Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1962, p. 2

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lfrs Walter Hitch 15 Gas tie Drive proudly displays as pound Lake Trout she caught DS early Sunday Also arrayed in front of her are six white fish dad three herring that MAMMOTH LAKER went to make up the rest of her days catch Barrie North Students Win Awards At Drama Festival Ron Simpsons portrayal of Mr White and Bob Klnzies role of SgtMajor Morris in the play The Monkeys Paw captured two awards for Barrie North Collegiate at the seventh annual Georgian Bay Drama Festival last Thursday evening The threeday long festival was held at MldlandPenctang ulshene High School with Mur ray Edwards of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ad indicating record number ten schools entered the competition These included Bradford Barrie North and Midland on Thursday Camp Borden Stayncr Grav enhurst and Drillla Park Street on Friday and Parry Sound Orillla DCVI and Collingwood on Saturday Indiana Storm Sweeps Ontario Creates Havoc In US Canada By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winddriven snow swept southern Monday switched to rain as tempera tures climbed and left pattern of sloppy streets and frustrated commuters as the storm headed east The storm moved into western Ontario from Indiana during the night dumping snow to depth of eight inches Wind caused deep drifts across highways layer of rain followed by more snow in central Ontario left driving conditions hazards ous Temperatures climbed above freezing in southern 0n tario The eastbound storm was ex pected to die out by Monday night in the face of bad weath er moving in from the Atlantic The Atlantic storm battered Newfoundland with snow and winds up to 60 miles an hour in St Johns Further south on the Atlantic coast the Maritime provlnces had clear cold weather with brisk northerly winds Quebec with cloudy skies and zerorange temperatures was expecting snow later in the day Cloud covered western Can ada and light snow spattcred the Prairies CHICAGO AP Crippling snow and sleet atoms which battered the US mldwest dur ing the weekend leaving blanket of white up to two feet and sheet of ice blustered into the northeast today The effects of the damaging weather in the eightstate storm belt from the Dakotas to Mich igan were widespread Some areas were virtually paralyzed The storms spread into North Dakota Nebraska Wisconsin Iowa Illinois and Michigan They moved intolnortbern In diana and Ohio and headed northeastward with heavy snowfall indicated around the northeastern upper Great Lakes The violent weather created monumental traffic jams Thou sands ot motorists were tempor arily stranded as strong winds whipped the snow into high drifts on highways and streets Many schools called all classes today Church services were cancelled in many areas Sunday Some 700 ice fishermen in cluding women and children were trapped on Lake Poygan near Oshkosh Wis as blind ing snowstom struck tho area They were brought to safety by state conservation department workers and volunteers after some seven hours on the lake DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Beverly Hills Calif Bruno Walter 85 one of the most prominent musical conductors of this generation of heart attack Vancouver Tom Uphill 87 Welshborn miner who came to Canada at 32 and served as In dependent Lahor member of the BC legislature for Fernie for more than 40 years Sarala Capt William Tay lor 76 master of the cruise ship Nornnic which burned at her berth is years ago killing 119 people Cairo Saiah Salem 42 Egypts flamboyant dancing major who helped engineer the 1952 coup that ousted former King Farauk South Bend IadWilliam Bill Cerney 60 whose out standing play as Notre Dame fullback carried him the nick name of The Filth Horseman on the famed 1914 team of the Four Horsemen and the Seven Mules Los AngelesBaroa Long 78 veteran California hotel man and former operator of the Agua Caliente Mexico race track and hotel TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compllsdby Flynn or Dunlap st some musmal Alberto mtth can Aluminium Aibortl GI Alla Nat flu Atlll Eleni 8k of Man Bank of Bell Tel Brazilian EA Oil 11c Power Cdn nk of Com Gdn Brow cm Cdl Cement Can Chernnt 23111 OIIP Iry our Con MlnSn Can Paper Consumer llll Born rsr Gt Lake Hud En Lshltt Norud Dis Sal Dom Faun Dom Stores Get Pow Harda Farm Horse Pit Home Oil gm rm To seen In Inland no later Nickel Into rov Pl Jack Clubp lesllnd Le vy Mac Pow Riv Massey Fern Nor Ont NG Moan Co 51 PAC em Five Ill Hurray cue rm on Rm Rothmsnr Royal Bank Slildl Shlrflu Simpson Shswtntgsn smi of Can roman or run Can mm Trad