AUTOMOTIVE Moron cans FOR sALE Midtown 41 Essa Rd 51 Ebotiav Iutnrnnllc radio 51 Pontiac dr hardtop Equip so Pontiac automatic radio suchev Auto Impala cache Bel Air sedan sa Chev Sedan 5a Pontiac automatic sedar 57 Buick Station Wagon Ford Sedan 56 Ford two door 55 Volkswagen Deluxe Ford four door deluxe R0 HAWKINS 1m cImvnour door Air two As new throughout Onl 1m mile 3115 down nee over umu nu owing Telephone PA D7003 mi hand our door sedan Vl tor lulflmlut Irsnrmtnuon we steering Ar new rour out Just 333 per month Elephants PA Moss ms vAuerALI Victor door Custom built radln New 11m Very cllsn throughout 1551 ow Im on car at as per month mm uu Tolcphonc PA was ms cnmnourr door mile tritumlrnon Perfect con dillon use mu prlc has our glymcnts of us per month Tols pbone PA moss Boo mourn stuun Wagon ruminant power steering vs Auto uxo 1961 Piymoulh Station Inn automatic vs Both in ex Inllcnt condition Terms cm bl manned rerennon mu PERSONALS vroLA Faust me or any one knowlrsl her whorebouts Please contact Chlldrnn Aid so cinty PA W1 usersrm Needed Trlnlwrta non from Camp Borden Io Barrie and return ro mm In and turn use collccl cunp serum 11 Can um WOMEN COLUMN FOR LIMITED THVIE OIL TREATMENT SHAMPOO AND SETAZSO IN AND COLORING $500 AND UP PERMANENT WAVES $550 $750 $850 $1000 COCKTAIL SHAMPOOS AND SETS$300 AND UP Be hequuI for him on Valen tiner Dy Ind each an of th NONLAPPOINTMENT UNLESS ESOFU PREFEII SPECIAL STYL RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap St PA 84423 17 Essa Rd PA 89811 mm SHOP coldwaves an by ccrtliled hairdresser in your own hornc Phonu Bernice at PA svss or PA 551 Io HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED Hairdresser WHIL zu capable of mutating 101 In wn of 5000 population Muskokl strut Apply to car 51 Benlo nmlncr nNrgn Femlo office and In Icc clerk fnl largo Barrio busi Good working conditions and n1 company benefits Write Box rllnrrlo Examiner giving are liII particulars ioHELPWANTEDH ntroAtRorIcrs We MALE HILP TRANSCANADA CREDIT 37 Dunlop St BARBIE Requires credit representative and field manager Previous credit experience help ful but not essential Our man must be intelligent aggressive and between use years of age For further Information Call the Manager MR MIFFIm PA 85908 LEARN mamas Now Resident or Home srudv Schools Toronto and Montreal RADIO GnuIn or CANADA Stud tor mo nook Cucrn in autumn to to King St Toronto Ontario MALE OR FEMALE ACCOUNTANT Male or Female To look after complete set of books in well established local business Fivsdny week with employee benefits Permanent position Write stating qunllli cations starting salary in BOX 49 BARRIE EXAMINER TEACHERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF DINISFIL SCHOOL AREA ND Required for Mde lst 1961 TEACHER for Grades and Crawford School which is located south of Highway No 90 on Sideroad No at Barrie City Limits Also Required SUPPLY TEACHERS Apply stating ago qualifica tions experience name oi inst inspector and if available for Interview LOUGREED Secretaryrlrenrurer PAINSWICK ONT EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY cAnn liven to chudrsn In my own home Mondly to no any wtu call Telephone PA 01613 aNow snovsnLlNflnoo ed and waxed wall plintlnl plutor lopin all ma Inlmliu xenonhie winter rat Raferennl Tnlephons Gib PA 58471 ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Uso ono of these three convent out ways PHONE PA 02414 and say want to place Classiï¬ed Ad MAIL it to Tha Barrio Exam lnar Barrie Ont BRING it to The Barrio Ex aminer office Bnyiield SireoL TELEPHONE PA 82114 it BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAULS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 Repairs to Looks Door Closers and Safes SErvce Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFELD SI ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKHIG PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PO BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 00706 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS FEDERS GENERAL REPAIRS ELECTRICAL TUNEUPS CARBURETION 400 TEXACO SERVICE STATION or Dunlap at Anne St EARRLE PA 83142 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61 I42 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get the business while you got the profit CALL BUSINESS SERVICES PA 824I4 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES as Remodelling mingling porches rccrtfptiun rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON