Titanic Examiner Published by Canadian awspaperl Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager FRIDAY FEERUARY 16 Page The Roarin Game Started In 16th Century Scottish Pond It has taken many people years to discover the sport of curling Actually it has been played in Canada for close to one hundredyears In Elmcoe Coun ty the Churchill Curling Club has been in operation for almost that length of time which makes it the oldest in this district But there is evidence that the sport was enjoyed by the Scots as far back as the 16th century Two things have contributed to the tremendous growth of curling in East ern Canada anyway in the past 15 years One is the development of arti ficial ice rinks and the other the interest taken in the sport by the ladies and their acceptance as curlers by the most of the older generation devotees of the roarin game All this ties in with the fact that Barrie Curling Clubs annual big bon spiel starts on Saturday of this weak and one week later on Saturday the fin als for The Barrie Examiner and Sterl ing Trusts trophies will be keenly con tested by 16 teams from all over the province While the exact origin of the game is shrouded in doubt the earliest proof of the existence of curling was discovered when pond near Dumblane Scotland wasvdrainedimdratwohandled curling stone bearing the date 1551 carved on it was uncovered Scots become indignant when curling and lawn bowling are linked as brother events but the marked similarity be tween the two games is such that the advocates of this theory have strong arguing point Lawn bowling existed in Scotland for centuries before curling Lawn bowling was Scotlands nationei outdoor sum mer game Then came curling and ever since the principle of play has been very much like lawn bowling In curling the players zip huge stone along the ice toward 12foot circle called the house the game get ting lts name from the peculiar twist or curl which experts are able to get into the speeding stone In lawn bowling the players throw biased ball the big trick being to get twist into the bail whenever the occasion demands rho oldest curling club in existence is the Dudingston Curling Society organ ized in 1795 This club played according to its own particular rules from then until 1834 when there was formed the Amateur Curling Club of Scotland The new organization decided there should be standardization of the rules and went into convention with the Dud ingston and other outstanding clubs of the period Curling as regular sport dates from that time but the Amateur Curling Club ceased to function as separate unit after 1838 and was merged into the Grand Caledonia Curling Club which immediately became the ruling body for the sport in Scotland Following visit by Queen Victoria in 1842 the above club changed its name to the Royal Caledonia Curling Club by which it since has been known Through all the years it has been the governing body for curling in Scotland and serves as rules committee for the world The sport was introduced into Canada in 1807 and into the United States in 1820 Strange as it may seem the game met with insthnt success in the United states but failed in Canada As result of the apparent rejection of the game by Canadians the first international matches were staged in the winter of 190203 with Scotland challenging the United States Shortly after the turn of the century however Canadians took more interest in the game and soon this country was the stronghold of curling in North America While curling is regarded in some quarters as game for old men the opposite is true In Western Canada curling has replaced hockey as the big sport among teenegers Harm Done BY Quacks The quack aided by the gullible is still making fortunes An investigating committee of the American Medical As sociation has estimated that $1000000 000 year is spent in North America on fake treatments and bogus remedies In many cases perhaps in the majority of cases the harm done amounts to no more than taking money and raising false hopes but there are also many instances in which harm is done because proper treatment is postponed The Health League of Canada has endorsed set of six questions to be used in trying to identify quack They are not infallible rules but they are guide to the kind of healthy suspicion which should be shown toward anyone who claims to have cureall for sale Does he use secret machine or formula that he claims can cure dis ease Honest doctors when they learn something useful publish it to other doctors Does he guarantee quick sure Does he use case histories or tes timonials to promote his cure Does he clamor constantly for med ical recognition and investigation Does he claim that medical men are persecuting him or are afraid of his competition Does he tell you that orthodox surgery or Xrays or drugs will do more harm than good Other Editors View MR GORDONS APOLOGY Hamilton Spectator In his report on Canadas Economic Prospects Mr Walter Gordon annoyed Maritlmers by suggesting that some might have to move to other provinces It was not original Among others Arn old Toynbee expounded it But Mr Gordon is now to be Liberal candidate and Liberal candidates cant go round stepping on peoples toes that way So now Mr Gordon politician is stumping the Maritirnes apologizing for Mr Gor don economist INDUSTRIES CONTRIBUTION Peterborough Examiner The owner of farm equipment com pany in Plattsburg NY chose novel way to prove the worth of his company to the community of 700 For four weeks he paid his employees in silver dollars The bulky coins caused numer ous problems It took the firms payroll clerk 10 times as long to make up pay packets the coins would not fit in the local banks coin machines or currency trays merchants had difficulty carrying their receipts to the bank and there The Barrie Examiner Authorizeder rm Post arms paparuiiflenlflhumil and in payment of postage 11 may sunam no statutory Houdays excepted mums WALLS Publisher amen sauonr cnnmr Manager arcanenson Manning Editor campus wanna ammu Munm may masousavmum Manager JOHN unseen Circulation Manner sissigï¬aplmsm co mu your $400 six moritlirs molars $133236 month Outside Ontario $900 Mr ldn tram year Md 0mm 425 University Avc Toronto ergo Montreal ms was Georgia sums viizIEIE gt Member In Canadian DI NEWS 91 lillwil AllDClllufln The Cnnlfllflyfl PIflll PIE 115 Audit Bureau DI Cilmlfltlfllfl Till Canadian PIE exclusivci enuuoo in the ma lor republication of In news leuun Ind lilo the loci news published heroin mu dailyby cum as ecu is etchedin ibis leper credited in it or The Assoc Ited Frcss or were numerous cases of burst pockets The experiment was successful how ever in proving that most of the pay roll stayed within the community and we suspect the company will be in stronger position when dealing with the local council from now on Too often citizens are liable to forget the contribution local industry makes to the prosperity of their community They give scant attention to rising industrial tax rates and regard industry as nui sance that should be tolerated only as long as it remains unobtrusively in the background It should be remembered that not only does industry provide Jobs for the residents of community it pays large share of municipal expenses con tributes to charity and recreation and is often one of the best customers of local suppliers bringing new industry to Peterborough is one of the most important concerns of the city council EARLY CLOSING LAWS Winnipeg Tribune Early closing bylaws are new little more than municipal restrictions on competition Their interpretations lead to confusion Strict enforcement only highlights the ineffectiveness of pre scribed hours WHATS IN NAME Fort Erie LetterReview New reason for losing an election is advanced by defeated candidate in municipal election for public utilities commissioner in Cooksville One de feated candidate Richard Christian Fred Mortenson contends that the length of his name which by law has to be given in full on ballot left only oneeighth of an inch at the end of the ballot for voters to put their crosses Mr Mortenson says that this gave an unfair advantage to the Winning cand idate Joseph Dobbs Is it any wonder that walk or sit up THE RIDDLE OF THE SPHINX LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir Just read the letter in your newspaper about Simcoe County Council cutting the grant to the Simone County Recreation service can hardly believe this as this service is so ben eficial to our young people es pecially where we live so close to the lakes How else will our young children learn to swim Im sure there must be hund reds of people in this area that feel that this is the worse mis take ihe Cuuncilcould make certainly hope the Council will reverse its decision on this important mutter Thank you Yours sincerely Mrs Toffan Oro Station COOKSTOWN COMPLAINT Dear Sir am writing this letter to you in the hope that it may be accepted for publication It has taken me month to decide to do this but the cir cumstences that have prompted me are such that can not convince myself to remain quiet have little if any fault to find with the Barrie Exam in am constant reader ï¬nd your paper suits me just lllE It has been truly said that patience is virtue partic ularly to those on the receiving end of such action and 1be have that the people of Cooks town are guilty of the act of apathy IMPORTANT short time ago your paper reported on an event that took place in Cookstown that to some of us who live in this quiet contented community he Ileved to be quite important Im speaking of the Inaugu ral meeting of our first coun all elected to office for 1962 This meeting represented the birthday of Cookstown as newly incorporated village the youngest community in the Dalt minfnn of Canada For many years we have had the status of police village located within the bounds of four town ships and subject to on unav oidable but complicated form of municipal administration After number of years of sincere effort and planning on the part of our former Boards of Trus tees we reached our goal In IMPERIAL corporation At the close of 1961 the people of Cookstawn wont to the poles to elect their first five man council and record vote was record ed in hut election use the word but possibly because lack the courage to use more expressive terms or perhaps my feeling may better be dcs cribed ns shecked in any case some of the people of Cookstown are well aware of the words that could be used to describe the election cam paign The big night arrived on Jan 1962 at pm and the town hall was open and ready for this historical event in the life of our community The flowers that decorated the hull platform were gifts from the neighbor ing municipalities most of the people present were representa tives of these same municipal ities along with number of visiting dignitaries Your report or very graciously used the word sprinkling in his article when he described the nurubers of people in attendance from Cookslown but dont feel quite so restricted and so will quote excluding the mother of one councilman and the four wives of the other four councilmen there were rune Cookstown residents in attend once We have three churches in our village two without resa TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Feb 15 1962 The 115 battleship Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor 64 years ago today in 1895 Of the 350 mall aboard 252 were killed or drowned and eight died later court of inquiry was never able to fix re sponsibility but the disaster stirred passions to the point where the United States went to war with Spain little more than month later 1937 King Christian of Denmark annulled the 13 yenr marriage of Prince and Princess Erik the for mer Lois Booth of Ottawa 1942 