Titanic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaignt General Manager WEDNESDAY FEB 21 1962 Fue Hats Off To Astronaut And US Space Program Astronaut John Glenns successful orbiting of the earth is an enormous boost to prestige of the United States The Russians were the first to put man into space and they squeezed every bit of propaganda value from the feat Nowthat Glenn has duplicated the Sov iets success there will be less reason for bragging on the part of Premier Nikita Khrushchev and his cohorts The Reds will say of course that they were the first in space However the Film Industry The first citation of merit presented by the Canadian Cancer Society was accept ed recently by Frank Fisher president of the Motion Picture Industry Council of Canada The presentation was made in Toronto by Frank Brown president of the Society The citation engraved on brass pla que reads in part The Canadian Cancer Society expresses its grateful acknow ledgment of outstanding serv1ce to the cause of cancer control by the members of the Motion Picture Industry Council of Canada The use of their facilities ex tending over many years has contribut ed to the public awareness of the symp toms of cancer and the necessity for ear ly treatment which is of fundamental im portance in the campaign to reduce its ravages Mr Brown mentioned the long associ ation of the theatres with the Society in promoting cancer education the gener ous use of educational films at regular theatre performances and the loan of record has been equalled by repre sentative of the hated capitalistic state and it couldbe surpassed very shortly if US space plans continue on their successful course The US bore the brunt of its fall ures in space under the whitebot heat of publicity but now it is ready to reap the benefit of in own successes through the resourcefulness of in scientists and astronauts Hats Off to Uncle Sam Yesterday was his day to crow And Cancer theatres for special showings of films of particular interest to women No one can count he said the num ber of lives that may have been saved through this combined effort It has been of very great value to the Society in bringing its efforts to promote early diagnosis and treatment to the attention of audiences totalling many millions over the years He said he knew of no other single contribution more im ortant to the pub lic than this one by theatres of Can ada He also paid tribute to the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association which maintained across Canada the theatrical prints supervising their re lease to the theatres In accepting the award Mr Fisher pointed out that theatres are not only vehicle of entertainment but also rank with other communication media in the promotion of public service activities such as the showing of cancereducation films which are vital to the wellbeing of the Canadian public Other Editors Views SCIENCE FOR PEACE Orillia Packet and Times It is phenomenon peculiar to Cann da that tight little group of men and women dominates the expression of opinion in large section of Canadian radio television newspapers and mag azines This little coterle of friends ap pest on all the TV panel shows they interview one another in magazine stories discuss one another in their newspaper coluinns They are all tal ented and consciously charming vague ly leftish in their political outlook and are selfappointed authorities on every thing under the sun They are ag gressively progressive in their outlook with fondness for aseptic studies of unmarried mothers or juvenile drug ad dicts and as they preen themselves on TV panel they exude smugness which is only matched by their com plete divorceslent from reality list of the chosen wouldinclude Pierre Berton Fred Davis Gordon Sin clair Ross McLean Rabbi Feinberg June Collwood Toby Robins Frank Ras ky and the waspish bewhiskered Arnv old Edinborough One day We read about them in one of their newspaper columns or magazine articles the next we see them on one or another of their endless TV panel shows or hear them on yet another CBC radio roundup And be their charm ever so lngratiat ing one THIS one anyway soon Wearies of the brittle smiles the labored chaffing the Witless questions the shal low superflcialities of these increasingly tedious people Still one can always twist the dial or read something else Lately however The Group has be gun to address itself to some of the more pressing problems of mankind First we had the Voice of Women rather for bidding title for covey of charming ladies seeking to end nuclear testing by the United States and the United King dom and enforce nuclear disarmament by these two powers The ladies appar ently sought to achieve this end by vlglt orous protest but it was never made clear how the Russian giant was to be brought into line Now the Group