WED AT TRINITY CHURCIl hinlty Anglican Church Barrie was the setting for the wedding of Miss Nancy Collins and Edmund led Longlcy The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Collins Hayfield St The bridegroom is the soil of ltir and Mrs Mpgley High Street Archdeacon Al Ian Read performed the after noon ceremonyp Jan 20 Costume Jewelry Fluid And Flexible By PEGGY AIASSIN PARIS tlteuterst French costume jewelry this winter echoes the fluidity of the sea sons flared skirts which ripple and dance as the wearer moves As fashion tlas banished stiff linings tuner construction costume iy has abandoned rigid settings New necklaces are worked in cascades of supple fringe which sway like hula dancers ski Chandelier earrings swing like the pendulum of clock Brooches and bracelets suspend tassels of pearls or pendants Even belts have come to life and are trimmed with chate lainc chains which jingle and jungle aiidibly announcing that women have waistlines again Christian Dior calls these new baubles by such names as cascade necklaces They fall In vertical rows of pearl or jewelled fringe worked in graded lengths or constructed in collarette and bib effects which serve as showcase for long dangling motifs Swinging clips suspend streams of shimmering stones mounted on flexible chains Iwhite other pins and broochcs lore fashioned like giant uphul istery Iassuls which would ap pear perfectly at home on any VYictorinn sofn pillow GLITTER ABOUNDS Lanvin Castillo Nina Ricci land other leading houses inter pret bib collars or triangular scarflike necklaces in supple lightweight settings stu dd ed with glittering stones rt similar trend toward mobil ity Clips shaped like flowers have stems made of coiled wire whim quiver in motion The Countess Zoltowska one of the leading jewel designers uses many bevelled stones set spotlight clips Iler ctlormous ofthc ear or perhaps brush forward on to the cheek The color gamut of stones in midnight and winter hues stresses tlle dynamic trend of ithis jewelry on the move All the harsh contrasts of pri imary colors are gone in favor of smoky grey jet brown am bet and topaz stones or milky pearls MISS UALA KIRBY UN SECRETARY Woman Returns To Ottawa After Serving In The Congo OTTAWA CF Life as United Nations secretary in The Congo is an exciting adventure but take it from Nuala Kirby it gets little too exciting The 26yearvold government secretary back from 15 months of UN service in that turbulent African nation recalls three in cidents in which she scared stif Worst of the three happened without warning when she was going to the market in Leopold vflle one day drunken Con golese soldier suddenly shoved the barrel of Step gun into her back He pressed the trigger but the machinegun failed to fire on another occasion Miss Kirby hugged the floor of an of fice while bullets from Street battle bounced off the walls On jungle safari her party came across wild lion wasnt even carrying gun and wanted to run she recalls But the animal didnt attack ENJOYED TRAVEL The assignment had Its pleas ant side however As secretary to the chief of UN military per sonnel Miss Kirby travelled all over The Congo and to other parts of Africa including Libya and Nigeria ThéUN office in Leopaldvilli was Wonderful place to woik We had girls from Ceylon Pakistan Burma Ireland Ni geria Liberia Sweden Spain Jamaica and Canada Every body pulled wonderfully to gather The plane crash in Northern Rhodesia which killed UN Sec retary General Dag Hammar skjold was personal tragedy for Miss Kirby One of the vic tims was close friend Mont real born Alice Lnlande Miss Kirby originally left her government secretarial job in Ottawa on voluntary 12month UN assignment Later she was persuaded to stay on in Leo poldville for an extra three months How does she feel about re suming comparatively dull secretarial life in Ottawa De lighted THE BARRIE COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED ANNUAL MEETING 1962 Notice is hereby given thin the Annual General ivirrilng of the shareholders of the Barrie lenv try Club Limited will be held an Vedncsduyhthe 14th day of Feb ruary 1952 at 530 pm at the Public Library Collier sum Barrte Ontario for the Reception of Reports Conï¬rmation of any nyiuwr or Resolutions passed by the Board or nimctm the up pointment of In Auditor and for the immune business as can be dealt with in the general meetlng ROBINSON SecretaryTreasurer Barrie February 1991 Lapel pins with either iigura live or abstract designs show vat graded levels in dramatici earrings cover the entire lobe iu Cowper Photo green Centre Toronto April 14 50W Silbmit Designs For CSCI Pins The regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Society of Cre ative Ltathercraft was held at the home of Mr Cor bett Highland Avenue Wednes day evening with thirteen members present Mn lrew gale helpful hints on belt assembly and ï¬t ishing The designs for an identifica tion pin for the Barrie CSCL were submitted and will be de cided upon at the February meeting As the Rose has been adopted an Barries floral emb lem it will be featured in the pin design it the