77 19rd over 25Jvords be per Now Is The Time To Buy Or Sell Your Car IS THE BARRIE EXAMLNER WEDNEDAY FEB 2i ISM ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS IS ARI IMPORTANT Chaos la none or your child should be rcsl pleuure and other will ant to show your choice Nnmo your child as quickly as possibll and til the Individuni mm in Barrio latminer birth Announce ment us all our Clnuloed Dt pnrimeni rlvo inc lieu Includtas the name and we will Publish Birth Notice in the next edition for only 3150 Telephone PA Hus or this clmlded service PAHENDEN lekhlndréflui an him In announce vs or daughter Lisa Anne lbs lo on on February loos at Toronto But General Hospital Airtcr or and and Tracey DEATHS BEmRIDGBMlcr At LII Ark Eden Nursing Home sand on Tuesday February to Alice Lockhsn beloved wile or he lsln William Hellorlflxc of Thornton Oflurio Dui miller oi Irons Mrs lilol Howie oi Barl sle Jim Charlie George and MH ton on oi Thornton our uster ol Mrs pv Quantx oi Toronto rrsndmoihor oi Noreae Ienn once vers and Shirley Restinr oi the Iennelt mnersl Home Is oardroid street borne mineral urvlre Pndly rebrury as It pro Interment Thornton Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM THOMSONIn rny dcsr loving mcmory oi husband FIIIIIY rhomson who passed away Feb rurry loco My hurt still aches with ndncu secret lonr silli flows What it meant to lose you our No one will ever know Vhen lm and and lonely And everything noes wronr room to hear you whisper Cheer up and curry on Each timo so your photo You seem to smile sod say Dont cry Im only slooplns Well meet orIo some dry iovingly rcmcmbered by wile Leltle COMING EVENTS DISCUSSION GROUPS Sponsored by SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT PRENATAL CLASSES Begin FEBRUARY ï¬nd730 PM INFANT CLASSES Begin FEBRUARY Will130 RM PHONE PA 85967 lor ililorrna tion and application forms MIXED DANCING Ivy Orange Hall FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 930 to 3m Paxtons Orchestra Lunch counter Admission 75o NDPCalIs Parley 0n BiCulturalism MONTRE CPIThe New Democratic arty called Tues day or immediate establish ment of lederal provincial commission on Canadian feder alism and bloulturalism Douglas national party leader and Romeo Mathieu president at the partys provi sional council in Quebec said In jnint statement there is an urgent need to reexamine rela tions between the two nations which together make up the bin sic partnership in Cordedera lion Canadians must lace the fact that almost 100 years after Con federation our federal provin cial and French English rela tions continue to be seriously unsettled and unsatisfactory CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824l4 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word par insertion for one and two times do per word for three tour or live times and 2V per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional idiargc if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 860 FOR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS lF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERIION ERRORS OB CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that Ill bhooo Insertion order ero soon ed as convenience to on til advertiser Therefore Lila Classiï¬ed Advertising Department requires HI Evert15ch to kindly recheck their advertisement media alter ï¬rst insertion in order lny errors or omissions reported before 311 In 3111 Int some may be recuflod or III lollnwlngdayr Insertion order We wish to clot out Ian rho noino pro or is responsibls tor only our Incorrectly printed insertion on any udvsrusemont and then only to the extent or portion or do that involves the misprint man which do not lessen too nine or the sdveriiss men are not lIglhlI tor comb tions by make lauds Cooling Events on per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 95 word extra In Memorialn Nov tines $150 if verse useddc per word extra BLIND Lmrsa mils lniorointion regarding ndvorliser using Blind Letter Box Number lor Replies ls held etrictly oonsd ential Rnplina to utter boxes will be held only 10 days orter last day or publication Classilied advertisements and notlcea for these