CLEANERS 8r DYERS NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapperton St CLEANERS AND SHIRT qJERVICE WE ALSO CLEAN Ladies furer coats DYNEL OLLEGRO EORG FOR FREE PICKUP PA 87471 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed atone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN at Anna Street Barrie PA 4907 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 BR Barrio PA 66950 PILE DRIVING FILE DRIVING CALL US Lake Simcoe Maintenance Services PHONE LEFROY 171 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES mu ESTIMATES rams no DOWN PAYIVLENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 00M PHONE couch REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning a1 PRAII STREET licence Hon or office MORTGAGE SALE Townshlp Of Essa Under powers of sale mu talned in certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public ouc tion on February thh 1962 at the hour of 1100 cm at the Office Wood and Co Ltd 26 Queen Street East Toronto Ontario the following Property All and singular those parcels being the west half of lot 16 Concession Township of Essa containing about one hundred acres and seventyfive acres of the west half of Lot 15 Concession Township of Essa cxccpt certain lands tukcn for widening roads On the premises Is said to be Inrm dwelling and burn The property will be sold sub ject to reserve bid For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to WOODS AND CO LTD 26 QUEEN STREET EAST TORONTO ONTARIO l2 TENDERS TENDERS FOR VEHICLE BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Senlcd lenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 500 pm February 22nd 1962 for small pickup or van type do livery vehicle No tradein ColourCommercial Cardi nnl Red Four Tira No Spare Four or Six Cylinder Engine Directional Ligth Standard Renter and Detrasicr In stalled 12 Volt Electrical System Must have for twowny radio Standard fransmislon No License Vehicle To Be Cleaned and Undercoated Prior To Road Soil Owing to the number of both foreign and domestic vehicles to choose from we ask that all tenders be accompanied by complete specifications Lowest or any icndcr not nec cssarlly accepted Ii MURPHY PEng General Manager TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL GARBAGE TENDERS Sealed tenders clearly marked as such will he received by the undersigned at the Town ship Office Struud until pm Tuesday February 20 1002 for SOUTH AREA COLLEClt TION 12 NORTH AREA SUMMER COLLECTION NORTH AREA YEAR ROUND COLLECTION for the years 1962 and 1969 Applicant must submit separate tenders for each area Particulars as to materials to ba collected number and times of collection may be obtained at the Municipal Offices Stroud certified cheque for per cent of the tender prico must accompany each tender Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted COCHRANE Reeve Clerk 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday February IO pm sharp Auction sale of farm stock im plements hay grain straw and same household effects for CLIFFORD MOONEY at Lot 21 Concession Essa Township miles straight north of Highway 89 or miles south west of Egbert Store Terms cash no reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer GROH Kink Tatum Srndlutt Inc lmw right Iwiabycurmtthsrhsdsvolumocmhnlon mm Queen Sees Charity Performance 0i Gilbert And Shllivan Operetta LONDON Reuters Queen Elizabeth saw chnrity perfor munce Wednesday night of Gil bert und Sullivans Operetta HMS Pinnfore which will have its official premier here tonight After the performance she was taken backstage to meet members of the cost by tho dllt rector Sir Tyrone Guthrie Among the principals who met the Queen were Toronto camc dlun Eric House baritone Don ald Young of Ingersoll Ont had Vancouver singer Irena By The Queen also spoke with an Australian of tha chorus Raymond Edwards who last met her while he was serv lng as an orderly with the Aus tralian Army during the Queens tour there in 1954 Noting his 19th century sall ors uniform the Queen said What strange contrast of uniforms and of makeup Edwards commented to re porters This has been quite nine weeks since landed in this country Im in this show Ive been on television and now Ive met the Queen Court Bans Highway Signs 011 Vehicle ST CAIHARINES CMPut ting advertising an wheels does not circumvent certain provi sions of thc lllghwny Improve ment Act Magistrate Hurley Hallett ruled Wednesday in tin ing service station operator $25 and $150 costs Frank Anderson 55 was found guilty of violating sec tion oi the act prohibiting ad vertising signs within quarter of mile of controlled access highways His counsel said ho will appeal He had been advised Earlier to take down signs advertising the price of gasoline He had placed the signs on his truck Secret Deal On Bed China Wheat Is Suspicious MacDonald Says OTTAWA CPLLiberal Sen ator Ross Macdonnld said in tho Senate Wednesday the gov ernments refusal to make pub lic the details of its wheat sale agreement with ommunlst China has become highly nus picious The Senate Opposition leader demanded that the secret doc ument be tabled inr scrutiny Liberals in the Commonsbnva previously sought copy He said he suspects that the government is afraid to have it known that it has guaranteed payment to the agricultural sta bilization board if the Red Chi nese default on the credit ar rnngements Senator Walter Aseltlue gov emment lender in the upper chamber said such guarantee is not unusual in international sales agreements He said he will try to obtain copy of the agreement with Red China but did not knnw whether the gov ernment was prepared to make it available Royal assent was given to an appropriation bill covering $82 390000 in supplementary esti mates of tho agriculture labor and ï¬sheries departments Biggest item in the appropria tion bill is $42000000 for acre age payments to prairie farm ers An expenditure of $40000000 ls provided for the winter works incentive program under which the federal government pays hall the payroll costs of ap proved municipal projecta to create jobs Airlines Agree To Cut Fares Over Atlantic MONTREAL CP The worlds air lines have agreed on tare reductions for new type of service on North Atlantic flights it was announced Wed nesday The International Air Trans port Association snid agreement has been reached for cuts of about $50 below the lowest cur rent fare The reductions effec tive March would apply to groups of or more persons travelling together The 25 can be people with definite nksuch as members of an sting club association or companyor can assemble spontaneously ings for tickets must be made 30 days in advance European Growth Di$torts Look At Other Countries By FORBES RKUDE Canadian Press Business Editor The pace of growth in Euro pean countries sometimes dis torts comparisons with coun tries whose recent progress has been less sensational The Mercantile Bank of Can ada in its current Spotlight on Canada draws attention to this tendency as indicated by an eco nomic survey made by the United Nations department of economic and social affairs Referring to part of tho ro Egrt dealing with the role of sav gs and investment in eco nnmlc growth from 19501959 the Mercantile Bank says it ll luslratcs that Canadas compab alive position in regard to per capita real income during the 1550s displayed much health ier symptoms than might gener ally be deduced from some sta tistics that have received recent publicity CANADA HOLDS POSITION The UNstntistieal table the bank states shows clearly that Canada held its position as first In rank from 1950 through 1059 as regards growth in per capita Income since 1931 It adds It the rate of Canadian growth was very much slower than that of countries like Japan Germany and Austria this was largely because these countries had hardly regained their 1030 PHONE PA 6187d levels of prosperity by 1950 and therefore had further to travel towards recovery Even by 1959 Canadian income per capitn was still running at higher levels as compared with 1038 than any other country Fell president of Em pire Life Assurance Company speaking at his companys r5 cent annual meeting in Kin ston commented that the searching self analysis now Apartment Builder Files Bankruptcy TORONTO CP Marvln Turk prominent house and apartment builder here Wed nesday filed bankruptcy papers for himself and four associated companies listing liabilities of mare than $600000 and no as sets The papers listed personal debts of $125000 and for these companies of which Mr Turk was either director or officer gavu these liabilities Shoreline Investments an apartment building firm $175 000 Ivanhoe Investments $107 000 New Century Homes $142 000 Michael Court Apartments $63000 Creditors include structural steal firm lumber companies subcontractors and appliance doalers going on in government and business circles should hasten the arrival of sound solutions for many of Canadas economic