HAPPY Mrs John Glenn Jr waves happily to neighborsas she poses tor pictures on her SMILES 0N FRONT PORCH porch with her daughter Car olyn and son David attcr word oi the sale recovery oi StudebakerPackard Workers Approve 18Cent Wage Raise HAMILTON CPi new contract calling lor an 18cent hourly wage increase over three years plus iringe henelits was approved Tuesday night by about 350 employees oi SIlldCA bakerPackard oi Canada Lim ited The workers members at La cal 523 of tile United Auto Work ers CLO will get the increase In sixcent annual stages The contract also provides for transier oi eight cents an hour mm the costolliing payment to the basic wage rate appli cation oi one cent an hour to increased cost at iringe bene tits and establishment at new payment based on the remain ing three cents an hour other benelits include in creases at $500 in tile insurance and accidental death insurance to $4500 and $6500 respecth ely and increase ut $5 in Sick ncss insurance indemnity to $45 weekly mental un hcr astronaut husband aiter his threetrip orhit oi the world AP Wirepholo employment benelits similar to those in other auto industry set tlernents along with similar pension beneï¬ts and payment oi hall the cost oi medical in surance plans or pensioners Wle DOG DERBY WHITEHORSE YT tCP Andy Smith drew cheers lrom hundreds ol spectators Sunday as he drove his dog team across the finish line first in the ï¬nal heat at the 24 mile Sourdough Rendezvous Dog Derby The derby was high point of three days at whooping it up by Whitehorse residents and visit ors during the Sourdough Ren dezvous Mattresses or Box Springs Reg 5998 Sale each Set of Six Legs 400 Own and enjoy this excellent Sorta matched set Sale saving of 1200 each piece BARRE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 11 Chesty Said Her Show Got Hot And Then The Light Fuses Blew TORONTO CP Stripper Evelyn tCtlestyl West had her not reviewed in court niesday by policewoman The details were hand dur lng the trial Raymond Lux 3i and William Garden at or allowing an indecent perlorm once The two men are owner and manager respectively at the Lux Theatre Magistrate Donald Graham alter hearing evidence fined Garden 3200 or one month injait and granted delcnce motion for nonvsuit against Mr Lux Pnlicewoman Kay Burierd In testimony 531d she had visited the Lux theatre and saw per iormance in which ltliss West billed as the Treasure CheSt dropped her gown to the floor and asked the audience whether It was last enough At this point said Miss Eur iord Miss West exposed her sum and asked whether anyone was getting united Was there anything unusual about the Treasure Chest asked Crown Counsel James Crossland It was quite large said Miss Burlord Det Sgt William Quennell told the court that alter police asked that the show he stopped on July lhtiss West said it sometimes got so hot the lights used Men Have To Ioin Armed Forces To Learn Trades Report Says WRONTO CPI An adult has to join the armed iorccs or go to penal institution it he wants to team trade in On tarlo the Italian Community Promotion Centre said Tuesday in memorandum to the tests lature reversal in government pol icy has made Ontarios retrain ing program useless the cen tre charged The memorandum added that since the retraining program was announced by Premier Ro barts in November practical work has been eliminated from the courses centre oilicinl said nlesday that 180 persons started the CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents or North American Van Lina PA 66555 COUKSES announced and 96 have dropped out because at the elimination oi practical work The note to the legislature asks that the laws be changed to prevent the disheartened men who would have taken the course from becoming an em nomic burden to the commun it CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING CALL OATES Paint and Wnllpnpcr so DUNLOP 51 PA mm 4198 now at EATONS SemiAnnual 2400 altogether MATTRESS has buoyant White ielt and sisal pad insulation probuilt border ventilated plastic turning handles heavy linen ellect rayon ticking nox SPRING has seasoned ardwood frame Both in 39 48 or ST CATHARINES CPITwo St Catherines police oilieers Tuesday denied they had used undue iorce in arresting 39 yearold Joseph Lament Jr in July 1560 They were testifying in suit or damages