Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1962, p. 10

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Now Is The Time To Buy Or Sell Your sins BARBIE EXAMINER sArURnAY JANUARY REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS nuonssr and In Edwin most in nunelo Street name are happy to announce the arrival twin daughter on Wedncaday January im at the Royal vic toria HospitaL stater lor ism and Gary pgnLAnAr the Royal Victoria Hospital liarsl2 on Wednesday nuary at 156 to air and lira It Peelr John Street Bar on tnmolhy Varren 11103150 At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Thinav day February 1952 to air and airs Alvin Thompson RR nu rte daughter lainy Louise noon rmvs STORY worn on nnndunra the birth pl your skulls Th Bin kaminel clippings at the notice an available 107 ashr Baas ramlly nee Records and to mail vour fiends lid Itinllvcr in those lar sway places ro place In Innounczmcnt atrrr oirth call Bar tarminer Cllnlfled PA utlt DEATHS LAINSDNOn Thursday on 1962 at lhc Greater Nla ra General Hospital Niagara in Ontario Eva May roterman or the late Leonard Laihson in her 30th year Dear mother ol lills sidney ilishop INclyn al Toronto Theodore Lainsen at nor rir AiIrcd Laimnn ol llamlllon sister or Miss Emma Jane Peter man or Niagara Falls Ontario Aiaa surviving are snndchi ren and greatgrandchildren Mrs Lalnson ls resting at the Val ley crest Pllncral llome 1641 North Main street Niagara Falls Ontario lor lunrral service on Monday February at pm termenl Prospect Ccmelcrv onto upon arrival by motor proximately pm ENGAGEMENTS lloUGllTONKITEIIING Mr and Mrs Kennth iloughtnn at Oarrlc wish to announce the en easement oi mclr daughter sauy to Donald Klichlnil son or Mr and Mrs Orvll Kilchinv of Mid land Ontario The wcddlnlz is to take placc in Central United Church llarrle on Saturday March l962 at pm IN MEMORIAM cIIunclIIVAItDin loving mem ory or dull husband Allred Churchward who passed ay February issl Evcr remembered by wire Anne sruNncNln loving memory at dear wire and mother Adells Viola Johnson who passedavuy February I958 Though her smile ls gene rerevcr And her hand we cannot touch still we havo so many memories or tho one we loved so much lies memory Is our heepsoxe With which well never Fifty God has her In an keuplng We hava her in our hearts Ever rzrntsmbcred husband Alex and daughters Hare and Reta STUNDENIn memory or our beloved grandmother Adclla Viola Johnson who passcd away Febru ary 195a or otrivios lltuo or play Loving giving the whole or the lei cherished man heart at gold the dearest grandmother the world could hold Happy memories loud and true Prom us who thought the world or you Alwayx nmomberld by her trendchlldren Carol and Fred DAlnhioslo Gwen Judy people shelly and Sue Ann rate and eategrandchlldren Joey Joanne and Jill plleeh Wolxell also Darcy pArnour COMING EVENTS BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH YOUNG AMBASSADQRS Light BuIb Sale sown$100 ioownlr $100 and loved $200 HELP US HELP OTHERS Proceeds to be used to buy clothing for orphan children in Japan tn be purchased by Rev and Mrs Frank Muir SHAMROCK TEA WEDNESDAY MARCH 14th 1962 230 pm pm Fellowship Hall Collier St United Church Auspices 3rd Barrie Scout Group Ladies Auxiliary ORG STATION By MRS JOHNSTONE Sympathy of the community is extended to the Elson Family in the sudden death of Mrs Eistm Funeral service was held at the Presbyterian church here Saturday Jan 27 at pm Congratulations to Mr and Mrs William Ayerst on the arrival of son Jan 20 in Royal Victoria Hospital Barri Miss Diane Gordon Barrie spent the weekend with Miss Joan Crawford Diane was recently chosen Barrie Teen Queen Congratulations Diane Mr and Mrs Dave Old and sons Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Karl Gilchrist and lamily Those spending the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gra ham were Mr and Mrs Don aid Edwards and Betty Mr and Mrs Lawrence Graham Miss Lillian Graham Mr Doug Pickering all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Lloyd Crawford and daughter have moved into the village We welcome them Mr Webb the teacher is back to school again after hav lng week oil with the flue The February meeting of the United Church Women is to be held at the home of Mrs NGraham Wednesday Feb 11 at pm