pages must he received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day display clnuloeds moy bo olr thcs ond typo styles or loin lulncd tornigh The Examiner so vrrtlslnv dcpaljtmgnl PROPERTY FOR SALE CARSON it 45A DUNLOP ST Nut door in tho Inputs Thutro PA 66481 Number or Barrio sad Dumas Bu Emu Board ROSE REAL ISTATD BROKER Io TlmN STREET BARRls CALL DAY on EVENING PA 8379 Member of LII lnmc and District an but Board Keith Marsha nun ESTATE aaom PA 82592 Is damnmu sr BARer TOBACCO FARM 100 acres Barrio miles kilns 17 acres tobacco rights large tobacco barn greeidlnuse room house all conveniences $5000 dam will handle Con tact this office for details HWY 27 SOUTH room year old bungalow lull basement car garage This home Is Immaculate and is priced for qulck sale Call this office for particular on this one HWY 11 SOUTH room home all conveniences on large lot with building and equipment now licensed lor body shop Asking only $7500 tor everything PA 350 AND COMPANY REALTORS 98 BAYFIELD SI PA 60453 ANYTIME EAST END Only lï¬yearold brick Largellving dining area with divided kitchen Ihrce goodsized bedrooms ceramic tile pc bath with fan Full price only $12l00 with low down payment Call Norm Hesketh PA 66453 evenings PA 57016 DONT MISS THIS Only $13 000 for this quality built bedroom one floor plan im maculate condition tastefully decorated Landscaped lot Panellcd olfice and recreation room in basement Large lur nace Convenient to schools Priced right For appointment dlni Maryann Smith PA 65453 evenings PA sW 39850 FOE FOUR BEDROOMS Make your appointment early to see through this 12 ycarold home in one of Eat ries nicer areas Now is the time to buy Call PA 66453 anytime Member at Barrie and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA H678 ONE AND HALF STOREY HOME Two and hall acres of land Seven room home with central heating Will sell or trade for bungalow Telephone Percy Ford BUILDING DOTS Central to downtown Two lots $5000 Tel ephone Percy Ford APARTMENTS FOR RENT New building close to down town One and two bedrooms Dining area Stove and refrig erator Telephone Percy Ford OVERLOOKING THE BAY One of the loveliest two storey centre hall plan brick homes we have the privilege of offering for sale Broadloom main floor spacious entrance hall Attract lve living room with fireplace separate dining room two piece powder room Beautiful kltcben charrywood panelled den and large family room with walkout to patio Second floor lour large bedrooms with two com plete tiled bathrooms Two car attached garage immediate possession if desired Truly completely beautitul home For appointmentito inspect tale phone PA 34865 EVENINGS CALL rter SCANDRm PA was DOROTHY WILCOX PA osm PERCY FORD WON SWAIN PA assoc Member Barrio Ind District and Ontario Real Estate Boards MAKE AN OFFER Five room white tramp house Located on lniiialil St Oil lur nace builtin cupboards three piece bath Easily heated Best offer Telephone alter pm PA Via3332 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS ROGERS EA ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrio Home SulaForemost to Quality ol Service PA 85568 EVENLNGS CALL lid uooRDlA um RoamPA Mm VCLIFF EEmOWN 31 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONE PA 6020 PA 30242 Hunbory or has Isms llul Isqu aura smith ClmeoUPA not form Garvey ml Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds Avallablo Interest 60 Valus No Fees Charged Brenton Csil Joe Lonrtln PA ums heretl shelrwnll Oro 29 Edward Norris CONNELL TRUNK LINES rosmPA we CORNELLPA Wm Ionn LongPA ssigr ohullo PA saw SheIswéII PA 84961 PA $8742 flak lvllllon PA Hui Norman sbelrwall PA on PA Hm CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 52419 93 Dunlop St MARE MARSHALLPA mo COREYPA Lassa MUMEL ImYPA 6688 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iiffln St PA 60476 EVENIN CALL Kori MarshII PA Mm Emory Miller PA 60561 Member at the Barrie and District chI ratto Board NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 93186 New three bedroom home Largo living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage 011 heated Colored bathroom ï¬xtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64801 