intention of the group to have the pins ready for the annual CSCL meeting to be held at Wood LIVELY DAYS Nell Gwyn mistress of Charles II who died in 168 was famous comEdy actress Woman Tagged Lady Edison NEW YORK tAPlFriends affectionately call Beulah Louise Ilenry Lady Edison Shes often couple of steps ahead of the us patent office Miss tlcnry recently received patent on combination mail ing and return envelope that can be manufactured in contin uous strips and can be stuffed and addressed by machine The New York Times reports government files indicate the patent is the 45th obtained by the former southerner who wont tell her age but says she receives some Social Security payments She has novel cooker in the process oi being patented For obvious reasons she wants its detail kept secret but says the principle promises to add suc culencc to any roast or stew Meanwhile she is working on device to eliminate the need for carbon paper in type writer to retail at $150 She has in mind too an endless TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 1962 TORONTO CF Sam bfels liar his brother Alex and lilil llon Wallace are among those pionceravwho have takcn the slack out of womens slacks And as the pants have grown tighter Sam 39 Alex 48 and Milton 35 have grown richer It all started in 1958 when as Alex says 0n lunch hours the three of or used to look around Spadina Avenue for small place to start business They found place and just to make the deal official we sat down at restaurant table shook hands and throw $3 in the pot as the first capital Now says Sam we have an nual sales of more than $1000 000 and were hoping for more this year The partners were all pres idonts used to to the cutting and buttonhole work in Sams basement and press the finished Advocate SoapWater Method In New CleanUp Inspections OTTAWA CPt Vigorous use of broom and shovel and soap and water is being pres cribed by the federal health de partment for some Canadian foodprocessing plants The departments food and drug directorate is undertaking an inspection program with view to forcing any manufactur crs at fault to clean up their plants and produce clean whole some foods Warnings advice seizures and prosecutions are all used to improve the situation says Dr Morrell the direc torates head in an article in the recently published offiCial Canada Year Book for 1951 Up to the present it has not been matter of applying bacteriological techniques to un cover the faults The faults have been obvious to the eye and the first step in their elimination has been vigorous use of broom and shovel and soap and water CHECK MILK The inspections are being made under the Food and Drugs Act and regulations which cover foods sold in Canada from the standpoint of the prevention of health hazards and frauds There are prohibitions against the manufacture packaging and storage of food under unsani tary conditions and on the sale of foods containing harmful or disgusting substances Dr Morrell says some prob lems in the health area are con nected with the manufacture of dairy products Samples of individual farin ers milk had shown signifi cant number were still supplying milk of very low standard and there had been difficulties in stopping the sale 01 fresh cheese from unpasteurized milk Efforts of the food and drug directorate with the assistance of provincial departments have succeeded in attaining gery marked improvement in thEsam itation and housekeeping of fac tories he says but there re mains the problem of unsatis factory milk brought to these processing plants With respect to cheese he said food and drug regulations require that cheese be stored for minimum period of 60 days if not pasteurized or made from pasteurized milk This was to prevent such dis eases as typhoid and tubercu losis which he said have been found to originate in cheese HOW TO CONVINCE FRIENDS YOURE REALLY WITH IT MONTREAL CPIA abort course in how to convince your friends youre really chic ll gfï¬red by oolumnst Harriet Writing in The Gautte she says You should buy at least one representational painting for your living room and say carelessly to guests Hes coming man Keep your eye on him If the guest looks unbelieving you should add The painting grows on you The centrepiece of your buffet table should have far out look and boast somewhere few bare twigs seed pod or driftwood Too many blooms will mark yo as old fasldoncd Your living room should have at least one rocking chair You should be very know Ing about Lawrence Durrelll Alexandria Quartet and even if you didnt understand it on late you can murmur Ho paints such word plctures FAROUT rm Sometime during the even tng you should produce your hIfi and put on at least one good example of farout fuzz Your family pet still can be poodle but it you have product in drycleaning plant for fee T00 DIANNISH Fate was on our aide ltlil ton says Women were finding the pants they were during the war were too mannlsh They wanted different cut They wanted to be feminine United States firm that led the way in tight pants allowed the three colleagues to manu facture and sell their product