Theinaugural meeting of the Unitcd Church Women was held sundnmjan 28 atJOaIm service Those installed were president Mrs Burton first vicepresident Mrs Strahan second viceprasldent Mrs Moore secretary Mrs Crawford treasurer Leigh AshopPinEceutr REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Keith Marshall nus STAT Imam PA 82592 ls cLAPrPJiTON ET aARluz IS Income property what youre looking for Then he sure to call us for an appoint munt to see this triplex Its oi oi the best in Barrie very well maintained in central downtown location units have bedrooms unit bedroom All sellcontained An outstand ing investment opportunity DONT WAIT FOR SPRING BEDROOMS At this new sacrifice price just reduced to $11100 This is one of the best bedroom listings we have The home Is only years old and its in excellent condition Carries for easy terms with low down pay mcnt FOR THE HANDY MAN Close to Barrie room home needs some repairs Full ba50lt men Iumncc allconveniences or only $500 down balance on easy terms MOORE pA Misc FRANK mum PA assoc Illcmbar liarrte and Distrch ncal Ettata Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phnna 82419 93 Dunlop St OLDER MODERNIZED Three bedrooms kittilen din ing room living room combin ation utility and sunporch South of Barrie at St Pauls Excell ent garden soil with fruit trees on this acres This is real buy at $7900 Terms INCOME PROPERTIES III the city and at Stroud show ing excellent returns Triplex duplex and business buildings New and older at brick struc ture CHOICE BUILDING LOT 52 100 teat onqulct street close to Bayticld and Grove Streets Nice homes in this area STEEL STREET Storey and half six room house This area has much potential With this house rs two acres of land for subdivl ng orrcom mercial possibilities cornering Highway 11 and through to Steel Street Would sell separ ately or in parcel Terms hlABEL MARSHALLPA 84450 COREYPA 85488 MURIEL lEPrERYPA 653 Slouli Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 ITS NEVER T00 COLD in move when the price is right Reduced again bedroom bungalow on Vancouver Street with lovely landscaped grounds Owner transferred must be sold Carries for $90 per month PIT All offers will be con sidercd SACRIFICE Older 13 room home on Codrington Now rent ed as apts Close to down town Now reduced to $6500 ADD TO YOUR INCOME year old Duplex could be made into triplex 0n Innisfil Street Income 5190 per month Call us today for further particulars Member or the Barrie and District Real Estate Board Emmas CALL IIERV GOULD 0R0 25111 mi GOULD 0R0 251s HARRY SLESSOR PA 50513 ORCA BROWN PA 37255 LLOYD HocmzY PA 5831 EVERETT LOUGHEED sTAYNER wow HENDERSON REALTOR 19 coLLlER STREET PHONE PA 82671 VARIETY STORE $1000 down plus stock Right downtown Store 20 50 with large dows Has many possibilities that could be addéd Barber shop shoe shine TV repair lunch room etc For full de tails call Rita Scandrett EVENINCS CALL RITA SCANDRETT PA 84865 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 65543 PERCY FORD PA E7930 EMERSON SWAIN PA 58605 Member or Bari1c and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards BUY THISONE AT $80 MONTHLY $8700 FULLPRICE $80 month ly includes IPT with small down payment This lovely hun galow with bedrooms and piece bath aluminum storms and screens full basement oil heated ltl minutcswalk Io IrrStroudaon Highway 11 TELEPHONE PA 82957 FIVE ROOM white frame house located on Innlstil street oil lur nacc builtin cupboards lpieca bath Easily hoatod But after Telephana PA H332 alter 7111 PROPERTY FOR SALE has it It noonpit um ROGmsPA M581 ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOme First in harrirflolna SalesForemost tn Quality at Servicc PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL POSTERPA as CONNELLPA mu mama HARM ll DISTRICT REAL LsTArE BOARD DUNLOP ST for only $3000 with barbecue eluding municipal taxes at only $1400 loe Longtlh PA was Evclttlt shelswou Ora 2910 Smith CampbellPA ansr FerluJ Garvey IA c7952 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 Member or the name and District Real Estate Board CARSON REAITOR l45A DUNLOP ST chtdoor lo the Imperial Thetho PA 64648 Member or Barrie and District Real Erma Board AsROSE REAL hiATE BROKER 7s Tllrm STREET aARRia CALI DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member ol