ARTICLES For SALE ARTICLES WANTED lamp to an not end nlmmnutomorlmm be in good shape Telphone MAXI aunts == EARMERS MARKET owns or ea or crippled cattle and biases Sarah animal removed tree For last service phone BARRLE PA 3475 called or ask for KENT 91130 NO CHARGE unomnaurnmnuu NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fonnead Ontario urcnce No 112063 Nick Montague Pros FEED SEED GRAIN WANTED Quantities of good Ontario Oats and WheatWanted SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP FEED DEPARTMENT 259 Innisfii Street Phone PA 66581 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Really Farm Equipment Just Reminder CASE SHOWCASE STROUD HALL WEDNESDAY FEB 28 Meeting At pm PRIZES LUNCH AND DANCE TO FOLLOW I76 BURTON AVE PA um CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milken Vacuum Pumps Wasb Tanks Separators Parts tor any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRJE HOLLY PA 60338 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING El AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MIDTOWN 41 ESSA RD 1961 Pontiac Laurentlans from $1950 up low down payment ROY HAWKINS HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OIML and NAL Towing 75 EAYFIEID ST PA 84165 1sso PLYMOUTH Station wagon automatic power steering v4 to excellent condition Terms can be arranged Telephone PA H154 lass CHEVROLET two door deluxe Full bait2 3462 Tell over pay men per mon Teie ho PA 519le for further Inlormgtlolir 1951 DODGE two door with cum torn radio 3549 balance 32 per month Take over paymcnu Iele phone FA 31931 or runner insert motion use DODGE our door new urel custom built radio nuance owing 3249 Take over payments of $14 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE names is Mercury our £0111 HallIO auiomaue mornin nnn wrn an older modri in me or use over pans or was per month Telephonl site was PA om CARS WTD TO BUY WESTERN BUYER aromas loo clean cam Premium prices Liens paid all Convoy leaving March ll Enquire lionest 100 Used Cars no Bradiord Street PA $5480 ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIERS NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRE USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE Wu LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 34272 CASH POI your car Liens aid all We txrd or down lanlt dale Melon Road lame PA uni PERSONALS Study ride daily from Clmp Borden Ind pnone PA um alter runs uoumzn 1mm Crown Hill corners to Camp llorden Works no to lpm Tellpbonl PA WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govcrnrncnt Chartered Schooi Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSIING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 83962 sum 52 Coldwnvg ca runner ovrn iltli Phone Bernice on was or PA H581 DRIEMAKINO Some HIV your rpflnl rowing Ill altern lions dons haw Reasonable rlIll Telephone PA cuss LOST FOUND of St Vincent telephone PA nu LOSTSmall myrersln Cat In vIcInIIy nunlop West and any streeu Any Inionrlltlon would be aPprevlated Telephone PA was um mu === I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP CLERK Metropolitan Life Ins Co Must be single with typing and shorthand prCfErrEd FOR INTERVle CALL PA 84585 mmczn Waitresses wanted short order cook and dis washer Top salary Apply Hathaway United cigar stores 111 10 Dunlop Street East Barrie MALE FEMALE OPPORTUNITY Are you tired of punching the clock having no security through low income getting no where in your present position Then contact us and see how this could be your golden opportunity to get out of the rut We need salesmen and sales ladles to staff our new Branch Office in Barrie Experience not essential we train all per per month Telephone PA wear for further Lnlormatlon 1955 CADILLAC Ficctwnod black all power eqmmcd with new white Walls For lurther lnlorml gun tolephonn Otzen M1511 ee on 1556 BUICK two door hardtop good condition all down monthly Telephone PA 56598 after pm or lurther Informa lion 1919 111 as complete unit or as parts Good condition throughout For