problems Carl Pollock president of Dominion Electrohome Indus tries Ltd Kitchener and sec ond vicepresident of the Cana dinn Manufacturers Association feels that it has been too easy for Canadians to buy beg or borrow creative ideals from the United States Commenting on this in recent address be said How often when attending trade association meeting or business committee meeting have you and heard discus sion of tough problem close when someone said What have they done about it in the States The discussion ended boa cause consideration of the US solution so frequently was fol lowed by the suggestion that we do likewise Rarely does one hear the statemen learned somethin now can we Canadians do It in manner to better serve our needs Until we make this approach our way of business life our 111 dustrlal and commercial do volopment will lack sufficient basic character to achich na tional status commonsurntewith the destiny which Canada ro sourco potential offers NEWS OF COOKSTOW Dy DAUREEN ANDERSON The Cookstown Womens Inst Ituto tnet Feb in the Town Hall Owing to the extreme cold weather only 16 members were present With Mrs Riley the pres ldent presiding the meeting opened with the Ode followed by the Lords Prayer Among the correspondence was letter Irom RI provinc Ial president portion of which was lead Word was received that plans are now underway to hold the Quilt and Rug Fair in Beelon in July The treasurers report was road which indicated that the Cookstown Agricultural Society banquet on Jan 19 Ian the annual meeting was great SUCCESS The roll coll was answered by memberssubmitting resolu tions to resolution committee These resolution will be consid ered in the near future The Tweedsmuir committee was voted $10 to help in its project Mrs Pegg and Mrs Trotter lender and assist ant respectively who were pre sent at the Training School Jan 10 nnd 19 or 143 Pounds of Meat gave report Plans are now being made to send this course along to any Indies oi the community who are intlt crested The kitchen committee report ed having purchased sevcrol badlyneeded items for the cup bnnrd Nominating committee mem bers Mrs lfansen and Mrs Flidcy were appointed Cookstown WI will entertain the residents of Slmcoc Manor in March Committees were ap pointed to arrange for program refreshments and birthday gifts motion was passed to en qulro whether Elmvnle choral group would be available to present its 1962 Spring conccrt in Cookstown As Historical Rcsearnh com mittee convened by Mrs Walker is planning quite large program for March it was decided to issue several Invitations to the ladies to at tend the meeting It is hoped that two ladies at least from the branch will attend the 65111 anniversary din ner of FWIO on Fch 19 in Queen Elizabeth Building Word was received from Area Convener of citizenship and edu cation that all branches in Simcoe Cbunty plnn their Christ mas meetings around Citizen ship In the absence of Mrs Mayes convenes of resolutions Mrs Riley took charge of the program Mrs McDow ell guest pianist played piano solo George Sharpe then show ed film entitled Country Magistrate Mrs Mnycs gave paper on current events She read many items from November 1940 copy of the Cookstown Advocate Mrs Cause conducted contest on birds names the vinnerhelns Mrs Walker Lunch wasla sewed by the committee In charge Cookstown Old Boys Reunlon will be held at the Oak Room of the Union Station on March 15 Mrs Brolcy visited couple of days last week in Carlisle with her cousins Mr and Mrs Roy Blngdcn who who celebrated their 50th wed ding anniversary LIONS BONSPIEL The Conkstown Lions Club held its annual banspiel at the Cookstnwn Curling Rink Feb The Royal Canadians rink from Toronto skipped by John Kina han won the Lions Trophy Winners on tho oclock draw were the Art Kneesan rink of Bradford Bill Wamon Mike Booth LloydEKneeshnw and Art Kneeshaw skip second Frank Craigs rink of Alliston Ben Swanson Vondrasek Kaye and Frank Craig skip third Vic Phillips milk of Shelburne Jack Dinwoudy Lloyd Thompson Wilfred New ell and VII Phillips skip Winners of the 11 nclnck draw were ï¬rst John Kinn hans rink Royal Canadians Toronto George Browning Wright Wilfrid Delaches and John Kinnhun skip sec ond Courtneys rink of Can ninglon 13 Courtney Md Phail Sproule and Jas ephson skip third Harveys rink oi Beebon Don Harvey Harold Ellison Wes Tiler and Harvey slap RED CROSS MEETING The twentysecond annual meeting of the Cookstown Br anch of tho Canadian Red