the nameand District Bcal Estat Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 on PA 61802 us Dunlap 51 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING For complete movingscivicc safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED vAN LINES AGENT 48 Essa Rd Barrio PArkway 85575 Four Bedroom Home With large living room and kit chen Close to high school public school and St Marys School This house has large basement suitable for recre ation room Full price $15900 Down payment $2844 Call Hen ry Elrick and Michic 15 Owen SL Barrie PA 85583 PROPERTY WANTED PASTURE FARM wontcd to rant or buy Must be reasonably priced Apply to Box to harm Examiner ONE 03 Two LOTs wanted Inthe vicinity of Mineto Paint Tele phone PA 80420 lol IIIrthcr inlor inaticn FARMS FOR SALE Ideal for tobacco nepotatoes bl throughout Good well House with indoor plumbing Builtin cupboards andtumace Large barn Pig pen Double garage Possession anytime Apply Frank SlackRR Barrie Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER Edward Norris 50 ACRE FARM SheIsweII PA 89961 PA 58142 Pint Mortgage Funds Availabla77o Interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged IFour bedroom brick bungalow on Puget St with glassed sun room linlshcd recreation room office paved drive plus well landscaped lot Asking $15000 full price OSix mom frame home on McDonald St dose to downtown with doublegarage large lot and gas stove and dryer EXECUTIVE HOME Six room bungalow with attached garage asphalt drive pauo Recreation or Iamily morn finished with bar chairs and rug Refrigerator stove dishwasher and air condi tioolng unit nll Included in the asking price oI 516500 OBRAND NEW HOMES several styles to choose from $1400 to $2000 down payment and monthly paymean at about $110 in BUILDING LOT on Grove st needs some fill so priced low Evenings Cali Jack willion PA Hui Norman shonweu PA aml PA um CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 Members or the parrlc Reol IAtat aoar loan canrlpA M751 cuarllo ReadPA 32811 FARMS WANTED cLIENT WITll $75000 looking lor good 100 to 00 acre lirm Sprint possession Call Ralph Eolkc Canon Rcal Palate PA bull or alter PA soaps MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH Low MONTHLY PAYMst TAILORm TO YOUR EUDGEI IF YOU NEED MONEY hy oil existinl mortsarza mortgages coming dul Home improvement Any wortllwtlu crime PA 60981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonsSears 129 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARBIE PA 60203 MORTGAGESLit and 2nd bought sold and arranged commercial ahptfcgldeolgl rnonasllssmlloirheirK Rs 11 m0 RISES gage Brokers Pa mot RENTALS LOW COST scams or 1an Clean modeln buildinn Suitable lnr commercial or ii ht lodustml Talephona PA 66515 NURSING HOMES ABK EDEN Nunsmu ROME Bull me this work Semi and privnto rooms kind nursing care good load TV room station wr gon lor outings Talapbono mu stroud OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL Modern main floor store or ouice st 02 barrier at West Ample parking Air condi tioned sioo monthly Telephone PA pom days or PA oasis even Inga tor further inlormstlon APTS HOUSES TO RENT MODERN our room bungalow with garage Hillciest school district Rent 595 per month Possession Mann Telephone PA 31424 FURNISHED three room up meat sellcontained heated Also on bedroom to rent Apply at as John street or telephone PA M353 Two BEDROOM Apartments roi rent Heated Central location Hardwood llcors Telephone PA 63674 for further information UNFURNISHED Eva room up mcnt for rent Downtown Iocatlon Halt and Water suppllcd Teln pilana PA $5719 for lurther 1111M matlou HEATED selfcontained apartment Ground floor Thch large rooms Near school Parking Private en trance 65 monthly Telephon PA mm mm Rooms and bath turn Ished Host and water supplied Private verandah clcctrlc dryer and washer Telephone PA M931 evenings PA 61032 spacious Ave room unturniehed npartlncnt stove and reirlgorstor optlonol Automatic laundry and parking fncIIItIes Tclepllnne PA was or PA sum tor lurrher de BURTON AVENUE Threu room unfurnished apartment oll heated hot water stove and retrlgerotor Prlvoto bath Apply to Centre st 595 MODERN chearoom hrleir bungalow with zur garage im mchntc possession Apply Rogers gscosnncil Ilcaltors Telephone PA 56 slx naolvl House lol rent with