in Canada for percentageof the profit Sam gazed at girl model ling their product Site was standing in hip sprungposi tion with her back to the cam era Its beautiful he said Its our emblem The catalogue said she was wearing garment in the pi quant shade of cathedral win dows gt You can tell from the name what the color is says hilltop They Spend months figuring them out Around them more than 100 employees were turonig out samples of the 350000 tight pants they produce annually in such colors as French pastry wet sand Danish flowers chariot tracks wine fields starry nights wheat flowers and skipping stripes TRY BIGGER SIZES You never see her fac8 Sam said of the model But can tell you shes beautiful And she gets $250 an hour for posing Milton explained his products appeal Merrie Menagerie Someday Ill like to chuck all this and retire to little camp mount more exotic breed so much the better Somewhere in the book case should be Winnie the Pooh in Latin You need not erenlmply your young hope ful cant read it yet If you live in the suburbs you should emerge hooded as you drive to the nearest rult pennnrket Then your friends will be certain you know your Dior You wear frankly fake jewels or if you move in circles where real ones are the rule and you havent any you can always wear none at all and say nirily cant afford real ones so Would ralher be without ou take or least one ex tension course Icam Russian if youre up to it but prob ably will settle for Italian Youre phyltcal fitness conscious and maybe youre taking yoga If not yoga youre devotee of scuba dtv ing Youre given to little sup porn with one superb dish which you make yourself from one of the gourmet cook books And If all this In an Efv fort you wouldnt dream of letting anyone know it Designers Wallets Bulge As Womens Slacks Tighten Its the long lean little look Women see the ad and say can look like that That they cant all look like that is shown in company rec ords They used to make sizes six to 16 in skintights Then they added size in Now theyre toying with going to size 20 waist 35 weight lBO Tlï¬re wont he many changes in the future Theyre just going to get tighter and tighter says Sam what of the future This sea son the firms line will include Bikini You wont see them on Bay Street Alex says But youre going to see lot at the resorts this year THE STARS SAY by ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Vital matters and objectives are destined to move at high speed with promise of attain ment of goals and surprising achievements and satisfactions fulfillment of worthwhile achievements and satisfactions Use good judgment Give your best to your job and dont take chances FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope shows fine pros pects for gain through smartly planned investment and busi ness moves especially during August and November How ever you may have to be un usually tactful in your personal relationship during these par ticular periods Persons born at this time of year are usually controlled by their emotions desires and sym pathies You are versatile and can make good lliving but you are often so busy building castles that you dont make the most of opportunities espe cially where money is con cerned Watch this tendency during the coming year You like to enjoy yourself and will have many opportunities to do so in August and in late De cember Incidentally the latter month will be excellent for property matters child bnm on this day will be good worker selfreliant and dependable NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING special general meeting of shareholders of the Barrie of all such other WThe Algoma Steel Corporation Limited Our February Review features The Algoma Steel Corporation Limited the largest producer of pig iron and cake in Canada and the second largest producer of steel ingots In 1961 Algoma established new records for iron and steel production and its earnings increased substantially over the previous year The Securities List contains attractive investment suggestions in diversified selection of government and corporation securities currently available copy of our Review and Securities List will forwarded upon request Wood Gundy Company Limitéd DEAL REPRESENTATIVE ALAN NESS 176 Wellington Street East Barrie Telephone PArkwthm Country Club Limited will be field at Public Library on Collier St Barrie 0nt Wednesday February 14th 1962 at 180 prn To receive and consider the following motions Moved by Norris and seconded by Stevenson that the notice of motion by Dr Smith made at the an nual shareholders meeting on February lsth 1961 to the effeot that the Directors be increased to urine from the present six Directors and also that part of Sub Sect one of section two of the Constitution reading as follows of six of its shareholders two to be elected each year for three year terms the two Directors who refine each year shall not be eligible for reeleetion until the lapse of one year fromtbe date when he ceases to hold ofï¬ce Four Directors shall form quorum be amended and read follows of nine of its shareholders the four Directors