SIMCOE STROIID By MRS BERT MULHOLLAND William Gibbons Jr is pat ient in Barrie hospital undergo ing an operation hiiss Linda Campbell tell while taking part in gym class es at Barrie collegiate and cut her head requiring six stitches hlr and Itlrs Jack Webster and Mr and Mrs George Mul holiand were guests at din ner and entertainment at the charter night Markham Ron tary Club Friday evening Mr and Mrs Alex Black at tended the lunerai olthc lat ters lriend Miss Bertie Good in Drillla on Friday ltlr and Mrs Towne of To ronto have moved to the house recently vacated by the Vard lamily who moved to St Ca tliaiines Sorry to hear at the death of Mrs Averall an aunt Mrs Wallace Spring who has been patient at the Ark Eden Nurs ing Home for short time Mrs Fred Jacksons lather Thompson Banting of Alliston Is quite ill 0611 Saturday evening the CGIT girls the Young People and Boy Scouts held skating party at the rink completing the CGIT Youth Week They later went to St James United Church basement or film on Alcohol ls Dynamite Lunch was served to about 40 teen agers DAD HELPS Keith Pratt our Barrie Ex aminer paper boy has been confined to the house lor the past week but delivery went on the same with dad doing the lab Mr and Mrs Curranand family expects to move into their new home atcraigvm some time this week CURLING meeting at past curlers of strand Curling Club will beheld in Stroud rink on Monday Feb 12 at pm to decide how to disburse the remaining funds Please attend RINK hows Tuesday night broomball win ners were 8th Line Izlh Line 13th Line 10th Line Stroud Knock Wednesday hockey practice Thursday evening St Pauls Boy Scouts played ii team from Lelroy winning 54 Friday skating Saturday morning hockey scores Miti Mites Tiger Cubs Giants Bears Bombers Eagles Jets 13 Atoms Monday skating UCW Thalirsl regular meeting of the UCW Unit was held at the home of Miss Mne Fergu son The new executive is as fol lows lender Mrs Harold Rob ertson secretary Mrs Stewart Fisher treasurer Mrs Wil linm Gibbons Jr program convener Mrs Oscar Bowman social assistant Mrs Clarence Ferguson pianist Mrs George Mulholland With the new program of the UCW Bible study period will take place at each meeting Each member was reminded to bring Bible Anyoneable was asked to at tend the inaugural meeting of Simcoe Presbyterial United Church Women Feb at Cen tral United Church Barrie World Day of Prayer will he held March at St Pauls An gllcan Church The regular meeting night will be changed to the ï¬rst Wednes day at the month The next meeting will be held March at the home of Mrs George Muiholland 53rd ANNIVERSARY family supper was held re centiy for Mr and Mrs Walter Amos on the occasion of their 53rd wedding anniversary at the home of their Sonialaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Gamett MoEachern 103 Napier Street Barrie They also spent the weekend with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Mel Amos London gt Mr and Mrs Amos would like to thank their friends neighbors and relatives for the lovely cards they received BRIDAL SHOWER comnuinity bridal shower was held in StPauls Church room for Miss Betty Lou Wen tberill She received many beautiful and useful gilts She was assisted by Mrs Anne Gil more and Caroline andiJackie Weatherill in opening her gills bullet lunch was served to the guests KNOCK By MR5 MccolmISTON Mr and Mrs Percy Ford of Home and Mr and Mrs Alan Rodgers and familyot Bond Read were Sunday visitors with the Kelcey family Though the weather Monday night was very blustery there were eight tables playing at the euchre par held at th home of ty re Coehrarie lligli prizevinrdauies wentto Mrs Wesuflogg low Mrs Eddie Webb Beverley Cochrane won high gentlemen and low1wasDick Rigby very pleasing little core mony toolruplaoe just hetero Iunchwhen Joe Cochrane invit ed Mrs Erma YWehb andvher son Terry to come toithe seats of honor Mrs Gibbons read an address and Erma was pre sented with anoccnsional chair from their neighbors and ti COUNT ends at Knock Terry received wallet They both returned thanks for such lovely gills and Erma invited as many as pos sible to come up and see them at any time They have opened nice restaurant in Bracehridge known as Ermas place and their many friends wish them all the best in their new venture Lun ch was served