BARRIE CENTRAL Col lcgintc Home economics stud ent won glory for Barrie at the Regional Cherry Pie linke Off held at Eotons Store Sat urday Miss Jeannette Pratts culinary talents paid off and brought her first prize in the morning contest Miss Pratt MISS PRAHS parents Mr and Mrs William Pratt of Mary Street kept silent vigil during the entire contest competed against Miss Joanne Carter of Barrie North Col legiate and MB Ruth Black morc representing Elmvale District High School Miss Joy Gardner of Meniord Dis trict High School was winner of thc nftemoon baking ses sion taking first prize over right samplcs Jeannettes winning cherry pie and admit ted she agreed with the jud ges it was delicious Saturday Above Mrs Pratt Models Individual Creations To Promote Class Interest CALGARY CPIMrs Darling is teacher who wears different hat to each class She teaches millinery once week for the Calgary recreation department and wears differa ent hats each time to have something to show her students couldnt say how many hats own There are some downstairs in boxes and my closets are iull never go barehended to class though sometimes Id like tor Mrs Darling who received diploma in millinery last sum mer at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph combines her recreation department classes with private lessons afternoons for women who cannot attend the city Classes She is co owner of millinery shopand spends her leisure time making bats for customers It pays to make hats if youre the type who likes good hats she says You have your own indi ual custom made hats then She doesnt believe in asking hcr students to invest in lot of equipment are very good but others come to class just for an evening out TAYLOR rams oven LONDON Taylor the Canadian who is among the worlds largest brewers and has shaken British brewers by his mergers since entering into the business here has taken over as chairman of United Brew eries This is being interpreted asan indication that there are some important deals and developments ahead in the brewing industry SALLYS SALLIES peeing yourself down the street its the style lfmiro not coming Some students In this case lot of equipment would be wasted Paymentrof $4 fee entitles students to7 10 lessons They start serious work with buck ram frames learning to create their own shapes Eventually they work with tullefeathers straw braid and flowers Something their husbands may have suspected was con firmed by Mrs DarlingSlie says the zoo is good hunting ground for millinery students They find pheasant feathers Mis Pat Metng of Centre Grey High School Miss Eliz abeth Hoodley of nomhury District High school and bliss Elaine Iiiountfnrd of Banting Memorial High School Allis ton Judgesof the contests were Mrs John Howard and Miss Isy Law managing director of Red Cherry lmti lute sponsors of the contest Above from the left Harry Milne manager of the Barrie branch of the Eaton Com pany presents Miss Pratt with an electric mixer on be half of the company and Miss Gardner receives her crown from Miss Law Examiner Photo 17W t3 THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 29 1962 By CLEVELAND MYERS In spite of the notion among many young parcnu that child Lhoidd not read before entering the first grade some preschool children are reading Occasional parentsvteach their pro school child to read Most of Ihcse children who learn to read do so by pestering parcnu and older brothers and sisters to name words for them that they Seconsicnsorlabelsorask about words in book or maga zine they are curious about Sometimes youngster four or five who is often read to will want to know what cer toin word or words on the page say Now and then mother writcs me to ask if she should answer such questions She asks if she haadone right in nom ing the words for the child few other mothers who have taught pre school child to read or taught him the letters and few sounds of letters seem to have sense of guilt about it Some years ago used to warn parents against teaching the child to read before enter ing the first grade advised diverting the child to other in terests and activities Since then Ive reformed But never have advised parents not to name any signs or label or word the preschool child asked them to name Nor did advise them against teach ing these children to identify the letters of the alphabet or sounds of letters in words they have heard REPEATS ADVICE In all the many years have been writing this column have continually entrested parents to read to the baby and young child believe it is an excel lent way to get this child ready to read by himself Now advise young parents as follows As you rcad nursery rhymes to the child from two to six Three7dimensional Decor Achieves Depth With Paint By ELEANOR ROSS Whats new in home dccorat log and design for 62 Many of the interior decoratorsparti cipating in the rccent home de sign show stressed new trend threedimensiuonl walls They utilized paint in novel ways either on actual threedimen sional surfaces or to give the effect of depth We were interested in one setup stater 19th century din lng room with msrbleized walls In various shades of Iapis lazuli to pale azure blue The decora tors achieved the effcct of mar ble by applying paint in lines of varying widths imitating the veining of the actualmarblei At regular intervals the effect of panels was created by outlining areas in deep blue Thcleiicct was entrancing While not everyone has the patience and skill to simulate marble with paint the panel ei fect can be easily achieved The simplest way is to outline the molding with light pencil and then attach masking tape to protect the adjacent area With narrow brush apply the paint taking care not to overrun the tape When the paint is dry re move the taper there that are used in the most attractive hats By DR ANDERSON Simcoe County Health Unit Last weekthe Simcoe County Health Unit made available reinforcing