Fin Texaco Union Gas wum new This wssuie first time Ron Bob or Director Beverly Bar tlcman had ever taken part in play Their production was based on an English drama Adjudicator Mnrroy Edwards said he gave Ron the Best Act ors award because of his good solid portrayal of an elderly man Bob Rinzies perform ance came the closest to real acting said Mr Edwards when he awarded him the best sup porting actors award The setting costuming and makeup of the Barrie group was also commended by the adjudi cator The Drillia District Collegiate took the major shore of the hon ors winning the trophy for the best ploy best director in the festival and The Barrie Exam iner Trophy for the best visual presentation Other awards included Midi land Penetanguuhene for the best Canadian play Leona Van Dyke of Bradford for the best actress Marilyn Cose of Stay ner Collegiate for best support ing actress 29 Are Killed 0n Highways By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eighteen of the 29persans led in accidents during the ekend in Canada died in traf fic Canadian Press survey showed The survey taken from pm local times Friday to midnight Sunday showed Ontario and Quebec with nine accidental deaths each had the most fatal ities in the country British Co lumbia had live deaths followed by Nova Scotia with four and Manitoba and Alberta with one each The survey does not include natural deaths known suicides slayings or industrial accidents The Ontario dead James Filsble 23 of Tor onto who was found dead Sat urday under an apartment house balcony from which he is believed to have fallen 40 feet Ronald Janssens of Chat harn killed Satifrday when struck by milk de ivery truck while playing in front of his home Harold Walker 20 and Clifford Curran 29 both of Hagersvilie 0nt in twocar collision Saturday three miles north of Eagcrsvilio during snowstorm George Henry Hitler 24 of Brantford in twocar collision Saturday near Mulrhfive miles southeast of Woodstock Patrick John Dodge 19 of Ob Iawa Saturday when he lost control of his car and it crashed into tree few hours after 3315 wife gave birth to daugh William Campbell 33 of Tor onto early Sunday in car tIIIttk collision near Melton airh por Gidilewich about 25 of Sudbury Saturday when loaded oil truck collided with his car about eight rriiles north of Sudbury Archibald Galbraith 16 of Toronto Sunday when hit by car while crossing the street am BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 1m LOCAL AND GENERAL RECRUIT FOR CLINIC The various mens and no mens service clubs in Barrie have been asked by Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society to recruit at least 500 donors for the first clinic of 1961 on Monday March 12 at Trinity Parish Hall Dates for this years clinics are March 12 June 13 Sept 24 and Dec III AND FROLIC The Johnson Home and School Association will hold its Febrult sry Frolic this Saturday at pm at Johnson Street School Dancing to Josephlc and His Irlo cards and buffet suplt per are promised Prizes will no presented to some lucky people at the affair BOARD TO MEET The regular meeting of Bar rie District Collegiate Board will commence one hour early tonight at Central Collegiate lo acwmmodste report from the advisory vocational mmmliiee and architects of Ilianew addi US Wants NATO Nuclear Force Reluctant To Yield Control WASHINGTON CP The United States continues to pro fess desire to build NATO nuclear force under multlcoun try control but beneath the dip lomatic surface lies hardcore resistance to yield US control over us nuclear weapons high administrative source says the reason NATO nu clear lurce has not yet been constructed in line with Presi dent Kennedys proposals at 0t tnwa last year is because there is dispute within the alliance as to how such force would be controlled This is not so much mili tary as political problem he said arguing that the NATO powers can be sure that as long as the United States is capable of doing so it would go to the aid of its allies with nu clear weapons if necessary It is question of consider ing whether better alternative exists he added If the Allies could devise and agree on such an alternative then the United States would consider it But until the NATO dispute is resolved the decision on when nuclear weapons would be employed against any ens emy would rest with the nu clear powersha said US SLAVE The United States in fact has hecnma so alert to the defen sive needs of her allies that the possession of nuclear weapons had virtually turned the US into slave Because of her possession of these frightful weapons the US had less national sover elmity now than in the 19305 he maintained This view contrasted