SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS TOTTENHIIM By ETHEL VICE Mr and Mrs Hugh Sinclair and Peggy visited Sunday in Arthur with their daughter Mar Provincial Womens Institute an ion who is teaching in the sep Rce peai Mrs Storey agriculture mte school there Henderson Is spending couple at weeks in Midland with her daughter Mrs attended the Valentine lea held MITCH at iiawkcstone last week the Womens institute met The mm Ssmm the home at Mn Rice Mn SMIHY Cmm Fresh McKay presided The motto was sierinn Church held their mon lexplnined by Mrs Gilchrist thlyrmeeting at the home at It was decided to support the president opened the meeting convene gave Interesting ad Various parts were taken by dress The ladies read the skit Mrs Albert Strachan Mrs ton the 65th anniversary at the Fletcher and Mrs Currie Womens Institute Lunch was The geographic history oi Britlt served by the hostesses ï¬ll 938 55 if if ï¬d Mr and Mrs Rice and Ice gmng no at gmun or the study book The bale sumgguuzlrmemï¬my and was discussed nndnther mat ters pertaining to VIS work Mr and Mrs McKay and Lunch uas scrvcd by tin host Iamily McKay and 55 Mrs Baskcrulle visited Mr and Mrs James lcan Creighton Mrs Paul Graham and baby daughter at Weston spent Thursr day afternoon with her grand mother Mrs Wire Mrs Stanley Lindsey oi Wes ton and Mr and Mrs Belay ol Rassenu spcnt the SICILII Irorn this community Mrs llcwiti oi Gamehridge weekend with lheir sIsters irs Rogers meet with Mrs II Oliver Lloyd Leggett and Mrs Marlow ATTEND WI CELEBRATION Eight members of Tottenham branch oi the Womens Institu te attended the 55th birthday anniversary celebration and ban quet oi the Federated Womens Institutes oi Ontario held in the Quwn Elizabeth Building Exhi bition Park Iloronto on Mon day Feb 19 Ihey were to Van Wagner of Burlington and Mrs Morden of Hamilton who are charter members of the meeting held at Stoney Creek Feb 19 1837 and helped Mrs Adelaide Ilnodlcss to organise the first branch which has sin ce become international Mrs Maud Glidden Hamilton hlo so charter member was un able to be present owing to illness Approximniely 1400 at tended splendid tribute in woman Adelaide Godless leader who had vision look In lorward tn the needs at her community and to help othezs by education care at young children and better home sur roundings timely abstract irom the Royal Bank at Canada monthly letter February issue Leadership and Education is Womens Institutes speaking or the rural Women at Canada which has since its inception in 197 been concerned with all levels oi Education This to Womens institutes internat ionally known as the greatest womens organimtinn in the world is chailanne to live at the level at our times but remember the steps by which this level was reached We need to know about the whole of tile including something at the spir Itual with an unchanging mo toIor Home and Country LEGION EUCHBE The third III the series oi our euchres sponsored by Lod Ies Auxiliary held in the Log ion Hall Friday evening last was very enjoyable Prize win ners Ladies Mrs Spider Mrs Ede Palmer men Elmer Lundsy Hamid Sloan consola tion Betty Vail Mch lr door prizes Bridget Feeh ey and Limere lucky spoon IIce cakes Kevin Keogh Enn Barnett and Ede Palmer the next and iinai euchrs will mummy Feb in Legion CRAIGHURST By CASTON Miss Leeds and Miss Gall at Toronto Teachers College spent week at the school here tea ching and observing