doses of Tetanus Polio Vaccine to all the Grade XII students in the county As in other years there was almost complete acceptance of this important meansof pre venting two serious diseases The immunization of infants and children is accepted so universally in the county now that almost every student enters collegiate with full protection in st diphtheria tetanus poliomyelitis and smallpox reinforcing dose of TetanusPolio Vaccine should be given in four years time and we make this available to all Grade XII students There is seldom any reaction to this dose and apart from the few minutes required to receive it there is little interruption of the school routine Over 900 doses were given last week Next month all collegiate students in Simcoe County will be given the oportunity to have tuberculin tests This test shows whether the student ever has been exposed to tub erculosis either from another person or from raw milk The positive reactors will have chest Xray and an effort will be made to find the source of their infection Immunization and tuberculin testing are mass procedures carried out on the student body andthereforo quite impersonal Another decorator used heavy bodied texture paint in an un SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH Make AntisPolio Vaccine Available To Students Some say there is too much of the impersonal in the life of our collegiates Most students seem to be able to take this in their stride It is well that they do learn to do this for it is characteristic of the society into which they will emerge few students however show signs indicating that they are having difficulty in handl ing the collegiate situation To try to help these stud ents in more personal way each collegiate is visited regularly by one of our Public Health Nurses Teachers are usual way instead of creating random pattern on the still wet texture paint with stip pling rollcr sponge whisk broom or other device the dam rotor drew stylized fish birds and other animals on the im pressionable surface The color can best be de scribed as elephant gray so for an extra touch because dim lighting was used biLs of glit ter were placed at random over th surface while the paint was still wet The glitter sparkled like thousand stars of many colors This technique can be applied to the drawing of any design that strikes ones fancy CHILDRENS ROOM For instance in childrens room clowns animals and toys can be outlined If desired the outline of the animal can be filled in with paint of another color after the texture paint has dried Details can be painted with an artists brush Still another example of wall in depth was achieved by nailing thrce strips of onehalf inch wood to the wall so as to create plaid like pattern around its perimeter The slats were painted with bright blue red and yellow eggshell low sheen cnarneIf In creating living room with encouraged to refer students who show signs of physical or emotional disturbance to the nurse The students themselves are encouraged to discuss such difficulties with the nurse It is our observation thatthe student with difficulties is usually in need of more support than he is receiving He needs and looks for this from his parents his teachers and his friends One practical sign of support is sincere praise Our nurses have noticed how much some of the students are in need of little praise country atmosphereanothcr designer violated the first win ciple of enameling She did not sand smooth the boards used to make floor to ceiling book case wall Instead she applied gloss enamel to rough utility grade boards and the enamel dried to texture film that clung to every imperfection in the surface The effect was pleasing blending in perfectly with the homespun fabrics used for draperies the nubby uphol stery and rustic furniture over and over again pause oc casionally at the end of line to let him say the rhyming word Now and then encourage him to say another rhyming word as you name few like bail fall cat pat coat boat Headin name any word on page he asks you to name 0c casionally point to word often used in rhyme or story he like and tell him That word says Call to his attention street highway and store signs labels on food packages and the like naming each for him Provide the toddler early with alphabet blocks and help him at play to name few of the letters on them Invent ways to help your pre school child to learn at play Lhe names of most or all the letter small and large before he enters the first grade Take one or two letters at time induce him to print few of these letters You need not encourage him to liearn them in alphabetical or Or if an older brother or sister chooses to teach your preschool child to read be glad ItsA Wise Father Knows Wifes Figure pathlxe with the woman who denied the was pregnant and then had baby few weeks later was glad you gave her the beneï¬t of the doubt be cause the same thing happened to ma lwas 44 years old and certain my child bearing days were over When began to feel peculiar and gained weight went to the doctor lie told me ought to have my gall biod der out went to another doc tor for confirmation and he said didnt have gall bladder trou ble at aiif According to his diagnosis had writer tumor which should be removed at once Then my husband finally said You look plain pregnant to me kid told him he was out of his mind and that it wasnt possible The next day he almost Dear Ana Linden symI By IDA JEAN KAIN Heavy hips and big legs are my worst figure problems By any chance could this be inher Itcd This inquiry is from teen ager who weighs 152 pounds To begin with in our seden try way of life hips and legs offer convenient parking places for int fnt olways gravi tntes to the least used mus cles It is also true that along with body build we inherit the normal variation in fat distrib ution In sense the tendency to disproportionately large hips and legs can be inherited How ever