WEATHER FORECAST Sunnis it appears likely thatmostolotnrioiainfor gradual modera on in tempo return which ouid be quite noticeable by ursday lake St Cla lake Erie southern Lake nron urn Lake Ontario glans Windsor landnn Ha llton Partly cloudy and col with few flur rics of light snow today Cloudy and milder with occasional snow Thursday Westerly winds 15 to 25 today southerly winds near is Thursday Toronto Partly cloudy and cold with few flurriu of light snow today Cloudy and milder with occasional snow Thursday Westerly winds is to 25 today southerly winds near l5 Thurs Car On Hand Boy Survxves 8Hour Trial ltyeIrold Barrie boy Glen Courtney of Essa Road is in wartn bed at Royal Victoria Hospital recovering from an no usual experience born of the adventurous spirit found in most youngsters He wanted to drive his fathers car Returning from skating par ty Saturday midnight Glen do cided to drive his fathers car around the lumber company lot next door where it was park ed ï¬magarnl Cochrnne relinus North Bay Sudhury Sunny with few cloudy intervals and few light Isnowilurrita today ncreasing coudiness and mi der Thursday with occasional snow in the aitemoon Winds tight becoming southerly is Thursday afternoon Algnms Sautt Ste Marie White River regions Sunny with few cloudy intervals and new light mowflurriel today Cloudy and milder Thursday with snow Winds light today south is to zs Thursday LoForcea1 Tngrï¬rek to Windsor When the car became stuck in snow Glen inserted burlap bag under the spinning rear wheel and his hand was caught beneath the tire He tried unsuccessme to pull his hand tree and several times shouted for help bul no one am swered Glen fell asleep for while he doesnt know how long and awoke with his face in the snow lIa iny trapped for eight hours in fivedegree weather his bare hand under the wheel His parents Mr and Mn Basil Court thou he was The annual Dairy School at understanding of the princl the techniques of cream test may gh spending the night in fishing the Ontario Agricultural Col pies and problems in technical lxulkll $3320 ofgugzncgï¬g hut on Kempenfcit Bay When lege has aided in the training dairying and in the produc DB science Department Glen didnt return by Quanta of thousands of young men tion and cars of milk on the may um Ron Emma Sunday they wen searc whn have risen to positions farm Thirtyeight are attend til lu Thornton Frank Brute from mm and mm mm in nfprominencc in the dairy ln ing the 1962 school including her srd Slraumlii Abraham mm was suffering shock ex duslry The three month representatives from the Mom Guelph James Petty lini school now in progress at tho itlmcs and the British West stein Alien Aitken Winder W333 lorriiibiiiifln thumb OAC provides young people indies group of students more and John Wishart in the dairy industu With an is seen in the photo lesrrung Barrie Delegation Attends Retarded Children Seminar Northern Lake Huron Georg ian Bay regions Mostly cloudy with occasional anowflurriea and few snowsqunils today Clear and cold tonight but clouding over Thursday with oc casional light snow late in the day milder Thursday West erly winds near 15 today Light winds Thursdny becoming southerly 15 by midday Hullburton region Mostly clear and cold today Ir naharn St Catharine Toronto Peterboroulh Trenton Killaloe GEBRflESBEEGH OFFICER iNSPECTS TROOPS Inspection of Squadron Grey and Simone Foresters look pines last night in Bar rie Armoury Inspecting of ficer was Colonel Syrgionll ins cloudiness and mi commanding olllcer Thursday nda light seen inspecting the squadron personnel IllTER LAST CHANCE END OF OUR SPECIAL Bedathon felt quite warm and only my hand leemed cold he said Dr Seymour said today Glenn is making satisfactory progress WORRY Continued from page one White was with the understands log that production will be con tinued nt Brnntiord He added in apparent reference to the ex pected temporary near cessa tion of operations We understand there will be an initial period during which plant facilities will he rear ranged after which production will be resumed by the new Cockshult company Under these arrangements he stated Practically all sales per sonnel and the majority of ad ministrative stuff are assured of future employment To those not rumpioyed including long service hourly rnted employ ees about $350000 would be paid as termination pay and an employment placement bureau OAC ment at Queens University Dr Haust discussed the advantages gained from performing autop sies on the mentally retarded and how the knowledge gained from these studies could assist researchers in uncovering new information inlo the overall problem and mules of mental retardation Another important particl pant at the Seminar was Dr irene Unhita of the Childrens Hospital Winnipeg Manitoba Dr Uchlta is recognized gan cllcist and is currently working under United States Federal Research grant from the Nation al Health Bureau to investigate