FRANK NICOL left checks rolling machine and keeps an eye on the chopper atthe watervpowercd mill at Nicol ston of the unusually Right general view tall brick mill WaterPowered Milli Is Unique In County By BRIAN BAKER If you were asked to locatel mill that is still driven on tireiy by water wheel it is not likely that you would start looking right here in Simcoel County Probably assuming that wa tcnpowered mills went out of use decades ago you would not even attempt search for such an unusual mill But wait minute There is one such mill still going strong and operating six days week in Essa Town ship This mill is located just north of Highway 89 beside the Not tawasaga River at Nicolston between Alliston and Cookstown it is now owned and operated by Frank Nicol as food mill to serve local farmers 100 vnons According to Mr Nicol the first mill was erected at this same site well over llll years ago by his grandfather the late John Nicol Mills have remain ed in the Nicol family ever since Hence the hamlet of Nic olston received its name cant remember the exact date my grandfather built the first mill here admits Mr Nic but do know that up until it burned down sometime in 1900 it milled flour besides serving as feed mill After the present mill was built flour milling was discontinued and it has since served only as feed mill Stresses Need 0t More Help For Childrenfs Librarian The time is close at hand when regular help Dreferablyl fulltime will be absolutely es sential to the childrens depart ment of the Barrie Public Libv rary This opinion was voiced by Miss Marion Erown childrens librarian at the annual meet ing of the Library Board this week men do not reach for switch posits He mentioned that the milll to see the mill start operating always has been driven direct ly by water power harnessed by water wheell he is concerned it always will be This water wheel is not the better known but less efficient undershot or oversth wheel that stands in vertical posi tion and the water pushes against float boards set around the wheel or drops into buck ets to turn the wheel LITTLE GIANT No this wllccl called Litl tie Giant isplaced in horiz ontal position under water in deep pit below large head of water brought by canal to the foot of the powerhouse high above the wheel When the penstocks are raised water pours down conduit and into the wheel It somewhat resem bles turbine in that it Is completely enclosed in steel lollslng excepting for two out ets one on top and one on the bottom as water is exhausted from the curved and Cupshnpcd vanes There is probably no other setup like this in Simcoe To start the milling machine cry operating Mr Nicol or his panel or the starter of diesel motor Instead they spin the oenstockraising wheel to raise the penstoeks situated down in the powerhouse To anybody who thinks water power must be slow and ineffi cient it is thrilling experience deposits at St Johns Steel and St Monicas have been in creased eonsiderably move made possible by the increased hook stock It is not yet possible to say that we will place similar de in every classroom in every school in Barrie nor is it particularly necessary Miss Brown said It should be pos sible however to fulfill any raised vhirr of motors sound to break the silence is the distant splash of water pour ing down some 20 feet oi con As far as and faster As the penstocks are slowly there is no sudden The first duit into the 60inch turbine wuter wheel Next the floors in the mill begin to crcak as dozens of gears chains belts and eleva tors tighten dowp on the big choppers rollers and cleaners INTO ACTION As the peostocks are raised higher and higher the machin ery rumbles into action Faster it goes until the chopper is spinning at high speed and the rumble becomes roar Then the whale build ing seems to shake and shed der in the way all buildings housing powerful machinery do Amid the roar of machinery it seems unbelievable that this is all being driven directly by wa ter power You cannot help wondering holv many thousands of horsepower are being wasted down our countrys larger riv ers Everything in this mill ex cept the lights is operated by the water wheel comments Mr Nicol And we can still run without lights Asked how much power the water wheel will produce he referred to the time of Hurri cane Hazel when the floods put the wheel out of commission and he consulted diesel motor company about installing die sel power plant This particular company esti mated that at the very least 125 horsepower motor would be required to drive the mill it must be remembered that the water wheel can develop far more power than the mill will ever need So Mr Nicol de cided to repair the water wheel To do this he called in Charles Barber and Son of Meaford who are probably the last water wheel engineers to be found in this part of the country Especially interesting is very old volume or rather Mr Nicol Its long fall If you slip on the snow Fences and No Admittance signs discourage trespassers We have never had single accident at this mill that can remember says Mr Nicol but adds had better touch wood though In the powerhouse great fiveelnchthick steel axle pro jects up through false floor from the water wheel hidden below and is topped by heavy whirling steel and wood bevelled gear wheel live feet in diame ter This drives smaller ver ticaily positioned gear that transmits torque along long horizontal shalt into the mill KEEP TIGHT One would expect the wooden teeth in these gears to quickly wear or break out But Mr Nicol says these teeth withstand years of constant use When one does break he removes it and drives in new tight fitting tooth The secret to make them last is to have them fit so tightly that they are hard to drive into the sockets Loose teeth break off like nothing Mr Nicol proceeds to remove 1E2 BARBIE EXAMINERa SATURDAY FEB 17 1382 62Year Sentence For Man One of the longest sentenbes ever handed out In aBurrle court 62 years was given yesterday to Stanley Rt Currie Jr 30 of Toronto when he pleaded guilty to 227charges of theft tle will serve only five years as sentences