OR PA 61802 lid Dllnlop St owmdlvs three bedroom bunga low on year old Smnu down pryinan Telephone as wood or iurlbor Iniomntlon ah NIND ROOM Durhnx with two bathroom or sale one block from post oliice No rcsltcrs plenlc Telephone PA 58075 or lunher inlorniutlon sloon nowN lull price $13500 Good terms for bulnnce Spacious three bcdronln bungalow you old Trlnslerled requires immedi ate rule Telephone PA woes 77111 to $5020 and 60 month TBRBE BEDROOM House Three and onehalf year old NHA mott roge ln Oakley Park area Priced lor quick nlc hilly landscaped Telephone PA H754 NEW THREE BEDROOM rnvlno house tiled powder and bathroom large combination llvin room lovely view of the Bay Rl zone $12W0$ZWb below cost very low down payment accepted Tole pboho PA 61615 FOR SALE OR RENT NEW Man Home for sIIa or rent Sunnldlle and Anne Street dbtrtct Finished recreation room Must be seen to be appreciated egalgur to sell Tclcplwnl PA PROPERTY WTD TO BUY waNTsp Td any Two noses or lsnd In Guthrie ares our High wsy ll Telepboru PA alias WANTED level lot on level street will pay top price Iii cash or the right location Write Box 74 Barrlc Examiner MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 01 $90 Monthly to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT IIl Dunlap St PA 66477 Pluvan First lilortdsso lor 600 bearing Interest Teln pllono stroud mm for Appoint mon Mummerslot nndzod bonrhr sold and smnrsd Commercial and residential man loaned on existing momres Burris Moro ms Brokers an arm Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re CHOICE APARTMENT sultsl PhonePPA 82414 MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE 1st 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere 11111 LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY llo consolidate debts PIY all existinl mortgage cor monllgcs coming due liomo improvement Any worthwhile onus on 60081 Mortgage Funding OVEI SimpsonsSears 129 DUNLOP ST FINANCIAL $5000 47c FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 50203 RENTALS LOW cosT srAcD or rent Clean modern buildings Soltnblo for commerclui or llobl lodusizinl Telephone PA 575 OFFICES STORES RENT omen srAcE lor rent two moms Ideal for insurance beauty parlor oic Parking Private cnt rnncc $40 monthly Apply as Bay iield st Telephone PA 6645 lol details NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING ROMP Built or this work semi and private room kind nursing care good bod TV rooms station wn gon for outings Tclcphonn EBIU stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT BLAKE ST AT SHOPPHIG PLAZA Ground floor Very warm Un iurnishcdohe bedroom rnndern apartment Separate entrance Vacant $75 monthly Bus at door Telephone PA 87475 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained twobedroom apartment Living room kitch en lull basement Central loca tion $85 per month Telephone PA 89238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown OOne and two bedrooms Balconics Bamboo Draped IStoves and ridges IIndividual thermostats Olncincrators lFree washing and drying facilities OMany other fine appointments Childrcn welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 ONLY Modern bedroom unfurnished sellcontained heated laundry and parking facilities Near bus stop Available March PHONE PA E5467 MODERN one and two droom apartments east end Bam boo droper Venetiun blinds Autolt motlo luundry facilities Parking Telephone pr Mars for toriher lnrormnuon six ROOM House or rent with automatic gas heating Three bed rooms Centrally located Available now Telephone PA $5220 ior fur ther Information rFOUiIrBEDRWM Housc lorTElm insulated New oil lurnnce Cen trnl location Avnilnblc March 15 Relercdccs required Telephone PA when or lurtbcr lnrormhtlon THREE MOM self contained spurtlnent or rent Located at so Blyflcld Smct ovcr HaroldFor star and Co Real Estate Telco Phone PA 53453 alDtImc TWO DzmmoM unlulnlshed self contnlned duplex Living room kitchen dining bran basement ront and back entrnncos Renting for $90 monthly Apply lbs Napier or elephants PA b7102 CENTRALLY located new modern apartments now renting Lshaned living and dining area two bed rooms zono