causes of mental retardation as Mrs Wilson Moorin and lllurray Finlnysnn rcpre senting the Barrie and District Association for Retarded Chil dren were among the 150 dole gates attending the second an nual research seminar held at the Childrens Psychiatric Re search Institute in London On tsrio soclations for retarded children in seminar hick was Spam throughout Ontario In addi tion to lay pcople there were representatives from the pro DEATHS fessions of medicine education By THE CANADIAN PRESS and social service Dr Kephsrt delivered two TurinMrs Philipe Petain 04 widow of Frances chief of papers dealing with Motor state during the Vichy regime sored by the research nnd de velopment committee of the On tnrlo Association for Retarded Children fcntured Dr Newell Kephnrt of Purdue Univer sity Lafayette lndlnna as speaker Dolegntu attending the one day seminar represented the majority of the 77 local as ce tual Problems of the Brain Inlllrcd Child Bases of Behavior and Per ot the Second World War IndianapolisW Peter itine dnnsld 47 former chief of the indiannpolis bureau of The As saclatcd Press at injuries sui Iered in traffic accident MndrnsIndiaC Sriniva Iran 72 founderdirector of the Press Trust of India the Indian national news agency Drookline lllnssDr Elliott Prctor Joslln 92 worldfamed authority on diabetes Philadelphia Dr William Swnnn 77 widelyvknnwn physiclst teacher philosopher and wit of cerebral hem orrhage ccptinn The effect of brain injury in early childhood Dr Kep hsrt said is not so much to interfere with specific perform ances as it is to make difficult the development of such gener alized responses as form per and concept forma tion AFFECT 0F INJURY The speaker pointed out that the first response of human organism is physical move ment If brain injury affects this primary function it can re suit in the child having re tarded mental development and bfliavior pattern Dr Kephart said that it is through physical movement that child begins to learn about himself and the tiles apply to the field of gen Speaking Contest Scheduled Tonight public speaking contest fen iuring 10 or 12 studan from Simeon County high schools will be held tonight in Central Col ieglnle at oclock First prize is the King lrophyI and $10 Another 10 prize wl be awarded the best impromptu speaker Judging will be conducted by Jack Coleman John Murphy and Flora McGregor would be set up MANAGER RESIGNS SLEEP SETS makers of the famous agar and director announced his resignation Friday in dis agreement with the total amount to he paid on termina tion of employment stating that it should Whlte said in statement the transaction is expected to be made final in Toronto with an Effective date of Feb puny Mr Tees says expects to realize about $15000000 from the transaction in addition to owning Brantford Coach and Body and the Winston Sanson Florida Corporation John Phillips general man ha $1000000 Bauman president of The present Cockshutt com by SIMMONS Worth shouting about Simmons mattresses BEAUTYREST gorgeous new Countess Because theyre such good buy were oï¬ering them at these incredibly low prices many famous Simmons features are incorporated in Countess world around him These ex perimentsorid physical am This indicates book value Montreal William Brewer for the present Cockshutt tirm 69 wellknown Montreal sports figure North Sydney iiiWilliam Billy Parsons 01 onetime Canadian lightweight champion itles become the foundation up on Which all of the childs knowledge is built Delegates to the seminar heard several other noted speakers including Dr Darin Haust of the Pathology Depart sr LAURENT Continued from page one reappointed him honorary col onel for fiveyear term HEALTH GOOD dont walkup grades as much as used to Mr St Laurent said But am enjoy nag good health and plan to make use of it while it lasts Hs doesnt limit himself to law As director of several companies and national chair xrnan of the Heart Foundation jhs travels for severslmonths ch year And sometimes quite fool Ihardily agree to address some group or other end that pro vokes more invitations 1His birthday Will be spent ninstly with his family in their three storey home instately Grande Alice overlooking the Plains of Abraham The evening was set aside week ago for reception at the massch Frontenac marking completion of the Ben edictine abbey at St Benoit du Lac Que near his summer home Mr St Laurent is to attend reception in his honor Friday night given by Frontier Jean Lesage of Quebec northern af fairs minister in his old federal cabinet DISCUSSES CANADA Canada pasi and present was the central topic of an hourlong interview squeezed in between board meeting and an evening engagement think Quebec is moving into more active participation in the economic development of Canada Mr St Laurent said Moreover this seemed to coin cide with grn realization hnt Canada is abilingualcoun ry The statesman ardent concil iator of the two Canadas