alter the party Little Darlene Hogg has been under the weather but we hope she will soon be back at school Also all those who are sick we hope they will soon be well again IMoTo MAS TER GENERATOR EXCHANGEJuli rebuilt and tor more popular can nd mgr niing stand nrd typo Auto Lin Dolco inning BOND HEAD Mr and Mrs William sum erland attended the zipping ceremony at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie when their daughter Marilii received her ca lllrs ll Stoddart nod Mrs William Walt attended the lead ers training school for the +11 homomaking club project Fea turing Fruit in Conkstown hlr iilbcrt Orr is spending law days in Chatham owing to the death at his aunt Miss Priscilla Campbell Prize winners at the euchre on Jan 25 were Mrs William FACTORY REBUILT STARTER MOTOR Regain that now car pollnrrnlnco nd inning one nlclnngu ir rxnnnngo Romy rnd Ford lyflcml Factory rebuilt to new car stand you on aiiurod oi gumn to Icrviec equal oiglnl 1025 1255 gnipmenl 6vclr LUCA GENERATOR roR BRITISH cons For men Brlrirh can including Armin Hillman Mono Triumph Standard Vonguond chxlull nd Ford Rebuilt to original manningluiow spccllientionr Pulloy OOIIDITIONER iiiminor lump in can Clean our carbon Works whilo you do to and gum to give your car and that got up and go snmption Prevents gar trzra 98 feeling 2001 ZOn rdr Promo on battery generator and clue llyrleln AutothI nounR and Ford lystem Rebuilt to manufacturers orig nl rpoelticlllanl Exchangl 395 low LMOTOMASTER IGNITION COILSS oupthOVaIMenr Ill spncil tions of original guipmoni quality Seicntilie on of windingr mu maximum efï¬ciency at on Ipccdi sundird type for morl Mam met steers Balm Brnwnhlel Stewart Barb Boun somc and Pikul The final euchre oi the ser ies sponsored by the Bowling Club was held Monday night with it tables in play Prizes were won by Elsie Reynolds Linda Grimsby Mrs Lang Hill Sutherland Ross Lang and Bill Morgan Prizes for seriu hiir ror Ethel Steers blanket Lin da Grimsby rug ltlel Stewart waIlet and belt Bill Sutherland VASEY By ims irondAN EDWARDS The congregational meeting was held at the home oI Mr and Mrs Fred Edwards last Friday with very good atten dance potluck dinner was served and alterwards the meet DRESSUP lDIAMDNDIRISV DESIGN 114 Llcmir AT FRAME At tuctlv dulgn In aluminl rhono rnmnnd by moi led Nu Mn then me luxup llltu El in no SMOTOMASTER IGNITION KITRopowcr you with pnllccllittlng Ignition replace muu plrhpovln and mind to meet tho num lgld ogui menu Kit Include lot of to ryancmhled matched poinrr heavyduty condenser and dielectric rotor For most 22 85 215 6MOTOMASTER TURao FIRE SPARK PLUGSGet or power nd om mileage on oi every gallon of Re plsco worn plug with run lo hotter spark hirer mm Imcother Idling Wonl log was held and reports givai All ï¬t it had been quite suwesrtul year We were sorry to learn of the passing of Ed wards Monday morning at oclock alter having been ill or over month lie had spent the last two weeks in St And rews Hospital in Midland The sympathy goes out to the wile end Inmily Paul Smitham received his diploma lrom business college and is going to Toroiito to se cure position Some of the men have been working at Port hlcNicoll shov eiling snow oil boats Mrs Peal Edwards and Leanne ol Orillia spent the weekend with her parents lllr and Mrs Morgen Edwards We are all glad the weather has moderated lNDMETOWNICNSE PRAMI algnlly calmd vlrl lh mm at you run olnhosnd on bilgnl unamcl Inch DIAM°ND PATTERN FRAME 1lnc lelsl ETD llh he Income inlih sun pm cur Intlc window hth and GLAIVIOUIZE ORO STATION ay MRS Pierson mansion Mr Spear is in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and Bryan McLean son of Mr and Mrs Allan McLean is in Hos pital or Sick Children Toronto Miss Lynn Coe at Toronto is spending week with Mr and Mrs Bedlord Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Bert Crnwtord were Miss Lyn Cresantn Toronto Nick Ellsmere Harriet hire Beashy and Ivan Mr and Mrs Alky and children 01 Bracebridge Mrs Bedlord leader and CGIT girls enjoyed skating party at Oro rink on Saturday evening Dancing and lunch were enjoyed at the homeof sortux FRAMESpectat Iy gned or mud llconrc our Heavily nmn plned tor long Ille sml back nd Neathuncut plartl window Etch Pyeelrlonbutll at IpoeIaI lintironed oIItlmpnrld nlloy steel and