BARBIE IS TOM EXELL UTOPIA WONDERS HOW Snow Wind 25 Beat Barrie Area The snow belt surrounding recovering Barrie groggin from one of the most severe winters in years was dealt rant other blow last night and this morning howling wind driving snow to the point where visibility was oil on many district highways caused motorists and pedes trians alike to be late for work and school In some cases they didnt make it at all Accompanying the wind and snow was slight rise in tem perature which brought freez ing rain during the early morn ing hours Roads were like skating rinks and utmost cau tion was the order of the day incidents of veh Numerous tclcs sliding off the road into ditches were reported Ontario department of high ways reported early morning freezing rain and severe drift ing conditions on Highway 400 from Toronto into Highway 11 to Orillla and beyond Full scale plowing and sending was operation from the wee hours said and will probably continue the rest of the day Busy Highway 90 was report ed well plowed and bare by 930 am and sanding was reported in progress BADLY DRIFTED Highways 26 and 27 north were badly drifted early today and the blowing snow made visibility very poor Depart ment officials reported at 10 am that 27 was plowed bare withsomc slinlvy patches 13 Eimvale Number 25 remained bare to centre bare and driv ing was reported slow but not dangerous One motorist reported that poor visibility from blowing snow freezing rain on the wind shield and slippery conditions of Highway 400 resulted in trip to Barrie this morning from Toronto taking two hours plus rather than the usual one hour Highways spokesmen said 400 was bare with few snow packed sections and had been sanded where necessary 93 DRIFTED Motorists arriving in Barrie reported Highway 93 badly drifted in spots Department officials said plowing was in progress adding that this high way would probably be in good shape by early afternoon if more snow held off High winds causing drifts across Highway 12 plagued de paltment plows early today covering the road minutes af ter the plows had passed Number 103 which runs out of No 12 north through Port Severn was not too heavily travelled today highways spokesman said but drifting kept the plows busy Midland Penetang Waubau shone and Goldwater all report for money Just phone Beneï¬cial Get the cash you want fast One phone call and one visit to the office does everything Cali up or come in today YOURE THE 5055 AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAVFIELD STREET Phone PArkway 85931 EARRIE noun contracts on loam am 15w up to 35000 Vour loan can unimm BENEFICIAL NANOI 69 OF MM highways spokesman ed sixeight inches of snow dur ing the night Freezing rain was provincewide making driving hazardous and wind shields opaque few formers said drills were so high tractors wouldnt Barrie Central Collegiate Band First Two Seconds lit Festival TORONTO CF Barrie Collegiate won the Canadian composers competition Saturday night as the 1961 Kiwanis Music Festival ended two weeks oi competition here The Barrie band directed by Fisher was awarded points in the competition open secondary school bands Adjudicator Everett Gates 01 Rochester NY announcing the winner praised the music played in Canadian secondary schools and said the perform ers were second to none How ever he indicated that one thing that might be lacking in Canada is more music written by Canadians Other results included Accordion solo 11 years and under David Mouic Erantfcrd Accordion solo 12 years and under Mollie first Small voice ensemble 20 years and under Sliaf Aragain Singers Ann Dumbleton Niag No Charges Come filter Babys Death ST JOHNS Nfld CPiAt torney General Leslie Cor tis said Saturday the presiding magistrate at an inquiry into the death of sevenmonth old Donny OBrien has recom mended no charges be laid in connection with the death The baby died Jan after suffering what were at first re ported to be rat bites But an autopsy showed broncho pneu monia was the immediate cause of the death although the baby also suffered from malnutrition and skin ulcerations The boys John OBrien 22year old unem ployed laborer blamed the death on rats but during the magisterial inquiry said rats had not occurred to him until suggested by someone else He did not know who EARNING REPUTRTION THIS YEAR HUGE DRIFT AT LOCAL BOAT WORKS budge them but generally the townships were keeping ahead of the snow on the main rural roads it was reported No lct up is in sight and the weatherman says more of the same today and tonight ara Falls first Lake Port High School Hannahson St Cathorines third Piano solo sonatinasfls years and under Mary Ilcnkelrnan Oshawa third Piano solo Bach girls 15 cars and under Mary Henkel nan first Penny Speedie Ni lgara Falls Ingrid Pauls St Catharines tied third Piano duet 17 years and un der Jane Solose Kathleen So lose Niagara Falls first Concert groups renor solo amateur or professional Albert Huibers St Catharines third Secondary school bands Class Pauline Johnson Coll Band Horance Beard Brant ford first Lockerby Composite School Uchan Sudbury second Dr Donevnn Col iegiate Band Reesort Oshawa third Secondary school bands Class Ottawa Technical Col lege High School Band John Murdie Ottawa first Barrie Collaglate Band Fisher Barrie second Secondary school bands challenge class Ottawa Techni cal first Barrie Collegiate sec ond Class for Canadian compos ers open to secondary school bands Barrie Collegiate first Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 prompt service Ask your doctor Ibnut our Pharmacy next time he writer prescription for YD Prescriptions blender and delivered free or allure ICUSDENS PHARMACY nnnlnp as users Collier sL an Iowa anIyI give courteous AR 0515 GETTING YOU oowm Inquire Now about leasing that new car or truck Full rates and lnformatio All New Vehicles No Repair Worries No quital