Mr and Mrs Harvey Yrince and Gayle oi Peierboraugh spent tow days with Mr and Mrs Currie Bnldwln Mr and Mrs Don Prince were in Peterborouzh on Ities IO THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB 11 day attending the funeral at their grandlather Mrs Lewis Carr spent Friday and Saturday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and girls of Streetsville visited recently with Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmere Douglns Readmnn at Toronto Visited Mrs Susie Coward lust weekend The community skating party With Dalston to Guthrie rink on Friday evening was well attend ed and eoioyed Mr Gamble St Catharines was home for the weekend We welcome to the village Mr and Mrs East to live with their son at the Antique Shop Mr and Mrs Garrett to their new home on the town line Miss Norma Fallis oi Shanty Bay visited Mr nnd Mrs Ern est Coston on Sunday HOLLOWS By MES BOWDEN Little Miss Michelle Smith had her tonsil removed on Monday at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston We wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Milton Bowie and baby Bradiord visited one day last week with Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon and boys Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden Kevin and Kim Midhuirt spent Sunday with their parents and grandparents Mr And Mrs Bowden MEXICAN SHIPS Mexicos merchant marine reached in total of 417000 tons in 1961 30 per cent increase over 1958 not PRESIDENTS SPECIAL SuperMogenizod JACK JILL PEAMIIT Burma 339 PRESIDENTS SPECIAL ieih 43c PRESIDENTS SPECIAL LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE pennant PIE gum NflW JOHN BRADSHAws COMPLETE GUIDE 10 BETTER GARDENING votuMn nits 96 Lobluws Always Buys Federal Government Inspected Meats THE FAMOUS PRESIDENTS SPECIAL LEAN noun MEAT BflNElESS Ptlltlt 10m masts PRESIDENTS SPECIAL GRADE FEEDRESSED BOILING FIIWLm PRESIDENTS SPECIAL iDEAL FOR MEAT me on HAMBUIWIIII Extra Len Minced Beet PRESIDENTS SPECIALI SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA LUCKY GREEN llAMPl PIILISII SAUSAGE con PRESIDENTS SPECIAL PLAIII on IRIADID Charred lienl Sieuketles FRESH FROZEN FISHPAN READY PRESIDENTS SPECIALI CHOICE IIIIII FILLETS rEEEELBEuITansBPErCRIAALUCKV GREEN STAMP IIIILIBIII STEIIIIS PRESIDENTS SPECIAL Halves CUDNEY CHOICE PEAcIIEs am PRESIDENTS SPECIAL STOKELYS CREAM STYLE STOKELYS MIXEDSIZES FANCY CORN lunacy lagAs units 41o PRESIDENTS SPECAU PRESIDENTS SPECIALI SHIRRIFF GooD MORNING snoprAx FROZEN AWNA French Fried noraroEs 35° PRESIDENTS SPECIAL 12¢ on Reg Pine PRESISENTT SPECIAL BLUE CHAMPIQN MEAT FLAVOUR cAIl ï¬i 25¢ PRESIDENTS SPECIALI Assorted Colours WHITE SWAN TOILET IlSSIIE 44 PRESIDENTS SPECIALI HOSTESS CHOCOLATE MIDGET MALLOWS PRESIDENTS SPECIALI WESTONS CHOCOLATE TREATS PRESIDENTS SPECIAL LOBLAWS CHOCOLATE CREAM ROLLE anuMl me ALL Anour Roses ALI AEOUT Lawns now on sun ETILL AVAILABLI lAcH Iacfl LARGE PRESIDENTS SPECIAL Itns le PorAToI inAHo TYPII ounrANnmo BAKERSI SSET BURBANK 29c COTATOES titani itit 39c THE FINEST FRESH PRODUCE QBTAINABLE PRESIDENTS SPECIALI CALIFORNIAS FINESTI PRESIDENTS SPECIAL PREMIUM quALIrv mom rLonInAl SEEDLESS NAVEI 69 Itqu RED my ORANGES GRAPEPnuIr TASIY PRESIDENTS SPECIAL ll Mount Inuit InoM damn FOR amour zestv Tossin ALADst GREEN CRISP 5c sums now AT main PEAK or rLavouR AND FRESHNESSI INDIAN RIVER DISTRICTI PRESIDENTS SPECIAL Zinnia Fnlsni MILn TENDER APPROX LAnoE IlxLBt when