bear in mind that only ex cess calories can go into fat storage on the hips or else where With precision calisthenics you can stimulate circulation in the muscle lazy iat padded areas Secondly exercise helps to restore tone to flabby mus cles You can tone and tighten the muscles Tom is synony mous with elasticity In order to reduce generally it is necessary to cut calories below the number used daily so that nature can draw on TOUGH WOOD Wood of the hickory tree strong tough and resilient has long been used for golf clubs tool handles and wheel spokco TIIEIDKIZE list for winners of the Winter Carnival Queen contest sponsored by the Bar rie Jaycettes will be publish ed in todays edition of The Barrie Examiner First prize is Szoovmndelling course at the Eleanor Fulcher SelfIn provement and Modelling School at Toronto The course will include training for show room runway commercial and fashion photography Miss Fulcher is wellknown beau ty consultant her experience includcs teaching fashion co ordinating fashion commentn WILL Bsctossn wen Jam315 FORPURPOSES OHNVENTORYI REOPEN THURS USUAL MORNING FOR BUSINESS AS ting writing beauty columns and she has lectured to hun dreds of womens groups Excess Calories Find Parking Place across Canada dragged me to on 08 special stored fat to make up the fuel deficit Then with the help of exercise you can lose inches as the excess pounds are lost SUGGESTS EXERCISE Lcts start with an exercise suggestion passed along by one reader who is enthusiastic about exorcise results She writes Every morning and every evening stand in doorway hold on to the door and swing with each leg forward and back 20 times got this idea from ballet dancers No ballet dancer is int and they all have beauti ful legs Also lie on my back and do the wellsknown bicycle exercise to keep my hips streamlined and my circulation up and doing feel wonderful Cheers Take it on the up swing As you hold on to the door with right hand swing leitvlcg freely forward knee straight than swing rearward forward again and smoothly back On alternate swings rearward hold the muscle contraction to slow count of six Holding helps to increase muscle tone Hit rhythm and this exercise is fun and freeing Follow through with the high bicycle exercise and finish with leg slimming routine From sitting position on floor roll backwards swing legs overhead and letting weight rest on shoulders brace your self with hands on hips upper arms on floor Now pedal bend ing alternate knees Pedal briskly for 12 to 25 counts From this same upsadaisy position try shuttling action The exercise is to touch alter nate toes to floor beyond head Pull toes toward instep and point heels hard so as to in crease the stretch of the calf MAY BE BREAK CAIRO AP Reliable dip lomatic sources said Sunday break in diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republic is unnunv ent Relations between the two countries have been worsening since the secession of Syria from the UAR Inst Septem ber an Guaranteed To Accentuate Your Sentiments Whatever The Occasion FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE ST PA 85975 ist The 18 confirmed my bus bands suspicion later gave birth to seven pound boy And now we are parents of the cutest water tumor in town Five weeks Happy New Dear Ann Our l2 year old daughter lives nrlong distance from school Her other drives her every morning since the school is on his way to work Doris has girl friend who is loud and boisterous 90 comes over every moming plops her self in our living room and waits for ride Mornings at our house an hectic its annoying to have stranger in the house listenind to the morning conversation and watching our every move Occasionally shes late and my husband has to wait for her because if she raised her rid shed be tardy What can we do no Dear XLO Doris should tell her friend it would be best if she waited outside She should exolain too that her dad is business man and that he cant wait for her when shes late People who have no taste or judgment adolescents and adults alikeshould be strolght cned around Sometimes they learn from it Dear Mr My husband and have been married for ï¬ve years We have two children and one on the WAY Bill has been on the night shift for ten years and its got Ling me down He leaves the house at 330 pm and gets back at 1280 am Im alone great deal and hate it Ive begged him to quit and get daytime job even if it means less money Ila rniuses saying hed be fool to soui flce his seniority we have very nice homeu good furniture and 1961 car but lm miserable How can get him to listen to reason Bloc Lou Deni Lou Its YOU who should listen to reason Your husband isnt out ch as sing domes Hes working to support his family Bill was veteran on the night shift when you married him Its not as if he sprung it on you as surprise woman with two small chil dren and one on the way should have plenty of workto do to occupy her time Quit griping and learn to adjust or you may find yourself alone greatdeal more in the future No man wants to come home to nug ging complaining wife PIONEER LAW Minimum wage legislation was introduced in New Zeslnnd in 1894 accompanied by com pulsory arbitration of disputes In hurry for money Just phone Beneï¬cial Get the cash you want last One phone call and one visit to the ofï¬ce does everything Call up or come in today YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL loans up to $3000 and more 36 month contracts on loans over 81500 Your loan can he dedicated 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone PArkway 85931 BARRIE BENEFICIAL FINANCE COI OF CANADA IF YOU HAVE Your Friend FREE $I OPEN EVENINGS Effective Tlll End or February BRING FRIEND One Who Has Never Dealth With Us $1500 PERM Will Receive PERM PHONE on 61442 TUESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAY TILL PM Slmcoe Shopping Plan MONDAY and TUESDAY TlLL PM SATURDAY PM ijngeli flair Sigiota it