has come up with The Canadian Peace Research Inst itute an organization dedicated even more vaguely to the cause of peace Rx The Barrie Examiner Authorlmrl Is second all in Post Office Department gttuwlil and or payment of voltage in cslh Dally Sundays And statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH wnus Publisher naiAN SLAIGIJT General Manner liicPHBRSDN Manlginl Editor CHARLES WADGE Businesl tilllager Anni WILSON Advertising Manam mrm Human Clreuhllnn Manuel Subscri lon raio doll in aim nix Single saw my afï¬x is oliiiii v700 year $400 six months 5250 three months sum month Outside Dntlflo 00 year Ollllldl Can lda $2000 ylill Office 25 Universit Ave Toronm 640 Calhoun Street Mannan me has dunm Strut Vancou vsr Member of In Canadian Dally NEWlpapcr Pub llslicn Association The Canadian Press and the Audi Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press in exclusively entitled to use for republication of all nnws disvltflhcd in bid Rape credited to it al This Associated Pro or outer Ind Alla In local news pliblllbtd therein which it hopes to achieve by hiring thousand scientists whose Job it will be to study war and peace and provide scientific solution to the problem of preserving peace in perilous world Just why thousand scientists should be deemed capable of this formidable undertaking rather than hundred or even one or why scientists are to be employed rather than politicians or philosophers is not explained There is an element of farce to this whole undertaking but it is also little pathetic too for lot of genuinely con cerned people are likely to become in volved in this fatuous business After all there can be few people who are not anxious about the state of the world and it is unfortunate that such gen uinc and universal concern should be come the tool for group of professional controversymongers Still the idea of thousand scientists presumably arrayed in the traditional white smock and heavy spectacles each brandishing his own personal solution to the worlds ills and shouting down the suggestions of his 999 associates is not without its intriguing aspect Perhaps Pierre could investigate possible collu sion among the thousand men of sci ence or June Cailwood might do mag azine article on the frustrations of marriage to peace scientist Like its drag Dad GOLD AND BREAD at Catharines standard Our civilization seems to be reverting to the brutality of primitive existence which measures everything by the yard stick of gold instead of the real values of life Will it be necessary to exper ience the devastating holocaust of nuc lear war before men learn that life can not be measured by gold In past days survivors of great disasters offered their gold their jewels and even all their pos sessions merely for crust of bread KNIFE CARRYING YOUTHS Windsor em Magistrate Angus Macmillan takes dim view of knifecarriers He sen tenced young man to 18 months deter minate and six months indeterminate on charge of having knifefor purpose dangerous to the public peace It was the second conviction on similar offences Knifecarriers are potential murder ers even though they may not realize that themselves In fight or fracas knife is apt to be used and knife of this type can be deadly It always can he used as threat to peaceful citizens THERE ARE LIMITS Calgary Albertan gt The US StateDepartment is urgin its diplomats to use short AngloSaxon words in their reports It is excellent advice applicable to many others be sides the men who represent the US in foreign lands But the state depart ment should be prepared to recognize that there are two short AngloSaxon words which no diplomat can be expect ed to utter under any circumstances yes and no lt5 is all Theyre Queer Bunch Theyve Got House Rules TO YOUR coon HEALTH Minor SleepWalking Is Not Serious macro MOLNER Mn Dear Dr Molner The other night walked in my sleep got up and took my quilt down stairs and put it over the couch and went back to bed am 12 years old and very concerned about this It has happened before but not as seriously Please answer MK Well have to remember my little friend that our minds keep working just like our hearts and lungs and stomach all the time whether we are awake or asleep Thats why good many of us can go to bed and yet wake up within few minutes of the proper time even if we forget to set the alarm clock We call it subconscious thinkinng Another form of thinking while were asleep ls dream ing We imagine all sorts of curious things but imagination is still form of thinking We also squirm around in our sleep wrlggie roll over If weve kicked some of the cov ers off we curl up in bail to keep warm because subcon sciously we think about the fact that were cold So you see that our minds tell us to do things even while were asleep Well sometimes for one rea son or another our active