automatic gas heatlnz Thrca bad ronnas Centrally located Available now Telephone PA 35220 for iur ther lnlormatlon ltlonanwouefiand twoibadlooni apartmentsto rant East and Iuca tlon Automatic laundry faculties Poe furthur particulars telephone PA 32929 uNrunNisllEn two bedroom soilcontained ground floor apart mcnt All uuutles iupvllcd Dunlox angle West area Tnlephonl csirs RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS ARTICLES For SALE Car See Column No APT5 HOUSES TO RENT LUXURIOUS LIVING 189 Peel St Two bedroom apartments 90 and up All the most modern mnvcniencu Janitor scrvica included kn rncdiatt possession PA 88122 The Gardenm Corner Quecn and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms Large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all heat with air conditioning Iull bascmcnt serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA 32740 MODERN artmonta lour mama and prtv both hot water but ed utilities augpiien lacted In Minn Telephone Camp Borden no 111511 and alter pm AVAILABLE February bedroom unlulnlshed anamocot heat and wall supplied nllltenlt taioed Bait and location par month TelnDhona PA Opus WIRED all hlltcd kl contained on room lpnrtnaant Ground floor Iron and sida trance Available DO Talophonv PA 60301 Two nEDRooM nunslow with range on wooded lot Coaxinstall street School artl lmmedlata poseuloh Rctcrencu required 50 monthly Call Centre It 60 PA Miss Two nsnnooll homo to not large rooms all turncc lull bur meat ideal location overlooking Kempenlelt Day Adults preiemd Telephone PA 51407 to lunher inlorrnatlnn POUR 1100 Apartment til hath ohlumlshed stova and re lrigerator su plied Centrally lo cated No chldren Avaliabla int mediately For lunher humnu uon Ielephona PA 60241 THREE ROOM lumishcd apest ment or rent Heated Relrlgero tor heavy duty stove hardwood floors Sell contained Availahll Immediately Armstrongs Ilard ware PA Mm UNPUansllnD two bedroom apartment heated Centrally loca ton Pilklnl provided Rant no monthly Telephone PA Mien or alter 030 pm PA 83695 LARGE nicon decorated ona bed mom lower Iplrtrncnt healed sellcontained Central location Chlldlrcn welcome TcIcphonl PA Two uniurnlihed Apartment for rent on main floor at new triplex Back and lront entrances Automatic dryer Tole phone PA 67376 for lurther lnlor motion Two nEDltooM Aplrtmcrlt in modern building East End End laundry iacllltles roirlgerator stove heat and water Nat sult abie or children Telephona PA c1445 TIIIIRE BEDROOM Brick Bunga low in narrle Recreation room and garage Ccntnll location close BEDROOM to schools Available February is $95 per month Telephone Orillia FA 5571s Ann You Lookianor lovely sellcontained apartment Come and see this one Suit couple Ground lloor newly decorated Heat and water supplied Your own gus lumncc thermostatically controlled Reasonable PA Hans AVAILABLE NOW Unfurnished three room npnrtlncnt Entire up stairs Private bathroom Sellcon tained Oll hut Block 1mm Past Oflltc Small baby welcome Tele phone PA 89757 bolora 510 3111 NEW AND Modern Olin and two bedroom apartments Overlooking lcenIc KemPcnfElt Ely Heat wa ter arising and flutter service lneln ed Automatic washinr to clliLtes PA $2902 Two BEDROOM Bungalow ior rent Tastetfully decorated Oll hunt Aluminum atoms and screens All conveniences writs Box 53 Barrie Examiner or phonn VA 14500 Oakvillc 4948 iv sizes title261i By ALICE spoons ITO SIZE 2612 HURRYUP sewingno waist scams no fitting problemsl Slip into this slim pretty cas ual sash it in back and youre ready to go For cool cottons Printed Pattern 4948 Halt Sizes 1412 16 18 20 22 24 21512 Size 16V takes yards 35inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS 50 CEDISI in coins stamps cannot be ac Ccptcd for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send orderto ANNE ADAMS arre Examiner Pat 60 FTontS Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready now More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All slzeal Send as cents Tun DOOM sinfulpitched brat ad artment ler nnL Sellcon uplnt lullInn ye month Available immediately Teiopnona PA mo or PA Lu You ROOM Apartment Ior rant Private bath unturnth and heat 26 rluta entrance Cloa to when and bin Children wcleoau Dex 39 HAITI human uucoNrAntln our loam heated lvlflmcnl lor rent unlun planed Telephone PA $057 or ester