IE BAREIE EXAMINEH WEDNESDAY FEB CREEMORE By MKS llIA Mr and Mrs Harry Price limit returned to their home on Mill St alter holidaying in the Florida sun for the past month Mr and hire Bob Gibson Special Introductory Offer ed the arrival at twin boys i322 °° Sale priced for days only Mr and nlrs Donald Suttler land Owen Sound have annouv need the birth oi daughter Olin good only until pan March 3rd Valerie Eunice at Owen Sound Less hospital Feb 19oz Mrs Maurice Miller returned to her home in Crcemore on Thursday from the Western iios pital Toronto where she under went surgery and is reported recovering well Mrs Kenneth Grillin tom LeSS crly liarcl Switzcr Crcemore passed away at thr Kirkland Lake Hospital on Sunday Feb 11 Funeral services were held from the Crawlord and Hum lord Funeral Home Creumofl Wednesday Feb it lntermnnt Crccmorc Union Cemetery Norman chzlrcn well known Creemore rcsidcnl died on Tuesday Feb 13 Mr lticlt Loren had been in ailing heath or some time He leaves to mourn two sisters Ethel in Crccmore and Lena Mrs Day at Milton Funeral serv ices were held on Friday Feb is from the Crawford and Mumiord Funeral Home Mrs Sarah Warren esteemed ormcr Avcning resident obserA ved her 99th birthday on Mon day Feb 19 LEAVING FOR UK Donald More son of Mr and Mrs Bill More of Stayner and grandson oi Mrs Leo More has secured position or minimum of two years with FineFares Incorporated in the United Kingdom This new load company is sponsored by Lob laws His many friends extend to him wishes or every suc cess in this new venture KORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of Cree more Horticultural Society was held on Jan 27 with 13 mem bers present Mrs William Em mett took the chair for elec tion of officers which resulted as follows president Mrs Carl Abbey iirst vice president Mrs William Emmett second vice president Mrs Harold Scott secretarytreasurer Mrs George Kingham auditors Frank Gray and Robert Chesney SUNNIDBLE CBS Selected from Walkers Spring 62 col lection superbly tailored by lead ing maker in wool fabrics yours to choose in silhouettes that are more shapely and more feminine slightly fitted fronts and gently full backs flow from necklines of ring or portrait stand oway collarsthat compliment and for nine days only at special introduc tory prices mail dooooiron layowa holds your ulution or slum oo your Walkers run account no Iowa minoi to Misses coat of wool fob ric detailed with large Special Sa if Irls Cotton Dresses bracelet sleeves Beige Tailored of NationallyKnown Woven Fabrics 13ml ï¬llings to By MRS BATES Regular 2998 ntll Fred Buie otSnskatchewanll 519 12 Moronsdawn 2698 visiting his cousins Mr and 93 93 EACH EACH Mrs Gordon But Usually 398 Usually 498 relatives and friends here Many from here attended the auction sale of Culham on Saturday despite the stormy weather The ladies of Zion WMS had the refreshment booth which was 11 splendid ï¬nancial success The Feb to WI meeting was held at the home of Mrs Milne Stayner The Health and Home Economics Convener Mrs Munro was in charge of an enlightening program on ï¬re protection Mrs McEachenl gave the ladies an outline of fire protection in Sunnidale Mrs Munro introduced the guest speaker the chief of Stayner Nottawasaga Fire Brigade Culhnnl o£Stayner He gave an interesting talk on tin rotectinn in general and in ottawasaga and Staynerln particular The 16 members and one visitor became more awan of the drastic need of the pro tection in Sunnidale Mrs Corruthers expressed the thanks of the group to Mr Cuiham for his informative address and answer let ttelfir hmany ques ons as res ments were no served by Mrs Milne and Mrs onq l4 Munro motto SKATING PARTY The congregational and Sun day School skating party was an evening of fun for the many children and some adults at the Stayner arena on Friday even ing of last week Alter skating WAlKERS everyone returned to the local iiidlcehiiiiifeiniifii iiliiino PLAN Mrs Bates Rev Ritchie ACCOUNT Tailored style double breasted with IaddlEt stitched so and pushup sleeves Wool fabric and fully rayon lined Beige blue or Vbry special dfesses in make as well as price Special in style lwen MISS ml lo bemuseuaeyaoemsasryiesbomnmty inilorodotoovoo 31 pattern cottons most by Dan River so you know they will keep Mogul 8rd ouchuzg 48 their freshness and size washing after washing Special In prise becousetheycwe pmduced bya leading Canodion maker in his offsaosouyoumalmostoddlaoneaekflmoofmfou slyleshowideselecï¬mofpottemsondcolou3izesfor little girls 6x ench 299 and bigger girls wearing to 12 each 399 Petite sized wool tobrlo coat comes with stiteh ed standaway collar and potc pookots Fully rayon lln ed Boigo turquoise or mint Sizes 8P to HP Regular 2998 Mulch 1rd ooeh 269 Hmdocbhhtï¬essotbonkivers Locoandbuflwtflmflï¬d woven pastel pinld cotton Short sleeves self belt back button closivu WM 9mm ï¬ansohgwenplmorw sleeves to In or to and oredhodotimulstydoanir MuminqutobrarY Accessories that add the feeling of Spring llillpllnos by Julius liesniclt At Wolkovl and Norman Gitfen Refresh ments were served by the lad 6de sophisticated ies Mrs McCallum oi Rolland Man is visiting her sister and her family Mr and Mrs Earle Ellie Raymond and stirley The sympathy oi the com munity goes to lormer resid ent Mrs John Hood in the death of her brother John Wat son of Stnyner Mr Watson re sided some years ago where Ed Sale now lives SALLYS SALLIES iDont all or flattery sir Itl loft soap and that 90 lye So Eaiy CHARGE Hi N0 DOWN PAYME NT N0 MINIMUM PURCHASE PAY IN so HAYS monrns not exactly as illustrated Your Application Will lie Welcomed The swirl of Swiss sewn or rough iumbo slrnws in garden of Spring colors moka delightful ways to choso Winter list familiar pill boxes clochcs ond draped turborvs as new on the season ahead and your In Walkers collection sroixn nouns OR TAKE SEVERAL in the onion for Spring 62 plus block potmt wido choice of clutch pouch to lotohol style In vinyl nlostll Each 2500 GLOVES at double woven nylon Stu 6M and 791 3button length ohlrrzd cult Belg bisque mootnon ilourol pink bristcibluo block Fair Walk 293 nirclmlo olovs senor ssrs Consist of double woven shorty ohm with tumbook null ond nylonmblmi norrt olm rim 66 24 Lnunl pink coral omnint beigo blsquo 50 Daily 915 ado 530 pm Wed At wirilrorr 298 so ouNLoP ST PA 60221