KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON February has more than its quota of bleak days but theres silver lining to even the most frigid cloud This is an ideal month to try out new recipes you have been clipping and saving Doing something interesting and constructive will not only brighten yourday when bad weather limits outside activities it will also give lift to the familys spirits come mealtime NEW TWIST Heres new twist to an old recipe Who hasnt eaten bread pudding at some time or another When asked for opinions on this oldfashioned dessert reac tions are likely to be mixed This is only natural for there are bread puddings and bread puddings some so different from one another that the only thing they have in common are the basic ingredients of bread and milk Regardless of former feelings todays fancydress version of bread pudding is sure to win appreciated compliments and requests for seconds Orange Sponge Custard has flavor accent of orange rind and cin namon After baking the pudding is doublelayered with custard on the bottom and sponge on the top delicate and delicious dessert to top off any meal ORANGE SPONGE CUSTARD Yield 11 cups milk Servings Rind of mediumsized oranges 2inch piece stick cinnamon 341 cup coarse soft white bread crumbs 14 cup granulated sugar eggs separated V2 teaspoon vanilla Va teaspoon salt tablespoons granulated sugar Measure milk into top of double boiler Peel the thin colored rind from oranges and add it pm the stick cinnamon to milk Cover and scald over boiling water Prepare bread crumbs egg yolks blend well Add the 14 cup sugar to the Lift out orange rind and cin namon from milk Gradually stir milk into egg yolks strain Mix in vanilla and breadcrumbs Cool Preheat oven to 325 deg rather slow Add salt to egg whites and beat until frothy grad ually beat in the tablespoons sugar and continue to beat until the meringue is stiff fold into cooled bread crumb mixture ole water Turn into an ungreased 6cup casser Stand casserole in pan and surround with hot Ovenpoach the pudding until seHS to 55 minutes Serve immediately with pouring cream ANN LlINDERS Youre Not Responsible For Fathers Behaviour Dear Ann Ladders am married woman with growing children My problem has caused me untold grief and hu miliation My father is an attractive welllode man who lives in an other city Mother died when was in college Two years ago Dad started to go with lovely woman We were all pleased andhoped they would marry They did not marry but two years ago theyhegan to share home and live together as man and wife Recently asked my father why he chose to live like this He replied want everything own to go to you and your children told him would gladly forego all inheritance rights if he woulc marry this woman and live respectably in the eyes of God and man He refused Dad wants to come to visit us next month and bring his com panion dont want them to stay in our home How shall introduce them to our friends7 No Words Dear No Words For your own peace of mind you must accept the fact emotionally as well as intellectually that you are not responsible for your fa thers behavior Youve been forthright and appealed to his sense of honor without success Now forgetit Tell your father that you will be happy to make reservations forhim and his companion at hotel Introduce him to your friends by their names fMy father King Carol and his friend Magda Dear Ann Ladders My hus band is good guy but he has redhot temper and no patience Dick is almost psychopathic about people who yak on the telephone lle accuses me of be ing phone gossip which is not true do enjoy chatting on the phone but Im not nearly as ho as he says Yesterday he claims he tried to call me for one solid hour at live minute intervals then gave up When he came home he was boiling mad and in foul mood for the evening The odd part is this was at home all day but didnt talk on the phonenot even once He does not believe me Can you provide logical ex planation for me Not Guilty Denr Not Guilty The tele phone compaoy provided the logical explanation and here it IS busy signal is not proof positive that someone is yak ing It can result from an overloaded circuit or phone which is out of order Any oper ofor will be glad to test line and let you know whether or not conversation is going on Dcar Ann Leaders My son recently received his Ph When introduce him to friends is it proper to say This is my son Dr John Doe Or is the title Dr reserved for medical doctors only He has been invited to be best man at wedding soon Would it be proper to use the title doctor in the newspaper an nouncement Proud Mofher Dear Mother Your son has earned the title of doctor and it IS his prerogative to use it if he wishes Ask him how he feels about it The title doctor is not re served for physicians only Den lists clergyman and scientists may use the titleand properly so Confidential Io Well Dressed You are prudish and mid Vic torian Wake up before some smart substitute puts youon the bench News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada As its name implies Think ing Day is the special day when all guides and brownies remember their sisters in other lands and give emphasis to in ternational friendships It is celebrated each year on Feb 22 the birthday shared by the founder Lord BadenPowell and his wife the world chief guide Lady BadenPowell Pack and company collections are taken on this day and sent to theWorld Friendship Fund to help promote international guiding All groups hold celebrations usually featuring birthday cake with the candles being it one by one to represent coun tries in which there is guiding Please remember to take your part in the observance of this most important day of the guide year ROCK STEAM BATHS Open am lo pm Phone Revolutionize 01d Mensaor Determining Clothing Sizes NEON CPI liloihers who have been confused by the old method of determining