Investment No Depreciation Loss CALL TOMORROW BARRIE DRIVEACAR DUNLOP as HERTZ OPERATED on request PA W74 new badge This is Boy Scout Week in Canada and 309000 Scouts will hold open house from coast to coast February 25 is Baden Powell Sunday marked by church par ades and Father and Son ban ducts One of the local parades will be that of the fourth Ban rie troop when they will march to St Marys Church at am The annual Father and Son breakfast will be held after Moss Fifth Barrie Cubs and Scouts along with othcr youth organ tzations attended church par ade at St Giles Anglican Sun day nidlt and will hold their annual Father and Son dinner tonight The scouts of the local region have made news with the form ation of new district and The Badge commemorates the historic Nine Mile Portage from Kempenfelt Bay to Fort Willow on the Willow Creek and it will be worn by some 900 Scouters Rovers Scouts and Cubs regis tered in the District The Badge itself is two by two inches and will be worn on the right sleeve below the epau lot of the Scout uniform The centre figure is man portag ing canoe from the waters of Kempenlelt Bay lower right to the Willow CreekNottawas aga Waterway upper left The pine trees upper right recall the pine forest which covered the northeastern part of the district many years ago other coniferous trees repres ent the extensive reforestation in the district which includes the Tree Seed Plant at Angus and theForest Station at Mid hurst BOUNDARY EXPANDED The boundaries of Kempenv felt Bay District formerly known as Barrie District were recently extended and the badge will serve to unite the 14 groups in the District which Is you 351 our for House HIING NOTHING DOWN Easy payments over YEARS on monthly gas bill $1460 lamllx complm folu air lumen ll eloolnr Ilhl and toril to annual Illa Inn llifllng am nonunion mantth tonsils an cunvmlnn horn is $500 CHANGEOVER GANBE DONE IN FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE your on campus dnu not employ doorto door nmmn nor tolophnno urine in Information about on llmuo by Dnilllo arm to loll llld lnmn mooi soul all or vnlll on saln mom or was Gannonown 67 TORONTO ST PA 66558 SNOW MAKES ALLEY IMPASSABLE LocaIScouts Observe Week District Gets New Insignia now includesStroud lnnisfil Angus Grenfcl and llfidhursl in addition to the nine groups in Barrie and Allandale The historic significance or the Badge will be explained and there is no doubt that the Badge will he constant reminder to the Scouts of the importance of reforestation in the field of con servation as well as remind er of an interesting piece of lo cal history Rover Scouts of First Barrie Trinity have already evid enced keen interest in the history of the Nine Mile Por tage and have taken several winter hikes to Fort Willow ltis planned to encourage all Scouts in the District to visit the Fort Willow site and to seek traces of the Nine Mile Portage itself MOUNTAIN LAKE Lake Louise in Banff National Park was named after Princess Louise wife of the Marquess of Lorne governorgeneral of Can ada 187883 SNOW liBOUNDS EVERYWHE ROGER BYRNE AT COACH TERMINAL Sunday Movies Success Thousands At Local Shows lllnin street in Barrie took on an the aspects of week night yesterday as the citys two theatres held their first Sunday movies Dunlop Street West normal ly as dead as doornail on Sun day night was lit up by the lights of the Roxy and Imperial theatres and there was steady stream of cars and pedestrians at theatre time Both theatres brought in top attractions for the Sunday mov ie premiere The Roxys atlt traction featured Elvis the pelvis Presley and the lm porinl had two of Hollywoods top box office draws Frank Si natra and Spencer Tracy We had the biggest Sunday opening of any theatre in On tario Roxy manager Don Kin loch said liore than 2000 people attended We pulled people from as far away as Parry Sound Considering the type of film was surprised at the number of gray hairs in the audience We had large fondly business and we hope this will increase when we run familydypc attractions Mr Kinloch said Barrie was the only centre between Rich mond Hill in the south and Sud bury in the north to have Sun day movies OTIAWA CF The Com mons returns to the throne speech debate today another indication that the goveniment plans to allow the current par rliamentary session to follow normal course for the next while The debate which can last maximum eight days was inter ruptcd at the halfway mark Jan 26 so the government could push ahead with priority spend ing items and welfare and na tional development legislation This immediately heightened Jack Garrett of the Imperial said matinee attendance Sun day afternoon had been better than average Mr Garrett an independent theatre operator said Sunday movies would probably continue at his theatre Commons Returns To Debate 0n Throne Speech litter Break election litters that have pre vailed from the start of the cur rent session Jan 18 It was wid ely speculated that Parliament would be dissolved by last week end for an April election but this did not happen All along there has been wellinformed body of opinion leaning to an election in June or the fall Resumption of the throne speech debate today gives the opposition unlimited latitude to attack the government Unem ployment is likely to be fav orite subject HOW MANY HARE BANK CUSTOMERS safe guess would be every one of them Thats because in Canada practically everybody has regular dealings with chartered bank Deposit accounts number morethenlEVz million or better than one for every adult And on the books of the banks at any onetime are 1806000 loans for just about every personal and commercial purpose Through 5000 branches from one and of the country to thelothér the chartered banks bring full banking service within the reach of everyone CHAriranEn BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNiTY