THE BAR THURSDAY ms LOCAL AND GENERAL SUNDAY MOVIES As result of city councils recent bylaw authorizing Sun day movies in Barrie it is us Eectcd both local theatres will open for continuous perform ances this weekend VALENTINE DANCE The Barrie YTeens will be celebrating Valentines Day this Friday night with special Val entine dance Dress will be sex and sweater me and place are 730 at th at 26 0w Street Eoih and non members are welcome WIN AT FESTIVAL Barrie Collegiate Band captur ed first and second prices at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto yesterday The Barrie Collegiate quintet entered in the woodwind enSEmbic l7 and un der won first prile and quintet in the open woodwind ensemble placed second SPEAKS TONIGHT Dr Russell director of the history department of the Royal Ontario Museum will speak to the Canadianlub to night at 330 in the Library Hall Dic topic of Dr Iiu5lt sells address will be lrehis instrumental groups of the toric Canada TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by It Flynn 93 Dunlop at 12 Barrie monomer on Sen Dom Found nnin stores Dona rnr Gt Like our Pow Horde rarin lrornr Pit llom Oil Had no ruin Asbestos Abitlnl Airman Steel Aluminium Alberta on Alu Nat Gas lulu Steel air of Mont Bank of N3 lieu Tel Nor OnL NH Moon corp Help Pore Dinw Paddl Pet Fem Pip PIK lime Que NIL du Roe notanuru OFFICERS BOB GREEN ATRAGSTAD FRANK LIGHT COMPARE TAR GETS METRO OFFICERS ALEX RENNIE AND DAVE WALKEDEN CHECK GUNS Police Shoot Honors To St Kitts Team Man Veech of St Catharines folice Department took the grand aggregate prize in the annual Ontario Police Revolver 53mm held yesterday at the Barrie Revolver Club Vcech won 22 Colt Woods man revolver with his score of 316 out of possible 410 The St Catharines officer also took the first master prlzc an elect ric mixer with score of 269 out of 500 Top expert honors went to Welsh of Hamilton PD with 252 out of 300 Walshs shooting won him an electric fan heater Winner of tho sharpshooter class was Janozoski of Metro who was presented with suit case for his score of 2M out of 300 Tlnits of Metro Toronto PD was winner in the tyro yclass with 230 scorer His rlze was lounge bed alr Pi nltress DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ottawa Mrs Mary Frances McGee 68 mother of Frank vllchce Progressive Causewa Itive member of Parliament for YorkScarborough TorontoRoy Harrison 72 ratBCk rifleshooter and winner Aof the Military Cross and the Croix dc Guerre during the First World War Ottawa John Douglas Roland 51 one of the Canadian prosecutors during the Japanese war crimes trials of heart at tack San Antonio TomGen Henri Hammering Hank Hades 61 former commander of the 115 Army in Europe and member of the United Nations armistice commission in Korea Speaker War is obsolete In times past nations had some hope of gaining their ends by waging war but today wars only re sult could be total destruction 1f science can be so successful to improving mans war tech niques then why can science not analyze the problems of achieving peace with equal auc ccss These and related thoughts were presented to large ga thering of Barrie Lions and their guests at Community House by Oliver Somers To ronto metallurgist and indus trialist who spoke in behalf of the recently launched Canadian Peace Research Institute The Institute subject of re cent fulllength articles in To ronto daily newspapers and Macleana Magazine has caught the fancy and gained the sup port of sufficient number of prominent rid unimpcachable Canadian citizens to free of any political or pink involViL meats Its supporters include DrG Brock Chisholm Dr Pierre Dansereau Dr Hugh Kaenleyside Pierre Fred Davis Ross MacLean and numarous others Founder of the organization is Dr Norman Alcock former ly director of engineering for Canadian Curtis WrigbtCorpor ation and inventor of nuclear device now used in industrial plants all over the world He has given up his engineering career so that he and his wife may devote their lives to dd vaiop his World Peace Re search Centre of which the Canadian institute is branch Dr Alcock wasto have been the eaker at thoLions meet ing at was delayed by plane connections on the west coast ths Alcock andMrs Somers accompanied Mr Somera to Janie The destructive power of warlord Mr Somers stated has increased at an unbeliev Burton= Top team prize went to the St Catharines team Prizs for the shoot held for the first time in Barrie since it was organized 30 years ago were donatedby local mer chants and industries Despite adverse weather 56 competitors took part repre senting police department from Windsor Hamilton Toronto Guelph Gait St Catharines and other centres in Ontario Otticials said that the shoot was great success After the days shooting banquet was held at the Rob Ray restaurant in Barrie Head table guests were Ser geant Herb Connoly Hamilton PD rangemaster Mayor Lcs Cooke of Barrie Her Honour Judge Marjorie Hamilton of Barrie Assistant Crown Attorn Tecumseth and Meet Hear Panel Tecumseth North Central Home and School Association was held at the school with an attend ance of 43 Mrs McCague vicepresident was in thechair committee was formed to study ways and means of rais ing money for the association Those chosen were Mrs Mat thews Mrs Campbell Mrs Hal