Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1962, p. 11

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RENTALS ARTICLES For SALE ROOMS TO LET BRIG CLEAN bedroom for rent In quiet home for collection doaniown area Toiepnona PA Hm aiier pm rUILtlslrzo bedroom for not urinary facilities Breakfast and lunch acted if dulnd Trlrpbonc dart soon or avenlnn PA slim for further inletmarina runNIeIim Houuhteoinl Room aiove mimenior and link Sui ahle for on or no girl or buri neu couple Lian iupplied ii db aired It bus atop PA azoee TITO rUansnzp rooml or flat Kitchen and bedroom Parking iacluuea Apply on Maple live or iclephona PA Hui ior further information NICILY FURNISHED bedritual room ior rent with kitchen privilr cut for lady Located very close to downtown Reasonable Tole Phnne PA nan ior further par tlculua rivE IIOONID furnished hunt ipr single woman to char with nine Separata bedroom and rivate entrance neaaonaole rent elephcne PA Matt for particu qu ROOM BOARD IOOM Arm nOAnD avallabla ta hat hd Lunches packed it do aired Telephone PA amo for sunh information 100 AND noAIID available in private home Lunehea Packed tr dulnd Telephone PA uses for ntrthar iniormatlon DOOM AVAILABLE for one or two bunnea person with hoard op uonal ror timber information telephone PA snags MARY amour Vicinity clon to downtown ml Room and board Gentleman prelerred Will pack lunchea Home Prlvliegel Tel one PA sodas or timber in rmation 111 An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 324 ARTICLES For SALE EWSPAPER MATS Sines 3213 ideal for lining hen housed attiu cusses etc perfect insulator 25¢ PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jan 15th and Feb 2011 and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg 559 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Shroud AIRS WOODWARD SI SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examlner if you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please cni at our Busi nesc Office Werarr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 5x7 $100 10 $125 plus SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods pills new slightly damagedttems way below original cost We als buy contact lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG ST CUSTOM RADIOS 1955 Chevrolet clutch radio for aale 30 also less or 1956 Ford curtain radio 25 Telephone Cookstown 4588211 USED FILTER QUEEN or sale reconditioned liIuat be seen to be appreciated Telephone PA $1462 or further Information CASH COME$500 at $12 per month Telephone PA moo areacent Finance bunlop si rman MACHINE for sale Hap tzontal number hum In very good condition rolling reasonable elaphana PA oases osau VACUUM Cleaners all mam tron slit Ilp Take your pick Telephone Filter Queen Salas or Maple Ave PA BAMBI for full particulars LADYS WINTER COAT size 14 like new no GLrls Tap Dance Shoes size ll very reasonable Telephone PA dIoza ior tutthei Information sET or Truck Chains Islnrle nu Platform foot hand hoist and snow plow hlado for truck or tractor All in good con ditiolt Telephone PA Mars ICE mama SUITE it Then suits ware made for the navy You can lie on the ice at so below zero and be quite comfortable No Italinn house needed 196 Eur lun AVA Barrio EAT BETTER FOR LESS Fully Government Inspected Guaranteed Meats NO MONEY DOWN lills Your Home Freeur Dont Wait Enjoy Payable Over Months Our Fine Foods Now Why Pay More Than 59c lb for your STEAXS and STEAK ROASTS etc Why Pay More Than 3c 1b for your Prime Rib Roasts Short Rib Blade etc Why Pay lore Than 42c 1b tior your Pork Chops Bacon Roasts etc We Are TheOnly Local Food Plan with Food on Display If you have your own home freezer or wish to purchase homo freezer it costs you nothing to call or write to 245 Tiffin Street KLEERPAK FOODS Barrie PA 60501 Home Freezer OrdersFree Delivery Up To loo lilies IsvnN aoosl Oil runNAraior aale in Al condition Telephone in com for mine lnrormauon ONE run of show nm ior nie practically new Site 750 15 Telephone com Stroud eventnu alter on Cam humilva in road con diuon could not he told rent now one woo Terma avauahle Tolephona PA Octal Pun WRAP Jacinta and Coats for aala or exchange Repairing reilnln and rcmodclitnr Linden ate cea ply iiuhurn and Son unln Street West Earrte Telephone um cAitIPzn TIIAILutl for rule HlflLnr complete with tent lel now Reasonable Telephone In 41 Anna for further intornla lion urawmms haunt said real ed repaired student rental ratea Aair about our Rent iry then Bay Plan star Mewrlier Co at android St PA M595 amam Usan swim ltIachinea Electric Portable from sin and up One ZlgZlg Iiichinr 59950 Trea dla illchine $905 Singer Sewing iiichina Cd 25 Dunlop st west PA amo SINGER SEWING lilachlno Deni olutraior Sale of Vacuum Clean era and Floor Pollahera Terriiic savings on auchtly marked coulo mont Sinlcr Sewing Machine Co is Duniop St West PA undo aAu DNIEII in excellent condltlon Gar iiied forced air iurnace heats eight rooms one year old Very realmDie See them