Amber Informi uon telephone PA $5945 between 10 mm and and PA after pm 722 1351 ohnaMoaan super Ba our door hardtop automatic truism sion luuy equipped new tires Body and interior as new Take aver payments at an per month Telephone PA 87931 1960 PONTIAC fully equipped automatic custom radio white walls washaro and backup IlthiI $115 down Take over payments Telephone PA 81931 or ionizer details WATSON sonnel personal interview will be granted to each individ ual who would like to EARN IIIGII INCOME BE THEIR OWN BOSS WORK IN DIGNIFIED MANNEI HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO CLIMB THE LADDER T0 MANAGERSRIP THIS IS NOT POTS AND PANS BOOKS WATERSOFTENERS DOORS AND WINDOWS it is the most popular product on the market dealing with cveryones daily need the es sential part of living Backed by TV and National Advertising Come And See Our GENERAL MANAGER ROSS ST BARRIE All Inlorrnaiion Given at First Meeting 10 HELP WANTED MALE on FEMALE Your man or lady wanted as PHOTO DARKROOM AND ENGRAVING CLERK By The Barrie Examiner Pho tographic nod darkroom experu leace essential This position In connection with The Etonr iner Editorial Department of err good future to person willing and able to elllclcntly organize his or her eliorts Apply in writing to MR McPHERSON Managing Editor THE BARBIE EXAMINER P0 Box 170 Barrie oulario MALE HElsP LEARN mlRONIOS NOW DumasII or lian stud School Toronto Ind Month RADIO COLLEGE 07 CANADA Pm Book emu in 1euoslu to Klnl it T0111 Ontario TAKE TIME OUT FOR SU RVIVAL ENROL FOR PAID TRAINING NOW Canada needs 100000 additional men to help the Canadian Array Militia carry out national aur vivnl operations in the event of nuclear attack Sixweek training courses are being held in your own community the next one starting February 26 and continuing until April if you are between is and 50 and meet enrolment standards will you go to work for Canada as citizen soldier During II lEGAI NOTICES CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Hough Payloader Model HMD Hercules Diesel Under Power oi Sale contained in certain chattel Mortgage whlch will be produced at the time of sale them will be ot lered for sale at PUBLIC AUCTION by Jerry Coughiln Auctioneer on WEDNESDAY TILEth DAY OF FEBRUARY 1962 It the hour ol 11 am at the Queens Hotel 94 Dunlop Street East Barrie Ontario the ol lowing chattel only Hough Payloader Mo dal IIMD Serial Number mail Hercules Diesel The chattel will be altered or sale subject to Reserve Bid in in its present condition For further particulars apply to MESSRS CONDER and SUGG 13131 DUNLOP ST BARBIE ONTARIO Dated at Barrie the 7th day of February 196 PHILIP VISITS CHURCHES QUlTO Ecuador AP Prince Philip wound up thru day stay in this mountain cap Ital Monday by visiting two Roe man Catholic churches oi Span ish colonial days San Fran dsco Church Rev Iolme illu nucl Moiag lzanciscan trial played God Save the Queen on the organ as Prince Philip ent ered the course you are given allday training livn days week You live at home and receive the same pay as regular soldier plus living allowance To be cure oi vacancy you should not right away Get full details NOW without obliga tion at the address below that in nearest to your home ARMOURY HIGH and SMALL smears BARBIE ONTARIO SUPERVISOR We require one man over 23 with sales experience or sales aptitude We represent chart crcd foundation oiiering the Ca nadian Scholarship Irust plan to parents which provides uni versity education at approxim ately onefourth cost The man selected will be trained as supervisor for the Simone Mus koka Ontario Counties Leads will be available Write CSl Plan 160 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto 11 All replies acknow Iedged CAREERS lol YOUNG MEN in the CANADIAN ARMY If you are between the age of information on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter tween the hours of 10 am and 12 noon on Mon Feb ruary 26th or write Army Recruiting Station 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ont MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE anpnoNEs MAIN OFFICE 757 AND no saws not 241 1981 Envoy Sedan With radio Driven only 900 miles and carrie ranty very special offering new 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan With standard transmission and custom dl ceilent buy in smart clean car us 1958 Oldsmobile Holiday Coupe Withautomatic transmission and custom radio luxurious aï¬meownerbcar 77777777 Mi 1958 Chevrolet Yeoman noses Im further details 2door station wagon with radio and positraction This unit has good appearance and Is in good mechanical condition 1958 Pontiac sedan with V43 motor automatic transmission and custom radio clean cor dependable and attractive 1956 Chevrolet DoLuxe Sedan TwoTen series with standard transmission and radio Talkedjeflblack and ivory oneowner car an ou Two clean both inside You are cordially invited to see these and many other dependable YOUNG MAN 16 to an to learn grocery business Apply to Man lei trI pemn to RCAF Clover Form Stun Clnlp Gordon Ont MOULD OR Toolmlhl Imprinter Generous hinge beneï¬ta Apply lur Fox Plastomer 1111 151 John Street Teluphone PA 50225 EXPERIENCED Manager required or lumber yard Barrie urea state experience give names or Iorgnerl employert ofulélvttllgl all an on co ox Barrio Exgner EMPLOYMENT WANTED wm orvn day Care to preschool chud in my own home am end Telephone PA 15 DAILY CARE given to children in my own home Monday to Fri dly Will call Telepbnnl PA 51516 INCOME Tax nturns preplfld pemnll auo typing done Prompt serviceTelephone PA I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday February 24 1pm Auction sale of arm lmpiclt merits hay groin straw and household eflects for JENNETI 11 and 73 aud single get full Thrllty Canadian Dayl are MoneySn NEWS OF M35 TERRY Friends of Alex Sirllh will be sorry to learn he was remov ed lrom Penetang General hos pital to St Michaels hospital in Toronto at the cod oi the week LOBA SOCIAL EVENING On Friday evening Feb 13 the LOEA members held anotir er oi their series oi euchres in the Orange Hall good crowd was in attendance High score winners were Mrs Alvin Pinch Mrs Clarence Turner second high Mrs William Flem ing and Manning Mrl Archer won the door prize The ladies served reiresh moms SUPPER AND PRESENTATION mt luck supper or the church school cl tho Presbyter ian church The business oi 1961 was reviewed with antis inctory reports Rev Mc Lean who was chairman ex pressed pleasure and inspiration in the large class last year when 11 joined the church The congregation acknowledged with thanks the eliicient services 01 all oiiicers organist and choir and church custodian McGuire thanked Rev and Mrs can or their example and guidance The highlight oi the evening was presentation to Mrs Camahnn in re cognition oi hcr faithlul servi cos of 45 years in the choir Day In congregation was held in the ELMVIILE After reading an address writ ten by McGuire French clerk at the session on behali oi the congregation presented Mrs Carnahan with Bible and Book Praise combian under one beautiiul leather binding Mrs Milton Drain on helm oI the choir presented her with bouquet oi red roses Jack Ritchie on behali of oil presented her with artistically decorated birthday cake Mrs Carnahao was taken completely by sur prise but thanked all very gra ciously Looking to the future Mrs Margaret Cbappie brought motion mm the Willing Workers group that if the con gregation would set up build ing lund for nnaddllion to tho churchihcir group would don ate $300 toward it and promis ed to assist Iurther with their time and talent and money As beginning committee was chosen Irom dilierent orgonlna tions as Ioilows Rev Me Lean moderator of the Session and Frenchas clerk and Jack Ritchie Gordon Strain from the session Elgin Ritchie Ernie Brown from the board of managers Mrs Alex Currie Mrs Ken Cooper from the Vil ling Workers Mrs McCon nellnnd Mrs Robert Graham from the Ladies Aid Mrs Lor ne Drysdaie and Mrs Rii from the WMS This committee is to secure Ideas as to whatoxtonsion to the church is required