with that of British PrimoMinlster Mac millan who said in April 1961 that European allies were un happy that their nuclear de fence rested purely in Anglo Amerlcan hands Natrirally every extension of trusteeship every increase in the concept of partnership has its dangers Macmillan said then But the health of CarsAre Stolen One Is Recovered Several cars were stolen in Barrie over the weekend station wagon owned by William Coulson of 134 Henry Street was taken Saturday from in front of the Salvation Army Citadel on Collier Street The car was recovered Sunday morning in Penetang 1958 auto owned by Mrs Florence Woodacre of 15 Dun lop Street East was reported stolen Saturday morning The car contained $600 worth of vacuum cleaner equipment Opposes Photos In Court Rooms QUEBEC CPlDr Ivan Rand former justice of the Sn preme Court of Canada said Saturday he opposes press phov tography in courtroom The 77yearold dean of law at the University of Western 0n tario told delegates to the Ca nadian Managing Editors Con ference that courtroom photog raphy can result in distortion or exaggeration an important case Dr Rand said he was refer ring to remarks made earlier in an excellent address the address of the advocate by Joseph Costa chief photogra pher of New Yorks Sunday Mirror magazine tion to the school Salter and Allison oi Barrie Time for the meeting is pm Final plans for the sdditloa will be discuss ed after regular business basl been dealt with complete report of the meeting will an pear In The fiamlner tomor row REALTORS TO MEET large number of Barrie realtors and their wives are ex pected to take in the 0th an nual convention of the Ontario Association of Real sic Boards The conference is eduied for the Royal York Ho tel Toronto March IMO eons romesr The Georgian Bay Develop ment Association will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday at 280 pm at the Rob Ray Restaurant Barrie Plaza An informal cocktail party will fol low the meeting at pm af ter which dinner will beserVed Speaker at the affair will be an Evans hlPP Slmcoe Gem our whole NATO alliance de pends an finding way of build lng partnership in the nuclear as well as conventional field and to make it live month later Kennedy paid his first official visit to Ottawa and told the Canadian Parlia mentzv We look to the possibility of eventually establishing NATO scaborne missile force which would bctruly multilateral in ownership and control if this should be desired and found feasible by our allies once NATOs nnnvnuclcnr goals have been achieved This seemed to be in line with various proposals made by the previous Eisenhower ad ministration But in recent months Kennedy has indicated concern over the possible spread of nuclear weapons and last November emphasized In an interview with the editor of the Soviet newspaper Izvcstla that as matter of national policy the United States will not give nuclear weapons to any country Will Request Licensing 0t Contractors TORONTO CPI The pro Vincinl government will be asked to establish the neceSsary machinery for licensing build ing contractors the Ontario Federation of Labor was told Sunday Donald MacDonald Ontario Leader of the New Democratic Party told on educational sem inar of the OFL the government continues to evade this long standing problem Licensing would provide the simplest way to police an in dustry which now is plagued by fly by night operators be said and would protect work men who were being cheated by contractors The seminar also heard speakers discuss trading alli ances and birth control Russell Bell assistant re search director for the Cana dian Labor Congress told dele gates Canada should not join any trading alliances and con tinue trading with any country that would reciprocally lower tariff barriers AGAINST NDP VIEW His view is the exact opposite to that put forward recently by the New Democratic Party He said Canada should follow the example set by President John Kennedy of the United States and seek freer trade with Europe Dr Phillips director of graduate studies at theOntario College of Education proposed birth control as the answer to the increasing cost of public ed ucation Dr Phillips father of two said it was not reasonable to make responsible people pay for the irresponsibility of those who have children ad libchli dren who in one way or another are likely to be more handk capped and continuing prob lem He said reduction of costs by lowering the quality of educa tion should not evenbs consid ered W0 Retires After 32 Years Saw Service CAMP BORDEN Dot can srderable length of service is generally required of most sol diers before their names ap car on the honors and awards lat