Mn PA uni lor lumber Inlomluan loo ruralbed apart meat or rent Private path and private en cu Iota or cup boards hilly modern No children iairyhbnl ASS4217 Cochinn NILE Ir MARYa church Larg hraled upper duplex lor nut rm rooms and bath sellcontained Private entnne Na ohicctlan to one ehud Telephooa PA mu coMmRTAnu largo thmroom apartman Moder to rcpt wmn collarto clitrulcu arouse Dark lng Canlnl at htu inundronlli Allowanca loe semen in Pane tins st PA rOuii ROOM heated nunht lor rent unlurrlllhed win It and reirigeraior Pulling Ip Pin mlnutea walk tram Flu PointL Telephone PA bum lar lurthor particulars FURNISHED on Unlurnisbed thre roomr selfcontain with rema erator and itov on Burton Ave nue Rut water and hydro lup Dllod $65 per month Telephon PA sasu Two 110011 furnished hoaud apartment stove xelnrcratol and cupboards Suit business or mill tary couple Reasonable rent Eur stops at door Private entrance Talapho PA mm or PA cos rumsnap lam heated bright bedalttlnx room brunt kitchen bathroom Parking rsclllues Ccn tnlly located Suitable tor two Reasonable rent For addltlonal lnlormatton telephone PA 511 Rubin Apartment with bath cited Unlurhlrhcd Downtown location Parking available sell contalned with privata entrance Immediate possession Telephone PA us or PA Mm alter pm MODERN ment with stove relrlgerotor wa iuer and dryer On main floor at apartment building Available now Apply 1ka street or PA a7lls two bedéaom apart ALLANDALE District Threo roam Apartment with bath private ah trohca parklhg ncwly decorated Ilat hydro and water supplied 65 monthly Avallahln Immediate ly Telephone PA Mall HOUsE To RENT at Perry Street West Large living room kitchen bath and two hodroornu Easement lull site all heated and wool or coal heatcr supplied Im mediate possession Apply Charles Lowe 01 Dunlop Strcct West ROOM 8e BOARD located board optional PA Mssl noon AND noARD available or one in private home Home pllv llcreo parking Telephone PA 37003 or iurtllac dotaila WAITM anioni Bedroom close to hesplls Linens supplied Hat platc and use at retrlgerstor ll desired Telephone PA ism weekends and alter in evenings or PA SWSZwcckdlys ROOMS TO LET rumsnnn aedsntlng Room with rmgette and use at relrlrer ator and linen supplied Ccntral Telephone soon FURNISHED Bedroom and share living room bathroom and kitchen privileges with two other young women For lurtheg inronnlllorl phone PA 82324 ARTICLES For SALE EAT BETTER FOR LESS hillyGovernnlent Inspected Guaranteed lllcats NO MONEY DOWN Fills Your Home Freezer Payable Ovér Months Dont Wait Enjoy Our Fine Foods Nowl Why Pay More Than 59c lb tor your STEAKS and STEAK ROASTS etc Why Pay More Than 43c 1b for your Prime Rib Roasts Short Rib Blade etc Why Pay More Than 42 1b tor your Pork Chops Bacon Roasts etc We Are The Only Local Food Plan wi It you haveyaur own homa re Meier It costs you nothing to Food on Display our or wish to purchase home call or Write to KLEERPAK FOODS 245 Tiflin Street Barrie PA 60501 Home Freezer OrdersFree Delivery Up To 100 Miles EASY CLEANING Just For You GOBLIN VACUUM Cleaner In almost new condition complete with hassock 53950 CO complete with attachments and super swivel top $3450 AIRWAY with new motor new nylon hose $3650 ELECTROLUX in extra good condition complete with all at tachments $72150 LEWYT with large whccls many extra bags $35 RUION This is brand new unit retail value $14950 Sale price $45 Mada in Holland These are all sold on our regu lar guarantee Phone for Irce homo trial to FILIER QUEEN SALES 57 MAPLE nvn BARRlE PA 83482 FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your Iurnuce nowbetween Jan 15th and Feb 28th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete Installation Reg $69 FORCED Alli OIL 0R GAS NEW 5110 Finance Rate Rhona collect Sttoud AIRS WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand Low Overhead Low Cost Used TV from 49Q0 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed MCFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG STREET PA 89288 PHOTO REPRINTS available at Thé Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please cal at our Busl ness Otticc We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 5x $100 lo $125 plust STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20 Clearing at ea lus PROVINCIAXL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 