WESTTORONTO NEARSTEELSTJ Furnished by Harry lcwe Furniture Showrooms AVAILABLE TO YOU THROUGH OUR COMP ANY Wide Selectionof House Plans Various locations Complete Architectural Services NHA tarConventional Financing Arranged AGuarantee of Quality OPEN FOR INSPECTION FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY from 10