operating Alba kitchen wall cupboard and stainless steel sink eahlnet Tole pit 66595 BCIJIJA Equipment for Lucd only months like new Single my two hora regulator Lil Lung tank constant reserve VI to Ban PIC with human VA foam Neoprene wet Iii compluu III medium Fir Snorkel mu weight bolt 17 ouadr of weights divert flag an ono oroieulonal diverl xniia Quito reasonbin Phone PA H917 after 9111 or can at 47 Marcus street DOGS 8i PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complcte lines by BAETZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgler and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 930 RM DAEY PHONE PA 68036 WANTE Purebred Mllemu Pun male Apply to Boh Smith 1m Wang Ecach Telephone 2A7 WasIra Beach FREE TO Good Home Fe ale dog spayed IIllfnalmhtlln no hair Pointer Goon companion and watchdog Must be good home Telephone 739 Camp Hordnn FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Macs 3150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 89201 ARTICLES WANTED BABY STROLLER wanted Must have apringa Telephone PA Cards FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horrea Small animals removed 26 For fast service phone BARBIE PA E7751culiecti or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 25 honra day7 days want lCKS DEAD STOCK RE Foinnead Ontario Licence No 1720 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK BAY SADDLE HORSE for sale 142 hands western broke Telephone PA cacao alter pm Io WEANED Plea for sale York and Landrucc crossed Apply eve stings or noon to PA 3590 PUREBIIBD HOLsTEIN DULL 12 months old Ecst record of new est dams average 19475 milk fat 733 Test 379 Herd accredited listed and vaccinated Foy sggg whaling Ontario Tnlophono FEED SEED GRAIN WANTED Quantities of good Ontario Oats and Wheat Wanted SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP FEED DEPARTMENT 259 Innisfil Street Phone PA 66531 POULTRY Er CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now iorearly order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE sPIIrNO CHICKS should he ord red now nray hna iull range or varietics available promptly weekold to roadyetorlny pullota prompt llilpmant Rcrfuadt price list Agent Capo and nn Eeeton phone IeTaaI Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 112414 FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE lifilkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parti for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60638 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVlCE PHONE 103 MINESING CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Ecaity Farm Equipment Just Reminder CASE SHOWCASE STROUD HALL WEDNESDAY FEB 28 Meeting At pm PRIZES LUNCH AND DANCE TO FOLLOW 176 BURTON AVE PA 02373 CASH TRADE TERMS vaa clean Separators near and Swingtype Milking lunch Service pans several uud In the in stock Closed on sundayi Viking Separators Sales an al Cralghurlt Ontario Telephone PA 66 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MIDTOWN 41 ESSA RD 1961 Pontiac Laurentlans from $1950 up low down payment ROY HAWKINS HAROLD JORY MOTORS and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 HAYFIELD ST PA 84195 CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Hwyll miles east of Barrie ROY MARK Dealer READ TIHS AD AND SAVE MONEY DOITYOURSELF GARAG Free advice Space tools supplied all for Si per hour WELDING DONE lssoVOLKSWAOaN deluxe with whitewallr and radio Telephone PA 86766 for lull particulars 195 METEOR custom four door se grfii anghflruhxogldlrunninl con on car hone tnal owner 0m atlz am use PLYMOUTH Station Wagon automatic power nearing Vi In excellent condition Terms can be Inhaled Telephone PA 66554 1958 BUICK very good co ll Must sell Immediately Tdknadoigzl payments 32o per month Tole phona PA BdSVl evenings 1952 oLOsMOBILE for sale ria dlo and good motor sun Cub Telephone PA arm for further information PRIVATE one owner 1950 Buick Special automatic for sale Tele phone PA oillio liter pm Terms arranged All day Satur day and Sunday 1960 MONAnCII for rule range automatic learn with red interior Extras owner car Telephone IIIl 5702 less EUICK two door hardtop good condition sin down $35 monthly Telephone PA cases after pm or turther informa tlolt Dual While one Aiiiston Ion LA sALLE as complete unit or as parts Good condition throughout For further inform tion telephone PA 86045 between in am and pm and PA 722 ofter pm SACRIFICE 1059 Mercury four door nadto automatic transmis sion Will take older model in trade or take over payments of $4935 per month Telephone after pm PA Mesa 1955 MERCURY automatic and radio real value $595 1954 Chcvmlet and Ford completely refinished $395 each 105 Consul and Zephyr cheap transportation $150 each 1954 Ford Sedan De llvcry and 1952 Monarch real good runners $195 each 1054 Ford body no engine $45 Sproul Supcrtest Highway 21 one mile south or Thornton Telcphonl Cookstown Isuzu CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAB 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA W2 CASH Fun your ear Liens paid Off We trade up 01 down Allan dalc Motors 11 Essa Road name PA soul AUTOMOTIVE CARS WTD TO BUY WESTERN BUYER REQUIRES loo clean Cara Premium prices Liens paid off Convoy leaving March ai Enquire Honest Joes Cars 220 Bradford Street PA 55430 Used TRUCKS 8a TRAILERS MERCURY non stake body racha anti OP nit Excellent con dition H060 Telephone Hidirnd sauna or write Boa harm filminer PERSONALS WANTED steady ride daily from Dalrte to Camp Euro and iv gun Telephone PA um alter pm WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDHESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST PA 53961 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP SUPERVISOR We require one man over as with sales experience or sales aptitude We represent chartr ered foundation offering the CS nadian Scholarship Trust plan to parents which provides uni versity education at approxlnr niely onefourth cost The man selected will be trained as supervisor for the Simcoe blus kolia0niario Counties Leads will be available Write CST Plan 160 Egiinton Avenue East Toronto 11 All replies acknow ledged urnch orATioN attendant with home arperience neat appearaneo and amhiunua atedy employment for rural person Write Box 11 Carrie Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED erI GIVE day can to prucnool ehuo in my Own home but end Telephone PA 3175 EOOmEPINO Service available full or Part ttmt Fully expellanai ed Telphone PA Haas DAILY CA3 titen to blldrnn In my own homo Monday to Fri day wul earl Telphone PA also INCOME TAx return prepled pencel alao typing done Prompt aervice Telephone PA 60355 or nmrior dltailr LEGAL NOTICES BEAUTY SHOP CONWAY tel by certified hairdresser In your own homo Phona Bernice It PA 50851 or PA SIT LOST FOUND LOSTSlack Cat male vicinity of St Vincent Park Finder pleaaa telephone PA GZdll lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP CAPADLE Daby sitter required Monday through Fridly Dist cud References Telephone PA 771 alter pm EXPERIENCED Wattnuea wanted Am short older cook and dish waihcr Top salary Apply Mr Hathaway United Cigar store Ltd 20 Dunlop street Dot barrio MALE OR FEMALE Young man or lady wanted aI PHOTO DARKROOM AND ENGRAVING CLERK By The Barrie Examiner Phil tographic and darkroom exper ience essential This position in connection with In Exam iner Editorial Department off ers good future to person willing and able to efficiently organize his or her efforts Apply in writing to MR McPHERSON Managing Editor THE BARBIE EXAMINER 170 Box 370 Barrie Ontar CONsmucnoN SUPERINTENDENT $6000 $6660 Department of Public Works Toronto Ont Many years of practical experi Donce in building construction some supervisory Details as to residence require ments and qualifications and application form at Post Of ice National Employment Off ice or nearest Evil Service Commission Office MALE HELP ACT NOW ARMOURIES OPEN THIS WEEKEND EARN As you SERVE FOR SIX WEEKS iN THE MILITIA if you are between 10 and 50 and meet enrolment standards you can help Canadii and your self by takingpart in the Spe cial Militia Training Program One hundred thousand addition al men are needed as soon as possible to help the Canadian Army Militia carry out Nation al Survival Operationé iu the event of nuclear attack Six week training courses are being held in youl community begin ning January Later courses start February 25 and April 16 1962 During the course you are given allday training five days week You receive the same pay as regular soldier you will live at home and receive living allowance Get full details without Obli gation from your Militia Re cruitiug Officer at the address below that is neirest in your home ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK STREETS BARBIE ONTARIO Eozeain LEARN ELECTRONICS NOW Resident or Home study Schonia Toronto and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA Sand icr grep sock Careers in Eiectronlca to ldl at Toronto Ontario YOUNG MAN id to 20 to lo rn grocery hmlneu APPLY to gci in pencil to RCAF Clover Farm Store Camp Borden Ont TAXI Dlquaa wanted Must have good knowledge of the city Apply in person to Dclilxa Taxi Cln pertnn St for further in tormnt on NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MARY DIXON late of the Town of Penetang ulshene in the County of Sim coe Widow Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate oi MARY DIXON deceased who died on or about the 2nd dny of Janu ary AD 1962 are notified to send to tile undersigned on or before the 20th day of March AD 1062 their names and ad dresses and full particulars oi their claims and tile nature of the securities if any held by them Immediately after the said 20th day of March 1962 the assets of the said deceased will be dis tributed among the panics en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Ad ministratrlx shall then have tlce JOHN REID 06 01 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the