Baum mu WKDNEDAY JAN 81 Ill Hotel Strikers Stay On Street ICIEONIOl CPIregrlyROtg stnkln empoyees York Hotel voted 344 to l5 These day to continue their walkout and reject settlement proposals made by Labor Minister War render He accused union leaders later at violating an agreement not to speak out against his pro posals and predicted the stnke already nine months old could go on or years The proposals were mode by lilrt Varrendcr in meetings last weekend with management ol the CPRowned hotel and rep resentatives ol the Hotel and Club Employees Union CLC Basically they called or SO per cent at the strikers to be hired by March til another 30 per cent by June so and total 30 per cent by Dec 31 Pension rights would be Eunr antecd and other grievances would be nrbitratcd it they ultnot be settled in negotia tIo ho backto work proposal was the key stumbling block to settlement Hotel Manager Angus hluc Kinnon issued statement ac cusing the union of an unreal lstic and stubborn altitude saying the Royal York had gone tnntialiy beyond what it considered equitable so settlement could be reached Union leaders told the strik ers at membership meeting earlier that the proposals were an insult Obviously piqued the labor minister told press conter enco he thought his proposals hndbcen reasonable and that the hotel had changed its posi tion considerably Continuing the strike mean that this blot remains on the community that millions of dol lars in salaries are being wasted and that many persons who normally would respect picket line will have to reassess their attitude Mineral Firms In Huge Merger LONDON Reuters Major stakes in the mineral wealth of tour continents will be held by new compnay armed as result of an $5000000 5246 000000 merger announced Mon day between the Consolidated Zinc Corporation and the Rio Tintoï¬o The now company will have large base metal and mining in terests in Australia control of the worlds largest uranium de posits ln Canada on important stake in the Rhodesian copper belt and smelting and mining Interests in Europe The aim of the merger is to oreate bigger and more div mlï¬ed group It is hoped the new company to be known as the Rio iinto zinc Corporation will produce more stable and progressive Income and lay down the strong ï¬nancial foundation needed for er expansion Consolidated Zinc mainly lead zinc concern with im portant smelters and tantantin ium interests in Britain is launching on an irnpurtant alu minum project in Austral in which the Kaiser Alununium Chemical Corp of California also has 50 per cent in lorest Rio Tinto originally copper concern in Spain has in recent years grown to become the big gest name in Canadian and hence world uranium holding company with sub sidiaries in Canada Africa and Australia it has fixed price uranium contracts which run until November 1966 and bring in lot of money which will be useful to the merger company The Dartmouth school board has Belushi ol individuals And groups to cross picket lines out side the hotel has kept the strike in the spotlight almost since it began in April 196 The most recent furore cen tres around sports celebrity scheduled for Thursday Several sports stars have said they will not attend Talented Pupils Given Attention DARTMOUTH NS CF appealed to the public to asslst with proposed enrichment pm gram for talented students Superintendent Forsyth said the board is seeking adults with special interests or abili ties to visit schools once or twice year and lecture to se lect groups tronI Grade VI up What we are trying to do is buUd up cord llldEX of SO 40 or 100 persons who will give us help when we want it The board wants people who will talk tostudcnts either on some phase at school work or an interesting subjects not on the curriculum Some lectures might take place at the busi ness or home Students tor the special classes are selected on the basis ot intelligence tests work ree nrds and temperament The hope is that this program will kindle new interests in the stu dents mlnds said Mr Forsyth IMPERIAL STARTS THUR TONIGHT ONLY UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS Adult Entertaian Also THE ANGRY SILENQE LEAN TENDER SIIN Today Tomorrow Everyday ONLY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT SOLD IN THIS STORE wizzrntc FROZEN EVISCERATED GRADE ONTARIOS FINEST Hen Turkeys FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED FRYING or ROASTING CHICKENS 29c CUTUP FRESH CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS LEAN PEAMEALED BACK END BACON WITH PURCHASE OF ONE POUND FOR MeLARENS CORN 45° LBS LEAN PORK STEAKS OR LOOK WHAT DOLLAR WILL BUY Eula02a Sausage Dry Salami lb 99c Pepperoni lb 850 Tyrnler Sausage lb 89c Lemon Ham In 8s Beerwurst lb 79c Debrocinn lb 79c Long out Polish lb 69c Polish Sausage Rings lb 59 Liverwllnt lb 59¢ Knnkwurst lb 591 OR CHOICEskINLEss LBS BACON SQUARES 159 OR LB LBS SLICED PORK LIVER 30X OR Les VEALOZATTIES PICNIC STYLE SMOKED 3LBSWIENS LBS FARM STYLE SAUSAGE OR Les BOLOGNA by the piece MOUNT ROYAL TULIP BETTY CROCKER POUCH PACK CAKE FRESH PRODUCE ONTARIO NO HOME GROWN POTATOE MIX Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night JAYS lllllMEtl BINGO ODD FELLOWS All Thurs Feb ppm so GAMES snares ran WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $30000 $2500 Consolation Prize HELP RIDDLE PKG OMATO JUICE 100 MOUNTAINVIEW CHOICE TOMATOES FRESH GRATED CHEDDAR HELPED gt USA No IMPORTED SUNKIST NAVEL n21 100 NEW TOMATOES ORANGES TOMATO IuICEf CHEDDAR CHEESE 49° 39 5355 MATINEE WED pm EVENINGS AT 115 and 225 home amnionwhile hubbys at work FOODMARKETE iignéitwéfoisnmnamse 16 HUNT0P STJEF Wgï¬ï¬‚igï¬mm CONVENIENT DELIVERY SERVICE JlMHU