Singapore surren dered to the Japanese STARTS SUNDAY in the great highudvmtturc tradition of The Gin tN11mnc bite iitlliii itlflliiilii Willili Wield Mb uu Mumslimit tanningnar um lflilfH Mm lafllifFiitii tannintan FEATRUE SUNDAY AT mun mun Illillmfllillliiiï¬ mm 200 l$30 645 900 ident Minister at the present time and so this all important mccting goes into the record book without having had present an official representative of the Church of God In view of the fact that our population exceeds 600 large turnout of local people was expected so for me to any that the council was dis appointed could well he the understatement of the year have but two wishes for these fine gentlemen of our first Council first that they have very successful year as they proceed to shape the ad ministration program for this year and secondly that at the end of this year they have as few complaints andcriiilt cisms presented in them as they had local supporters at their inaugural meeting If this letter shocks the peop le of Cookstown or any other community out of their lethargy then my writing it and your ï¬rinting it will not have been vein Yours sincerely Mr Brayman Gookstown Resident BIBLE THOUGHT The Lord knower how to deliver the godly out of temp tniions lI Peter 29 No test is too great for the person who draws on Gods overcoming power By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Molnar Please sn rwer some men queries unless you are truly womens doctor like think you are Thats liir KII whole letter No question forms to answer iust anoccusetion that dont answer as he calls it men queries Well three question out of four in this column are from women so thbts the ratio of the answers know that for every quee tion along the line of flow can get my wife to go toI the doctor receive 99 uk ing How can get my hus band to go to the doctor And there follows choice of Iym Kioms lie has chronic cough is stomach bothers him he gets too tired hes overweight or underweight or drink too much or whatever it its about children their iichcs their appetites their ner ves their weight the time at which they start to talk or the amount they should sleep or do they get enough milk or pro ieln or Vitamin the ques tinns are from the mothers not the fathersu isnt because fathers dont love their children as much do mothers its because in our society dnd brings home the bacon repairs the back steps shovels the coul Mother cooks meals brings up the babies sews on the buttons and dams the socks its mother who worries about babys diet and fathers health Its father who tries to pay the bills and see that the our will run Up to around the age of 50 or more its father who may develop heart trouble Later its father who has prostate trouble And Its also father who says Quit fussing lm perfectly healthy Just dont worry about ltr mother in those years who worries and frets its more likely that father has tbs ulcers its mother who may have breast cancer or cancer of the cervix of course For whatever reasons the majority of doctors are men and the majority of nurses are women Wives and mothers as quer tions about health for the most part We the woman who reels eff loo many symptoms when the sees the doctor and its the man who too often walks in with the attitude of Here am wont tell you anything its our job to find out what at me in fact in case you hadnt noticed it already men and women arent nliko All can say is that it would be sorry world if we didnt have about as many men as women and if there are any other men like who want me to write about men queries theyll just have to send the questions they want answered Ill take them as they come But many problems applying to women also apply to men Dear Dr Molnar Please send me your instructions for tak ing iodine ration dont believe in it No paint in taking iodine unless you have some special lack of it However the use of iodized salt to ward off golfer is en tirely reasonable NOTE TO MRS ior ticollis is the technical term for wry neck Yes arthritis is one of the likely causes and no would not expect Vitam in 12 to lipr it Crew Making Final Survey ManitobaSaskatchewan Border WINNIPEG CPINa bound ary dispute seems to threaten at the moment between Manl lobe and Saskatchewan but 20 men are making sure that none ever does with Lynn Lake Man as their base they are spending months in the north delin eating the lust stretch of the Manitoba Saskatchewan bound ary on true astronomical meridian The prefect ismnder direciian of the Manitoba Saskatchewan Boundary Commission Chair man is Thistlethwalie rep resenting the federel govern ment Gaucr represents Man itoba and Bereskin Ses katciiewan The party with more than eight tonsof equipment will live under canvas in bleak cold and in unorganized provincial territory until the middle of March The group is led by Manitoba and surveyor Boutilier and includes 10 men from each province land surveyors civil engineers rv ey students woodsmcn and fulltime cook who will bake his own bread CUT swarn As they make their way north they cut wlde swath through the woods in line with tho exist ing boundary running south to the US border They are shifting camp little farther north each day Their one link with civilization is an Otter from the Manitoba government air service which files in supplies weekly if pas slble The trek will be 133 miles long marked by boundary monument every miles Cost is approximately $350 mile shared equally by the three gav ernments It is the last substantial stretch of the boundary left to be surveyed and marked and runs from the northwest corner of Reindeer Lake to the North west Territories Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 THIS WHISKY KEEPS ITS FLAVOUR Even melting ice cubes cant dilute die cruciate ofAdams Gold Stripe ltwlflkeepitsflavour to the very bottom of the glass tl1e mark of great whisky THOMAS ADAMS DiSTlLLERS LTD Toronto Ont