Vancouver Busy With Dry Cargo VANCOUVER lCPlTbl port of Vancouver to tbe busiest in Is Astrology nil Science Uneasiness Comes With Mart Bid 0r Fraud BOMBAY CPI fierce de bate is raging in India as to whether astrology is science or fraud The participants range from college protesors to rural trad ers and from seasoned pollu cians to peasant grandmothers Prime Minister Nehru himself has given sharp edge to the controversy with some pungent remarks Until 530 am Fen the tide was running in favor of the pro astrology group At the atetui moment group at pian ets was scheduled to gather in particular part at the sky in an astronomical event vhlch takes place only to times in 1000 years Astrologists predicted the event would be marked on earth by tidal waves rising rivers and other catastrophes The planets met but nothing bsp pened CALL FOR JAIL TERMS The antlastmlogy action now says big fraud was per petrated on gullible people by astrologers Send them to jail stormed The Free Press Bul Ictin Bomboys leading evening daily Many leading astrologers say the fact the predicted tragedies did not develop does not mean astrology is not science it only shows how eiiective our prayers have been said one All over the country some 10 ooo yagnas or congregational prayers were orgaoired to ward at the calamities Nehru has described the spending at vast amounts of money on the yog nor as national waste Most papers have backed his state mentthat exploitation of public gullibillty should not be per mltted Some politicians do not agree with Nehru that astrology is misleading the people Many are known to consult astrologers frequently Finance Minister lilorarji Desal devout Hindu By DAVID OANCTA LONDON lCPtA feeling at uneasiness appears to be creep in into the discussions Brit ains bid to become member of the European Economic Com munity The soul searching is being reflected in newspaper columns pub conversations workshops and contereoce rooms It reached point recently Iwhere some cabinet ministers wcro pointedly leaking to politi cal correspondents reports that the timetable lor Britains entry may be delayed These inspired stories are taken as government attempt to damp down what it eels may be incautious optimism over the chances of British membership in the community launched by Germany France Italy Bel gium Holland and Luxembourg FACE INTERNAL STRTFE They are viewed alsolas an indication of the recognition by Prime Minister Itiacrnillana Conservative government of the lormidable political struggle it faces in its own ranks over the common market issue They could also be rcilcction oi government feeling that the skiiiul public relations program to sell the common market idea in Britain may not be as suc cessful as was hoped at the out set The sellthcsix program has been concentrated almost on tirely on the economic advanlt tages Britain would gain by joining the moves toward broader European union Little has been said about the political implications either for the Mother country or for the Commonwealth it heads Most iniormed observers accept that Britain will almost certainly have to sacrifice some of her does not embark on any major step without knowing what his astrologer thinks of it TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE manor rEBnuAnY to Womens Show Adventures oi iiiInky Flowerpot Men nun Dania lllko Mercury News Headline aiovla Muslim Farm Market Report News Don Januuon Weltlilr Sport Ban CI Gary Moore Dhow lied lkeltcn Front Page Challenge on Klng at Diamond CBC TV News The Weatherman Today in Sport Community New Charlie Chan wannaaoav manuanr 11 1045 Test Pattern iioo hamper Room 1200 Popeye and Pall inso Noonday npori News Weather Sports Farm neonrt Program Preview Mavis mun and the spur itiie do Parts Music Break Verdict Your News as diznrléeinlt Show ea In Maggie Mania name Dazzle Huckiaorry nouna Provincial Amtr rmn Market Report News Don Jamieon Weather Sports car Picas semi To Low and Mr Jon Bachelor Fathar Floydto Perry Como News Magazine nxplnntionr cat rv Newt raa Woothormln Todny In arts Community em Highway Patrol munanAY nunulini 22 iois Test Pattern iioo Romper noon 1200 Popeye and Pals run Noonda Rnpnrt News either sports Farm Heart Coming out lllovla tropoza Dpcn noon School Telecut Verdict Is Yours News womens Show Lets Look nope Around The Sun name Drui Dick Tracey Now Headlines Ciirmanger Farm Market nooori News Don Jlmlelnn Weather sports Pierre Berton Tho Flintstones This Real McCoy Nature or Thingl My Three Son The Derenderr Country Junction One Step Beyond thTV News The Weatherman Today In Sports Community News Movie Pased By You PsPsss yerssnseepsw SSESSS 833283533383 sovereignty it she become community member This raises the question oi her future relationship with the col onics she tostered into empire and eventually Into the family at nations And this is one at the questions that most worries the staunch Tories who have felt more at home in the little England around the world than they have in Bonn Paris or Home Cabinet ministers selling the idea of union in Europe have deliberately underployed the idea that the goal of economic union is ultimately the political union of the Western hall of the old continent The British Parliament which has been supreme In the land will give up some of its soven eign powers at national choice to the majority rule or the com mon markets member states It is on this aspect that the empireminded Tories are build ing up their campaign against Britain throwing in her lot with that at her continental neighl bors If the negotiations on the Brit Ish application in Brussels drag on these forces may be able to muster enough power to jeopar dizc seriously the moves to draw closer to the continent The hope still appears to he that the broad outlines of any membership settlement will be known by July at the latest Since the government has re iectcd the idea at national ref erendum on joining the common market debate could then take place in Parliament bclora the summer recess This also would