Not so for SergeantMajor Harry Alfred Hutley 51 who retires this week from the Can adian Regular Army after serv ing 32 years Warrant Officer Second Class Hutley has been the com any sergeantmajor with it an play Royal Canadian Elcctricsl and Mechanical Engineers at Camp Borden for the past four years In 1530 Private Hutley on his first Mach Gun Corps in Toronto won the title of best dressed soldier and was the recipient of an award This award was in the form of one fresh men Canadian dollar bill EARLY DAYS Since that all important day Harry Hutley has seen service in many lands and looks back with fond memories on the Csn adlan Army during the od old days The days en if you wanted to dle with your boots on you had to make darn sure you paid for them first to quote Harry From moss the milltis pro gram for the man on the street was one of the very few gate ways to social life and group activities other than the YMCA If you were lucky enough to be enlisted the waiting lists were mile long you were issued with one of those highnecked First World Wartype tunlcs kneehigh puttecs etc said Harry Early in 1940 Hutley was transferred overseas with the Queens Own Rifles of Canada In todays modern army very few soldiers volunteer for kit chen duties However during liutlcys tour in England the kitchen was apparently good place to be In the kitchen you could better your diplomatic relations with the cooks which back in the early forties was necessity if you wanted to be well fed The kitchen was also the warmest place on the post during the winter months FURLOUGH While in England we were granted weeks furlough about every three months reminis ces Hutley Everyone contri buted some of his monthly pay to the platoon furlough kill During one period in particu or was given my pass at the orderly room and returned to barracks to dress for the gate inspection You couldnt get by the gate guard unless you re sembled the best dressed sol dier in the platoon To get around this problem borrow cda beautifully pressed pla toon uniform then drew the furlough money about £10 from the kitty and headed for the gate It was in the black of night and raining heavily Somehow lose my sense of directions and dropped suddenly into dirty murky slit trench and sank up to my ears in water Needless to say had ruined the platoons best walking out uniform It took about two days to get the money dried out have the uniform put back into order and prepare for an other try at the gate CBC RADIO After Hutleys return to Can ada in 1943 in addition to his regular duties he played in string quartet promoting war savings bond drives on the CBC radio coasttocoast bookup In 1945 he transferred to the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers newly formed at that time Following this transfer he be came company sergeantmajor of the General Military Train ing Wing of the RCEME School in Barrleiield He remained there untiltha outbreak of Korean hostilities noses SgtMajor Hutley served tWice in Korea First with the advance party which set up camp prior to the arrival of Canadas 25th Brigade and insurance narcch Llu noncor 5r nanmc srads with the Canadian then with the gade itself saw some of the first Can sdian casualties in the Korean War being about half mile from the lighting at the time be said Describing conditions in Hor ea Harry Hutley said be miss ed 53 Ann and the Red Cross at the front It wasnt like the last war How ever their absence was sr tlslly made for by the rit lsb NAAFI avy Army Air Force institute which did fine iob The Red Cross had In an collect setup at Pusan but were unable to get up to the fighting front through tbs lack of transportation and the poor roads he commented SOUVENIRS He holds couple of Com munist propaganda leaflets as souvenirs of Korea These pamphletr he said blasted the Americans as war mongers snd called upon the Allied sol diers to surrender One of the leaflets purports to be safe conduct pass stating that UN soldiers carrying it would be Forecasts issued by the Tar onto weather office at 430 am Indiana early today gave snow and drifting snow eastward to Trenton and north to Muskoka Closer to the storm centre the precipitation was in the farm of slcet and freezing rain in the Windsor area Several hours of freezing rain and sleet will oc cur enstwsrd to Tomato until temperatures rise above freez ing The storm is expected to die out in southeastern Ontario tonight clearing trend and return to colder weather is fore cast for hiesday Lake St Clair region Wind sor Snow warning over Over cast with few periods of drir zla or rain this morning Mild gradually turning colder this at tcmoon and tonight Clearing and continuing