hot Water heating stove and rerrigcrolor supplied also washer nnd dryer one bed room apartment nlro nvollshlo APTS HOUSES TO RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwortht Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning lull basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapcs 886 month PHONE PA 82710 ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake 0nd and two bedroom apart menu complete with stove and rclrigerator Use at washer and dryer Bedccoratcd annually PA 61063 Two Rznnooil House to rrnl st Allistod Furnished or unlumbh ed Oli healing Telopbono Alllston IIE 51013 or Iurlbcr Idiomtion six n00 lloum or rent will tunroonl and range On tieling Conlrnlly located Avnllnblo now 3100 per rnonih Telephono PA 32983 or PA Mala Titans ROOM uninrnhhrd but nrtment or root Sellou tnlne sopmo entrance 55 per month Avallnblo immediately Telephon PA no or PA buss wrunNIsinm summont lo siorch 15 per month Tele phone PA Hoot lor Illnth inlan motion AVAILABLE NOW Hullrd two bedroom pnriosent In Siroud spnrimont house 366 per month Telcphonc StNlid ur lunber psrilculsrs FOUR R00 Alllrtmcnt Dr itflL rrlvoio bath unlurnlshed and bent nd prllato enrrrnoe Close to schools ond bus Children welcome Illa I9 norrio Earminor Form Iiooll Apartment or root ulIIiirnIsiicd heated Ground floor Pslvntc entrance sollcontnlned Avalloble now Tclcphonn PA M301 or lurtllcr iniormntlon UNFIIRNISIIED two bedroom apartment hontcd Centrally loco ted Pnrlelnv provided Rent 70 monthly Tolcphono PA Minn or alter 610 pm PA alsos aNdoY YOUII Int monlb ront lrce One and two bedroom npnrimnnts lanllor service llan Irorn so per month Telephone PA 570 lor iurther inlormtion GuouNn noon Apartment two bodrooms living room and kitchen also use or lull basemcnt sell oontoinod Apply to Thompson st Avnunble March sour noonl Apartment lilo hath nniurnlihod stove and me lrlgcntor suppllcd Centrally loe catcd No children Avslloblo tor modistoly For turther Inrormo tlon telephono snub LARGE seven room house lol rout three bedroom two bottl roanu hot water henilns Central Avallablo now so McDonald st Apply at Dundonold street THREE DEDRooll apartment or rent in new buildlnir washer dryer nnd lonltor rcrvlcc supplied Available Immediately Telephone PA was lor mnbcr Intoimaufln auitleIrpn three room abort mcnt with ham Clean ouioi celi trnl porking Large bedroom kll chen nnd living room storore Modcrn turniioro Avruoblo Feb rulry 2a PA 84351 Two BEDROOM unfurnished low er duplex Lorre living room with fireplace Isrgc Itllollon with ample cupboards now three picco bath and nowly decorated Telephone PA 65353 Four noon unfurnished Ipart Inan on second floor completely sellcontained and newly decorae icd Amplc parking space avail able Telephone PA 86383 for no thcr dntnlls TIIIIEE BOOM Basement Apart ment healed selocontnlned pri vate bntn Rolrlgornlor nnd stove Partially Iurnlsbcd Telephono PA More or PA 82933 or lurther luv lormntlnn an THREE BEDROOM ravine house tilod powder and bathmum large combination living room lavcly view or boy RI zone slob per month Telephone PA 61675 Two Bsnnuuil selfcontained unfurnished apartment llenicd ga rage $75 per month Chlldron wel come Avauahlo March 15 Tole phone PA 3954 iar further in formation MODERN two bodrooni apart ment centrally located stove and rcirlgerntor Free laundry and parking racilltlel Decoratcd ln tenants choice of colors Available March Telephone PA 66092 SPACIOUS FIVE noon unfurl lllshcd apartment stove and re Irigerator optional automatic laundry and pnrking Incilltlcs Telephone RABdoes or PA all or lurthor detour NEW AND lilodern ono nod two bedroom apartments overlooklnï¬ scenic Kempeniclt Day Heat wa ter nriring und ionltor service inclu och Automatic wndhlnr sn cilltics PA azsnz SMALL attractive one bedroom apartment or rent Heated sell cnutnined Available Moron 1710 rniod Pcnetang and st Vincent Streets $60 monthly Telephone PA ass GROUND noon Two bedroom Apartment in modern building East cud Laundry includes re frlgclntor stove heat and water supplied Not sultabln Ior child ren Telephone PA 31445 bested modelIi rent Avnllnblo ed three room apartment Ono block from Post limbo