Administratrix YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT CYOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get in touch with you during these periods when your phone service is discontinued its the same with your adver Using People are buying every day Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued ll LEGAL NOTICES man EXAMINER FRIDAY mRUARY II IBll NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALES AND OTHERS lo the Estate of ETHEL MCAULEY late of the City of Barrie the County of Simone Widow deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of ETHEL tchULEY deceased who died on or about the tail day of December AD lsGl are noti fled to send to the undersigned on or before the mth day of March AD 1962 their names and addresses and full particult Iars of their claims and the nat ure of the securities ii any held by them Immediately after the said 30th day of March i962 the assets of the sold deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have not Ice JOHN REID QC 6i Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the Executor 12 TENDERS TENDER FOR EQUIPMENT Scaled tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 1000 8111 THURSDAY MARCH 15 1962 for the following STon Dump Truck equipped with box and bolstGVW 23000 lbs iradcin will be one loss International 5ltTon Dump Truck information to Bidders Specifi cations Tender Forms may be obtained at the office ofthe undersigned Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted CLARK Eng Simcoe County Engineer County Administration Bldg Barrie Ontario 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday April l4 l2 pm Sharp Auction sale of head high grade Holstein cattle dairy equipment modern farm mach inery hay grain and straw etc for MEL JAMIESON Lot 17 Concession Ore 114 miles north of Highway 11 at Guthrie ANDERSON PLOWIVLAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until put Day before publication PHONE PA E2414 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL WM HINTON BA Banister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 61839 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barrister Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancerr etc Ernnch office Elmvale Ont Office is Owen St Harrie PA Esau Rowe QC SourID QC Gordon Teslrey CON DER SUGG nAnnlsrnris SOLICITORS NOTARIFS PUBLIC coupon aA sch BA 12am Dunlop st East PA satin COWAN COWA BARRISTEES ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER ST EA 54521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitors is Collier St Barrio Ph PA com ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrle office Wilson Bldg Prco Grant Street PHONE PA 84397 Noedham CPA Underhtil CPA Resident Partners ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel 13 Rose BA 59 Collier St Phone PA 54949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher at Plano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Muiic Toronto All grades and AnCT Modem methods Studio 27 Bradford st PA Mud THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 211 NAPIER ST BARBIE WILSON MOORBY BARRISTEF st SOLICITOR LAW OFFICEAT 1m DUNLOP ST PA cone SMITH McLEAN Robot Smith QC Arthur McLean Bruce Owen Barristers Solicitors etc to OWEN ST PHONE PA 35907 ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher fnatrun tlan Plano Theory coaching in French Latin Other school ELIblt lento 91 Ross St Barrie PA Hm OPTOMETRY GLADSTONE CURRIE QC aAnnlsm it somcrtoa Law 0mm at Wilson Building Fred Grant street Ban1 Ontario Telephone PArkway may FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME it SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST Convenient Terms 10 Wonley St Darrin PA 55558 ROBERT SMITH RO OPToMmIsT to gt513 Closed Wed afternoon as Dunlap St Barrio PA uses NOEL STEPHENSONRO oPToMETleT Dunlap St Ealt Bartl Phone PA 34101 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHQNE PA azili AUCTION SALET In Saturday February 24 pm Auction sale of farm inlpie manta hay grain straw and household effects or JENNEII North half of Lot Concession l0 Essa Township Terms cash No reserve as farm is sold hl lticEWEN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 24 pm sharp Auction sale of farm stock ino dern farm machinery hay and straw 1955 GMC Bton truck and household furnishings for RAY APLIN Int 56 Concession Flos old survey ANDERSON PLOWMAN and COLWILL LTD Auctioneers phone 506m Vic toria Harbour AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 10 1230 Plti SHARP Auction sale of farm farm stock implements hay straw and grain poultry automobile and household cifecLs including Iantiques for the estate of the die HOWARD HONSBERGER At Lot l9 Concession Notin wnsaga Township on the coun tymad miles straight south of Siayner Terms cash No rc serve as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March pm sharp Auction sale of farm stock and implements Holstein cows fresh and springing