tened tor correct ml and temp Chuvlelct Indï¬lnldlrn Pontiac Ford and Motor 4959 Dodgl and Plymouth I9365 Similar low yllcos for Floral Spring Bushinglot molt Ru HangerInn men an MOTO CUSHION SHOOK ABSO 194051 980 1460 on 105010 1520 1015 to 1890 commercial VoIIchiu 50 to 125 110 195 24 Inca 99s Prlr MASTER COMFORT So good theyre yuanntood for I5000 Ixorl year to gin you um rimcar nd lrnonr dipping twinning nnxodlv 12 mmmmsimmrannsmrmnug Miss Lynette Gibson On helm otthcgirlstbaniratohlrami Ellis Redford for making this party success Webb teacher pupils and some parents enjoyed skat ing party at Gutherie rink Fri day alternoon Lunch was ten ed to all attending Mr and Mrs Howarth and Donna at Toronto are spending several days at the home at her parenu Mr and Mrs ltlcCron MJ CAMPBELL LTD Furniture moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents or North American Van Lines PA 66555 UR 1962 LICENSE PLATES time pIIto nd mom Llcmst PLAY AcKET ms omI ilrlll or nu um 77 Sm rh uvarRsAL rRoNT aRAcerro wide dump on Inth 1an Mounts rilgnrlyb Ind MAKE AND VEAR SINGLE EXHAUST PASSENGER CARS oer OHEVHOLET sumo uh lICENSI PLATE LAMP 59 ing or mying mm flooring itloulnly so during winter driving condi llonr Available In loop or biyonur tyne lossso bwzyl 10 IonH an 22 7o on any NEW PRISON PLANNED HALIFAX iCPIJIie Clima icIeIierald says new federal penal institution Expected to cost more than $2500000 is be ing planned for the Springhm NS area BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653l 17 ummr uner at 34 cunoMrp iAsYENlls 21 irerLro mum Rod mun 08 84 Earl ariuxr FAST in Rid GI man II poinmrun IIr25 1575 carburetor Conditioner 440 low GUMRIO Clinlniea excersiv nu eon Via PM ZVaIli eon ROY RONALD LTD IIO DUNLOP STREET oARRIE ONT GET GOING IOE GRIP that Pva Sula out nnoioiuo lol rinhon on the siippencxt In big PLYMOUTH 4951 6yL PH 10 22 as us Eonv 534 Mill ox Miss59 azyl If DODGE luv2 uh Mn on 4o 195334 loss in us SLOS For all can 65 each vl excldeny Ecyl FOIID and METEOR IKEMANUFACTURED OAIIBUIIETOHS Experiencing hard steering milin eteTrade in you old wornnut ubulelor got emonulanlmd original equip ment unit Euchanga price In low It each Brand New MoroMast FUEL PUMPS Manufactured to gln you thou nndr of um miter of dopond able service onginoercd for 50000 In of trouble lino perform 4954 acyl 95556 kyl shrill 845 mm Baal1r ulnar can Illlaldlllgnlmpgflh my KEEP IGNITION DRY lair eonmum ul lalllrloll SPRAY vrhlrlen snack is needed clung ills quick any starts and to common ignition troublel 94 py bomb MOT ANUFABTLIREO ENGINE With over 251 new pam Dynamoter rerred to equal or better peylcunlnce oi new original equipment unit Guaranteed 90 days or 4000 miles chemist lassED leyl with IJr ran all llan 16135 Dodge Flyin SI55 Ecyln std trails WIttl llud pill oil pump 19185 Ford 19455 VO wlth land and oil pump snnin saving for other Melts Expm installationIt big savings NOTE Ahoy poop non factory Shipping charges um MoteMaster flualantaed heManutaelured Auto TRANSMISSION Exch Completely dynnmcter checked and tested undo driving conditions to gm comparable to originnl equipment quality Rebullt with only it linenl quality parts en mi You rumir Dllav 195080 Bcyl 15000 Fold and rllr test59 leyIanB Ilngla nngl 15000 linng and Ply 155159 ls PowErtIltu 19000 Ilia available lor other can ExpII Installation ext MoteMailer standard RoManutaotmd Transmlulon Exchange as low as More GO in SNOW ANOTHER CANADIAN TIRE FIRST Wm COUNTRY OENTLEMAN fulï¬ll ASSEMBLY nun will exchange your clutch plate nd pm plnro lo 6mm ro built precision no matched Ionth ready lo Install Guaran toe and Veal Oh 5559 most Dodge PI 4159 Ecyl Ixcept tluld drive For products Allslams 1580 725 Pontlrc flEl most 1185 640 Aim available or most other popular can complain clutea Amnibly Ptol 1540 635 1550 795 5460 LASTI LEAVE THESE TIRES ON FOR SUREFOOTE QUEHZRIDEALL THE YEï¬k RO Tim allnew Country Genrluman feature multIsoason power treada blurs for hauling Ihlough mow yet Its whisperquiet for Inninior driving on halo dirt of paved roads in any weather Needing new tires como Spllnglger lafcty ridenow and next Summer with pair of Country Gentleman the on your rear whanlv InstallThar IIIno loasonal changeover N0 TIME N0 MILEAGE N0 RED TAPE 0N LIMIT LIMIT ADJUSTMENTS wrsr INSURANOErOUIIRANTEE TAG64w