often says bilingualism is necessary ingredient of full unity in this country There has been considerable progress along these lines in the last hnlfccntury he con tinned SfYoIire too young to relnern bur the strife over the teaching of French in Ontario schools from 1910 to about 1918 ATTITUDE CHANGED dont think there would be more than small proportion of Ontarios population who now would have the attitude of Eng lish speaking people in those days The growingunderstanding of English speaking Canadians would make the grievances some of our young Frenchm nadians are complaining about appear much less serious There isa lot of talk about separatism but those who reach my age realizeit isnt the ï¬rst time As young men grow older they realize it would be absolutely unrealistic and harnqu to Quebec and the rest of Canada Mr St Laurent was born Feb 1082 in bilingual home in Compton Que His mother was of Irish descent his father of French He built solid practice here and was among Canadas lead ing lawyers when called to the federal cabinet as justice min istcr in 1941 by the late Prime Minister Mackenzie King Though 59 then and not antici pating political career Mr St Laurent accepted the ap pointrnent as patriotic duty BECOMES LEADER After the war the post of sec retary of state for external ai fairs proved too much to re fuse In 1940 he succeeded Macs kenzie King as Liberal leader and prime minister and led the party to smashing victories in the 1949 and 1953 general elec tions After the Progressive Conseri vstive victory of 1957 he re tired frdm politics and returned to his legal practice here Mr St Laurent isnt writing his memoirs Last summer CBC representatives spent four afternoons interviewing him at his summer home undersntnd the films and tapes are being deposited in the national archives They contain what might have attempted to put into memoirs Pipe Link of about $20 share Compleied PARIS ReutersOne of the most difficult stages in the con struction of the south European oil pipeline has been completed with the crossing of the River Rhone The pipeline will carry crude bit about 470 miles from the French Mediterranean port of anera near Marseille to Strasbourg in eastern France and Knrlsruhe in West Ger many At present oil for West Ger manys industrial Ruhr has to be carried by oceangoing tank ers from the oilports of the Persian Gull and the Middle East through the Mediterra nean to Gibraltar and north via the English Channel to Rot in or Wilhelmshaven From there it is either pumped or carried by barge to Cologne payment to Cockshutt of $3350 000 cash Feb and notes total ling $5650000 payable over four years In addition White will dispose of the present Cockshutt Inventory valued at about $8 Tha Willie agreement calls for 150000 for the Cocksh count Included in the sale to White are the tractor and combine epair parts depot nd the branches and retail stores at Calgary Edmonton Grand Prairie Kliiarn Bottleford Swiit Current Yorkton Winni peg Chatham Mount Pleasant Brantford Ottawa and lturo and leasehold interest at Bran don Prince Albert and Munc bulldlngs and in Brantford transfer points ion The new name of the present Cockshutt company understood to be temporary one will be Developments Ltd TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn as Dunlap St Barrie INDUSTRIAL Aobaltor Allin st our ee Aluminium Alberta Alta Nat Gas All Steel Bk Mont Bank Na gallwfel ra an BA 01 80 Power Cdn Bk of Com Cdn Brewer CPR Cda cement Can Chemical 51 Oil nry owsr Con Mlnsns con Papr Consumers Gas Dom Found pom Stores Dona Tar Gt Lakes Gut Pow Homo Flt Home Oil 3A End Ba Imp Oil Ind Accept Inland NG Intszprov Pi Jockey Club Lnbntt Laklland Malley Fer Nonndl MINING Can Dyno Con Hunky Carl Devonian It Camp Chth Can DoL Rio Gunner st Holiluler KemAddiann Lemnqul Laredo Cooper Rand Cnn nail Sullivan Falconbridge g6 Normam Northnte Gecn Minn Indultri DIVIDEND Montreal Trust Co toc plus ailc 23 Stlndlrdlavlnl 10c payable it Bil SHE Hulda Farm Min Imp To ncco Inter Nickel pa Mac Pow ltlv $3 Nor Ont NM Moore Corp McIn Pore mixw Pacino Peta Pena Pipe Page Hersey Que Nat GI Roe Rothmanl Royal Bank Salado shinm Simpsnns Shuwlnlgan Steel or Can Toanm nu Trans can Tram ME Trad Fin Texno Union Gu Wllker 5W Openth ousmant lilo Alsflm uti ac Lethbridge Saskatoon air vents gorgeous covers Maritime Murray Min nva Muss acnvs mess Boosn Imperial 011 Moore catp Northute Wayne nowuonas new sons avenues Indultfllil up 875 Rllll up Utilities up 15 manmoasocn EXCHANGE mnzx 150 Gold up 23 Metlll up 99 Dill up 11 DECLARATION payable April is April guy Mining and smelting 15 until March 12 IX dividend sees Sher Gordon Steep Rock United Oil Ventures Wllroy Wiltley nuflpooa is PPM season be dividend March Ix dividend Blith ll Hudson sea SMITH RUTTDERiURN iaz DUNLOP 57 durable prebullt borders Simmons AutoLook construction Take advantage of this introductory price while it lastsl ITUREE PA 60245 60