sleepy minds work so vigorous ly that we respond even more actively than just dreaming or curling up to keep warm Some times an occasional thought breaks through into action Its like dream only more in tense thats sleepwalking We dont have any reason to worry about this unless it hep pens frequently or in our sleep ourrNs PARK walking we begin to go to ex tremes like doing something that might be dangerous If that happens the chances are that some permanent worry is bothering us either conscious ly orsubcousclously and we then ought to have psychiat rist help us to find out what it is and put an end to it But just for ordinary occas ional simple little cases of sleepwalking just forget them Dear Dr Mother ls asthma contagious Could one contract it by sleeping in bed used by person who had asthma CPE No Asthma is spasmof the bronchial passages which naturally results in shortness of breath and wheezing There are different causes of these spasms Allergy possibiy or probably coupled with nervous tension or particular reac tion to some infection chronic bronchitis being an outstanding example Dear Dr Mniner have bun inns on both feet understand that nothing can be done about them but that there are shields to put over them so they wont hurtJR it isnt true that nothing can be done about bunions al though their correction isnt simple It takes years of irritation and pressure from wrought fitted shoes or whatever to cause bunions By that time the large joint at the base of the big toe is misshapen Shields medicine or other easy remedies wont work then But surgical removal of the thickenedportion plus cor rectlyfitted shoes afterwards is sensible solution Expect Contributory Pensions In Year By DON OEEARN TORONTOBy this time next year farmers farm laborers professional men and small businessmen probably willhe part of national pension scheme It is forecast here that the new federal contributory social security program could be in operation within 12 months One of the more important results will be that the above large group will be taking part in securityiprogram Does this make our people here happy Happy is hardly the word It givesour welfare officials very deep satisfaction For they have been advocat ing contributory social secult rity program for some time Three years ago the deputy minister of elf re James Bond made most enlightened plea for such program in his departrnents annual report Ontario alone probably would have gone ahead on its own if there had been any practical way of doing it But the only practical ap proach was on federal basis As this is written details of the new federal scheme havent been announced But it is understood here that the program will even go be yond that in the USand how many Canadians have been casting jealous eyes at US so cial security Care of the aged particularly will he an improvement over the US system where only the indigent quality And there will be other areas in which the Canadlan program goes further We have had the US experi enceto build on of course But the most pleasing feature here is that we are moving to wards contributory welfare Anybody Who has been close to it really cant agree with handout welfare which is what we have known it gets thoroughly enmeshed in politicswith pensions etc set on basis of pleasing the voters rather than what the alt uation calls for With it payasyougo govern ment performs its proper func tion as the fountalnheed the or ganizer and the good shepherd to protect against disaster And those receiving assist nnce feel more healthy about it of course They dont Well consider this We know of youth in Guelphnow His wife hasnt applied for jmothers allowance it is char Oh yes there are people like that If her husband had been paying his way she would take her allowance however And she and her child would get the sustenance they should have They didntcommlt the fraud BIBLE THOUGHT The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers Peter 312 Fellowship with God is way of life Nehru Speaks Times Daily In Campaign NEW DELHI Reuters Prime Minister Nehru accused election opponents of Defence Minister Krishna Manon Tuesdayof trying ring Mc Carthyism to India Charges that Menon is Com munist are patent lie the prime minister said Polling took place today the fifth day of the 10day poll in the states of liladhya Frudesb Maharashtra Orissa Bejasthan endWest Bengal Nehru who has averaged six speeches day in the last few weeks and has toured all but one of indias 15 states made four speeches Tuesday in New Delhi Rival candidates here are us ing elephants camels bullocks drum bands girl dancers and wandering poets to help win votes Schoolchildren are being given candies or rides on trucks as reward for shouting slo 2805 IE lt omws arsonr Spend Now Pay Later Government Habit By PATRICK NICKOLEON OTTAWA Most