bert Mrs Groombridge Allan Glassford and borne Williams After the business session Brucker and his staff took part in panel discussion on report cards and pupil grading Fol lowing this the audience asked questions of the panel social balfvhour followed adjournment The next regular meeting will be on Feb 27 under the con venership of Fleming and Mrs Johnstone An interest ing skit Junior and His Home work is to be followed by group discussions Can Prevent war The second regular meeting of ey William Kennedy Chief Ed Tschirhart of Barrie Constable Ken McKenzie Barrio RD Ser geant John Evans Hamilton PD secretary of the Police Revo er Association inspector William Boyd OPP retired Judge Hamilton praised the revolver shoot as means of promoting the safe and proper use of firearms Mayor Les Cooke welcomed1 the visitors to Barrie Chief Tséiirhart addressed the banquet and suggested to the members that the scope of the shoot should be expanded in future to include more Ontario police departments in the corn petition Committee for the shoot was composcd of Chief Tschirhart Coporal Frank Light and Con stahla Bob Green and Gard Wilson of Barrie Police Depart mont Alliston Man Injured In US Car Crash ALLISTON Special May of Vrays Drug Store Alliston received multiple inrur ies during the past week when he became involved in an ac cident near Buffalo while en route to holiday vacation in southern USA It is believed he suffered broken jaw and bruises to the ribs when thrown from the car and was admitted to hospital in Butlaio where he is still can fined Accompanying him on the trip were his wife and Dr and Mrs Hughson Alliston who were shaken up but did not require hospital treatment Dr Hughson was driving the car which was hit broadside by another vehicle coming onto the highway The car is total wreck and it is expected all four will re turn by plane when Mr Wray is released from hospital with in the next few days Alliston Hospital Plans Approved Expect Cost To Hit $16 Million ALLISION tSpeciaI The annual meeting of Stevenson Memorial Hospital was held in the nurses residence recreation hall followed by regular meeting of the board of direc tors Chairman was Murphy who conducted the business ses sion and retluested the annual reports from respectiverchair men of standing committees The hospital superintendent Miss Shaw gave an excel lent report on the work of the hospital for 1901 and advised that although the present hos pital is 35bed institution the average daily care of patients amounted to 41 throughout the year Lt Myers auditor from Wood bridge was present to explain the present system of budgeting Tells Barrie Lions able pace in this century from the artillery of World War the oneton bombs through to the atom bombs of World War II up to the test bombs of to day In seven years science has produced the millionton hydrogen bomb and the mega ton bomb Range of the inter continental ballistic missile is now estimated at 8000 miles With an accuracy of one mile DELIVERY TIME Shortening of delivery time is parallel success story In the aircraft of the last war it was matter of hours by ICBM it in down to halfhour but the day is at hand when delivery can be made by orbit ing satellites cluster of which could release destructive power sufficient to obliterate half continent in mntter of sec onds He continued Some would rely on the belief that no one would be foolish enough to press the button and trigger nuclear war But the danger of accidental war grows as the sensitivity of missile electronics increases The human element is another threat as statesmen and scientists live with one form or another of brinkmanshlp Under such circumstances poranoic streak or some com pulsive neurosis could bring the great disaster fWar could come from the deliberate act of powerful warmonget orfrorn the build up of some brusiiIire situation like Laos or the Congo BUDGETSZ MILLION Theannual budget for de lfence inthe 115 is however 40 billion dollars Yet only this year has Senator Humphrey ohairman of the Senate Dia armament Committee succeed edin obtaining two million dol lars for peace research after lain $400000 and per cent of falling for some years tonh the defence budget for the pur pose It has been estimated that it may take from 10 to 15 years to develop new approach to the problems of preventing war an estimate that has been ac cepted both in the west and in Russia as the crucial time The new approach should follow themedical doctors prinlt uple inject the disease virus as serum In this case in ject science to prevent scienti fic war science in the broad est sense social scientists economists legal people all branches who could study the problem step by step with ab solute honesty OPERATION PLAN The plan of operation of the Canadian Peace Research In stitnte calls for the raising of $2000000 from public subscrip tion which will be augmented with another $2000000 in gov ernment grants over the next three years Thus group of some 25 leading scholars and scientists would be installed in Canadian university to con centrate upon peace research Part of their work would be to set upsimilar institutes in other lands since any success ful effort for peace must of necessity be international Canlt ado is an ideal parent for such project since it is