brought by Joseph Lament Sr Mr Lament is charging that an assault by the two men and third oiticer Chrysler Strike Enters Third Day WINDSOR Ont tCP The strike by United Auto Worker Union members against Chrys IEr ot Canada entered Its third day today with no wordirom either side on what progress ne gotiator have made Three thousand hourlyvratcd Imployees went on strike at Chryslers threawindsnr plants alter the strike deadline was reached at midnight Sunday or um Note the Saving You can tokens caused injuries which tell his son paraLWed on the right side and physically and mentally in capacitated Const James Kirkpatrick who arrested Lament on charge at having care and con trol or car while impaired de nied earlier evidence by three post oliice workers ThEY said Coast Kirkpatrick had twisted Laments right arm until his head struck the Iloor with thump that could he heard more than too leet away Coast Kirkpatrick said he would probably not have up George Davies CONSTRUCHON LTD Barrie PA 55136 nrn Police Deny Undue Force When Trying To Hold ManJ plied headle it Lament had not twice tried to escape coast Douglas Fraser also denied the evidence of the port othee employees Alsc named in the suit In Sgt Victor Dawson The hearing continues ANCIENT CITY London was busy settlement on the Thames when the an cient dinium Romans called it Lon BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 PIIiIII anytime Its used by mil tons more people than any other pain reliever WITHOIIT STOMACH UPSET FASTSREISIEF FROM PAINS OFAVRTHRIJIS RHEUMATISM nsaoacns ammo Muschs 0rd NM 7Transistor Radio EATON Sate each Designe that gw interface bin is clawtrwaly tone cont penlight batteries Carrying case ternal antenna have on Stainless Steel SINKS 2549 Batteries Bale less hucet sale wmi nucet 1489 2377 Gleaming single bowl stainless steel sink with hole ledge back and stainlas steel basket strainer luxuru Mattresses Reversible 5anitizedl Made in Canada Superth comfortable pincone latex foam rubber mattress in regularfirm density with reinforced centre section completely Sanitized for lasting freshness Sturdy floral cotton ticking 50 FoIdaCrib 4159 Reg 5950 Matching pox springs Reg 3950 site each 3190 Medicili chillers 466 Single cabinet designed win article shelves Etched design sheet glass mirror About 18 14 Sale each Save 0n Haddon HaII lavatory Basins 1399 Sale lesl fittings 699 Easytoolean White vitreous china in the lowback design Fosters antisplash front rim rear overflow and soap depression About 1911 16 Chromiumpllated ï¬aueot and drain fitting 45 and 54 shes Reg 6950 Sale each Sale each re hardwood crib about in wound Vlmtlh ï¬rith AND handy playpen AND Told to lultcnseslzn about 24 24 101 travelling or storing Masonite floor follian hard wood legs wooden casters plastic carry in handle FOAM PLASTIC MATTRESS Chunno about thlflk Ffllda In crib when and Saki each Sale each Set of Six Legs 400 Portable 112 HP Sulllls WEEKEND SPECIAL KIDDIES RECORDS Salinas DRILlS Low 5an Price on Shhiclr Compact Electric Shavers 1098 Threeway adjustable an shaving head of stainless washable steel self lubricating motor and shatterresist ant nylon casing selfstarting In compact plastic carrying case fSnIe Sale 1999 Polls ed diecast aluminum Has amp motor geared chuck sealed ballvaud Oilite bearings Capacity at in steel 54 in hardwood Fullload speed of 610 14 Electric DRILLS each Diecast aluminum housing capacity in steel 1A in hard wood Has geared chuck perm anently oiled Bronze bearings 25 amp motor 1500 rpm full 3399 each OastAalumiiunn with ratraehable blade guard slip clutch Adyusts for depth and angle of cut Rips and cuts to 2th at 90 at 45 Save on 011 Special White Latex ENNIS Stir 498 hardwearing washable rin ish for interior walls ceilings in livingrooms and bedroom Can be applied with brush or roller White only 20 mimy Mowers 59 99 Prepare tor Spring lawn tend ing with hhis big Sale otter Designed with lip Myclo Clinton engine recoil star Epic not in remote standard control with handle control panel Sturdy steel Deep safetytype deck Green Safety float lock handle 7j wheels 45 RPM REG 95c Special 4torI00 Limit Per Customer Selection Includes WYATT EARP WELLS FARGO ROY ROGERS AND MANY MANY Mons NoPhonn Matt Ordersdleasoh STORE HOURS MON rucs THURS SAT 915 am 530 prn WED 9I5 am 12 Noon FRI 9I5 ILEMONCL