Private entrance Available blarch Tele phonc PA M718 or iuxtlier lnror matlon THREE nouM unfurnished ground iioor apartment or rent Ncnr ractorles Heat hydro and water supplied Parklnfl space Telephone NEW LARGE Apartments or rent In now apartment building one and two bedrooms Stove and re irlgerator laundry incllltlor sup pllod Quenn Street area PA M574 MODERN nowly decorated one and two bedroom apartments or rent Centrally locnlod with water and heat supplied Telephone PA 32253 or PA 33731 for lurtbor in tormnllon COMFORTABLE large three room apartment Moderate roni worm scprrate tntrancc storage park log Central at bus laundromat Allowance for service 135 Ponce tans 5t PA 34543 suNNIDALD AREA Bright span balcony in quiet residential ores postures gnrngc laundry hol wa ter heating and an individual thermostat Steve and rorriizern tor optional Adulis PA Iidsno alter 12 Try An Examiner Wont Ad lmmodiole possession Telephone mm at on will PHONE szili ruansnsD heated seifcoritaln PA Mass or PA dMbd tor dctntlsn iour two bodmom npnrtment with RENTALS Seer Classiï¬cation ARTICLES For SALE WANTED TO RENT WANnn To an one or two bedroom lurnlsbed apartment by April Central Ioeulon Pol1 this Apply Box 16 nnrrie Lum Inrr this details ROOMS TO LET amnooll or rent central in downtown am for business ren llemon Telbphono PA Hoot Illusirr cuAN bedroom in rent in quiet home or lentiemmr downtown area Telepboa PA unis one pm ruansiicn Bedroom tor not Laundry fltllltlls resins lad lunch orcxoo ii desired Telephone days PA wold or evenings PA 61027 or iurtber Idiomtion ROOM BOARD ROD AND quIiD available In all cod Lunches packed it de sired Tclepbanc PA arm or lure tber inlormnlloo noon AvAleau ior one or two business Persons with board 01gt uonsl For rurthor also one PA oases may STREET viclnlty Close to downtown nru Room and board Gentleman prelerrrd Will puck lunches Home privllcxu Tela Phone PA ms or runner lne iormtlon ARTICLESrFor SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x13 Ideal lor lining ban houses attics garages etc perfect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrlo Examiner Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your Iurnaco now between Jan 15th and Feb Zfllh and get your dual nil allacllmcllt FREE with cvery complete installation Reg $69 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors BR Stroud Low overhead Low Cost PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any licws pictures taken by our stall photogra pher please cdfat our Busi lass Ofï¬ce We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders GIossy Prints $100 lo $l25 plus trx FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN Appliance PENETANG ST inlornutioo ay ALICE BROOKS BOUDOIR CHARM Addrfresh charm to bed room with this spread its lightweight smartly simple Perlecl knitting thats easy and light on the handslzstr ands string Tneedles only add fringe for llnish Pattern 45 knitting directions 0inch squ re Send Thirtyeiivc cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Noedlecralt Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200 yes izbo designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle cralt Catalog ready now See Beuutilui Bulkies in is complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys alghans slipcnvcrs plus free SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances lilollat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 65531 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has on used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 vazb nLnJt QUEDI or nlz recondllioned hiust be seen to be npprecintod Tolephone IA His or lunber Inlormtlon v9 ARTICLES for SALE can LOANSvVSOO ll per month Telephone PA samba Crescent Flaace buhlop St West scum Equipmenl ior ulr uled only months llk new slnrlo mu two boso regulator Aquh Iqu link conltnnt reserve um on Pro with hornrll rosin Neoprene wet suit eomplele sin medium Fins snorkel mask welphi bclt l1 poundl oi weights divers liar and one proiessloonl dlhers hallo Quite rensoosble Phone PA soon nttzr pm or end st Marcus Street RADIO TV HlFI NO MORE IV REPAIR BILLS Buy New Set Now With LowCost