Canadian families litc homes acquired through the build now pay later system And regardless of the consequent mortgages we pat ourselves on the back as being one of the homeoan ingest nations Canada itself ever since Con federation has developed prev dominnnil on the some build now pay aier system study of our national accounts shows that in our 94 years of Confed eration we have recorded deficit in no less than 70 years Sir John liiscdonslds governments which perhaps did more than any other gov ernmeni to build Canada and under more difficult conditions recorded is annual deficits and only two surpluses Slr Wilfrid Laurier riding the crest of the late Victorian and Edwardian prosperity of that great century of the Pox Britannica chalked up 11 dellclis in his 15 years as prime minister Even Mackenzie King who enjoyed the postwar boom of the twen ties and the beginning of the postwar boom in the forties reported 12 deficits and only nine surpluses UNPROUD RECORD It was under Mackenzie King that Canada recorded the high est surplus over$676000000 in 1947 it was not badge of honor since most of the iiiper cent increase in our gross nu tlonoi product that year was as Finance Minister Abbott shamefuccdly told Parliament due to the rise in prices in other words we suffered and really sufferedfrom ram pant inflation that year our cost of living index jumped by about 15 per cent to destroy the purchasing power of our wages and to erode all Canadians savings and life insurance But inflation also brings the government bonanza in higher tax yields The result was that record surplus This surplus admitted Mr Abbott would not be instilled as good policy were it not for the need to redeem our debt under such favorable circum stances We can do it now with out hardship and thereby get ourselves in better position to bear the extra burden we have to assume when our national in come becomcs less buoyant or other untoward developments occur in those words Mr Abbott explained the theory of cycli cnl budgets This doctrine pro vides for Canada to overtnx its citizens in boom years to build up cushion of surpluses so that the country can accumu late deficits in less prosperous years This policy was reiterated by Finance Minister Walter Harris in 1955 think there will be general agreement he told Parlia ment that under boom condi tions fiscal policy should play its part in placing some re straint Conversely when the rate of economic advance slack ens and the economy as whole is not fully employed moderate deficit shuuldbe no cause for alarm During the final years of the long Liberal regime our econ omy as whole wss not fully employed and lir Harris put his theory into practice by pli ing up deficit in two of those three last years WELCOME CUSHION This fiscal year ending March ll will close with deficitabout onethird the sire of the deficits we recorded in each of the heavy spending wartime years We are going into collectivs debt this year using that cushion to pay higher old age pensions and other sov clsl security grants and bene fits to those in need in His coming fiscal year there is expected to be sub sfential increase in our national productivity with up to 500000 more Canadians at work and at record wages This will re sult in big lump in the yield of our present tax rates and would bring us much nearer budgetary balance wilhout an increase in taxes Our present deficit caused by welfare needs is paradoxically something of which we can be proud in contrast to that sur plus in i947 achieved through cruol inflation Gave Priest Dud Cheque SUDBURY CF Jenn Ron vmux former used car lot op eraior is being returned here from Montreal to face it charges of uttering and obtain ing money under false pro tences Police said about $1600 in bad cheques is involved One of them was issued to his parish priest Ronveaux was picked up alter slxwcck search TODAY IN HISTORY By run CANADIAN rncss Feb 21 1962 Sir Frederick Buntlng and two others were killed in bomber crash in Newfound land 21 years ago todayin 1941 His death occurred 19 years after he and Dr Charles Best announced the discovery of insulin for dia betes lassSamuel Morse gave the first public demonstra tion of his telegraph 1958 Egypt and Syria voted to merge into the United Arab Republic union that lasted less than four years WILL LINK BRIDGES MONTREAL CPlA 530000 000 highway program calling for In sixlane expressway on the south shore of the St Lawrence River opposite Montreal was an nounced Monday night by Pierre Lsporte Liberal member of the Quebec legislature for Chambiy He said the expressway will link the Jacques Cartier Victoria and Champlain bridges Even melting ice cubes cant dilute tire trueva of Adams Gold Stripe It will keep its flavour to the very bottom of the glass the mark of great whisky THOMAS ADAMS DlSTILLERS LTD Toronto Ont