remaining on the present Board to remain Directors for 1962 and five to be elected for two year period for 1962 and 1963 and thereafter four to be elected for two years and five for two years in alternate years Five Directorsst form quorum and notice of the amendment be included with the financial statement for the year 1961 to the shareholders Carried Moved by Powell seconded by Caldwell that ef feotive Jan 1962 new applicants for senior memberships in Club be required to be shareholders in Company and to Pay an initiation fee of $5000 Requirements for husband and wife will be one share and $5000 inï¬ltration fee Shareholders may be repremtmfby proxy proxies shall be filed with tho secretarytreasurer prior to the slant of the meeting ROBINSON SecretaryTreasurer ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Lenders When was lgot mixed up with noï¬ood skunk was know itall kid and nobody could tell me anything ran off with him and we lived in one rat trap after another He kept telling me Well get married later lle clairan he had job at garage called up one day and they had never heard of him figured he was getting his money in some crooked way and was Aigbt When the police came he denied everything and told me not to worry He got three years for armed robbery was then four months pregnant went home and begged my folks to take me in They did Now have darling twoyear old son had letter from the skunk yesterday saying hell be out on parole soon He claims we are automatically married in the eyes of the law because of the baby Im sear ed to death of him but never want to see him again What can do MOLLY Dear Molly Theres no such thing as an automatic mar riage Write and inform hIm that If he comes near your house youll notify his parole officer If he threatens you get police protection You owe hlm nothing Dear Ann Leaders know you receive lot of questions that are hard to answer and you do pretty well but Ill bet you have never run into this one before go with boy who wears his aidcburns came My boy friends sideburns are about three inches lower than his glass frames and he looks like hood Delegates Attend Womens Conclave MONTREAL CPISome 300 members of Canadas Hadns sahWizo organization left here Thursday night aboard two chartered flights to attend the Canadian convention of the Womens Zionist organiza tion in Israel Another 150 left Vancouver by air Wednesday and fourth flight carrying 150 left Toronto Thursday night All were bound for Rome and the delegates were to salt to Israel from No pies CROWDED Anna Kong covering total 390 square miles had population Ji 3100000 in June 196i glasses How far down should The Bnuah Colony of Hongl Dont Fool With Bird You Owe Him Nothing Please print this letter if you agree with me If you dont agree with me just skip it No SQUARE Dear No Square dont care for long sideburns with or without glasses Heres your letter and hope it helps Dear Ann Lenders What are your views on suicide Do you think suicide attempt is sign that person is insecure Ive heard that some people makc show of committing suicide just to attract attention or to make onodter person feel sorry for them How do you go about finding out if the giddde attempt was sincere Also have you ever heard of anyone who actually died from slashing his wrist This is done lot In the movies but Ive never heard of it actually work ing in real life Please print this letter because lot of people would like to know the answers but they are ashamed to ask for fear someone might think they are contemplating suicide them selves NOT ME Dear Not You person so depressed that death seems more desirable than life is dos perotely disturbed To describe such person as insecure is the same as describing can eer patient as not feeling well An individual who is deter mined to end his life usually succeeds If first attempt fails hell try again For example the woman who wish es only to friwten or punish her husband or her lover may swallow handful of pills or she may scratch her wrists with razor The woman who mean business will put gun to her temple or shell jump out of Illstory window She knows that no one can step in at the last moment and Save tier Wristslashing of course can be fatal but usually It is dramatic attempt to attract attention Guaranteed To Accentuate You Seatimean Whatever flhn Occasion FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE sr PA 85975 IVERNIA SAXONIA ARINIHIA IVERNIA APRIL 27 from New York he Tel unnr 102 Dunlap St EUROPE SPRING Go Cunard Early Spring Sailings from Montreal and Quebec APRIL l3f APRIL 20f HAYRE SOUTHAMPTON NAVRE SOUTHAMPTON GREENOEK LIVERPOOL MAY CORN HAVRE SOUTHAMPTON plus sailings every Friday all season an ouoim illl following day hoes reduction oppliu on round trip bookings You step into spring the moment you step aboard any of these gracious CUNARDV liners An alternate route to Euiopa is available aboard the magnificent Queens sailing regularly Sn yetchow agent Enquire about the Cunard FayLot Plan CUNARD 670 geï¬yflww Waffï¬w Toronto 3622911 Reservations See BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66474