permit the eonvrning ot Commonwealth prime ministers conference to discm the familys iuture fol lowing the development of closer Western European Union NEED ACTION BY FALL But it no clear pattern of set ticment emerges heiore the Brit ish political party conferences in the all Prime Minister Maclt millans government may be in for sumo serious internal strife The conference traditionally has provided ionim for speak ors who have been far more rightwing and empireconscious than the partys Parliamentary leadership terms dry cargo tonnage shipped at any west coast port in Canada and the United States Portland is the molar us Paciï¬c Coast port but it ranks well behind Vancouver as do as Angel Seattle Long Beach Stockton and San Fran cisco in that order Figures Issued by the 115 do partment at commerce show Portland led all US Paciï¬c Ports last year with 8784650 short tons oi dry cargo handled Los Angeles was next with 25622th short tons During the same period the National Harbors Board iigures show Vancouver handled ll 214697 tons of dry cargo Dominion Steel Said Neglecting Its Employees OTTAWA GP The Allan tic provinces biggest single employer Dominion Steel and Con Corporation was accused in the Commons Monday at exploitation and gross ne glect at Its employees flie attack was made by James McGtath PC5t Johns East in expressing concern over impending large layoffs at Doscos Wabano iron mine on Bell Island near the Newfound Iond capital The company has been guilty of gross neglect of Its employees down through the years Mr llicGrath said dur ing the throne speech debate The Vabaoa iron ore mine was shut down Jan 27 for seven weeks and Dosco has an nounced the possibility of 500 man layait and further shut down later In the year Declin ing overseas markets have been given as the reason CELEBRATES DIST THAMESVILLE Ont CPI Albert McFadden who handled team ot farm horses until two years ago Sunday celebrated his total birthday in nursing home here He was presented with scroll from Kent County council CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NDTi 104 Q85 109 ling Nolln dint South Dble RBdblE us PISs NT am Opening lead four of dia monds Good defensive play is the most difficult part of bridge for many players Defense re tourth best diamond that Wests diamonds cannot be more than live cards in length He also knows that South has either the queen or jack oi diamonds because if South had only Axx of diamonds he would lluL win the trick immed iately but would hold all until the third round of the suit East likewise knows that if dcclarer has all the missing high cards there is no hope it doieating the contractBe must therefore credit West with at least one high card Further more that eord must be the king of hearts or else the hand is last So when South leads club to the queen at trick two and returns the ten of spades from dummy East cannot altord to duck in the hupa that declarer will take finesse and lose the trick to West Instead he should go right up with the ace and return low heart on the theory that LARRY BRANNON aLoNots JULIET JONES ABOUT case MDMIIIIIG stooieo mav TMINS TN HI MOMS Hows ABOUT QUICK LOAN we HAVE NEAT SYSTEM Haas arouse HOUSE REVOLVING caaolr mad aoazow FRCMSOUNDS TEREIF MGM AND MOM PUTS IHE BITE BUT wuo noes YOUR FATHER BORROW FROM DONALD DUCK OUIE GOODL AN IN WHKI5 nsa MATTER ISNT GOOD 529 To 92 Vi wmt men am am rééï¬liléhli N5 WHAT ah quires very close attention if has the Pa he do M21 I5 resuming Romano ova 525st ANCHIGKEN it is to be really eifective and and Wm WM and tum A5 may we in MYMA5 no or IOEIBEAN roars won some anyone who thinks it can be haml South 15 dereatel M5552 9A9 OF 63 WWAN treated casually is bound to Bil East 351991J ANFVW have his comeuppance once in 5mm and links in while spades when it is led he will Look at this hand where East We the day Range Smith men has to do lots of thinking to nSï¬me PENN find the right defense West This YPe 05 kmE WW6 leads diamond and East plays deienle rim make the king which South takes assmlm and drew with the new appropriate conclusions is fair Right at this 1min East ly common in defense You should draw certain conclusions it CF mm be my about the hand He knows from ï¬eld dew Wests lead of the four his Tomorrow Sylviacoral again CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO mason cannuaar so are Weather too Professors Hideaway ass Pierre Berton son Man From Cochin so News sso spam we Bachelor Father 72a Route to 530 Naked city 930 Checkmate 1030 Showdown 1100 News weather Sport 15 Better Lats 1110 Focus WEDNESDAY rnaaunnv tag tst to ee an 12m News 1210 Free and Easy Cash 130 Kin To Win 100 channel Theatre tam of the Matter one am DAILYCROSSWORD Man From we ea ï¬g Wtel Locum mguun traman tag mm ms Wet mmblnre volts Jim Coleman Tho Detective 119MB 23no News ILIypeot tahnnam ctr apart angina meat enthrl tang band Better Late Focus Suave ï¬stulas mtg1mm mum so Egan nvei rm me and nominee 810thelld 2Uncletsoot 83m Kin To Win Channel nun ram WPlnnt ovals manna Avenue swag Metallic THIS EMBLEM mm cmnot ounuuuouoee Identiï¬es your means wanna sponsors ï¬rms of mï¬aain the businessmdciviaiifnof your community For intonation tall PA 66302 aououunoqseocuoaoum GEIITLEME TRESlIBJEflOFMV TALK IsooPsTits new imam arms rota wag cane smart ANoatat wm now are come FINANCES HER suovsgswp acnvmss mono THE PEOPLES sue novssrn TAKE OVER CANTWII 01 THIS ONE NIWA SKIPIIIAIIID INIELllEENCE IS BRINGING IN PEOPLE FROM ALLDVER one ITS CONSIDERED MINER IMPORTANT WRLINGv ro eslorl maeiway mg unannou Man From Cochin 5W Kinsman Walther ny Plerra Berton lie ave save Real MeColvl Channel Nine Theatre Clrgo To Capetown Peter noun Sing Along With Mitch VT Not Weather Sports gt Hotter Late Focus CARRIER MISS YOU ll your carrier has not arrived by pan please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE EOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 53582 Innnnnnlnnz Ellgal Il watcoma bYAGON auea 65 BUZ SAWYER In nonal gonna inï¬ll tilt avg onesnous MUGGS AND sxssrsa