for five years on and is tw0ltyear sentences on concurrently marriage in April l961 when he said he was out of work azpd needed money to keep go Posing as hyer inspector he stole more than $le0 from homes and stores in Barrie Toronto Kitchener Guiepb don and Ottawa He was or rested ln Toronto after two thefts in Barrie and confessed to the other crimes Crown Attorney William Ken ncdy said Currie mode more money from thefts in month than he could have earned at any job Currie was released from Kingston Penitentiary In 1960 ills previous convictions dat ing hack to 1948 included rob bery theft fraud breaking and entering attempted arson false pretences public mischief and giving false fire alarm MIDLAND BOY IS MISSING Stanley Carson 12 of so Montreal Street in Midland has been missing from his home since early last night Police reported this morn ing the boy had not turned up but they believe he may have spent the night at the home of relatives or friends The boy has grand mother in Toronto but au Ihorities do not believe he would try to go there six charges of theft over $50 charges of lesser theft will run Curries thefts began after his Gait Hamilton WoodstockJon Cliff Riches proudly holds up iopouud fourounce lake trout he caught yesterday Man Escapes From Custody lit Midland Russel McKinnon 23 of Mid land escaped from Midland police yesterday morning as he lwas about to be committed to the Ontario Hospital at Pene tang Police said McKinnon said he was going out to make phone call and didnt come back ed dangerous and it is believed Barrie When McKinnon escaped eus tody he was lightly dressed with no topcoat hat or gloves He is described as five feet six inches 135 pounds with blue eyes and brown hair and wearing threequarter length corduroy jacket CANCEL SERVICE The regular Sunday evening service at Burton Avenue Unl ted Church has been conceded trap door from the false floor you are standing on To say the least it is rather fright ening sight that meets your eye For there directlyunder your feet and far below from bottomlesslooking pit the pecu liar briglt greenish yellow riv er water seems to surge meo acineg upward toward you as it boils up from the blurred black outline of the submerged water wheel Masses of ice coat the pit walls and every projection foot or more thick CHEAP FUEL But Mr Nicol very rarely finds it necessary to go near the wheel Only once last year did he have to call in Mr Bar ber and Son of Meaford to re pair the main central bearing beyond that the wheel requires almost no maintenance And it requires no fuell However it does require large volume of water to drive it But as Mr Nicol points The escaped man is consider he may be hichhiking towards ment is available In Lake Slmooe off Alcona Beach The big fish meas uring 32 inches in length was BURDEN BEAT By JIM STOTT The onward march of civlllzn tion and mans increasing soph istication has brought many muv terial benefits Human nature being what it is man has succeeded in devel oping many subtle and more ef fective ways of killing his feIA low man The ABCs of modern warfare stand for atomic biological and chemical It is the Job of Camp Bordens Joint Atomic Biological and Chemical Warfare School to keep tabs on the latest weav pans of destnlctionend to train men to defend Canada against such weapon TRIBUTE The museum attached to the school is tribute to mans inr genulty and his inhumanity Exhibits range from worlf war one gas masks for horses and dogs to gadget the size of button which soldier in the field can wear on his tunic to measure the radiation level after an atomic blast Another exhibit is amodel of field decontamination centre to be used by troops exposed to gas or radiation Army officials says good cure for such ex posure is the use of soap and woter which will remove radio active dust and chemical agents from clothing and the body The role of the school is purely defensive one Dur job an officer said is to train people to recognize and predict the effects of var ious wea ons Probab the most subtle and most revolting weapon in the modern orensol is biological warfare the deliberate spread ing of disease among enemy populations Fortunately this type of ma poo is hard to deliver and eq to detectits use When the possib ty of germ warfare was first introduced to the public suggested methods THIS BIG ONE DID NOT GET lIWfIY cath with minnow butt ltlr Riches lives in the Al conn Beach district Exam iner Photo Keep Tab 0n Latest Weapons Of Warfare supply of large city by put ting bacteria in the reservoirs This idea is fanciful because water purification systems would destroy bacteria Another argument against germ warfare is that bacteria ore destroyed by exposure to sunlight The advantages if you Call call them that of germ warfare are that the population of country could be rendered in effective by mass epidemic disease such as influenza without killing them and with out destroying property or in dustrial plants lf germ warfare was used lb would probably be in conjlinc tion with nuclear attack The fact Is not much pub licized but the Canadian Army is keeping abreast of new wea pons developed and the JAECWS at Camp Borden graduates 750 officers and men year who are ready to defend Canada against such weapons BAD DEED senior scouting official from Barrie was the victim of bad deed at Camp Borden this week After attending scout ing function at camp he got in to his car to drive home It wouldnt start and the lights wouldnt work Someone had swiped the battery Warrant Officer Harry Hun ley who oneewon $1 as best dressed soldier in his unit re tired this week after 82 years service with the Canadian Army SergeantMajor Hunt Ieys first unit was the Can odian Machine Gun Corps now geants mess in Korea when he served there with the 25th Bri gade He has been sergeant major of 14 Coy RCEME at Borden for the past four years catalogue published by the Greey Manufacturing Com pany of Toronto that used to manufacture according to their profusely illustrated catalogue every imaginable type of water power equipment including saws millstones grinders min