Ihe size of childrens clothing will hail the Canada Standard Size garments now available in some stores The main difference Is that tape measure rather than the childs age is used Anyone who has seen group of children of the same age but in widely assorfed shapes and sites will recognile the merits of the new system Specifications for is gar ments have been approved by the governments specifications board and more pm on the way The Consumers Association of Canada which backed the more says some stores are stocking only underwear in CSS sizes By the fall if rcinileravare encouraged by the consumers interest In and purchase of CSS undergarments there should be good selectionvof other garments in retail stores Some spring mailorder colu logues will offer underwea in CSS dimensions SIZE BY INCHES All clothing except boys dress or sports shirts is chA ignalcd by number and let ier The number is the hip measurement The letter is the key to chest or wnlst size For example the for sturdy chest is for slim waist and for sturdy waist Ihc general soclnl life of the oily and district Veddingl anniversaries hir hduyl bridge rrtleu and coming of age puriler visitors and ira vellen are all Items of later est lo the women readers of this page Your help in sun plying this news will be greatly appreciated TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Ray Bishop Perry St entertained at trousseau tea for her daughter Miss Betty Bishop Saturday afternoon and evening The hostess and the brideelect received guests as sIslcd by Mrs Ted Belcher Wyebridge sister of the bride groomelect Ross Douglas The tea table decorated with white mums and deep pink snap dragon and candles was pre sided over by Mrs Edwin RichA ardson of Cornwall Mrs Sid Bishop Toronto aunts of the hrideelect Mrs Clifford Jen kins Toronto and Miss Helen Robson Tea assistants were Mrs Ron Jackson Miss Marion Culham Miss Eahs Baldwin and Miss Audrey Blogg Assisting in the Irousseau rooms were Mrs Gor don Hughes Churchill Miss Shirley Culham Edenvale Miss Mary Lou Bishop sister of the brideelect Mrs Jack Garner Mrs John Murray and Mrs El wood Beavis also assisted 2156 BIRTHDAY PARTY Magistrate and Mrs Gordon Foster Drury Lane entertained at champagne party in honor of the 215t birthday of their daughter Miss Frances Foster Friday evening guests were Mr and Mrs Rob ert Powell Mr and Mrs Roland Dobson Sr Miss Daphne Iden den student nurSe affiliated with Princess Margaret Hospi tal Toronto Miss Dorothy Shea student nurse affiliated with Soldiers Memorial Hospi tal Oriiiin Miss Marion Foster and fiance Torn Bookey Orillia Mr and Mrs Borysiuk Roland Dobson Jr fiance of letter is for slim chest and PEOPLE AND PLACES lene Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66537 Notes are Intended to cover the ceicbrant den Orillla Miss Frances Fos ENTERTAINMENTS Among the guest of her brother and sister Ordinarily the letters will no change as the child grows oldu His body type will he estab lished with the first purchase of CS garment and when he needs new clothes the hip measurement will be all that is necessary This is because the relation of chest and waist measure ment to hip is considered in producing garments for all ages FIRST PURCHASE When buying the first gar menteither one forthe whole body or one that must fit above the waistthe measurement of hips and chest are needed This applies to undershiris blouses inckcls combinations dresses Tshirls sweaters snow suits pyjamas and overcoats If for example childs hip measurement is 26 inches and chest 24 inches the sire will be 26A The same hip measure ment with ZsInch chest would be 26B For clothing that must fit at the waist and below thc hip measurement waist and some times the inside leg length are required They are needed for briefs drawers slacks sllms panties trousers and shorts ItoInch hip and 22inch waist would be 30 whllo the same hip and 25inch waist would be 302 For boys shirts measure the neck and length of the arm Measurements be taken without clolhcs or over lightweight closefitting under wcar Hold the tape snug but not too light Miss Foster is student nurse affiliated with Soidiers Memorial Hospital Or illia MARRIAGE frinliy Anglican Church was the setting for the marriage of Msr Goldie LeonaPearl Davis to Philip Wilbur Dobson Rev Sherrng performed the ceremony Feb 14 CONVALESCENT Mrs Stanley Peryer Bow man Avenue is convalescng at her home after undergoing surg ery at Royal Victoria Hospital BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs John Borysiuk Bay fleld Street entertained SaturA day evening in honor of her hus bands birthday Among the guests wcrcMr and Mrs Fred Kaighin Mr and Mrs Fred Anderion Mr and Mrs Roland Dobson Miss Daphne Iden ter Roland Dobson Jr Mr and Mrs Gordon Foster Miss Marion Foster Tom Bookcy Orilha Miss Beverley Elizabeth Cow an brideelect has been guest at several entertainments prior to her marriage in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Feb 24 Miss Nancy Orser Midhurst entertained at miscellaneous shower and guests were form er Grade 13 classmates of Miss Cowan Miss Carol Davidson was hostess of miscellaneous shower at her Maple Avenue residence kitchen shower was given by Miss Gail Homer Holgate Street The brideelect is the daughter of Mr ond Mrs Ross Cowan Wellington Street West The bridegroom elect John Thomas Poole is the son of Mr and Mrs John Poole RR Thornton PETERBOROUGII VISITOR Miss Mildred Pcryer has re turned to her home in Peterbor ough Miss Peryer was the inlaw Mr and Mrs Peryer Bowman Avenue for one month THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB 15¢ MR ANDlIIRS YOUNG Rev Adams officiated at the wedding of Miss Lois Rennick daughter of Mr and Mrs Victor chnick Toronto to Donald Young son of Mrs Young and the late Young at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Attend nnls were the grooms brolhA er Keith