cold Tuesday Winds east at to 25 shifting this afternoon to northeast 15 Lake Erie Niagara western Lake Ontario regions London Hamilton Toronto Freez ing rain warning Overcast with sleet and freezing rain this morning changing to rain or drizzle late this morning or early this afternoon Clo with few snowflurries this av enlng and tonight Clearing and turning colder Tuesday Winds easterly 20 to 75 and gusty shiftlt ing this evening to northeast 15 Lake Huron southern Georg ian Bay regions Overcast with frequently heavy snow and drifting snow today tapering off to flurries tonight Clearing and turning colder Tuesday Winds easterly 20 to 75 and gusty shifting to northeast 15 to 20 this evening Eastern Ontario Haliburton regions Overcast with snow be ginning this morning and be coming frequently heavy before noon Cloudy tonight and Tues day with snow tapering off to flurrles this evening Winds east erly 20 to 75 and gusty shifting tonight to northeast 15 Algoma northern Georgian Bay Iimagarni White River regions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Cloudy with intervals of snow today Clear ing and turning colder tonight and Tuesday Winds east 20 to 25 shifting tonight to northeast Northern White River Coch rane region Mostly clear and Synopsis storm centred in rope Korea guaranteed proper treatment if they gaie themselves up and would be sent home Sgtlaor liulley can be cre dited with the founding of the first Canadian Army scrgesnts mess in Korea He was posted to 221 Brigade Group Workshop in Petawawa in N51 and later to the filth In fantry Workshop He went to Germany with the latter unit and returned to Canada in 1958 to serve in Camp Borden with 14 Company RCEIIE where he has remainedto date Harry Hutley is qualified RCFale instructor He also received the qualification of Arctic Warfare instructor after attending course in Churchill Man in 1952 He is an active member of the Alllston Curling Club At Camp Borden he belongs to the Golf Club and the Rod and Gun Club SergeantMafor Hutley leaves the Canadian Army with 31 years service and plans to con tinue living in the Hillcrcst sub division in Aillslon with his wife Joan WEATHER FORECAST cold today bcc min partly cloudy with isolated snowflurrles tonight Clearing continuing cold hiesday winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High hiesday Windsor 20 Sf Thom London Kitchener Mount Fore Winghnm Hamilton St Catharln Toronto 13 it Killaloa Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Enrlton SILOP EARIY EGSBEDERESEB oumEfibihlEgEBEtibig IANDSAVE at csmsnrs IGA 13 ESSA RD MARKET scum is IN DOWNTOWN HAIRle YONGES lGA IN STROUD ONTARIO Loan BEEF $I Avllllhls today uni tomorrow at Above stores Another Gigantic Dry Cleaning Sale Something for Everyone son THE GENTS Topcoats TOTS Snow Suits LADIES Cloth Jackets 79 each 79 each MISSES Cocktail Drums 149 each 49¢ each THIS SALE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY NO LIMITSend as many oftho above items as you like at these Bargain Prices sass PICKUP AND DELIVERY ws GUARANTEE IQUALITY GLEANING AND FINISHING Gcco niinor Ounnnr Hollinler xcmAddison barnlqus Landn Maritime Mmsy rain Nnmntll Nnrthgats Mosr Acme STOCK Gunner lake Dufsult Maritime thntc Murray Mining DDWJONIII NEW YORK AVERAGES Multrinll up 118 Rails down 14 Utilities up TOILONTO STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX Industrillt down JD Goldl down 07 Metll up 31 WOlll am DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS Tran Prriris prciln com payable March 10 IL dledInd lob II LPROCLAMATION snorurnnooa WEEK Mayor Les Cooke by virtue of resolution of the Council of the City of Barrie do hereby roclairn gun Illiirio In inky Can Devonian Camp can an Dalng an Amiinn Donner Mia suuivan nioonvrfdn 71v Ann Ms 840 130 180 50 Opemllka Oucniont Ilia Allan Sher Gordon Steel Hock United Oil Ventures wumy Wilt 9w 399 mm 892 iii sin our MONEY Tall it over with Niagara Loan Adviser Its his Job to help you Niagara loans are made up toSZSOOnnd are usually com later in less than day Remember you always be welcome at Niagara Nlltliltlf NIABAM FINANCE IIDMPANV LIMITED lelll AllCanadian Caulums Loan Company is the week of February 18 25 inclusive as rather Waggs Laundry hood Weekin the City of Barrie and call upon all citizens to give their support to promotion of Justice amity cooperation and understanding among people of different races colors national ities or religions Dry Cleaners nnvnrnn Barrio Ii Collier st Phone on em Orillin 63 Colbnrna St Phone FA +3583 Suboffice in Colllngwood at 85 Hurontarlo 5t Phone 1192 GOOKE MAYOR PA 93952 28 CLAPEERTON ST

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