ing aids and hydraulic fittings It bears no date But it sure is an unusual book There isnt really much to see in the powerhouse said Mr Nicol But we can go basic and have look in at it if you like In her report Miss Brown stated The year 1961 was satis factory one for the childrens department the total circula tion being 75464 an increase of 6039 over 1960 There has also been substantial increase in the book stock consisting to great extent not in new titles but in the duplication of titles of good quality which have proved popular with the child rep and useful for reference and research and there has been noticeable drop in the of delivery included the thought of spy polluting the water PERMANENTS SPECIAL complete open Toes not mu pan orsnuons for EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE HOUSE Alluldlll lor appointment em out there is an unlimited sup ply of water coming down the Nottawasaga It is cheap source of power Actually we never have had too little water to drive the mill But strange as it may seem we do occasionally have too much water for day or two at the peak of spring floods says Mr Nicol Tile wheel stops when the water gets too deep However as soon as the water level falls the wheel starts spinning reasonable request teacher may make Miss Brown said that in the future with the present staff only one visit year to each classroom will be possible but it is probable that the school program win he more varied and elaborate and that great er degree of cooperation will be possible It is hoped that these necessary changes will result in new and better kind of service to schools and to indiwdual children situations IS YOUR BEST BUY Proving that todays army requires physical fitness is Private Neville Graham of Tottenham seen here lower ing himself down the side of cliff at recruit training camp near Victoria BC Along with 300 other traioea of the Princess Patricias Cn oedian Light infantry Depot basic training at the west coast base National Defence Photo CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lina number of classroom visits She expressed the hope that if it were possible to find and again Mr Nicol has hanging up in he is undergoing 12 weeks PA 66555 PA 88571 canal leads water from the ttawasaga River across to the head of the powerhouse built just off from the west side of the tall square brick mill The powerhouse is built over very deep concrete pit the bot tom of which is somezs feet below tlhe canal that brings the water to it on the upstream side Watch your step cautions made decrease from Zia to 166 This is unfortunate but in evitable since increases in cir culation and bookstock increase desk work to point where the librarian must spend more time in the library ordering books and preparing them to go on the shelves explained Miss Brown It is impossible for one per son to prepare so many book talks and classroom visits with any degree of thoroughness she said tentative experiment or two have already been made When the childrens department had to be closed for week while the new ceiling was put in large book display was taken up to Hillcrest School and set up in the auditorium Each class was given an opportunity to see the display and to make list of the booksthey thouglt they would like to read Both children and teachers were en the prosecutionbadnt connected thusiustic at the innovation and Earresi with the alleged swind we learned several lessons of ling of Mrs Carolyn Fox practical nature which should Barresis lawyer said Barresi make the next affair of this was dupe in helping another kind even more successful man to cash $6000 cheque pmed MSS BMW James Parker 33 of Bar St Monicas Schoolhae275 rie is scheduled for hearing books from the childrens dee next week on first degree partmcnt forming school lib grand larceny and conspiracy rary which is supervised by charges Another man in being one of the teachers Classroom sought by police employ person not necessar ily professionally trained but interested in children and chil drens books who could assist with the program of school vis lts and also in the library it self the work of the childrens department would be immeas urably more effective and et flcient she concludes The time is close at hand when regular help preferably fulltime will be ab soluter essential to the chll drens departme One Man Freed In Parker Affair BUFFALO AP Peter resi 25 of Buffalo was found not glnlty Friday in city court on charge of conspiracy in what police called $3180 awnidle of 73 year old woman Judge Joseph Sedita said his mill the sign that used to hang over the post office that once stood at Nicolston before the Canadian Pacific Railroad was built thmuï¬l Alliston It is rustic wooden sign much cracked and block in color and on which are engraved by bond tho words Nicolston Post Off ice How much localbistory that sign must have scent Announcing The Opentng oi BARRIE nook WALI TILE SALES SERVICE 24MAPLE AVE OPPOSITE BUS TERMINAL Leading prefabricator of quality homes offers im mediate opportunity for1 responsible person as re LWOLEUM VINYL TILE giona manager and sa es representative for the THE BarrieGrime Area Company will provide training CERAMIC leads advertising house model and office Applie ant must be 25to 40 age possess organizing ability and have proven sales record Some knowledge of house construction an asset Salary and commission with potential earnings from $800000 to $10000 00 plus Must be able to work on your own All replies held in strict confidence Please include de tails of education business and sellingexperience NOTHING 00th Easy payments over VEARS on monthly gas bills lnltlil somlllltl SALES REPRESENTATIVE $800000 Plus toms Ilr forum in llln tuner is Elmo min nib nlrrut mam bur nontouen sonar GOODS HARDWOOD FLOORING COMPLETESAMPLES molt turnour ETS CHANGEOVER CAN BE DONE IN FEW HOURS Units for all types of home health FREE BURNER SERVIGE on ESTIMATES DAYV all EVENING Workmanship Guaranteed Free Parking were Pit 85862 EVENNGS PAS4952 cHARLss LAW$ON Propr at mllltl nutn Bimini 61 TORONTO 8T BOX N0 72 The Barrie Examiner