LifeInsured SCOIlA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NoVA SCUIIA DOGS 8i PETS ONE PAIR ol Snow Tires or me practically new site 760 ls Telephone soRu simud evenlnn alter pm Dasn ELECTROLUX ln good con donn Could noi be Iold lrom new one undo Tcrms nannble Telephone PA 81181 FDR wRAls Jackets and Com or rule or cxchsnlc Repairing reunion and rcmodclunr Moder nlo price ply balloon and Son in union street Wm nsrrlo Tolspnooo PA on CAMPER rrtAilan tor isle 71 lorrins complete with tcnt Lixo new Reasonable Telephone Ill ism Angus tor lurtbcr iniormn on TyrnivRITEns bought sold rent ed Npslnd student mitnl niu Ask about our Renl Try thpn Buy Plan Star Typowriter Con 24 Brndlord St PA $6595 SINGER usan Sowlnd Machines Electric Porlnblos ram 19 nnd up one Ztgng Illchino $9950 Tren dle Rlnchlnc tars Slngcr Sowing Illchino Co In Dunlop St West PA 950 sINGali SEWING Machine Dem onstrator Salc or vacuum Clenn ers and Floor Polishers Terililo savings on sllchlly mnrlrcd equip ment Singer Sewing Machine co 78 Duniop st West FA Mano WOOD LATHE $15 lions tenpin bowling ball with loathcr bag 15 Large metal cutllnn lolhetaol WILLEITS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgics and Finches Tropical and Gold Fisn Turllcs and all pets OPEN TO 130 PJI DAILY PHONE PA H035 FRUIT 8t VEGETABLES APPLE BARN llclatosh Spy Courlland and other varieties grade lilacs 3150 per bushel Fresh cldcr Phone PA 89201 ARTICLES WANTED BABY srnourm wanted Mustl hnvo rpllnzl Tolephopo PA 65365 liAllN an to loot worried Lume bcr must be in sand condlilou Apr ply to John ll walker Slayncr or iolnpllone JZIRI Slayncr AIRCRAFT Photographs Will buy photographs Iicgallvns or slldcs or any type aircraft any quantity or prlvnlo Collcctton vrlio Doll Kennedy Ann 5L Welland IlAvr YOU nny surnlus homc iuo holders ltc bolt urivcn In good condltion slzs Parker IZgaugd shotgun in line condltlon $40 Kook tourist camera with nub Tclcphone PA M293 BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates PAULS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 Repairs to Locks Door Closers and Safes Service Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE For information re this service contact provincial representat VIC WILDMAN PA 83623 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24bonr service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6I I42 ADVERTISING RELAX nlshlngs Turn ihcm Inla cull stoves rclrlgorators bedroom im nitunc chroma sell rugs Tole phooc RN croissant cosh sud prompt pickup SERVICE DIRECTORY By Month or Year Tlephone PA $2414 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoieum and Vinyl tile lShcct goods Ccramic tIle Illardwood flooring ICarpets lComplcte line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKIIIANSHIP IGNUAIIANIEED FREE PARK PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 INSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwonl your ULCER and let us get the business while you get the profit CALL BUSINESS SERVICES PA 824I CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete tlIInnIin to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 CLEANERS DYERS NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapperton St CLEANERS AND SIHRI SERVICE WE ALSO CLEAN Ladies turlikc coats DYNEL 0LLEGRO BORG FOR FREE PICKUP PA 12471 ADRIVING SCHOOL LEARNING HOW TO DRIVE CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL For Rates and Information EXCAVATING PA 61277 THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUTR AirrTite Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Banging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66955 RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St ViaPiranha rahsysop WELL DIGGING WELLDIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 138 BRADFORD ST Pao a2 IIILL GRAVEL TOPSOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED DcliveryfCrusbcd stone Hall yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street Barria patterns Send 25 cents nowl PA 32907 Excavating and Grading Watnr WELLS DRILLED pours INSTALLED av LICENSED bananas FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR2BARRIE PA 847546 gt