EWSPAP ER MATS Sizes alea Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc pctfcct insulator 25c PER DOZEN AlmaTue Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario zaavlTB lrnnaOnunic Pnrtabll Radio or sale 15 Terms Excali ent condition Telephone PA 64178 iiiP REDUCING vlouuon bolt equipment motor operated iiiand now It cost 19 Will loll ior Telephone PA will or tur tnar Intnrmatlon TRACYS FILTER QUEEN READ THIS FOR YOUR HEALTHS SAKE Germs are carried on dust BUTdust is eliminated with Filter Queen Health unit Evcn nicotine is cleared from the air you breathe CALL PA 83482 50 oil on health unit hassock with this ad SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 CUPBOARD or salts wooden done shelved approximately sa ovals cream painted 515 Ap splsyas Blakl Street Or phony PA you wanna sockets and coats tor salt or exchange Repairing reinstall and remodelling Moder ata prtcu Apply union and son 18 punlop street West EarlIO Telephone PA szsii LOVELY inexpensive Dresses lrom North American Fashion Procks Latest styles seen without obliga tion For iulthcr lnlolmatlon talc gnona Mrs Davoa PA H514 alter pm SCUBA Equipment for sale used only months iika new slnrlc stage two hose regulator Aqua Lung tahlr constant reserve valve aac Pad with harness Va loam Neoprene wet autt complete size medium Fins snorkel mask weight belt 17 Dnunds of weights divers flag and one prolesslonal divcrl lrnlle Quite reasonable Pitches PA calm nltor pm or call at 47 Marcus street can LOANassoo at el month Telephone PA on Crucanl Hanna Duolo at West llme reposaeued Floor Cllan er and Polisher or me Terms Singer Sewing Machine Company narrlr Telephone PA upon RLECTiuc GUITAR lor rain with nmplitlcrlllnost how Best allar Can ha seen at Peel strut Harris FUR COAT lor nic Muskrat lull length aixo lLlfl in excellent con dition Telephone PA Hits Ior lunher details ALL PARTs me ma Dodge and 1951 Ford Also Hornet chain law Telcphorla PA M701 Ior lun ther lnlonhetion not WATER Tarur callous with electric immenion ll ter Iully lruullled ready to all Telcphono PA mos AmsmIolv IISITEItltIllNSaltcd ounnows lor solo By this bushel vTclephOna Hosea illdlsnd tor runner internsnon ONE upnlciir Gourlay Plano and Ranch Ior sale in good Con ditlon Telephone PA am or runner lorormation aAnY GRAND plANo original cost sum Will acll tor me or nearest otter Apply Pred Brown lng lan shonnnn street onllla phone FA 75 auras Girls Plguro skates lor asle also Also wanted to buy Apartment slxa Plano In good condition Tclephonl PA WM DAVENPORT and two easy chair lac 315 also Chroma Kitchen Tabla nd chain 325 All In load condition Telephone PA on DOGS 8t PETS LABIIADDR iuzTRiEVEa loi nla one year old hlaolr male 335 Telephone PA 6429 lol lurther particulars RAnans FOR SALE Flemish Gl ance young and matured stock Also Pigeons high lying Xuilcrl Len Bmomncld chnn street Angus 5th house past cemetery WSIMAEANER PUPPIES gray hosttwo months two Icrnllcs two malts $100 each Good bkd dog wonderml with children Phone PA 34242 ARTICLES WANTED ONE PAIR Boys Sltntca slip also rectangular or mesh Play Pen and Ruby Stroller Tele phone PA H365 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For last service phona BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask tor ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 2A hour day1 due weair NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139061 LIVESTOCK WEANEI pins lor sale Landrace and Yorkshire Telephone norm or avcnlnli Panama FARM MACHINERY SIMCOE DIST COOP FARM SUPPLY SALES SERVICE FOR Pedlar Barn Equipment Water Bowls Pedlar Beatty Dominion Unico 0taco Barn Track Farm Fence Automatic Feeders Ventilating Fans Cement 259 ENNISFIL SI PA 66531 CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment Snow RemovaI Equipment Available 176 BURTON AVE PA 8373 CASH TRADE TERM SNOW BLOWERS for sale for point hitch tractors Apply Barrio Iron Worls 11 High Street Bar rIa Telephone PA 35046 Try An Examiner Want All CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF UNLISIED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PAmléé525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 07 Dnulop St VL THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414

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