Young and sister inlaw Mrs Lyle Young The newlyweds are residing in Barrie Make Iobs Attractive To Child By CLEVELAND MYERS Anybody knows that the more attractive to child an job or activity is the harder he will work at it whether it be learn ing to spell number of words practicing music lesson or rio ing chore So strongly prelt vailing theory of education has been Make attractive to the child everything you want him to learn and every job aboutihe home you want him to do Conflicting with an effort to make all such activities attrac live is the lure of other things lhc child would rather dogo ing outto play or viewing TV when chore music practice or homework is supposed to be done Also there often comes the time when the initial interest in the activity wanes and the need for effort increases in or der to go on Theres nothing wrong about trying to make such things at tractive to the childI but lot is wrong if we hope we can nearly always make them at tractive by little tricks or magic STRESS INEVITABILITY As mic the child needs to know that the job must be done and at certain more or less regular time Its very inevita bility renders it less repellent Its high grade completion can make the job less distasteful even attractive Suppose your child at ten is required to practice regularly on musical instrument 20 min utes daily If he cant escape the practice he may begin to see some gains in successes If You Want His CoOpenaition These gains will he the most potent force In giving this child satisfaction and causing him to exert more effort There are hundreds of learn ing situations in which the child needs to be required to go at job or learning activity keep at it for reasonable time and slay at it over long enough period to win success Its the success which will essentially be the re ward rendering the activity less repellent or more attractive This is something which par ents and educators generally have oierlooked ENC RAGEMENT HELPS We might add that once the child goes at the required job or learning activity his success may be enhanced with resulting satisfaction to him by encour agernent or occasional help For example boys dad might well surprise him once in while by helping this boy scrub the floor or wash the dishes or by offering just the right suggestion to assist him at hardplace in his home work Between the ages of two and seven or eight what type of baby sitter is worst TV is the worst baby sitter NOT FOOLING LENNOXVILLE Que GP if Bishops University hockey team doesnt succeed this win ter it wont be for lack of of fort New athletic dirctor Bruce Couller former Mont real Alouetle football player puts his players through two daily workouts including one at am Our Sincere lo the THE RALPH sureLGRoirironn rululuï¬ons rABnIc snob on Your Winning FOR THE BEST WINDOW DISPLAY ADVERTISING BO DQNLO bCiuldrenWe From sneer in canine TELEPHONE Paedaei Fight Against Leprosy Vast Problem Says Nurse MONTREAL CPI nurse from the Cameroons now study ing in Montreal says Africas leper can be cured in six monihs but not without more medical help and better living conditions lifrs Martha Boiche mother of three is secretarygenernl oi the Red Cross in the Came roons on the African west coast between Nigeria and the French Congo There are 37000 known cases of leprosy there She believes the fight against leprosy with 15000000 lcpers in the world is the most impor tant being fought today by med ical science Much has been done but the problem is still vast More dispensarics better de tcclion mlhods and mobile units had helped to stem the spread of the disease But we need more medical help and better living conditions for the people if we are to suppress it entire Cameroons and educated in Mrs Boiche hom in ihc France is specialist in lropb cal diseases She was among the firstto enter Brazzaville in the French Congo in 1950 when the movement against leprosy bgan in earnest Lepcrs orc antisocial be cause they suffcr tremendously and hey feel ostracized Society IBJQCIS lhem and this makes them hiucr We try to teach them they SIRAINED lare people like any olhers We have set up agricultural villies where they can work while re celving treatment When they are no longer contagious lhey but with their families and go to clinics for treatment to get treatment as soon as the the skin she said People arecoming early now because they know the the faster they will be cured wilhout being told The disease can be cured take care of themselves After lar checks and they have to live in hygienic conditions and eat well health nursing at the University of Montreal since last August returns to the Cameroons at the and of June DEVOIED ARTIST MONTREAL CPI One of the most discussed painters in Montreal is nun Sister Marie Anastasia who teaches art at the College Basile Morcau graduate of lEcolo dcs Boaux slracis and is also interested in sculpture and engraving Gerber Peas for your Baby Wait till you yourself see the gardentrue color Josie the sumkissed flavor feel smoothassmooth texture thats perfection personiï¬ed These are the superior qualitiesthat make Gerber Strained Peas so deliciouslydiflcrent How do they get that way Why ï¬eldfresh Canadian peasare rushed to the plant and processed fast Gerber Peas like all Gerber Baby Foods are pre paredby specialists who are trained in the ways of providing thebest possible nourishment and meal appeal for your precious baby We limits you to taste Gerber Peas soon And dont forget the other choice vegetables including Sweet Potatoes Garden Vegetables and Souash Babbler besiness er BABY F6013 Gerb NIAGARA nus CANADA Among them there is grow mg consciousness of the need first warning spots appear on faster they receive leralment Even children of eight will go to the clinics themselves alier six months if people really that they must submit toregu Mrs Boichc studying public Arts she has exhibited some ab ou business