Cross Society was held Jan 29 in the Legion Hall with tho praident Mrs Elsie Wheeler presiding Owing to the absence of Miss Marion Webb secretary Mrs Atkinson was appointed secretary of the meeting The minutes of the 71060 annual néeotlng were road and approv letter was read in refer ence to the campaign which commences March The ob jective this year l$300 The trensurers report was given as follows Balance $157 29 campaign 55755 swimm ing $15000 twoblnnd donor 2015 wnrkropm was decided that $200 would be ignited to headquarters for Mrs Ednsy presented the report of the swimming class 155 pupils taking lessons at Rotary Park in Allistan 101 pupils from Cookstown took their lessons in July and 51 pupils from Thornton and New ton Robinson tank their lessons in August Fee was raised to $175 per pupil Bum cost ma lepu were 86510 and expenditures $65015 leaving balance of 091 Mrs Couse convene of sewing room and knitting gave the following report for 1961 Knitting 10 girls sweat ers pr Girls socks pr mens socks Sewing 20 boys pyjamas 11 largo quilts Total articles 51 Mrs Don Monkman gave the report on the blood clinic as followslhero were two clinics in November Both were big success There Were bottles of blood reahred from these two clinics Expensesz January $1073 and November $1328 Cause campaign manager reported 22 canvassers hnd re ceived $35755 The following Officers were elected Honorary president Rev Howey president Mrs Blevin Atkinson first vicepro sident Mrs Fred Wheeler sec and vicepresident Mrs Don Monkmnn secretary Miss More inn Webb treasurer Marwood workroom Convener Mrs John Couso campaign manager John Cause blood donor clinic Mrs Don Monk mnn disaster chairman Mrs Herb Donnell swimming class Mrs Harold McKillican public relatinns Rov 1i Howey Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ray Lintick on the birth of son at Stevenson Memor lnl Hospital Alliston on Jnnu nry 31 family dinner and evening of card playing was held in the hnme of Mr and Mrs W1 Riley on Saturday Feb to honor Mrs Cole who cele brated her slst birthday on February Present for the occasion were Mr and Mrs Wrightof Oak Ridges Mr and Mrs Colo of Aurora Mr and Mrs Cole and Mrs Ney Cookstnwn Mrs Cole is still enjoying good health Mr and Mrs Lyle Pinkney and Robcrt of Goderlch visited with Mrs Plnkncy and Mr and Mrs Plnkney and fam ily Mr and Mrs WRlley visll ed on Sunday with Mrs Schram and family In Toronto Mr Schram is patient in hospital in Brampton Mrs Henry has returned to her home In Weston after hav ing spent the past three weeks with her daughter and sonin law Mr and Mrs Ney and baby granddaughter Patricia Anne We are glad to know that Mrs Mayes is once again well enough to be back in her own home Mr and Mrs Art Hnnsen spent recent weekend in 0111 lia and Gravcnhurst Mrv and Mrs Howard Cole Linda and Mrs Marla Madill visited in Toronto on Sunday with Mrs Coles sister and Mrs Russell Grant Mr and Mrs Earl McMaster and family of Toronto visited 011 Sunday with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs McMaster Mr and Mrs Wilson Wright and family have moved into their home in town Mr and Mrs Archie Currie Mr and Mrs Newstead Mr Jim Currie of Toronto and Miss Martha Saultera of Allis ton attended the weddingof Mr Curries nephew Curris Bell to Miss John Grifï¬n in Durham Baptist Church Dur ham on Saturday January 27 Mr and Mrs New stead and Mr Jim Currie all of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Archie Cur TIE Mr and Mrs Paul McCarroll of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Archie Currie Mr McCarroll will be taking the services indeï¬nitely at the Cookstown Presbyterian Church Mr and Mrs Peter Stein and Mrs Steins mother Mrs Mar ia Snnncnfeld left Multan by TCA on Friday Feb for two weeks vacation In Jama Ica AGRICULTURAL WETING the ladies of tho Cunkstown Agricultural Society met at the home of their president Mrs Russell Draper Eleven ladies were present for the meeting Mrs Russell Draper was ap pointed as delegate to attend tho Fair Board Convention in officers for 196 lows president Mrs Draper first vic pro Mrs Grace Kirby secretary treasurer Mrs Mary Chnutler assistant secretarytreasms Mrs Peter Stein domestic sci ence convenar Mrs Mary Chantler committee Mrs Al hart Gilroy Mrs Paul Stein Mrs Grace Kirby and Mrs Earl Carr Needlecraft convsnor Mrs Dalt Meller Committee Mrstillla Corrigan Mrs Al thur Cooper Mrs PotarStein Mrs Lorna Arnold and Mrs Earl Bell Flower Convener Coulis