beef cat tie hay straw and some household effects for CECIL MAYNARD At Lot Concession 12 Tec umseth Township miles straight north of Beaten Terms cash No reserve at farm is said JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY APRIL 12 NOON SHARP Auction sale of 70 head of Reg istered and Grade Holstein Cows and Heifers fresh springing full flow High clas farm mach inery hay straw and grain and some household effects for FREEMAN BUMSTEAD At Lot Concession ll Flos Township miles straight north of ElmvaIE Y4 mile west of the county road Terms cash No reserve as the farm is Sold TRACE AND COUGHLIN Auctioneers HOCKEY RECORD By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Professional Pt 31 18 211 1741 67 81 19 210 164 66 2717 9170 136 63 20 25 180 208 47 NOiLIi Bay 16 29 7136 17139 Maria 15 32 166 220 38 Thursdays Result North Bay HullOttawa Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Tonights Game Sault Ste Marie at Sudbury OHA Junior Pt Montreal 31 11 209 129 66 Hamilton 29 11 202 140 64 St Catharines 18 19 174 179 44 Guelph 16 23 173 211 38 Niagara Falls 13 22 10 171 174 36 Peterboro 30 103 193 21 Thursdays Results Guelph Montreal Niagara Falls Hamilton St Catharines Peterborough Tonights Games St tatharines at Niagara Falls Hamilton at Guelph Western League Seattle Los Angeles Eastern League Johnstown New Haven l5 International League Minneapolis Muskegoli Thunder Bay Senior Fort William Port Arthur Port Arthur leads best ol leven final 30 Exhibition Senior Galt 10 Calgary Metro Junior Brampton Marlboros Kingston Kitchener HullOttawa Sudbury Trappers Escape EPHI Cellar By THE CANADIAN PRESS North Bay Imppers bounced out of last place in the Eastern Professional Hockey League Thursday night scoring in winning goal with 92 seconds left to defeat the third place HullOttawa Canadicns 32 In the nights other game Sudbury VOlIcS hold all late drive by Sauli Ste Marie Thunderblrds and won 64 drop ping the ihunderhirds into the league cellar one point behind North Bay Joe Szuras goal scored the winning goal for thefirappers Doug Senior and John Longarinl were the other scorers for North Bay and Brian Smith and play ingcoach Bob Armstrong tallied for the Canadians Defenceman Jack Hendrick Ion was the guiding force for Sudhury scoring three goals and standing out on defence Goals by Gold Haworth George Rathwell and Ed Stankiewitz completed Sudburys scoring It was Stankiewicz tally late in the final period that broke the back of the Sault Ste life He comeback Two lastvperiod goals by Milan lilarcetta who also scored inthe opening pe ricd and one by Merv Kuryluk had moved the Thunderbirds to within one goal of Sudbury in their vain drive Copper Miners Vote For Strike MONTREAL CPI Miners at CampbellChibougzimau cop per mines in north central Quebec have voted to strike to back up their labor contract de mands the United Steelworkers of America CLC announced Thursday The union said 729 per cent of the miners who voted in twoday strike vote that ended Thursday were in favor of strik ing The union has asked Labor Minister Rene Hamel to inter vcite Chibougamau is north of Montreal The mine employs about 450 men in an area that is trou bled by iabor problems Some 450 miners lit Opemiska Copper Miner 35 miles from Chlbaugar man have been on strike for five months At Noranda mine 275 miles northwest of Ottawa negotia tions are underwayhut under daytoday strike threat At Quemont and Normetal Mines near Norunda negotiations have been stalemated and legal de lays before strike can he called are to expire in April Steelworkers locals are in volved in all the negotiations At Campbell Chibougomau the union wants two year contract replacing the one that expired Aug 30 1961 wag 325 miles raises of 15 cents an hour the first year and 10 cents the eco ond establishment of pension plan and checkoff of union dues Basic pay varies from $150 to $165 for surface men and $202 to $206 for miners Animal Shelter Park Reinsiaied SUDBURY CP Two em ployees oi the Sudbury and Dis trict Humane Society su spended early this month while auditors checked accounts at the animal shelter were rein stated Thursday Animal control officer Lionel Cardinal and kennelman John Tybuut have resumed their due ties ending week of respite for stray dogs The society reinstated the men after receiving prelim inary report of the auditors President Frank Fielding said it is known that at least $12 is missing from the shelter The auditors are continuing their iln vestigation At the same meeting the so ciety accepted the resignation of inspector Joe Fleming who had also been suspended LWILL GO BILINGUAL MONTREAL CP The Stu deitts executive council of Mc Gill University said Thursday it will follow the councils of the universities of Toronto and Western Ontario in adopting bilingual letterhead for all cum munlcations HUBERT 0f some with six funfilleddnya and nights eiiminatethaooetotaieepmgquartela You

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