affluent and nonaggressive neither imper ialist nor colony Besides members of the Bar rie Lions Club the audience in cluded number of members of the Barrie Ministerial Asv sociation and Mayor Cooke as well as agroupvof Elmvala Lions headed by their president Jim Lynn er Somera wasintrnduced by Lion Bruce Brown and was thanked by Lion Bill Bell Mrs Alcock also spoke briefly of the aims oftha institute Lion pres ident Jim MacLoan presided former Barrie Lion and reporting the financial pic ture under the OntarioHospital Services Commission LAND ACQUIRED McCarroll reporting for the building committee advised the meeting that several acres of land have been acquired for the new hospital site and ex pressed appreciation to the town of Alliston and to Ross Williams for their generosity in this con nection In his report Mr McCarroll stated that progress regarding the new hospital appeared to be slow throughout the past year but that great deal of work had gone into the matter of approving appropriate plans The final plan has been receiv ed and approved by the com mittee and is now ready for submission to the Ontario Hos pital Services Commission for final approval ESTIIVLAIED COST The estimated cost of the hos pital including architects fees furnishings and fixtures will be in the neighborhood of $1600 000 Eligible grants will bring this figure down considerably along with the amount voted from $500000 at the last annual meet the hospital funds of ing in February 1961 N0 AMBULANCE Dr Robert Baxter speaking on behalf of the Medical A54 sociation deplored the fact that there was still no ambulance service in Alliston and hoped this situation would be rectified before too long The present board of govern ors was reelected for 196268 and there are Murphy McCarroll Corrigan Arm strong Hackett Hunter Rev Mr Bridle Whiteside and Dr Baxter Woods was elected an honorary governor ELECTIEXECUTIVE The annual meeting was ad journed and the regular meet ing commenced with the elec tion of Lorne whiteside as pres ident Ross Williams vice president and Frank Hackett as secretarytreasurer Chair man nf finance Murphy chairman of property Hunt er Wood honorary chair man of the board WEATHER Synopsis Generally clear weather is expected over all but southeastern and northwest ern Ontario today but an area of cloud will push across the province by late tonight Light snow is expected over most of Ontario tonight and Friday Lake St Clair Lake Erie southern Lake Huron regions Niagara Toronto western Lake Ontario Windsor London Has mllton Mostlf clear this after noon lncreas ng cloudiness this evening followed by intervals of snow beginning late tonight or Friday morning and continuum through most of Friday Little change in temperature Winds light today southerly 45 Fri day gt Eastern Lake Ontario Hali burton regions Cloudy with clear intervals this afternoon Clearing this evening but be coming cioudy again Friday In tervals of light snow Friday afternoon little change in tem perature winds light Northern Lake Huron Georgl ian Bay Timagami Cochranc regions North Bay Sudbury Mostly clear today 1ou log over tonight Cloudy with occa FORECAST sional light show Friday little change in temperature winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Friday Windsor as St Thomas 85 London 35 Kitchener Winghnm Hamilton St Catha Toronto Pcterborough Trenton Killnloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Eariton Kapuskosing George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 83186 MASONR need wnus SJ MASONRY SURFACE FILLER An ea in on low can combination Iilllr mid mm mnrr and block walls Salli mixed In III agony lelun on spudin up With IIIN brush Wnirmfnnh and mnkll an ideal hail can Iarélisitumlo Won lull Chou mm leuth Mr Eat and white EnsIlla indan this poll saw lb pail soon MothI Radium ttaml lmprovlmlnl Product Available tum Buy Rorilaeroto At Bull Planing Mill 43 Anne St PA 82496 Buy Roailacroto Ar Beaver lumber Co lid 27 Bradford St PA 85541 Buy Rosllacrota At Eutons of Barrie Dunlap Sf Buy Resllacrate At Simcoe District Coop 259 lnntsfll 51 PA 6653l Buy Ruilsereh Now At DATES 82 Dunlop St PAINT AND WALLPAPER PA 83270 Or 93 own ado I19 OI man on fro 1i II MAKERS OF IIE SIVI Olt IIIIIED nnullnn BA 011 nC rower in Cdn on of Con can Brewer can cdr Cement Can Chemical can on Cairuy Power Con MiriSIn Con Pancr Consumers an 011 lellt Libelno No ndl Imp To acco Accept Inland NG inter Menst moiprov Jockey Club Ille Pow Riv Massey rug Royal Bank smu Shirrm Simmons Shlwtnllgn steel of Cu rorDoin air Trans can Trim Mt lno Inn Taxco Union Gu Walker cow Rmmto Can Dyno Can Husky Cari Devonian Camp can can no Illo Copper Itarld Con mu Dcnlson Mines Sullivan Falconbrldic Hollinger Lamlquo Lonoo 17a Numeral 59 Coco Hitill Gunnar KerrAddison Maritime ltfurny Mir Northltlte 0pmer Quemont RIO Allard Sher Gordon Steop lock United ou Venting sir wnmy 299 wiltsey no no no 760 so ml MOST ACTIVE snocns Bruinn Cons Halilwoll Lk Dufault Nortbuta MoWAKan nowrowan NEW Your Avnnauns Industrial down 190 Itallr up ll Uulltlu up TORONTO nocn zxcnIiNGe max loantrials up 38 Gold up 10 MotJo down 31 Mil down VACUUM CLEANERS Special 6488 GENERAL ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS Special HARRY 2488 uRONu ARMSTRONG HARDWARE 93104 DUNLOP si PA 8244 pf