and how it might Iamlly shoppers Stock up Now at Special Savings and Charge1t No money down and you can take up to 15 months to pay ROSE MARXf at the Barrie Armoury be MONEYSAVINGS BUY SAVE UP TO 42 VALUES ro $159 Timer saving on sturdy slacks ior playtime size Ix and ZGX in the assortment Slims for little Girb and rugged boxers for little Boys both in laundryloving corduroy Novelty print crawlers for wee Tots in cotton coldamn Special BRA SPECIAL 42 SAVINGS 117 $200 VALUE Embroidered white cotton lightly padded Siam 8238 AB cups SAVE$ILIZ 287 nosn IMARX PANTIE GIRDLE Longleg style In white mesh sizes Reg $399 Speciall FLANNELETIE Nionrln save 45 Pastels and baby prints dainty smocked trim Reg 79c DIAPERS Special 26 by 26 laundryloving flannelette Reg $2841 gas BLANlï¬EI Save 30 cosy annelette ond ball print Reg $10M SPECIAL 233 savozmv Sleek bapgred slims cw Crepe Suzefte cotton drip dry sizes 340 Reg $299 ran some misnomer be undertaken and report back to ioture congrexatiounl meet ing It can be done without in iurthcr purChascgi land meeting closed wi prayer by Rev McLean Allan Ritchie returned imm visiting relatives in Kamsack Sash Mr Ind Mrs Burton returned Irom holiday in Las Vegas Nevada CELEBRATE YEARS MAIL RIED Mr and Mrs Liliey miebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at the weekend Congratulations Mr and Mrs Burton attended the funeral oi Pelcr James Chcnery Toronto on Tuesday Feb 15 Mr and Mn Ewart lang mnn Barrie were Sunday guests oi Mrs Locke The CGII sponsored Val enline tea bake sale and baza or on Saturday alternoon in the church room oi St Johns Unit ed church The ten tables were pleasing in keeping with Val entinc and were centred with beautiiul arrangement oi col ored tulips Pouring lea were Mrs Eva Thomson and Mrs McCluog The 6611 sewing were dressed in uniiorm EMERSON DOAN The district was saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Emerson Doan who died on February 51062 nt Nakinn Ontario where he was employ cd The funeral was held from the James Lynn Funeral Home to Allenwood United Chum Rev Chapman conducted the service Pallbear ers were Grenville Donn Lorne Doan Donald Chapman Elwood langmon Cecil glow and Wal lace Blow interment was made temporarily in Eimvala cemet ery Chapel Mr Donn was born on December 10 1904 at Allen wood sou oi Ihe late Mr and Mrs James Dean He spent his liie on the arm at Alien wood but had been employed by the CNR at Nakina He was member oi Allenwood United Church Surviving are his wile the iormer Vera Chapman one daughter Shirley Mrs Loy Powassan and three sons Jem asoi Pogwa Glenn at Toronto and Keith at home There are also three brothers Preston oi Phelpston Morrison oi Edmor Beach Edison oi Vyevale and two sisters Mrs Walter Houd en Elsie Sarnla Mrs Phon Sibbaid Leela Elmvole Three sisters predeceased him Among the many floral tributes from lamin and relatives were those from AIlcnwood Uniicd Church Canadian National Telegraph and Ontario Dept oi Land and Forests WILL VISIT FAIR SEATTLE IAPlPrince Phl Iip will viin the Seattle Worlds Fair In June the British con sul general Geoiirey Jnckson announced here Mon day Queen Elizabeth was not mentioned in the nonounccmenL SAVE UP TO 47 SPECIAL vawns ro $2993 Duro brand heavyduty aluminumware mod ennr tapered shapes easygrip heat resistant handles and knobs Tea kettle percolator saucepans french irycr covered $122 SAVINGS ZflP STARTER SET in lovely Fantasia pattern Set consists oi dinner plains breadandbutter platm oatmeals or cream soups cups saucers Reg 56ml CARPET RUNNER Save $202 9166 chlerOrost Cushion Tweed viscose carpeting Foam backed Moth nowon LAMPS Save $101 17 tall withquuisité crystallike bases ruliled shades Reg $4991 Phasrlo passes Save$1 ediioral print with goldcololired leaves 55 by a4 Reg $29m usedcars at our Salas Lot on Main Street SAIESMEN North half of Lot Concession 10 Essa Township Terms cash AL calm om mannamu anon SMITH mm I5 5°15 Tel 24 wusn Belch Tel 254 WangBucn Tel 1p wmu Beach McEWEN Auctioneer minutes 51 minus no islawdï¬st