Arts and crafts conven er Mrs Harold Parker Carn mitiee Mrs Garnét Loy Mrs Don Monkman Public School Convener Mrs Russell Webb committee Mrs Mrs Ivan Wrig rg Convener Mrs John Robinson Committee Mrs Herman Car rlgan Lunch was served by the hostess SCROO BOYS HOCKEY Cookstuwn Salas Barn defeat ed Thornton Mu Goal scorers were Brian McKllllcan assists Peter McCagus and John Dor woro Brian Mclsuhcanassuts one in January and the second On Monday evening January Mrs Snm French Committee Mrs Art Kidd MFE Norrie Bob Riley by Jack Taylor Paul Irottlr assisted by Bob Lyon And Peter Mccaguo John Berratt assisted by Brian McKilliun and Jack Taylor Bob Lynn unassisted Peter McClure Il sisted by Paul Trotter Noriil Farms tied Knock Goal Scorers were Bruce Cun rlc assisted by Bruce Fildoy and Terry Adams Bruce Fildcy asslrtui by Don Jennett and Brian Cunningham Brian mm ningham Assisted by Charles Bassingthwalte and Don King These teams go into playoffs at tho Thornton arena Mr and Mn Albert Glirny and Mrs Bert Armstrong visit ed on Sunday in Long Branch with Mr and Mrs Emerson Gilrny Mr and Mrs Cecil Baker Blanche Valerie and Terry oi Schomberg were recent visitors with Mr anders Holsla Mon tgomery Forest Sampson spent Monday in Toronto Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hector Porrltt nee Kath leen Gilroy of Long Branch on the birth of son Jun 22 The Cookstown Agricultural Society will hold two euchmn at the hall in Newton Robinson on Feb 10 and Feb 17 Mr nnd Mrs Albert Gilrny attended the funeral of the late girls Monty Leiyi in Orlllia on Congratulations to Frances Rindle who was successful in passing her grade three llnr mony Frances is pupil of Miss Marlon Webb Mr Albert llnnnn Mr and Mrs Colwoll Ramsay and Mr and Mrs Fred Wheeler visited nn Sunday with Mrs Albert llunna who is patient In the Toronto Westcm Hospltnl Mr and Mrs Normnn Neville and John Lindsay visited on Sunday in Barrie with Mr and Mrs John Corbett ROSS SOCIAL GROUP The Ross Social Group met at the home of Mrs John Nev ills on Thursday February the vicepresident Mrs John Timbers opened the meeting with the Lords Prayer The minutes of the lust meeting were read and approved the roll call was answered by nine members and one visitor During the day quilt was quilted and completed for their group Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Jean Neville and her committee Mrs Helen Little Mrs Margaret Bowers Mrs Lena Armstrong and Mrs Iscne Allan The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Gertrude Milllgnn on Febnlnry 15 During the service on Sunday morning the United Churchihc elder Mr AlbertGilroy received and admitted as member of the session Next Sunday morning at the service on Feb 11 Mr ladle Currie will be received into the Board of Stewards EASTERN STAR EUDHRE On Thursday ovening Feb the Eastern Star hold another in their series of oucbros at the Masonic Hall good crowd was in attendance Thr prize winners for the evening were Ladies Mrs Me Master Miss Marguerite Ram say and Mrs Gerald Rupko Men Paul McComb Mr Sindelnr and Dave McMnster The last in this series of euchres will be held on Thurs day evening February when tel grand prizes will be award Mr and Mrs Victor Prldlsam and Jimmy of Utopia were Sun dny visitors with Mr and Mrs William Nevilis OAKLEY By MRS ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs William Gill and children of Buttonville and Mr and Mrs Ernie Langley of Prices Corners were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs George Fleet Mr and Mrs Victor John stone of Drillla were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Ev erett Johnstono School reopened Monday aft er being closed for several days duo to the teacher Miss Nason being ill with the flu also number of children were ill Mr and Mrs Andy Lakatos and Janie and Mrs Bill Gol lnp and baby Jim andMrs Tom Exell of Utopia were first nftheweek visitors with Mr Orville Armstrong stone returned to dc bier Mrs Exeli Mrs Rix Dear Mr and Mrs Mark BulfalD Ken Martin of Hillsdale map WASIIGA BEACH ny human GILHES In spite of the cold weather thirtyfive people wore out to play euchro on Thursday night Prizclwantvto high lady ler low Ann Cannon high man Buis second Torn Chossum low Bill Con non door prize Mr IL Fawn Mr and Mrs Mike Dande witch popular nwnorroporatnrs of the Mayfair Restaurant Wasnga Beachhwsro at home to their manyhiands January 30 the date of their twentyfilth wedding annivorum PEggyrPalnTsécdnd Edna Gib